Engineered Immune Cells Offer Promise

Engineered Immune Cells Offer Promise

Engineered Immune Cells Offer Promise


By D. S. Mitchell


Sending Signals

Scientists have genetically engineered immune cells cable of delivering anticancer-signals to organs where cancer may spread. Immunotherapy is a pillar of cancer treatment; strengthening the patient’s immune system and then directing the bolstered immune system to attack tumors. In this effort, Adoptive Cell Transfer is proving successful. With this immunotherapy treatment a patient’s immune cells are collected, engineered for the patient’s specific cancer and then reintroduced into the patient to treat their cancer. There are numerous types of Adoptive Cell Transfer and the most prominent one is called CAR T Cell Therapy.

Cancer Fighting Immune Cells

In 2010 two blood cancer patients received an experimental immunotherapy, and their disease went into remission. The cancer fighting immune cells used in the treatment were still circulating in their bodies,  ten years after the experimental dosing. It indicates that the treatment can be long lasting. Doug Olsen, a native Californian, was one of the patients, “From a patient’s viewpoint, when you are told you are pretty much out of options, the important thing is always to maintain hope. And certainly, I hoped this was going to work”, said Doug Olsen at a news briefing. The CAR T Cell Therapy used the patients’ genetically engineered immune cells to track down and destroy cells that cause cancer.

An Actual Cure

According to cancer immunologist and study co-author, Carl June of the University of Pennsylvania, “based on the results, we can now conclude that CAR T Cells can actually cure patients with leukemia.” Doug Olsen and the other patient suffered from chronic lymphocytic leukemia and their response to initial treatment was positive. It is not clear even now how long the modified cells will stick around, preventing the return of cancer, but so far, so good.

Exceeding the Expectations of Doctors

Genetically engineered immune cells are dramatic proof that medical science is constantly moving forward and saving lives. “Cancer doctors and researchers don’t use words like ‘cure’ lightly, or ‘easily’, said David Porter of the University of Pennsylvania, oncologist and study co-author. The therapy has performed far beyond the expectations of doctors; with both patients remaining cancer free for more than a decade.

It Doesn’t Work For Everyone

Sadly,  genetically engineered immune cells don’t work for everyone. Some people may develop dangerous side effects due to genetically engineered immune cells. Researchers are starting to learn the mechanism of how genetically engineered immune cells work, so the future is bright. Cancer cells can fly under the immune system’s radar and the ultimate objective of CAR T Cell therapy is to put cancerous cells back in the immune system’s sights.


Genetically engineered immune cells have shown the most success with blood cancers. It is expected that CAR T cells will be frontline therapy for blood cancers. The biggest challenge is how to make genetically engineered immune cells work in solid cancers. Recent studies have shown that CAR T cells themselves change and mature. Such changes involve both killer cells and helper cells. Killer cells do exactly what their name indicates; they exterminate the target. It is expected that genetically engineered immune cells will continue continue to save lives as more and more of their benefits are uncovered.


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