Tillerson’s Big Lie

Tillerson’s Big Lie

D. S. Mitchell

Morning Cable

I just watched Christine Romans, on ‘New Day,’ a morning political cable news show on CNN. I like her style, she really knows how to put her guests on the hot seat. Her questions are pointed and intuitive. Sometimes I feel sorry for the guests. LOL. I used to start my morning’s with ‘Morning Joe,” he comes on at 0300 her in the West. But recently Scarborough’s poorly veiled support of Trump is a turn off. If it wasn’t for Mika Brzezinski, I would have turned to ‘New Day’ a lot sooner. After watching New Day I have a choice of half a dozen activities. I either walk, bike or swim for an hour. Next, I grab breakfast. Then I go start research for a new blog post.

The Tillerson Story

Rex Tillerson has filled the TV screen for various reasons lately. Regarding his nomination for Secretary of State he peddled the following. “I didn’t want this job.  I didn’t seek this job. My wife said the country needed me, and that I had an obligation to take it.”  In fact, according to the former CEO Exxon Mobil, he was “stunned” when Trump called and invited him to the Trump Tower, to talk about the Secretary of State position. Rex Tillerson states he was surprised when the president-elect asked him to interview, and was even more surprised when he was offered the Secretary of State position.  Tillerson according to inside sources, is lying.  In fact, he hired Rice, Hadley & Gates to promote his candidacy. The Rice is Condoleezza (Condi), and the Gates is Robert, both big names in the Bush 43 White House to lobby him for the position.

Why Now?

Tillerson has a close professional, personal and financial relationship with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, who awarded Tillerson the Order of Friendship in 2013.  Why did Tillerson suddenly decide to throw himself into politics?  Why were Rice, Hadley & Gates hired? There are lots of questions.  It does seem strange however, that an overtly Russia-friendly former CEO of Exxon Mobil is now Secretary of State.  But, we do know, he was lying about how he got the job.

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