In My Opinion, Trump Is Delusional


Trump Is Delusional

D. S. Mitchell

Twitter Turds

After two days of watching Trump Turds fly this way and that from his personal Twitter account, I believe that someone; his physician, a family member, the Senate Majority leader, SOMEBODY needs to step in and get this man a psychiatric evaluation. His deteriorating mental condition has been obvious since the inauguration. Trump’s behavior over the past 130 plus days reveals a man who is in uncertain control of his mental faculties.

Delusion And Reality Separated

Most professionals agree that Donald Trump suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The chaos and confusion of the move to Washington. The incredible responsibility of the Office.  His separation from the familiar. His isolation and incredible unpopularity are challenging Trump’s tenuous grasp on reality. I believe he is telling us through his aberrant behavior that he is losing contact with reality. It seems to have become more and more difficult for him, to separate delusion from reality.

The Last 48 Hours

The Trump craziness has been on full display for the world to see for the last 48 hours. His behavior is becoming increasingly dangerous, in my opinion. This is an appeal for someone in power to investigate the president’s capacity to head our government.  We have entered unexplored territory with this president. I know I have heard that phrase before, but I’m taking it very seriously. Our existence as a country could be in the hands of a madman and it is imperative that men of stature and patriotism intervene, while they are still able.

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