55 Things To Smile About

55 Things To Smile About

D. S. Mitchell

Neighborly Invitation

It’s Easter Sunday. So far, very quiet around here. My neighbor stopped by and invited me to come over for fresh caught BBQ’d Halibut steaks. I’m vegetarian, so not too excited about the prospect. After she invited me, she laughed and said, “I always forget you only eat plants. Come over anyway, I think we can find something for you to eat!”

“It’s okay, I feel like writing,” I volunteered, declining the invitation to mercury poisoning. Only, joking. I don’t want to be sued for causing a down turn in the fishing industry.


It’s Easter, so I think I will up the ante on my regular Sunday posting of Reasons to Smile. Sometimes, as I write my posts for Calamity Politics, I feel frustrated, and wonder if all my angst will translate into political benefit for a Progressive/Liberal agenda. As a political activist, I hope that my topics are interesting and are helpful in developing voter awareness, citizen participation, and policy implementation. I am confident that with a revved up base, it is possible to move the government to blue. In other wards, I am hoping that my little political blog will help shape a few ideas.

A Hardening Line

The U.S. political world has become radicalized. Right, versus Left. Left, versus right. There has ceased to be a middle ground. I am part of that division between policy systems. I have always considered myself a moderate with liberal leanings. Under the new nomenclature I have been forced severely to the left, mainly because the right has moved so far right, that I have no other choice. The severity of the right push, has caused a hardening of my ideology, and that of many other citizens, as well.

Trump Derangement Syndrome

Fareed Zakaria, warned viewers this morning to avoid developing, “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” I think he made an interesting point, and I will actually address “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in another blog post. Until then, here are

55 Things To Smile About:

1.) Muscle cars 2.) Identical twins 3.) Beach fires 4.) Secret language of kids 5.) The NBA 6.) House boating, Lake Shasta 7.) Digging Night Crawlers 8.) Easter egg hunts 9.) Bird houses 10.) Shelling peanuts 11.) Mom’s Lemon Meringue pie 12.) A quiet corner 13.) Pendleton plaid 14.) Short people 15.) Homemade onion rings 16.) Eric Clapton 17.) Glass blowing 18.) Auctions 19.) Gift cards 20.) Death Valley in the Spring 21.) Qi (Chi) 22.) Kids in sandboxes 23.) Frosty windows 24.) Steens Mountain 25.) Stereo earphones 26.) Off-season rates 27.) Soap bubbles 28.) Wind-up toys 29.) Roller rinks 30.) Bread pudding 31.) An extra sharp pencil 32.) Full length mirror 33.) Daffy Duck 34.) Aria’s parrot, Sky 35.) The Simpson’s 36.) Ice sculptures 37.) Astronomy 38.) Costco samples 39.) The World Series 40.) Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey, Ca 41.) Clearance sales 42.) Gummy bears 43.) Cummerbunds 44.) Country Stores 45.) Confetti 46.) Chandeliers 47.) Montana 48.) Food trucks 49.) Short skis 50.) Funny T-shirt comments 51.) Primroses 52.) Prom dresses 53.) Thrift stores 54.) Waterfront houses 55.) Bubble gum

Okay, friends keep smiling, I need to open the door again to let Lily in.

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