BMW Previews Car That Changes Color

BMW Previews Car That Changes Color 

BMW is leading the way in real and virtual driving experience

BMW Previews Car That Changes Color

Editor: The German car company BMW recently showcased a “color changing” car at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The BMW iX Flow, employs “electronic ink technology” that makes it possible to change the car’s exterior color.  An app is used to trigger the color change. The company even claims energy efficiency. 

By Dani Davis


I saw this come up on Twitter and I said, “Hell, yeah!” Cool as shit. How many times have you loved a car, but the color just wasn’t you? A bright yellow Mercedes comes to mind. Well, BMW has come up with the solution to that problem. The company has developed a car with an ink coating that acquiesces to the driver’s mood with just the tap of an app on the owner’s phone. So, on to what I learned about BMW’s dive  into driver psychology.

The News

Quite literally, BMW has a car that can change its color on demand. The reason is that the exterior has an E Ink coating. The fascinating feature of E Ink is that it can cover the surface of an entire automobile. Believe it or not, this is similar to the technology used in Kindle e-book readers. The BMW’s color changing car was featured recently here in the United States at the CES 2022 Trade Show in Vegas, where it got cheers; and a few jeers from the Twitter-verse.

Technology And Efficiency Merge

According to Stella Clarke, a BMW research engineer, one of the most exciting things about having a car that can change colors is the fact that one can pick and choose colors in accordance with the sunlight. While speaking at the launch of the concept car, she said, “On a hot, sunny day like today, you could switch the color white to reflect sunlight. On a cold day, you could switch it black to absorb the heat.” Currently there are limitations in color choice, but more options will be available soon.

Basis Of Technology

The basis of electrophoretic coloring is a surface coating containing numerous microcapsules. Every microcapsule contains negatively charged white pigments and positively charged black pigments. The application of precisely fitted e-paper segments pave the way towards achieving the color changing effect on the vehicle body. Highly technical design processes are implemented to ensure that the segments reflect the characteristic contours of the vehicle. The electrophoretic technology brings different color pigments to the surface when stimulated by electric signals. The entire vehicle body is sealed to guarantee uniform color reproduction during every color change after the segments are applied.

‘My Mode’ Offerings

The Twitter-verse lit up with the news of BMW’s ‘camouflage’ technology. “What happens when a guy hits your car and takes off? The police are looking for a black car, but now the perp has changed the car color  to white, that could make it tough on authorities in pursuit.”  That seemed to reflect the common concerns of the average man and woman on the internet. However, there was at least one guy that was on my wave length, “What the hell happens when you forget where you parked and what the hell color you left the car on? That’s all I wanna know.” Call BMW? I don’t know, but, being on the twilight side of senior discounts myself, I see it as a valid concern.
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