The List

The List

D. S. Mitchell

Heat It Up

Calamity News and Politics, is a progressive blog based on the North Oregon Coast.  Calamity is here to stimulate the political conversation. A little argument is good, if it can clear the air. Some chaos is good, if it helps us re-center. Investigation is good, if it leads to the truth.

Siding Up

There is a an unsavory connection between Putin and Trump. The House Intel Committee began hearings today with some very interesting testimony.  The partisan divide was immediately clear.  To me at least, the Republicans were leading a campaign to ferret out the folks leaking information, while the Democrats were on a mission to uncover a Russian spy network. The questioning hinted heavily of money, sex, cyber hacking, election tampering and sabotage.  My suggestion to the lawmakers is, let it go guys.  For everyone concerned, we need an Independent investigator or a Commission to get to the bottom of the Kremlin-Gate scandal.  As scary as it may be, it is entirely possible that there is a Russian operative in the White House. A Manchurian Candidate.

Follow The Money

Money, that’s what an investigator needs to focus on. Follow the money. There appears to be lots of billionaires bumping into one another in this cabinet, and at the buffet table.  One thing about rich guys, they like to make money at all costs. It seems we have moved past random and coincidental meetings.  Lots of trips to Russia by Trump surrogates.  Secret meetings between Trump associates and Russian operatives all over Europe, secret meetings in the U.S., accompanied by Administration denials of those same meetings, money passing here, and there.  It looks bad.

In The Trump Orbit

The folks who have ties to Putin and to Trump, are a mile long. I am only going to name a few: Julian Assange, Sergey Kislyak, Felix Sater, Mike Flynn, Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions, Paul Mannafort, Robert Mercer, Sebastian Gorka, Donald Trump, Jr., Rick Gates, George Papodopoulos, Michael Cohen, and Mike Flynn.


Although not all of them may have been directly engaged in Russian collusion, they certainly would have heard the insider chatter. The word collusion is not a legal term. What we are looking for is conspiracy. Conspiracy to alter the results of an American election. If you know, and don’t tell, you too are guilty.


I want to suggest the congress wipe their hands of this filth and get an Independent Commission, or an Independent Investigator. or an Independent Counsel. There are several options on how to investigate Kremlin-Gate, so lets stop pussy footing around and let’s get the investigation started. We must separate the investigation from politics. My advice to the legislators, stay clear of this dirt, your skirts, or pants could potentially get very dirty.

Join the Resistance,

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