Bank Shenanigans

Bank Shenanigans

D. S. Mitchell

Editor In Chief

As Editor-in-Chief here at Calamity News and Politics, I have a lot of leeway on what I chose to write about. The story today, is again, about Donald Trump. Anybody surprised? This guy is sucking up the world oxygen supply. Scandal, corruption, bank shenanigans, money laundering and conflict of interest. There is literally, no end to it. Trump’s Administration is an alley littered with dirty, back street deals.

Tentacles Of Corruption

The world is watching the dynamics of the drama playing out on the world stage. The entanglements of Mr. Trump and his associates are like tentacles of a giant squid stretching it’s long, slimy arms around the globe. Here’s a few more tidbits on Trump that might be interesting to folks that are trying to connect the dots in the Russian collusion/conspiracy investigation.

Item #1 Strange that Deutsche Bank would lend Donald Trump money. The man has a terrible repayment record, in fact he even sued Deutsche Bank over at least one loan default. So, why would Deutsche Bank lend Donald Trump, a known con man, and bankruptcy manipulator, a billion dollars plus or minus? This was when he couldn’t get spit from any other bank in the world. Deutsche Bank was fined in January 2017 for its participation in a money laundering scheme involving branches in both London and NY.

Item #2 Dmitry Rybolovlev bought a Florida mansion from Donald Trump for $95,000,000.  Trump had paid only $40,000,000 for the place two years earlier.  At the same time, Deutsche Bank was pressuring Trump to pay back at least $40,000,000 that he owed the bank. Peculiar to say the least. As an aside, whenever Trump leaves the White House to travel there are two people who  seem to float into the same town as the president. So, we’ve got Rybolovlev and Robert Mercer lurking in the shadows. For what reason?

Deutsche Bank

Regarding the billion dollar loans to Trump by Deutsche Bank the question always comes back to why Bank officials would lend this guy ten cents. The Bank’s money laundering history could be a possible explanation. The loans were probably a mechanism by which Russians could funnel money to Trump, the Trump family, or his associates. Rachel Maddow and The Palmer Report, suggest that Deutsche Bank was laundering money through the Bank of Cyprus.  Hmmm.  You will never guess who are the two most prominent owners of the Bank of Cyprus.  The first, is Dmitry Rybolovlev, the long time friend and associate of Donald Trump. The second, major Bank of Cyprus owner is, none other than Trump’s long time associate, Secretary of Commerce,Wilbur Ross.

Wilbur Ross

It gets juicier by the minute.  If you put two and two together you realize, Russia was laundering millions of dollars through Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank would often use smaller banks to carry out their schemes. One such bank was the Bank of Cyprus. Now, we have come full circle.  Trump rewarded Wilbur Ross, an owner of the Bank of Cyprus, with a position in his cabinet.

Two Left Over

The second Bank of Cyprus owner, Dmitry Rybolovlev, just keeps flying into whatever town Trump is visiting when he is away from the White House.  What’s Dmitry’s reward? And that other guy, billionaire and big time GOP financial supporter Robert Mercer, why does he seem to be lurking in the shadows, showing up where ever Trump’s entourage is parading around. These questions need answers.

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