OPINION: Holy Moly, Trump’s Running


Holy Moly, Rock ‘n Roll, Trump’s Running, Again 

Donald Trump draws big crowds as he chases a second term as president of the U.S.


Holy Moly, Rock n Roll, Trump’s Running, Again

By D. S. Mitchell

Autocrat and Criminal

Trump is an autocrat and a criminal. However, you’d never know it by the screaming, flag waving, MAGA crowd supporting Trump’s bid for a second term. The Democrats and anyone with a brain is pulling their hair out. How many felony indictments and presumed convictions will it take to convince the 28% of Americans who have been seduced by the “Orange Jesus” that he is a danger to our way of life, our freedoms, our constitutional protections.

Earth One Calling

I’ve been trying to imagine what event or series of events that it would take to shock Trump’s devoted followers back to Earth One. Communication to Earth Two seems to be cut off, temporarily. I couldn’t think of anything. If all the revelations, over the years, his grifting and conning, and his outright criminality, won’t shake their devotion my only conclusion is that some people are for whatever reason unreasonable.

Dining Table Disaster

But seriously, friend, just imagine two years after Trump is re-elected and the Orange One succumbs to a stroke or heart failure. Come on now, it could happen. The guy eats crap and takes a golf cart from the buffet table to his seat at the head of the table.  Just imagine, Donnie Jr. as first in line to the presidency. That proposition should scare the shit out of us all. But under a Trump presidency such a plan of succession could become a reality; that’s the way autocrats do things.

Let’s See the Blue

So, folks take your head out from under the bed covers and if you are not registered to vote, get registered. If there are no Democrats running for office in your district, throw your name in the fight. In half the districts in this country these MAGA folks have no opponents. Stop the freefall into totalitarianism. Stop Trump. Vote Biden-Harris. For the good of the country, vote blue.


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