99 Things To Make You Smile

99 Things To Make You Smile

D. S. Mitchell

Welcome to Calamity Politics. Calamity Politics is based on the North Oregon coast. We attempt to present relevant and engaging political commentary, opinion, argument, speculations and predictions regarding the US political news scene.

Once a week I do a post entitled “Things That Make Me Smile”. The number of reasons to smile usually change with each post. No reason. Just because I can, I guess.

So, take your mind off of politics; including your grandmother losing her Medicaid, the “de-construction of the administrative state”, the possible Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, the Qatar blockade, and try if possible to focus on the good things in your life.

Today I offer 99 Things That Make Me Smile:

1.) Being on time
2.) Watering the flower boxes
3.) Lots of helping hands to make a big job, go fast
4.) Stumbling on to a “new” favorite restaurant
5.) Early to bed, early to rise.
6.) A winter tan that makes co-workers weep
7.) Blackened hot dogs. Yum.
8.) Dad’s work bench
9.) Weathered barns
10.) Orderliness
11.) Orange juice with my morning coffee
12.) Napping in the afternoon
13.) Singing in the shower
14.) Living in a vacation town, during the off season
15.) Import/Export stores

16.) B & B escapes
17.) Slow dancing with him
18.) Being in balance
19.) Pizza with crispy paper thin crusts
20.) Wild strawberries peeking up in the flowerbeds
21.) Ivory soap, it floats
22.) Ski week-ends at Mt. Bachelor, Bend, Oregon
23.) Calling anyone wearing a name tag by their name
24.) Cobblestone streets and meandering alleys
25.) Handmade

26.) Rain drops hitting a pond
27.) Having to ask the only guy in the room to open a tight jar lid
28.) Front row seats
29.) Spring cleaning
30.) Amazon (I may have said this one before)
31.) Rational thinking
31.) Mother May-I?
32.) Half price sales
32.) Peas dangling from a trellis
33.) Freedom of Speech
34.) Hipfish
35.) Cookbooks with food stains on most every page
36.) Author signings

37.) Watching a smile break into a laugh
38.) Watching an old couple walk hand in hand
39.) Telling a joke and getting it just right
40.) Songbirds
41.) Tossing coins into a fountain with a wish
42.) Stepping out of my comfort zone
43.) Realizing my moral compass was tested, and I remained true to my core beliefs
44.) Rethinking time worn assumptions
45.) Watching a talent blossom
46.) Tracey’s homemade ice cream
47.) Childhood remembrances, with a childhood friend
48.) The pace of 1960’s life
49.) Following Estate Sale signs
50.) Offering someone hope
51.) Riding in small town parades
52.) Knowing when to turn back
53.) Loving the one ‘you’re with’

54.) Putting pennies in a jar
55.) Deciding to change a bad behavior
56.) Being able to never have to go to the bank
57.) Bicycle days
58.) Fresh cut grass
59.) Starry nights
60.) Comics and cartoons
61.) Vampire movies
62.) Puzzles
63.) Sandcastles
64.) Essential oils
65.) The excitement of Las Vegas
66.) Zen koans (Collection of Stones and Sand)
67.) Realizing it is time to stop talking
68.) The roar of the ocean
69.) An encouraging word
70.) Pyramids of tea sandwiches
71.) My birthstone, the amethyst
72.) Tickets to the opening Blazer game
73.) The lawn mower starting with first pull

74.) Ferry boats
75.) Pull over sweaters
76.) Being a Pisces
77.) Biographies of accomplished people
78.) Using actual hand signals for turns
79.) Knowing when its time to work and when its time to play
80.) Buying a CD of old time radio shows, turn down the lights, find a comfortable chair, and let the magic happen
81.) Extra Crunchy Peanut Butter
82.) Magicians
83.) A kiss with meaning
84.) Frank Sinatra with dinner
85.) Paying my Visa card bill with my MasterCard
86.) Grand kids for the week end
87.) Refrigerators full of beer and soda pop

88.) Gothic beauty
89.) The aroma of fresh baked cookies
90.) Having a real home office
91.) Having a plan
92.) The Benson Hotel, Portland, Oregon
93.) Rag & Bone
94.) Being ready for a surprise question
95.) Having someone in my life that I can be totally honest with
96.) Pushing aside old food prejudices
97.) Being smart
98.) Acting stupid
99.) Planting something

Take your time. The scandal and corruption in the Trump Administration is going to be around for a longer time than I would ever want, so think of your own 99 Things that make you smile.
I’ll be back Monday, or later tonight. Weekends at the beach always brings friends.


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