President Steven Bannon??

President Steve Bannon??

D. S. Mitchell

Changing Situation

Two weeks ago, the political landscape around Steve Bannon was slipping away. Rumors had tapped Mr. Bannon as part of the garbage being tossed from the White House, in a pending White House shakeup. Bannon had come up against a real insider, Trump son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and Bannon had emerged  wounded by the warfare. But, Bannon is a scoundrel and is believed to have  “leaked” information on Kushner’s pre and post-election Russian activities. By the time Kushner returned from The Trump Circus Tour, Kushner faced hostility from every media source in the United States.

Inner Circle Blood Shed

Bannon is seemingly having a field day. No one is bumped from the White House inner circle without some blood shed. At the moment, Kushner is bleeding. Jared has gone into proverbial hiding. The less visible the target, the less media gunfire, appears to be the theory. The vanishing act, will only work for a short time. Mr. Kushner’s name is going to come up, over, and over again, during the upcoming months of investigation and political inquiry.

The Dark Master

Since Jared Kushner has gone underground Donald Trump has become even more dark and angry. With Jared in hiding I believe Mr. Trump has, out of proximity, been cozying up to the ‘Dark Master’ of the White House. ‘Dark Master’ is my name for Steve Bannon. Bannon, by his own admission, loves the dark side and sees Darth Vader as the hero of the Star Wars saga. Twisted thinking. He must have missed a few of the series episodes. Whatever. Just more Twilight Zone nuttiness. (*Check the archives of this publication for two very short articles on Steve, Yoda and the Dark Side.)

A Locked Unit

Regular readers know that I am a retired RN. I spent 38 years in nursing. Half of that time I spent in Crisis Psychiatry. Today, when I turned on the television, I became instantly alarmed.  My first impression was that the patients had gotten the keys to the locked unit, had escaped, and were now running amuck, un-medicated, and unrestricted about the community.

Trump Is Busy

Having observed Trump’s behavior, pretty closely for some time, I have made some clinical observations. Trump likes to busy himself with photo ops, hours of television watching, rage tweeting and golfing. The job of president he leaves to someone else. Currently, it appears Bannon has taken over Kushner’s job of making the paperwork flow. Trump is too busy playing “star” to have time to run the country, unless it involves waving a red MAGA ball cap and spewing hate via Twitter, or on stage, at a “rally”.

Dark Extremism

I further believe that Steve Bannon is a dark extremist, who through some twisted time warp is within an arm’s reach of the office of the President. If that’s not bleak and scary, I don’t know what is. With Kushner sidelined, at least temporarily Bannon has moved in.  His  twisted cynicism and deconstruction theories intact he is ready to carry out his de-construction of the government.. Steve Bannon is quickly trying to lock down control. I believe that the darker Trump that is currently on display, is really Steve Bannon.

Behind The Curtain

Meet President Steve Bannon, the man behind the curtain, chief conspiracy theorist. Mr. Bannon believes there is a “deep state” within the government. He is a white supremacist. He has a plan to de-construct the government now that he is in the circle of power. Jared Kushner is ruthless and a very bad guy, but Steve Bannon is evil. While Bannon moves to solidify his position he is going to attempt to redirect policy. A bunch of his time of course will be taken up doing shit clean up for his baby-man “boss”. Right now, Bannon is flexing his muscle. He is able to shove McMaster, Price and a few other fools out to deflect and attempt to discredit daily news headlines. I don’t think that can last long.

A Dark Future

The forces against our freedom are dark and dangerous. We must organize the troops for the fight of our lives. We will overthrow this administration through the power of the ballot box. Don’t forget to write, email, phone, march and pray for our democracy until the 2018 election. We can not tire. We must fight on.  United we have the power.

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