24 Reasons to Not Vote Trump in 2024

24 Reasons to Not Vote Trump in 2024

You don't have to be a pug to be against Trump. Here are 24 reasons to vote Harris

24 Reasons to Not Vote Trump in 2024

Editor: You don’t need to be a Pug to be against another presidential term for Donald Trump. Cate came up with 24 great reasons to turn your back on the disgraced former president. I told Cate there were far more than 24 reasons to vote Harris but she said she wanted to keep it short and sweet. So here we go.

By Cate Rees-Hessel


Let’s Count Them…

  1. Project 2025. “We’re not going back.”
  2. Convicted of 34 felony counts – 14 more are pending, with the dismissal of another 40 more by a Trump-appointed Federal judge being appealed. “When we fight, we win.”
  3. “I will be a dictator from day one.” “We’re not going back.”
  4. “Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole — that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country…” “When we fight, we win.”
  5. His gross mishandling of the pandemic. “We’re not going back.”
  6. Bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade, despite women having miscarriages being denied life-saving medical care. Incest and rape victims, including children too young to carry a baby to term, are being forced into childbirth. Pregnancies that are a threat to the mother’s life or will result in the birth of a dead baby are not excluded. Women having no right to what to choose what to do with their own bodies. “When we fight, we win.”
  7. He is a mockery to Christianity and has no morals or scruples. “We’re not going back.”
  8. His withdrawal from Paris Climate Agreement. “When we fight, we win.”
  9. Trump’s obsession with (and pandering to) foreign dictators. “We’re not going back.”
  10. Social Security and Medicare. “When we fight, we win.”
  11. Apparently can’t afford a mirror to look at himself since he thinks he is better looking than the beautiful Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris. (I wish we didn’t have to look at him.) “We’re not going back.”
  12. Much of his former staff, including his former Vice President Mike Pence, want no part of him. “When we fight, we win.”
  13. J.D. Vance – the man who called Trump “America’s Hitler” but now is his running mate; equally as dangerous as “The Donald”. “We’re not going back.”
  14. January 6, 2021. “When we fight, we win.”
  15. Making fun of disabled people, racism, anti-semitism, sexism… even denigrating Gus Walz. “We’re not going back.”
  16. “Grab ‘em by the p____” “When we fight, we win.”
  17. Big billionaire tax cuts. “We’re not going back.”
  18. Medical coverage will be for none but the wealthy. “When we fight, we win.”
  19. That orange faced, orange haired, insult to a clown. “We’re not going back.”
  20. His wife – the first staple in her belly button first “lady”. “When we fight, we win.”
  21. Mar-A-Lago’s cluttered bathroom of national secrets. “We’re not going back.”
  22. The alleged “assassination attempt” in Butler, PA. Hitler faked an assassination attempt back during his reign of terror. Amazing how the big white bandage came off for a game of golf but was back on for the Republican convention. “When we fight, we win.”
  23. A bevy of junk for sale – gold sneakers and Trumpy Bear. I will never call God’s Word junk but holding the Good Book upside down (as Sen. Warnock pointed out, like the Bible needs Trump’s endorsement), and then selling copies for sixty dollars is blasphemous. Trump has no idea what Easter is. As Sen. Warnock also pointed out, Trump needs to read it. “We’re not going back.”
  24. He had the job before, was fired for making a mess of the presidency, replaced by a much better candidate – Joe Biden – and now he wants back in the Oval Office. I say HELL NO – “I’m with her”. Please join me in making sure we elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz – to help, go to https://go.kamalaharris.com/. “When we fight, we win.”

Why I Am With Her

Why I Am With Her

The United States is a bi-racial country. The diversity is what makes us strong.

Why I Am With Her

By Cate Rees-Hessel with Wes Hessel


The Democratic National Convention has been celebrating all week in Chicago at McCormick Place and United Center.  A sincere thank you to President Biden for all he has done to heal and restore our nation, as well as giving us our first female VP. I stand with Kamala Harris and can’t wait to call her Madame President, since we were robbed of the opportunity in 2016 when Hilary Clinton won the popular vote. We fondly remember the legacy laid by Shirley Chisholm and Geraldine Ferraro as we move forward with this year’s election.

I feel a great sense of pride that my city is hosting the Democratic Convention. Especially this week we ladies are featuring pearls and Converse shoes. Of course, we also have to watch where we walk – there’s glass everywhere on our streets from another proverbial ceiling being shattered… So for the 2024 election, here are 24 reasons that I am with her, our Vice-President, as our candidate for President of the United States:

  1. To save social security, I am with her…
  2. To protect children, I am with her…
  3. To protect women’s rights, I am with her…
  4. To protect reproductive freedom – not because I want to see woman have abortions but because I want to protect both woman and children, I am with her…
  5. To preserve the middle class, so everyone can live with dignity, I am with her…
  6. To protect health care, I am with her…
  7. To cut down on crime, I am with her, the successful prosecutor…
  8. To pass common sense gun laws and prevent violence, I am with her…
  9. To put food on the table and in the mouths of children, I am with her…
  10. To continue the work of President Biden, I am with her…
  11. To continue the work of President Obama, I am with her…
  12. To protect unions, I am with her…
  13. To protect basic human rights, I am with her…
  14. To bring forth affordable housing, imagine 3 new housing units in four years, I am with her…
  15. To govern as a democracy, not a dictatorship, I am with her…
  16. To protect education-not student loans, I am with her…
  17. To prevent predatory lending practices, I am with her…
  18. To eradicate racism, I am with her…
  19. To stop sexism, I am with her…
  20. To stop antisemitism, I am with her…
  21. To serve the American people, not big business, I am with her…
  22. To address climate change, not pretend it doesn’t exist, I am with her…
  23. To prevent a convicted felon from stepping back in the Oval Office that he never belonged in to begin with, I am with her…
  24. To stand up to the orange haired monster and make history once again, I am with the intelligent, beautiful, strong and compassionate lady, Kamala Harris, in 2024…

Once again, we are reminded of the words the late Helen Reddy sang best:

“I am woman, hear me roar

In numbers too big to ignore

And I know too much to go back an’ pretend

‘Cause I’ve heard it all before

And I’ve been down there on the floor

And no one’s ever gonna keep me down again


Yes, I am wise

But it’s wisdom born of pain

Yes, I’ve paid the price

But look how much I’ve gained

If I have to, I can do anything

I am strong (strong)

I am invincible (invincible)

I am woman


You can bend but never break me

‘Cause it only serves to make me

More determined to achieve my final goal

And I come back even stronger

Not a novice any longer

‘Cause you’ve deepened the conviction in my soul


Yes, I am wise

But it’s wisdom born of pain

Yes, I’ve paid the price

But look how much I’ve gained

If I have to, I can do anything

I am strong (strong)

I am invincible (invincible)

I am woman


I am woman, watch me grow

See me standing toe to toe

As I spread my lovin’ arms across the land

But I’m still a little embryo

With such a long, long way to go

Until I make my brother understand


Oh yes, I am wise

But it’s wisdom born of pain

Yes, I’ve paid the price

But look how much I’ve gained

If I have to, I can face anything

I am strong (strong)

I am invincible (invincible)

I am woman…”

So this November 5th, or sooner in many districts,  we need a blue wave across the nation, like we did in 2020. President Biden received then the highest number of popular votes in any presidential election in history, which removed Donald Trump from his desecration of the office. We must never let Trump set foot in the White House again; a convicted felon belongs behind bars.

I Just Want to Know, How Come?

I Just Want to Know, How Come?

Trump is the original flim-flam man.

I Just Want to Know, How Come?

By Cate Rees-Hessel


  1. If convicted felons can’t vote for president, how come a felon with 43 convictions could even BE president? He can’t even vote for himself. He has no right to be on the ballot.
  2. If Joe Biden was allegedly too old to be president for four more years, how come Donald Trump, now the oldest candidate to run for the office, could serve four years? He is 78 years old and would be 82 at the end of his term. Why the hue and cry for President Biden to drop out of the race due to his age, despite the fact he was the incumbent, AND had beat the orange haired monster by over 7 million votes in 2020.
  3. If Kamala Harris does not like Jewish people as “The Donald” claims, how come she is married to a Jewish gentleman?
  4. If Kamala and her supporters (like me) are childless cat ladies, how come she is referred to by her step children as “Momala“, and so many of us are called “mom”? Come on, childless cat ladies, we can hiss with claws out because we are pussies Trump will never grab. I intend to kick kitty litter in the face of J.D. Vance and watch every episode of Jennifer Aniston on Friends. In fact, I’m hosting a Friends marathon while wearing cat ear headbands.
  5. How come any Democrat that has an indiscretion, because nobody is perfect, is drummed out of office and prosecuted, yet the multi-time adulterer, Donald Trump, is revered and treated as a Messiah by the so called “evangelical” right wingers. There is only one Messiah and that is Jesus, a Jewish carpenter.
  6. How come J.D. Vance, who previously referred to Trump as an American Hitler (the Donald certainly is America’s Hitler) but now he’s Trump’s vice presidential running mate? Interesting that Hitler orchestrated his own assassination attempt. I spent many good times in Butler, Pennsylvania, and I honestly question the Trump shooting. It saddens me that lives were lost that day near my hometown of Pittsburgh. I must also point out that Trump’s former vice president Mike Pence has distanced himself from the Donald and has refused to endorse him. Pence’s security advisor is part of the Republicans for Harris, advising Mike to endorse Kamala.
  7. How come Republicans are all about managing women’s reproductive organs? Like Tim Walz said, “Mind your own damn business.”
  8. How come Republicans are anti-Semitic and yet many are hard supporters of Israel?
  9. How come Republicans are racists?
  10. How come Republicans are anti-women?
  11. How come Republicans are happy to give big business and billionaires tax cuts while refusing tx help for hard working lower and middle class Americans?
  12. How come Republicans are anti-LGBTQ when Jesus loves everyone, died for all sins, and God made everyone in his image and likeness? “So God created mankind in his own image…” (Genesis 1:27a NIV); “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” (Psalm 139:14a NIV).
  13. How come Republicans want to see individuals pay student loans that are not affordable and causing financial hardship for those individuals that are struggling to make a living?
  14. How come Republicans don’t want common sense gun laws that will save lives?
  15. How come Republicans want the convicted felon that lost the election four years ago and made an international disaster of the pandemic to be their nominee once again?
  16. How come Republicans insisted that President Clinton be impeached for his indiscretion with Monica Lewinsky but they make Donald Trump, who cheated on all of his wives, into a heroic  figure? I must point out, to the right wing fundamentalists, there is only one Messiah in Christianity, Jesus.
  17. How come Republicans want tax breaks for billionaires that don’t need them, but want to abolish Social Security for seniors and disabled that have paid into the system for decades?
  18. How come Republicans deny climate change when severe weather indicates the “inconvenient truth” that global warming does exist and it is destroying our world?
  19. How come Republicans want babies born, but deny them nutrition assistance and medical care once they are here?
  20. How come Republicans just don’t care about the hard working lower and middle classes?

Walz In With Harris

Walz In With Harris

Harris and Walz are igniting the Democrats

Walz In With Harris

By Wes Hessel with Cate Rees-Hessel


A Man of Service

 Our Madame President candidate has chosen Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to be her Vice Presidential partner. The two-term leader of the Land of 10,000 Lakes is also a retired National Guard veteran, a former factory worker, a high school social studies teacher and football coach, and a six consecutive term Congressional Representative. He is originally from the northwest part of Nebraska, then moved with his family to far north central Butte, NE, where they were closer to relatives, after his father’s lung cancer diagnosis. Mr. Walz would graduate from Chadron State College with a bachelor’s in social science education.

 A Teacher

After a year as an instructor in Guangdong, China, through WorldTeach, his first teaching job in  the U.S. was back in northwest Nebraska at Alliance. Here he met Gwen Whipple, a fellow teacher, marrying her in 1994. Together then they helmed an organization called Educational Travel Adventures, arranging high school student educational summer trips to China, until 2003. In 1996, the couple relocated to Mrs.’ Walz’s home state of Minnesota, settling in Mankato. Tim received his educational leadership masters there in 2001.

A Veteran

In the meantime, Mr. Walz had been in the National Guard since he turned 17. In 2001 he reached 20 years of service and intended to retire, but re-enlisted after the September 11 attacks. As part of Operation Enduring Freedom, he deployed to Italy with his unit for a posting as part of the European Security Force. Command Sergeant Major Walz was for a short time the senior enlisted member of his 1st Battalion of the Minnesota National Guard’s 125th Field Artillery Regiment. He retired in May 2005 with the rank of master sergeant.

A Six-Term Congress Member…

His 2005 retirement was in anticipation of his run for Congress. His decision to run for office came after he worked as a volunteer for the presidential campaign for John Kerry. In February 2005, Mr. Walz filed to run for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District House seat. In 2006,  Walz beat six-term entrenched Republican Gil Gutknecht  and was off to Congress. Tim Walz was the highest ranking (retired) non-commissioned service member to ever enter Congress.

Multiple Significant Committees

One month into his first term, Congressman Walz became a member of the Agriculture Committee, the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. This required a special waiver from then-Speaker Pelosi, exempting Tim from the rule preventing most freshman representatives from serving on more than two congressional committees. Later that same year he added the Armed Services Committee to his responsibilities. After twelve years of service as a member of Congress, he was the ranking member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, where he was continually working hard for our veterans.  It was then that Walz returned home to Minnesota and throw his hat into the governor’s race. In 2022, he beat his Republican opponent by nearly 8 percentage points.

A Governor

During his most recent term as Minnesota’s governor, he signed into law bills which provided students with free lunches (a program he wants to make national), instituted universal gun background checks, codified abortion rights, and implemented free college tuition for low-income families. His policy positions have been described as ranging from moderate to progressive.

A Family Man

Personally, Tim and Gwen have a daughter Hope, who is a social worker for a homeless shelter, and a 17 year old son, Gus, who has, as they told People Magazine, “…a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD and an anxiety disorder — all conditions that they call his ‘secret power.’” Mr. Walz has been a hunter since high school, and is a gun owner, but is a strong advocate for gun control.

An Awesome Vice Presidential Candidate

Walz is a stellar candidate for the office of Vice-President of the United States of America. We all need to strive to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz this coming November. Vote Blue.

E-commerce Technology Trends of 2024

E-Commerce Technology Trends of 2024

ecommerce in 2024

E-Commerce Technology Trends of 2024: 



Editor: MAHINROOP PM is an Information Technology Consultant and Amazon International author with five published books to his credit. Mahinroop PM writes exclusively for premium USA-based publications on Information Technology topics. MAHINROOP PM is keen on making tech stuff engaging, lucid, and innovative.


Business organizations can enhance the customer experience and increase efficiency by implementing the e-commerce technology trends of 2024. Integrating the latest e-commerce technology trends will be helpful in online purchases and customer satisfaction. Artificial intelligence, mobile commerce, social commerce, cloud computing, and e-wallet technology will be the most prominent e-commerce technology trends of 2024.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize the e-commerce industry by offering personalized customer experiences, effective supply chain management, and improved fraud detection in 2024. E-commerce businesses of 2024 can analyze customer behavior, and optimize product recommendations. Artificial intelligence plays a pivotal role in automating inventory management and the implementation of AI(Artificial Intelligence) in e-commerce leads to targeted marketing, seamless automation, and effective sales processes.

Mobile E-commerce

Mobile Commerce will become increasingly popular in 2024 since customers use mobile phones for online shopping than before. Progressive web apps will gain prominence as a promising e-commerce technology in the upcoming days. Mobile commerce will surge in the e-commerce landscape. Progressive web apps combine the best features of mobile applications and e-commerce websites. Most of the USA-based shoppers use mobile apps for shopping needs and it is a pathbreaking moment for Shopify store owners.

Social Commerce

Social commerce has become a powerful tool for e-commerce in 2024 and it will continue in the upcoming days. The integration of e-commerce functionalities into social media platforms is the primary objective of social commerce. Social commerce can be termed as the next growth in e-commerce and the future growth of e-commerce is intertwined with the integration of social media and online shopping. Innovation through new purchase models, effective audience targeting, and constant growth are the experiential benefits of social commerce. Social commerce is not confined to the boundaries of just consumption and it is interrelated with conversational commerce.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing equips ecommerce businesses to scale their operations effectively and many ecommerce firms combine cloud computing and IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service). Ecommerce businesses can benefit from flexible computing resources, simple data management, and inexpensive solutions through the implementation of cloud-based ecommerce platforms. Scalability, enhanced speed, cost reduction, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning capabilities, and improved security are the marvelous advantages of taking a typical ecommerce business to the cloud. The integration of cloud in e-commerce paves the way towards a quick checkout journey and cloud computing guarantees increased speed for e-commerce businesses.

E-wallet Technology

E-wallets, also called digital wallets and mobile wallets, are groundbreaking solutions for virtual finance. The software side of e-wallet ensures that personal information is secured in a payment hub and the information component contains crucial data like names, shipping addresses, payment options, and credit or debit card information. E-commerce businesses can skip the limitations of traditional and outdated payment methods through the integration of e-wallets into their online stores. It is a reality that e-wallet technology is a cutting-edge technology that will shape the future of e-commerce. The integration of e-wallets into online stores streamlines transaction processes smoothly apart from driving sales. E-wallet technology will transform the way we engage in online transactions and convenience and increased security are its amazing features.


Women of a Certain Age-Yet Again…

Women of a Certain Age – Yet Again…

Women of a Certain Age-Yet Again…

By Cate Rees-Hessel


  1. If you had a latch hook shag rug in colors of orange, yellow, and chocolate brown, you might be a woman of a certain age…
  2. If you had a macrame plant hanger and a bead curtain in your first apartment…
  3. If you remember some of the shows on “When Radio Was” when they originally ran…
  4. If you know exactly what “You’ll shoot your eye out” means…
  5. If you ever sent or received a telegram…
  6. If you read Dennis the Menace or Mary Worth comic strips in a print newspaper…
  7. If you still read and enjoy a print newspaper…
  8. If you wore puka shells…
  9. If you used Short and Sassy shampoo and conditioner…
  10. If you remember the advertisement that read, “The only important things you wear are your jeans and your hair”…
  11. If you remember “Curlers in your hair, shame on you”…
  12. If you own curlers that don’t heat up or plug in…
  13. If your boyfriend had a Mustang muscle car…
  14. If you know who “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha” is…
  15. If you ever ate in a Pizza Hut with a salad bar…
  16. If you recall when bell bottoms and platform shoes were in fashion…
  17. If you ever bought a cup of coffee for a quarter, or even 50 cents…
  18. If you remember “You deserve a break today” and “At McDonald’s, it’s clean” commercials…
  19. If you ever got change back from a dollar at McDonald’s…
  20. If you ever shopped at a five and dime store…
  21. If you know what a five and dime store is…
  22. If you ever ate at a Woolworth restaurant…
  23. If you remember the original dollar stores…
  24. If you paid six dollars for your first concert ticket…
  25. If you ever wore gloves and a hat on a regular basis…
  26. If you remember Woodstock the concert, not just the bird…
  27. If you remember “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want too…you’d cry too if it happened to you”…
  28. If you still own leg warmers and a double skinny belt…
  29. If you miss big hair, beehives and Aquanet…
  30. If you long for Dippity Do and DEP…
  31. If you ever used a hairspray called FREEZE…
  32. If you owned a smocked tunic top to wear over jeans…
  33. If you still wear Jean Nate body splash…
  34. If you still wear Sweet Honesty perfume…
  35. If you ever used Youth Dew bath oil…
  36. If you still use Prell Shampoo…
  37. If you love a good “Skybar”…
  38. If you know what a “Skybar” is…
  39. If you still bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan (of course, the bacon you bring home is still less than your male counterpart)…
  40. If you saw an Alfred Hitchcock film in a theater…
  41. If you remember theaters that had only one screen…
  42. If you would give anything for a Tab on ice…
  43. If you know what a Tab is…
  44. If a flower behind your ear was an elegant touch…
  45. If you know the lyrics to all the Carol King and Carol Bayer Sager songs…
  46. If you remember original Orange Julius drinks and Dilly Bars…
  47. If you know exactly what “One Adam Twelve” means…
  48. If you support and respect the older gentleman that authored the Violence Against Women Act and gave us our first female VP…
  49. If Dr. Jill Biden is your role model…
  50. If you weathered the rain and the sun marching for Girls in Sports, reproductive freedom, and ERA…