Sgt. Ron Helus Dies In Mass Shooting

Sgt. Ron Helus Confronted Mass Shooter In Thousand Oaks and Died Saving Multiple Lives

Sgt Ron Helus Saved Lives When He Engaged Mass Shooter At Thousand Oak’s Bar

No place is safe. Thousand Oaks, California is one of the safest cities in America. Yet even here mass shootings have become the feared and the expected. There were hundreds of people crowded in to the Borderline Bar for a ‘college night’ party when a gunman burst in tossing smoke grenades and firing dozens of rounds.

First on the scene. Sgt. Helus was one of the first police officers on the scene and without back up or hesitation he charged the front door. Many survivors believe it was Helus’ quick action to engage the shooter that saved lives.

Duty before safety. Sgt Ron Helus was a 29 year veteran of the Ventura County (California) Sheriff’s office. Ron is survived by a wife and son. Sgt Helus had planned on retiring next year, but instead will be buried this week. Mass shootings have occurred 307 times in the last 311 days. It is time to bring sanity to gun control in America.

Rest in peace Sgt. Ron Helus. You are much loved.

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