EDITORIAL: Another Big Lie-Plastic Recycling


ANOTHER BIG LIE-Plastic RecyclingRecycling is a big lie pushed by fossil fuel companies and consumer goods suppliers such as Amazon


ANOTHER BIG LIE-Plastic Recycling

By D. S. Mitchell

When you see the familiar triangle with its chasing arrows on a product you’ve been programmed to think, “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.” Well, folks its all a lie. My grandson told me recently on our weekly visit to the county recycling center I was wasting my time and other valuable resources (water rinsing out cans and bottles,) gasoline (driving to and from the distant recycling center) by participating in the big bamboozle.

“What?” I asked, momentarily stunned.

“The only reason I continue to do this with you is because I haven’t wanted to dash your delusions. I know you think you are doing something good, but it is all a scam, a myth devised in the 1970’s to trick consumers into believing that recycling was an actual, ‘see it work’ solution, for the explosion in single use plastics.”

“Where did you get your information?” I asked soberly.

“GREENPEACE,” he said, his eyes twinkling.

“Tell me more,” I said, relieved to hear he hadn’t been dragging the internet for ‘secret’ information.

Kyler, with a big smile, said, “I was doing a term paper on, what is really recyclable. While doing the research for the assignment I found out a lot about Plastic Resin Identification Codes and the truth about what actually might be recycled. Just because there is a symbol on the item does not translate to recyclable. The number inside the triangle tells the consumer what they need to know. When we get back to your place I’ll explain.”

Once back home, Kyler sat down with me at the dining room table and started talking truth about plastic’s big lie.

1: PETE or PET Polyethylene terephthalate: soda bottles, water bottles, polyester film, snowboards, boats, for food, jars, fibers for clothing.

2: HDPE or PEHD High-Density Polyethylene: detergent containers, plastic bottles, piping for water and sewer, snowboards, boats.

3: PVC or V- Polyvinyl Chloride: window frames, plumbing products, electrical cable insulation, clothing, medical tubing.

4: LDPE or PE-LD-Low-Density Polyethylene: shopping bags, plastic bags, clear food containers, disposable packaging.

5: PP-Polypropylene: laboratory equipment, automotive parts, medical devices, food containers.

6: PS-Polystyrene or Styrofoam: CD and DVD cases, packing peanuts, single-use disposable cutlery, trays.

7: O or N/A-Other: baby feeding bottles, car parts, water cooler bottles, sippy cups.

“Remember, Nana, the number inside the triangle tells you what you need to know, and targets the hard facts about plastic recycling, according to Greenpeace, “Most of the plastic items you are encouraged to wash, sort, and put in blue bins usually end up in landfills or incinerators, if not polluting the environment.”

At this point he handed me a piece of paper, “According to a Greenpeace comprehensive survey of plastics recyclability in the United States.

A.) Only some PET #1 and HDPE #2 plastic bottles and jugs can be legitimately labeled as recyclable in the U.S. today. (Note however that many full body shrink sleeves on PET #1 HDPE #2 bottles and jugs make them non-recyclable.)

B.) Common plastic pollution items, including single-use plastic food service and convenience products, cannot be legitimately claimed as recyclable in the U.S.

C.) Plastics #3-7 have negligible-to negative value and are effectively a category of products that municipal recycling programs may collect but do not actually recycle. Plastics #3-7 have waste collected in municipal systems across the country is being sent to landfills or incinerated.

Items for which reprocessing capacity is low to negligible and there is not a reasonable likelihood of recycling into new products include:

Plastic clamshells   (PET #1, PVC #3, PS #6) , plastic cups (PP #5 PS #6, other #7), plastic trays (PET #1, PP #5, other #7), plastic bags** (HDPE #2, LDPE #4), EPS plastic (foam) food containers (PS #6), plastic lids and caps (PP, #5, PS #6), plastic plates (PS #6), plastic cutlery, straws, and stirrers (PP #5 PS #6), plastic food wrappers and pouches (multiple types and layers of plastic).

After five decades of lies and misinformation from deceptive industry marketing, it is becoming more and more clear that we can’t recycle our way out of the plastics problem. It is evident that over 90% of plastic is not recycled. They can’t lie forever, it is becoming clear that we need real solutions to the plastic pollution crisis-and it is just that; a crisis. For the sake of our communities, our environment and our oceans we must take action. Greenpeace suggests we move away from single use plastics totally and completely. It is time to develop sustainable refill and reuse systems on a global scale. The future of our planet is at stake.




FOX Attacks 10-Year-Old Rape Victim

FOX Attacks 10-year-old Rape Victim 

FOX Attacks 10-year-old Rape Victim 


By D. S. Mitchell


Channel Surfing

I started off the morning watching Sam Stein filling in for Velshi on MSNBC.  I switched over to Smerconish, when the commercials came on, to see what was top of the conversation at CNN.  Both CNN and MSNBC were featuring lead stories on the tragic case of a 10-year-old Ohio child who was raped and impregnated by her attacker. Since we are in a post-Roe world, she was denied an abortion in her home state of Ohio, and was forced to travel to Indiana to undergo treatment.

Out of the Blue

When the story went viral a whole lot of anti-abortion agitators opened fire on the girl, her family and the MD who provided her care. Out of the blue, the Indiana Attorney General, Todd Rokita (R), said on the FOX channel, of course, that his department intended to investigate the doctor who did the abortion. On air, he quite plainly accused Dr. Bernard of malfeasance and overt criminality, suggesting that although abortion is legal in Indiana, this particular doctor, “most  likely committed a crime.” He went on to say “she often fails to submit required notifications and documents” to the state of Indiana regarding abortion procedures. Dr. Bernard’s attorney returned fire sending a Cease and Desist notice to Rokita, advising him he is likely to be the target of a lawsuit for defamation.

Political Provacteurs

This came after a week of right-wing bloggers, pundits, and political provacteurs, the likes of Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, assailing this tragic story as a falsehood; arguing that it was a “story searching for confirmation.” Sadly, it was not a made-up story by the crazy liberals, attempting to win public support for abortion. The perpetrator, 27 year-old Gershon Fuentes has been arrested, and he has confessed. It was a true story about a real person, a child, no less, and a doctor trying to make life better for someone who’s life would be forever altered. But, over at FOX there will be no apologies, no retractions, just a quick jump to another hot button issue.

Really, Laura?

Maybe Laura Ingraham can’t remember being a 10 years old little girl, but I can.  I was still playing with dolls for ‘effin sakes. Playing with dolls. . .so instead of dolls, I should have been suckling an infant for the state? Barbaric. What will the next horrific decision be from the Robert’s SCOTUS? Forced state female circumcision? That may sound outlandish, even outrageous, but in the old days a woman wasn’t supposed to enjoy sexual relations, so better make sure she doesn’t.

In any Universe

I don’t know much about god (s) but I do recognize unbelievable cruelty when I see it; and I am convinced there is no god in this or any other universe,  blessing the behavior of FOX and its clones on the pulpits of “Christian” churches, across the United States. My hope is that all the evil done in the name of god, hopefully has harsh punishments, for those who use His name to facilitate their own worldly agenda.


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion

It is time to worry about the health and well-being of children already born and recognize that adoption is not answer to abortionhildren


Adoption Is Not the Alternative to Abortion


By Megan Wallin-Kerth


With all the news about Roe V. Wade, many conservative talking points have come to the forefront; for, let’s just say, reconsideration. Most of these I’ll leave for others to debate, but one really gets under my skin, because—unlike the hundreds of other thoughts, some more sensible than others—this refrain is ludicrously simplistic and yet very familiar to me. You’ve probably heard it too, at least a dozen times. Here’s a hint: What’s the oh-so-wonderful alternative to abortion?


Always. Without fail. Rarely a dissenter. And yet, how many people shouting this have actually adopted a child? And of those, how many adopted the kids who are considered “difficult to place?”

For those willing to admit that they know diddly-squat about the adoption process or the foster care system, I’ll give more context.

Most infants, particularly white infants from healthy but low-income mothers (think high school or college students), are placed easily into homes that are generally also white, generally middle class or upper middle class, and have usually passed several levels of intensive screening (varying in different states) prior to becoming a parent through adoption. Those are the facts. White babies usually get sent to somewhat affluent white homes. Babies from other backgrounds sometimes linger for longer times, or often get adopted into homes where their culture of origin is, if anything, a sidenote. Add identity crisis to abandonment issues.

However, infants of any monetary, cultural or ethnic background truly have it much easier than children: The children who are taken away from their natural parents after they’ve already started to reach the stage of being toddlers or even older children have a more challenging path ahead.

First, they have the grief and loss that comes with being torn from the parents and family system to whom they are already well acquainted, as well as the customs, traditions, sense of belonging and additional factors that make up one’s feeling of being “home.” They lose it all, and yet they are expected to accept the culture of a new household, family structure, and repeatedly relay their trauma to a constant barrage of social workers and therapists who make it clear that the events which occurred “need to be discussed.” (That need, mind you, is more to provide quotes for said figures to use while testifying about the child’s best interests in court, quite ironically.) What’s not always clear to those kids is that none of it is their fault. Not a single bit of it.

Many of those kids are there because their parents were ill-prepared, young, poor, or impacted by trauma or drug-abuse. Some of them were likely told not to get an abortion, because that would be throwing away the “gift of life.” Not all of them wanted their children, but most of them probably wanted to do right by them. However, wanting to do the right thing and being able to successfully carry out the responsibilities of parenthood are entirely different.

Unsurprisingly, these kids are more likely to be diagnosed with a slew of mental health conditions, ranging from attachment disorder to ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) to ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). They are more likely to have trouble regulating their emotions. They are more likely to come from families with histories of trauma or self-medication with drug-use. They are more likely to have been witness to domestic violence. And they are all victims of a system that is primarily run by well-intentioned but vastly undertrained and overworked case managers, many of whom get burnt out quickly if they truly care about the children under their broadly defined supervision.

Lastly, the longer a child stays in foster care, the more they face several unfortunate facts: Adoption rates are lower, foster homes are increasingly scarce (and often resort to abusive or coercive methods to control trauma-based behaviors), and it’s not uncommon at all to age out of the system with no solid support. It’s also likely that those with severe trauma—and corresponding behavioral issues stemming from a lack of care—will end up incarcerated, filling jails and prisons. And let’s not even get into the number of failed adoptions, where families commit to adoption and change their minds (this happened to me and another family member), sometimes going so far as to relinquish parental rights after the whole matter has been legally confirmed.

This is the true nature of the so-called alternative that people don’t realize they are presenting, and it’s not the fairytale full of compassion and hope that comes to mind with the word “adoption.”

Furthermore, those stating that they would “love to be foster parents once the time is right for their family” should also take heed of the fact that doing so is a sacrifice to any children already in your home, whether biological, adopted or foster. It requires everyone in that household to possibly shift expectations, routines, etc.—and to frequently practice more emotional regulation if the child coming in has some emotional struggles themselves (and spoiler alert: many of them will).

Am I discouraging people from fostering and adopting? No, not at all. However, much like the decision to become a biological parent, it needs to be approached realistically—for everyone’s sake.

Forgive me if I put it all in a grim light; that’s not the intention. I’m an adoptee myself, and an adoptive parent. I also grew up in a conservative household, with a narrow, black-and-white view of matters such as abortion rights.

But now that I’m older, I look back with less tunnel vision. I’m not a one-issue voter anyways, but if I was, I would still hesitate to stake all my focus on the ill-placed show of concern people seem to have regarding the value of life before birth, as opposed to the many months and years that follow.

To be clear, I also am not convinced of something just because it’s a “women’s issue.” As a woman, I don’t see the need to coddle us, and I don’t see pregnancy as only an issue in which women should have a voice. It takes two to create life, and most cases of pregnancy are the result of consensual baby-making.

And yet facts are facts: The facts are that rape happens, unprepared parents exist, and even in the best case scenarios, pregnancy is completely a woman’s task, effecting us physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. All those prenatal visits are scheduled for a reason; There are many risks and expenses. Furthermore, giving birth, even in developed countries, can be dangerous or even life-threatening. And as women on birth control are keenly aware, even with today’s modern advances and a lot of talk about “consent,” attempts to prevent pregnancy via hormones, condoms or abstinence can all fail. (Just look at sexual assault and rape statistics.)

However, everything from birth rates to women’s healthcare access affects us all, because that adds up to how well we can provide for our citizens. And how we treat people after they’re born, breathing and making decisions should matter to the pro-life crowd, right?

Mainly, it comes down to this: Regarding adoption and foster care, I’ve seen the dark underbelly of the beast—and for every child out there who gets adopted, there are statistically at least 10 who are shifting between foster homes waiting for their chance to stay somewhere with people who understand their unique needs and can continuously care for them when their expressions of pain often push others away.

This is not the “solution” to a world with fewer abortions. It’s proof that the primary talking point of the “pro life” crowd these days clearly has nothing to do with protecting human beings, even though I believe (perhaps naively) that most pro-lifers probably insist that is exactly their logic. They believe they’re protecting babies, because the fetus grows into one. My argument is “When does life matter most to you?”

A young child in the system, already born and in the world, suffers so much more and deserves so much more protection than a 16 week fetus. But that is not where people see fit to focus their fervent “value for life.”

Coming from one of those kids who wasn’t aborted, I know it probably sounds richly elitist to that crowd. But having navigated that first five years of life without a forever kind of family, I can tell you that I wish people would do their pro-life picketing outside the DHS office with signs that beg for real life-changing improvements. Their signs could ask for more foster homes, better pay for social workers, more stringent screenings for private adoption agencies, more rights for extended biological family members of children in care, and more resources for those aging out of the system. That is the pro-life attitude this country needs right now.

I believe a true understanding of this very real perspective might also produce the realization that supporting the right to choose an abortion isn’t the same as saying you would personally find the procedure useful.

In summary, the point of being pro-life should not just be about protecting life but also seeing fit to protect the quality of life. And it should never be at the expense of a life fully formed and out in the world.

My life was not protected simply because I was born. It was not even protected after I was adopted…twice. Children who have been separated and traumatized are automatically at many disadvantages, and while name-calling and anger don’t suit either side of the political aisle, the right to abortion should be beyond politics at this point. I’m by no means a hostile person, but I’m sick of being nice in the face of willful ignorance of inconvenient facts, when some of us are in the very category that adamant pro-lifers are using to support their arguments.

While the political left could do better at not cherry-picking their cases (you really don’t need to prove your point with only rape and incest cases), the right has done nothing to alleviate their increasing reputation for being hypocritical on the topic of reproductive rights.

Being hyper supportive of the military, the NRA, and abstinence-only sexual education while being unsupportive of affordable healthcare, and holding the record for having more people on welfare (yep, look it up) makes one look not only callous, but ignorant.

Quite frankly, abortion access is not about your views, it’s not about religion, it’s not about proving when life begins, and it’s not about the unborn.

It’s about allowing for the prevention of predictable, probable, and elongated suffering of multiple human beings for the technicality and self-righteousness of protecting one not yet fully formed and out in the world. It’s about whether someone is ready to be a parent—a good parent. It’s about pregnant women (sometimes mere children or teens) choosing whether they allow their body to house, feed and produce yet another entity that will require a great deal of care and love. It’s about applying critical thought and a wide lens of compassion to situations where bringing a life into the world cannot be done safely. It’s about allowing people to make decisions that impact their bodies and livelihoods with the expertise of medical professionals.

Bottom line: It’s about how well we take care of the people already in our world, and the sad truth is that we’ve got a great deal of room for improvement.


EDITORIAL: Can We Protect The Country From Another Donald Trump?


Can We Protect The Country From Another Donald Trump?

I don't know if there are enough tools in the toolbox to insulate the presidency from greed and corruption


Can We Protect The Country From Another Donald Trump?

Make no mistake about it, the Trump administration “created an ethics crisis. Our lawmakers must advocate for firm rules to ensure these egregious ethical abuses never happen again.” Robert Weissman, Public Citizen president.

How The F**k Do We Fix This?


Like many other Americans, I’m fascinated with the January 6th Committee hearings. Jumpin’ Jehosafats! What the f*ck? A president of the United States actually tried to overthrow the government with a coup? You mean those folks at the Capitol on 1/06/2021 weren’t just tourists? ‘Fake electors’; did what? Trump grabbed a Secret Service employee by the throat, when the man refused to take him to the Capitol to participate in the riot. Holy Moly. When was the last time you heard a U.S. president support  hanging his Vice President? It’s one bombshell after another, and sadly, there’s more dirt coming.

Until Trump

We as a country have been around since 1776, and in all that time each losing presidential candidate accepted the  loss and stepped aside. That is until Donald John Trump. As an average citizen, with a bachelor’s degree in social and political science, I thought we had laws that would protect us from his ilk. I prayed, but I also sincerely believed, the conflict of interest laws, and ethics regulations, plus long accepted norms governing interactions between the White House and other Executive Branch departments would constrain the orange megalomaniac. Boy, was I wrong, Trump pushed all ethical boundaries to the breaking point.

Constant Assault on Institutions

Even I, the ever grousing cynic, did not realize that size of the holes in the system, When a man, in the most important office in the world is intent on subverting federal ethics laws, as well as ethical norms, both in full view, and behind the scenes; as it stands now, there is little to stop him. A couple years ago Public Citizen News Vol 38, NO.6 November/December 2018 offered some suggestions on policy reforms to guarantee that no future president is allowed to wallow in his own corruption. The article concluded that because of Trump, we have learned how to strengthen the system against future rogue presidents. I’m dubious to say the least. Due to the breadth of his assets, his refusal to divest himself of those assets and his disregard for multiple conflicts of interest norms he shook our government to the core, leaving many of us crying democracy itself is at stake.

Public Citizen Advice

1.) Ethics Abuse: Refusing to Divest Assets. During his time in office, Trump maintained ownership of his worldwide businesses. He was, and remains, a national security risk. His businesses made him vulnerable to the influence of foreign powers and corporate interests. Remember Trump leaving the Kurds high and dry in Northern Syria? All that happened because Erdogan threatened the Trump brand in Turkey. Trump spent a third of his days while in office at a Trump property; all the while garnering free publicity for the Trump brand. His Washington, D.C hotel and bar became magnets for foreign officials coming to DC. It seemed the White House doors were open for anybody with a scheme or a scam.

Can It Be Fixed? The Public Citizen suggested that within 30 days of the presidential inauguration, the president and the vice president should be required to divest all assets that pose a risk of conflict of interest. Well, how do they plan on enforcing that? We watched Trump for four years defy every order he got, from any source. If the matter was sent to the Senate as impeachable there is likely to be nothing done. We watched Trump be impeached twice and he skipped away. I say all candidates must place their assets in a trust, revocable only if they lose the election, or fail to win. Certainly, not after the election, because once in office how do we expel them if they refuse to comply?

2.) Ethics Abuse: Refusing to Release Tax Returns. Unlike all other candidates going back to Nixon, Trump refused to release his tax returns. That action, deprived voters of essential information about his financial ties that might effect his decisions as a president. Often the financial entanglements of candidates are deep, but that makes it even more important for the public to have that information.

Can It Be Fixed? Every candidate should be legally required to disclose his/her most recent 5 years of tax returns within 30 days of becoming a candidate. In addition, financial disclosure forms should specify and include information on assets, income, transactions, and liabilities, as well as details including creditors, investors, and customers, of the public officials’ businesses.

3.) Ethics Abuse: Inauguration Influence-Peddling. Trump’s 2016 inaugural committee raised a whopping $107 million from donors, twice as much as raised by Barack Obama’s inaugural committees. Despite pressure from press and congress the Trump committee refused to divulge where the money went, although later tax filings from the group revealed over $26 million went to a party planner who was an advisor to Melania Trump. That insider dealing looked bad, when it came out, but not surprising.

Can It Be Fixed? There should be a cap of $5,000-the federal contribution limit for an election cycle. Further, while in office, presidents should be prevented from collecting money for libraries or other ‘legacy building endeavors’; or at the very least make those contributions subject to the same rules as candidates running for federal office. Also, the Public Citizen recommended rules and disclosure requirements for legal defense funds set up by executive branch officials.

4.) Ethics Abuse: Hiring Family Members One of Donald Trump’s first actions was to give his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared, jobs in the West Wing despite a federal anti-nepotism statute that makes it illegal to appoint close relatives to official positions. Trump disregarded the statute claiming he had the authority to fill White House positions, “without oversight.”

Can It Be Fixed? There is already a statute disallowing this behavior, so the statute should be clarified making it clear that it supersedes other laws related to White House employment.


I have a lot of respect for Public Citizen, and I think their ideas have merit, but they are just a starting point. My biggest problem with these recommendations is that there is no bite to the law. It is important to make the candidate comply before they have the power of the office and no means to enforce rules, regulations. Where’s the $25,000 a day fine? Or, the immediate removal from office (no impeachment trial)? How did Trump get away with so much, for so long? One of the reasons is that there has been no immediate consequences for any of his outrageous behavior.


Life Habits That Keep You Smiling

Life Habits That Keep You Smiling

You can be happy, but just like everything else in life, its about choices

Life Habits That Keep You Smiling

Editor: This is a new version of an article that I posted last year. After a month of breathing fire and sulfur I need to take a break from all the bad news, and focus, at least for this Sunday afternoon, on things you can do in your life to ensure more smiles than tears. 

By D. S. Mitchell


Psychologists and life coaches make it clear that some behaviors will lead to a productive and happy life, while others can potentially lead to prison.  Seriously, if you stopped reading at 12, drink to excess, drive recklessly, and bully your family, you are likely to come in contact with law enforcement and a whole lot of unhappiness. Conversely, there are habits and actions that are positive, rewarding, and fulfilling. Positive, rewarded and fulfilled; that sounds like the definition of happiness to me.

1.) Keep to a Schedule. This one can be hard, as we juggle work and life, but this is a biggie; one of the most important on this list. Just remember the goal and not the means. The goal is to bring organization out of chaos, NOT following the schedule stupidly.  Don’t let the schedule become the religion, but let it help you live a more comfortable life. Organization starts with a schedule. Staying on track is one of the best ways to get needed daily, weekly, and monthly tasks accomplished. And who doesn’t like to get things done? There is a satisfaction in a job done, especially if it is well-done.

2.) Adapt and Evolve. Change is a constant, once you accept that fact the happier you will be. Be flexible. Remember, “each moment is a new beginning.” As you get older, accepting change is often hard, but it is worth the effort. Stay relevant. Stay involved.

3.) The U-bend of Life. Science has told us that the happiest folks are those in their 80’s and beyond. I love a quote from Cousin Lucille, “Let my last days be my best days.” So if you are having a mid-life crisis and feel your life is on a downward trajectory be assured a turn around is in your future.

4.) Talk Kindly to Yourself. We all self-talk. If you talk doom and gloom, you will be repaid with doom and gloom. If you dial down the negative brain chatter you will be happier for it. Buddha said, “You are what you think,” suggesting you have an option to choose negative or positive. Like so many things in life there is an option.

5.) Don’t Let Vanity Stop You. If you are grossly overweight, pitifully thin, physically disabled, or disfigured; you may feel shy or uncomfortable about showing your body at the swimming pool, jogging down the roadway, or shaking your booty on the dance floor, but don’t let vanity get in the way of enjoying every moment of your life. Poor self-esteem and self criticism can deny you so much. Who cares what someone else thinks? Join the party.  Join life. Love life; it will love you back.

6.) Exercise. Thirty minutes of aerobic exercise five times a week. Move more, sit less. Both your butt and your attitude will thank you. The World Health Organization has declared sitting to be the new smoking.

7.) Make Sure You Never Stop Playing. Taking childhood games into adulthood will keep you smiling. “Playing” suspends the brain in a unique and youthful flexible state. Go horseback riding. Play golf with a couple friends. Or, maybe you’d prefer a game of tennis? Chess or checkers can be fun. A card game will keep you competitive. Dungeons and Dragons anyone? How about a Renaissance Fair? I got it, let’s go fishing.  Never stop having fun.

8.) Write About It. Take a few minutes every evening to write about your day. Journaling, or diary keeping, is time well spent. The time you take to write about your day and its events allows you time to put everything into perspective, to calm your busy mind. It is enlightening to see back over decades of your life, one page at a time.

9.) Find Your Purpose. Most people describe it as “something larger than myself.” Engaging in a “cause” can actually raise your immunity levels and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Sadly, this need can be manipulated and twisted. In search of ‘your purpose’ stay away from radicalization. I’m not joking folks, careful what master you follow.

10.) Service. Volunteer your time, give your money. Service to others, to your family, your community, your nation is physically good for you. Your service will be rewarded with an infusion of an anti-inflammatory hormone.

11.) Take Time To Recharge. Take a break. Get a cup of coffee or tea and put your feet up. Give yourself permission to take time for yourself. We all need a quiet time to relax and recharge. Find what works best for you, since this is all about you, indulge. Remember, it takes time to replenish your inner core. It may just be a peaceful hot tub time-out or a glass of wine, just do it.

12.) Never Stop Reading. With the internet there are literally thousands of free book downloads at your  fingertips. When you are a child, books transport you to new and exciting worlds, places far from our everyday existence. I promise you they can do that at any time in our lives-keep reading.

13.) Stay Connected. It is so easy to let friendships and relationships die from lack of tending. Tend  doggedly to your relationships. Lifetime friendships and newly made ones deserve serious attention. Major life events, such as loss of a partner, retirement, a serious health condition often result in a pulling away. It is vital to stay connected; pick up the phone, write an email, send a card. It is important to continually be reaching out and embracing others.

14.) Be Inquisitive. Like the commercial tells us, “stay curious.” Keep asking questions. Keep exploring. The goal is to learn something new everyday, or at least try. Be the forever curious child. Always be open to new feelings, emotions, thoughts, and experiences.

15.) Rescue A Homeless Pet. I realize a lot of folks are unable to have a pet, due to various circumstances, but if you can give a homeless dog, cat, pig, or other creature a home, it will expand your life. Her name was Lilly. She was a brindle colored, lab-sized mixed breed bundle of love.  Lilly gave me a few outraged foot stomping moments, during our 10 years together, but mostly she gave me hours of smiles and laughter. Sadly, wiggle bottoms has crossed the rainbow bridge, but she helped me through some rough times and I can never thank her enough. Hopefully you can find a place in your heart and a corner in your house for a homeless pet.  I promise whatever pet you choose, you will get more than you ever give. Think about it, if you are in a position to provide for an animal you could change an abandoned animal’s life, and your own. You can never be lonely when you have a four legged friend at your side.

The suggestions are simple and easy; no insurmountable tasks, all just reasonable and  accomplishable habits to get into. Developing good habits is important, it helps us keep our minds off the bad habits.

OPINION:Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

OPINION: Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

It's a dog fight, and it will be playing out near you as the 2022 Midterms approach

OPINION: Horrible Language, Horrible Intent

By D. S. Mitchell

It’s Ugly Out There

It’s a dog fight. The language is vitriolic. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent on campaign ads, showing candidates brandishing AR-15’s and going so far as to call their opponents “groomers” and “pedophiles”. Numerous Republican candidates have made claims that their liberal opponents are “grooming” children by pushing for LGBTQI+ rights; claims repeated by Tucker Carlson every night on the FOX channel. The radical language is not just for the opposition party, but these hyped-up right-winger’s are threatening members of their own party who they feel are not obscene, or disgusting enough, labeling them “RINO’s (Republicans in name only).”

Dangerous Topics

These ads filling our TV and PC screens are pushing some highly dangerous topics, one of the more dangerous and disgusting, is the current monster under the bed, the ‘great replacement theory’ and other similar racially and religiously charged conspiracies. According to America’s Voice, a progressive immigration advocacy group, hundreds of GOP ads specifically mention “replacement theory,” “migrants,” and “invasion.”


The airwaves are filled with Republicans accusing Democrats of deliberately encouraging migrants to cross the southern border illegally so they can “replace white voters”. They further claim Democrats are trying to indoctrinate children with fake history lessons about systemic racism against blacks. Of course it isn’t just blacks; it’s browns, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews, Asians and anyone that isn’t ‘really’ white- Christian. In a country like ours, the “real” white guys are pretty far and few between. Apparently, the neo-Nazi, white supremacist group, the Proud Boys, couldn’t find enough of those ‘real white guys’ and were forced to enlist  Enrique Torrio, a man of Afro-Cuban ancestry, whose parents came as immigrants from Cuba, to act as their front man. What a joke. Only, it’s not a joke.

Highly Combustible

The language is dangerous and highly combustible. In my view, the hateful language is fodder for inevitable violent consequences. Hate crimes are up 339 per cent! The shooter in Buffalo, referenced the racist replacement theory 10 times in writings before his killing rampage at a Top’s Food Market. The gunman called his victims “replacers” of white Americans. While there’s no direct one-to-one connection between one campaign ad and a person or group carrying out a crime, “there is a really clear relationship between the hateful speech of politicians and hateful acts,” Sophie Bjork-James, an expert on racism, said recently. Ms Bjork-James went on to say that there seemed to be a disturbing pattern between a string of violent incidents across the United States and an increase in “dangerous” highly charged language from Republican candidates and sitting GOP members of Congress in ads, social media posts, and speeches.

Systematic Replacement

“They will not replace us,” was the rallying cry at the Charlottesville riot in 2018. This replacement conspiracy theory has anti-Semitic origins. This baseless belief theorizes that Jews are behind a systematic program to replace ‘white people’ with immigrants and black people, with the intent to  overwhelm American elections. When challenged to stop promoting such hateful speech the noise only  intensifies. Despite the outcry, Republicans refuse to step away from the hateful language. Recently 32 GOP members of Congress repeated “invasion” language in a letter to Joe Biden, demanding the president “protect America from invasion.” When surveyed, 7 in 10 Republicans believe the heated rhetoric. In fact, 7 out of 10 Republicans believe Democrats eat the bodies of small children, are actually, lizard people, and who the hell knows what else?

A Trumpian Call

J.D. Vance, a Republican U. S. Senate candidate in Ohio, said back in February, the only way President Joe Biden could win reelection in 2024 “is to replace the citizens of his own country with illegal foreigners. The invasion he’s allowing to happen at the border is about power for democrats and nothing more.” The fear mongering ramps up as we close in on the 2022 midterms. Traditionally the party out of power wins seats in the midterms. So, why are the Republicans going to the most base and deplorable extremes when they are almost guaranteed to  to flip the House, and perhaps even the Senate.

It’s not just liberals, immigrants, or trans kids, in the cross hairs. Republican candidates and lawmakers who are not aggressive enough are also are being targeted. Former Missouri governor, a candidate for  the U.S. Senate, released a video of him smashing into a residence, carrying an assault rifle, backed-up by a group of individuals in combat attire, also carrying long guns, and announced, “Today, I’m going RINO hunting.” The RINO’s are corrupt and cowardly, get a “RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.” Holy Moly. This is how he treats his allies? Facebook removed the ad and Twitter flagged it. Wimps.

January 6th Threats

Adam Kinzinger, is one, of only two Republicans, on the January 6th Committee. Kinzinger also voted to impeach former President Donald Trump. Kinzinger has been threatened, along with his wife and newborn son. Trump has labeled Kinzinger as a RINO. Kinzinger, predicts, “There is violence in the future, and we can’t expect any different.”

Pissed Off And Ready To Shoot Someone

The Department of Homeland Security is also warning of a “heightened threat environment” due to  domestic terrorism and ‘a politically charged environment.’ The agency pointed out a large number of false narratives and racist conspiracy theories in a recent report. DHS Secretary, Mayorkas, said the department is keeping close tabs on extremist groups, “Individuals spurred by ideology of hate, false narratives, personal grievances, (are likely) to act out violently.”

No 400 Pounders

The theories the Republicans are vocalizing aren’t coming from 400 pounders knocking out posts in their basement, but the rhetoric and the absurdities are coming from people who have real power. The continued hateful, divisive rhetoric, has gotten out of control. It is time to tap this shit down. Extremist thought is being elevated to a level of legitimacy unheard of, at least in the last fifty years. Words, and speech we may have heard at a card game, or in a bar-and certainly on the fringes of politics-but not spoken aloud by major players.


Those never said descriptors now part of 2022 campaigning. Is it working? I’m sure it is with a certain part of the electorate, I’m hoping that there are enough outraged women in the country to put  a stop to the Republican plan. However, if the Republicans take back the House and the Senate, I expect the rhetoric and the violence will become a larger, and larger. factor in our daily lives. We are headed for a new Jim Crow, a new repression of women, and LGBTQ suppression. I predict; chaos is coming, unless there is a blue wave; previously unseen in history. A huge Democratic turn out, that runs the Republicans out of office, is the only thing that could turn this whole thing around.


OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

I have something to say about the SCROTUS and it is not nice.

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

Editor: I think this quote is a perfect response to the Supreme Court justices that want to enforce constitutional originalism on 21st century Americans. 


By D. S. Mitchell

Written on a Sign

I don’t know about you, but my outrage grows. In a recent abortion protest, I saw a young girl carrying a sign inscribed, “I hate it here.”  If you are a follower of Calamity News and Politics, you may have noticed an increased tension, and quite honestly, unbridled rage coming from this corner of the progressive community. I too have had several recent moments of, “I hate it here.”

Targeted Killings

The radical right sees no contradiction in banning abortion, for love of life, yet fuel rhetoric that has likely led to the  murder of at least 10 pro-choice physicians. The radical right tell us the Second Amendment is sacred. Sometime between my birth and today, the sanctity of the Second Amendment has taken on ridiculous, and unintended proportions.

Group Killings

Originally the Second Amendment described, “a well regulated militia.” Mind you, this was before the U.S. had a military. Out of that simple concept, it is now every Americans right, maybe duty, to load your AR-15, strap it with a bandolier of 30 shot magazines and go walk around town, terrorizing and murdering people who are just shopping for groceries, celebrating at a concert, attending class, and now a 4th of July parade. Mass murderers love it when we gather in groups.

I Said

Fuck the NRA, fuck the U.S. Senate, fuck the Second Amendment, and most of all fuck this illegitimate court. This has become a human rights issue-a public safety issue, a fucking right-to-life issue. Every American should have the reasonable expectation to go out for a walk, go the local Starbucks safely; it should not be a flip of the coin, situation.

Worse Than Roberts

John Robert’s has been Chief Justice since 2005.  He was nominated by George Bush the Younger and in my mind, Robert’s has been the spearpoint of a ruthless and relentless right-wing attack on democracy. During his tenure, the court has turned back democracy by 75 years, and privacy rights by 50. Even with Robert’s terrible record on gun control, voting rights, gerrymandering, campaign finance, abortion, and every other personal freedom imaginable, there are more dangerous and radical justices than John Roberts, and that clique is now apparently running the court.  Where as Robert’s style is to just keep chipping away at a law until over several years it vanishes into history, barely noticed. This new blatantly political court is ready to upend the apple cart, the hell with the consequences, in essence giving majority America the big middle finger salute.

Let it Go Alito, This Ain’t 1776

So, this now 6-3 ‘originalist’ court thinks it can push back all Progressive reforms since 1930. These folks are willing to snatch away Medicare and Medicaid, and the ACA of course, will fall. Gut the EPA. Ban abortions, nationwide. When you see an institution disregard established law and take up the task of writing new laws, just because they can; says to me that we are in a dangerous place. It seems apparent that swift action is necessary.

What I Think

This Thomas-Alito court seems hell bent on destroying any shred of validity this court ever had. The most recent public confidence polls show the court to be deeply unpopular.  The approval level of the court among all voters is at a jaw dropping 25%. Talk about Biden’s underwater numbers. As laws become more oppressive, affecting larger swaths of the population; enforcement may fail, in fact, it most likely will. As larger numbers of citizens commit the unenforceable crimes, police and prosecutors begin to ignore them. The overturning of Roe is so unpopular 70% of the country is in full revolt.

Anywhere, Anytime

The lawmakers just passed the first gun safety act in thirty years. My cynical side says, “a little is better than nothing.” My realistic side says, “not nearly enough.” As I said previously, the Second Amendment guarantees do not supersede those of LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  Yet, the radical ‘originalist’ court refuses to face the reality of a heavily weaponized country that needs some serious restrictions on gun access, not an open season on all of us, anywhere, at anytime.


When extreme decisions are pronounced without the support and acceptance of the population, those decisions become unenforceable. The court has no army, no police force to back up its decisions, the only thing the court has is its standing in the eyes of the country’s citizenry, and that includes law enforcement. It is time to enlarge the court, install term limits, and codify a standard of ethics these justices must adhere to. Right now, this radical right-wing abomination calling itself the “Supreme” court of the United States,  ain’t looking so “Supreme.”


Mindfulness For Better Health

Editor: While I was researching this article I came upon a site that recommended mindfulness practice for children. I don’t know why I was surprised that mindfulness was as good for kids as it is for adults. Focusing on the present moment, and ignoring distractions is good for us all. Mindfulness promotes happiness and patience by lowering social anxiety and stress, teaching practitioners to stay calm in the face of life’s stressful times, like school shootings. Furthermore it improves attentiveness which is sure to improve the grade point average. And then of course the biggie; impulse control. It supports good habits for the future, and so much more. Look for The Mindfulness Minutes series to learn more about mindfulness and children.


Mindfulness for Better Health

Mindfulness can provide relief from modern day stress.

Mindfulness For Better Health


By D. S. Mitchell

It Came From the East

Mindfulness is a form of eastern spiritual meditation. Today’s mindfulness has expanded to include various practices that bring the individual back into their body and personal awareness. Practicing mindfulness techniques offer a broad spectrum of therapeutic benefits.

Ancient Techniques

Mindfulness is the ability to tune in to what’s going on inside of you and around you. It’s the act of being intentionally present in the moment and accepting things as they really are. Mindfulness is an old idea with lots of modern scientific backup. The practice may not turn you into a Jedi master, but it can help you develop the strength and resiliency to meet life’s challenges.

Lots of Case Studies

After reviewing more than 200 studies on mindfulness based techniques the American Psychological Association concluded that there appears to be real benefit for people experiencing a variety of psychological challenges, particularly, those experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, self-judgement, and brain fog. It has even been shown to promote and enhance compassionate feelings.  Furthermore, mindfulness based techniques have shown positive results in treating major depressive disorders, chronic pain, and improved immune function.

Present Moment Awareness

What does ‘mindfulness’ mean and how can it help? Basically, mindfulness is staying in the moment instead of revisiting past experiences, rehearsing for bad events, and any other variety of things that distract us from what is happening right now. ‘Present moment awareness’ helps us tolerate unpleasant emotions rather than trying to battle them endlessly. It allows us to place past experiences in perspective, to reduce the impact of PTSD flashbacks or phobic reactions. Mindfulness involves acknowledging the thoughts that detrimentally effect and frequently overwhelm us. Mindfulness allows us to gain new perspective on destructive patterns of thought, feelings, and behaviors.

Stress and the Disabled

Stress affects nearly every system in the body, including your musculoskeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. If you are a person with disabilities you experience stress significantly more deeply than those without disabilities. When left untreated stress can develop into a chronic condition that negatively impacts an individual’s physical and mental health. Once acknowledged a person can then work toward healing. If you have had a stressful day consider implementing a handful of mindfulness techniques that will minimize the impact of stress on your health and well-being.

Engaged in the Present Moment

Although theoretically we all have access to the present moment, not everyone participates in it. So often people are distracted by normal things; their to-do lists, repeated negative thoughts, bad memories, and self-criticism. It is here that the intentional aspect of mindfulness comes into play. You can’t be consumed by your busy mind and your stressors, if you intentionally accept the time and place you are in. It takes practice.

Five Techniques 

Experience natural stress relief by following these 5 techniques:

1.) Body Scanning

Body scanning is the process by which a person tunes in to the sensations in their body.  Your busy mind slows down, while increasing body awareness. The common result is an increase in your energy level and more focus. The length of time spent on this exercise is optional.

Find a comfortable spot, lying or sitting; then close your eyes. Next, focus your attention on the expansion and contraction  of your chest and the movement of oxygen into and out of your lungs. As you begin to feel settled, visualize a specific body part. Start with your toes. What do you feel? Do you feel clothing, pain, warmth, cold? Acknowledge those feelings, spend a few moments absorbing the sensations before moving on to another body part. Repeat the action, until you have spanned your entire body.

Now, imagine calm energy spreading throughout your body. Visualize calm. Let it form a picture in your mind; visualize it as a glowing light, as a warm liquid, or whatever you imagine calmness to look like. As the calmness flows through your body you can slowly bring yourself out of the meditation. You will be extremely relaxed. Good job.

2. Recorded Sessions

Body scanning is one type of meditation, but there are many more. If you are curious, go online. there are a wide variety of free meditations, using a variety of techniques, including breathwork, awareness, imagining, and relaxing to natural sounds. There is something for everyone. You can chose between meditations that lasts for 5 minutes, or several hours. Guided meditations involve a narrator who quietly suggests different ways to focus your attention, breath, and thoughts. The results are a relaxed state of mind, and noticeably reduced stress level.

3.) Engage the Senses

If you are feeling the physical symptoms of stress, such as rapid heart rate, elevated blood press, gastric issues, and sleeplessness take five and unwind. During these five minutes, focus on your five senses.  Take one minute and direct your mind to your hearing. Notice all that you can, make no judgement or criticism. Next take another minute and focus on smell. Then the next minute on sight, the next on taste, and finally touch. It is human nature to let the mind wander. If you notice this happening, gently redirect yourself back to the sensations you are feeling.

This practice disconnects you from stressful thought patterns by linking you to the present moment. If you have a sensory disability you can still do this exercise within your ability.

4.) Write a Gratitude List

Cortisol is a hormone produced when we become stressed. It is basic for human survival. It is the body’s biological response to a life-or-death situation. Most of our daily activities are not a fight or flight situation. However, sometimes our amped up body doesn’t seem to understand the difference between life and death, and 21st century drama-trauma. At such times the body manufactures a fresh batch of cortisol and dumps it into the bloodstream leading to high levels of stress hormones which then speed up your heart, stun your immune system, and shut down your digestive track. None of which are a good thing for healthy living. One great suggestion to combat day-to-day stress is to write a gratitude list.

Researchers have shown that expressing gratitude can reduce stress hormones by nearly 25%, while elevating ‘feel good’ transmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Get out pen and paper and jot down all the fab things in your life. It can be big things or small things. I’m damn glad I have food in the fridge and a roof over my head, but I also have long time friends, good health, and a sound mind. The idea is to find as many things as possible to be grateful for, regardless of how big or small the thing is. You can be grateful for your family, a rainbow, or a flowering rose bush, just express thankfulness.

5.) Change Your Environment

If you are experiencing stress, try to change your environment. It could be a simple jog in the park, getting out and playing 9 holes. It could mean taking a trip, going into nature, or simply sitting outside on the back deck in the sun. Studies have proven that getting outside can reduce psychological stress. Apparently, you don’t even have to be doing anything; simply being outside has therapeutic benefits.  Just make sure you silence your cell phone..

Keep in mind, not all stress in within your control. If you’re experiencing unfair working conditions, look for a new job. Sometimes it is the situation that is causing the stress and pain. Be honest, if you are in a bad relationship daily mindfulness practices won’t fix the problem.. Once you identify the source of your stress look for support to change your environment. This means changing the people you socialize with, perhaps even a person you think you love. Whatever that stressful situation find someone to talk to, a friend, a teacher, a parent, but talk to someone. Each of us deserves as little stress as possible, it is all about our health and wellbeing.


EDITORIAL: Glass Smashing Rage

EDITORIAL: Glass Smashing Rage

EDITORIAL: Glass Smashing Rage

By Dani Davis

Not So Good, ‘Ol Days

I was born in 1946. That makes me 76 years old.  The Allied soldiers had just liberated Europe from Hitler’s fascist grip, AND saved the world from the jingoism of the Japanese Empire when I was delivered kicking and screaming into the world. The boys were back to the land of the not so free. A history lesson is appropriate at this time, for those have been separated from what it was really like in those days. Let me tell you; it ‘effin sucked for a hell of a lot of people, particularly people of color, women, and the queer.

Writing Law, Not interpreting Law

On June 24, 2022, I woke up to learn that the right wing-radical SCOTUS had overturned Roe v Wade. The first thing to suffer were two wine glasses sitting on the kitchen counter, which I sent flying across the room in an angry rage.  We all knew it was coming, since the ‘leak’ of Sam Alito’s draft opinion nearly two months ago.  I am furious. I am shocked. I am dismayed. But, more than that, I am deeply saddened for our country; and the meaning of law, and justice.

Pretzel Time

I am saddened and alarmed that the six ideologues chosen by the Federalist Society, who now sit on the highest court in the land, seem to have no brakes. It is clear they intend to smash through anything that gets in their political way. These isolated radicalized folks are willing to ignore 50 years of established precedent, twist themselves into pretzels looking to 15th century doctrine to support an outrageous 21st century decision. The justices, despite the wishes of 70% of the American people, overturned Roe. They could have chipped away at the law, which they have been doing since 1993, instead they are so brazen they did not hesitate in wiping Roe off the legal landscape.  Greatly emboldened they do not intend to let anything stop them. I am convinced nothing we call sacred in our society, is safe from this out of control court.

Mitch McConnell Is The Cause 

This “Catholic-Christian” majority Supreme Court just tossed out 50 years of progress and has sent this country into a very dark place. Lest not forget how we got to this imbalance on the court. Republican Mitch McConnell, when he was Majority Leader in the Senate, denied Barack Obama a chance to install his choice for Supreme Court Justice, Merrick Garland. In 2020, Mitch again, went against all Senate history and jammed through Amy Cony Barrett as Trump’s 3rd appointee, during the last days of the Trump administration.  Those two actions by McConnell have resulted in the current imbalance of conservative justices on the court.

More To Come

Abortion is not the only ‘right’ under attack. There is much more to come. All you need to do is read Clarence Thomas’s opinion. Frankly, with the court’s decision to overturn Rue, came with a threat to end many long established rights. Clarence Thomas, in his assenting opinion foreshadowed many rights he was willing to take the judicial hammer to. It looks to me like, we have an over-active, ‘law-creating’ court that will soon be targeting many cherished privacy rights. The right to contraceptives, same sex marriage, and the right to decide the race of your sexual partner may be in the cross-hairs of this politically active court.

Most Egregious

It seems a bit odd that ‘Uncle Tom’ Clarence Thomas has forgotten that his right to marry a white woman isn’t many steps away from the topics he suggests were decided egregiously.  I’d like to remind Clarence and Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, that it wasn’t until June of 1967, when I was a senior in college, the Earl Warren Supreme Court issued it’s landmark opinion in Loving v Virginia. Let me repeat that, it wasn’t until 1967, that Clarence and Ginni could have even traveled together, much less gotten married in nearly a third of the states in these good old United States. Looking backwards might not be the best choice for this duo.

The United States Is Not A Christian Country

The United States was founded as a secular republic, not a ‘Christian’ country. What unites us is a common Constitution, not a common religion, or a common culture. The U.S, Constitution is meant to protect the rights of us all; not just the rights of the “believers.” Nobody is supposed to be burned at the stake anymore; yet Sam Alito had to reach back to the time of the witch trials to find basis for his anti-abortion ruling. Please, it is 2022 and it is fucking time a woman should be allowed to make the decisions that effect her, and her family. Literally, a woman could be pregnant 3/4 of every year, for 35 plus years, producing potentially a child a year.  Without contraception, or abortion a single woman could if forced to produce 35 kids. Really? This is what the conservatives want for 21st century women? Total crap.

Lawless Abandon

The Catholic-Christian majority that has been jammed onto the Supreme Court have decided that they can wield their 6-3 voting power with near lawless abandon. Don’t just clutch your pearls ladies; these six SOB’s want to impose their religious beliefs onto the rest of us; it is time for action, not whining and moaning. We are a country of 330, 000,000 people, from different religions, different cultures and backgrounds, each of us with different dreams. The recent Supreme Court actions on voting rights, gun rights, the EPA, and Roe v Wade are total BS. The idea that the Founding Father’s believed that every citizen, no matter how crazy, should be able to openly carry a weapon of war is total absurdity. I think Ben and the boys would have put the kibosh to that idea quickly and decisively.  The eighteenth century philosphosper/revolutionary was part of his world, and for a court to suggest that the eighteen century and the twenty-first century are equivalent is patently ridiculous.

A Fraudulent Court

The fact that the last three of the nine justices, were appointed illegitimately, thanks to Mitch McConnell, by a twice impeached, one-term president, makes any of this court’s decisions suspect. Furthermore, from taped testimony, it looks like Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh may have misled, or perhaps committed perjury during Senate questioning. I would go so far as to suggest this is a fraudulent court. There is no way we can wait forty years for this court to die of old age; while it destroys the fabric of our society.  These folks were not elected, yet they are sitting in lifetime positions, making decisions that effect the most basic of our rights; privacy. Outrageous.

My Final Days

I will not be silent. I may be 76 years old,  but I can still march, I can still vote,  I can still vocalize my anger. I’m not dead yet, and until that final day comes I will be working for a re-do of the ‘third’ branch of government. The idea that you can remove court decisions from the time and place of the decision is absurd.  The Founding Fathers were a part of their time.  When Ben, Tom, Jimmy and George were imagining a new country, they sure as hell had no idea that the country of 2.5 million would eventually spread from to sea to shining sea, with a  population  nearly 10 and a half times the size of the original country. There were no cars, no cell phones, no railroads, no astronauts, no AR-15’s, no female CEO’s, no black legislators. For the ‘purists’ on the court who want to take us back 245 years let’s remember that the Ninth Amendment offered flexibility and growth. The FF knew that the constitution could grow and stretch to the needs of the country, not contract and penalize the many.  We can grow past 1619. We can grow past 1776 It is 2022, time for a new perspective, not an old and outdated one.

Real, True Outrage

Should a woman be forced to carry her rapists baby until birth? I say, “hell no.” What if the impregnated person were a child, carrying her father’s baby, as a victim of incest. Or perhaps, an uncle or a  grandfather; or some other relative. My fucking god, this ordeal is guaranteed to fuck up just about anybody. Let’s start thinking with our hearts. Let’s begin with love for the hopeless, for the abandoned, let’s offer them a life line, not an anchor.


It is time for court reform. If there isn’t court reform I  predict that people will just stop listening to anything that comes out of their biased mouths. At least 90 attorney generals and state prosecutors have stated for the record they will not prosecute any abortion cases. The Robert’s Court has already damaged the public view of the court. I  think the last time I looked, the Supreme court approval rating was about 20%.   It is time to enlarge the court, institute term limits, and come up with a code of ethics, to reign in the likes of Clarence Thomas and his anti-democratic wife.


Reject Climate Misinformation

Reject Climate Misinformation

When changing minds you often need to change hearts first.


Reject Climate Misinformation

By D. S. Mitchell

Ants at a Picnic

Misinformation proliferates like ants at a picnic, while truth seems to lumber along aimlessly. Such distortion is often hard to fight on major issues such as climate change. The hazards of ignoring or misunderstanding climate change are too dangerous to let this continue. Sadly, two thirds of the American public admits they rarely discuss global warming. It is more important than ever to help people understand how dangerous the phenomenon is to the planet and us; her population. We must start talking about it, and keep talking about it.

Comfort Zone

Changing minds is not an easy task. Each of us tend to hide out in our own information bubble, fending off ideas that threaten our beliefs. The Environmental Defense Fund in a recent article in their Solutions’ magazine offered six ways to fight climate misinformation. Frequently we will hear a friend or loved one spread fake news and want to speak up, but are uncomfortable in confronting the lies and misinformation.  EDF’s Misinformation Brigade has some suggestions to help navigate the touchy subject of climate change and other hard issues confronting our world. Creating tactful and inclusive engagement is essential. Here are EDF’s tips on how to help correct climate change misinformation.

Friendly Ground

It is a proven fact that people are more likely to take in information from someone they know and trust than a stranger. So, shut down the PC. The internet is not where you will sway hearts and minds. To have the most impact, stick with your inner circle. Furthermore, no one likes to be publicly pressured, so if you want to make the biggest impact, do it in private.

Confirmation Bias

‘Confirmation Bias’ is the psychological mechanism that confirms the content of information we as individuals take in from the world around us that supports our already formed worldview. All that means is that we look for information to support our already formed opinions.  Knowing that can help us change thinking. So, remember, before you make any statement, pro or con, ask questions of your friend or family member. Find out how they feel about the “news” they are sharing. It is important that you as a maker of change start by acknowledging their feelings. Listen to what they say, it will make them more wiling to listen to your point of view.

Appeal to Fear

Definitions are important. “Misinformation” is defined as ‘inaccurate or misleading’ information. On the other hand, “disinformation” is characterized as ‘deliberately deceptive.” The purveyors of disinformation use emotion-usually anger-to appeal to people who may already be feeling afraid or powerless. That sense of powerlessness thrives during periods of social unrest, war, and pandemics. It is important that you recognize that dynamic when engaging in conversations. Engage your kindness gene and use kindness and tolerance not irritation and anger.

Shared Values

Start with shared values. Avoid condemnation. Encourage the conversation with an imagined future world where kids have clean water and air, where we are energy independent, where there are still wilderness areas. Devise a plan to work together to make that wished for world a reality.

Getting it Straight

It is important to understand  that we are all being bombarded by fake news and disinformation. All you have to do is open Facebook. Admit it up front, that you might have some things wrong; it may help get a conversation started. Maybe you and your family member, or friend, could make it your business to research “news sources” and “facts”. EDF Action’s website can be helpful in finding links and tools  to verify content. Lead Stories might be a more comfortable site for conservatives to use when verifying information. Just commit to verify all content before you post the “news”; or spread the information.


Have respect for the topic, and make sure that you are only sharing true, correct and verifiable information. Let’s make sure we are part of the solution, not part of the problem. If you spot something particularly harmful on social media, report it to lguite@edfaction.org and they will  contact social media companies and address the disinformation and lobby for its removal as inaccurate, or in the least tag it as inaccurate.


edf.org/how-we-can-fight-climate-misinformation: (Check out the EDF guide to identify and combat disinformation).

edf.org/brigade: (Join the Misinformation Brigade and you will receive texts on dangerous misinformation and what you can do to help stop its spread).

leadstories.com (Check out this conservative fact checking site).