Take A Walking Approach To Knee Pain

Take A Walking Approach To Knee Pain

Walking can provide relief for OA

Take A Walking Approach To Knee Pain


By Dani Davis

“Bone On Bone”

I am considered well-aged.  In other words, I qualify for all those senior citizen discounts. At 75 I have been dealing with increasingly debilitating Osteoarthritis (OA) of both knees for at least the last ten years. “Bone on bone” as the doctor keeps reminding me. I have been putting off knee replacement surgery due to both fear of the surgery and my ongoing hope for a better answer.

From Miles to Feet

I have always been active and ready to take on whatever the world has to offer, skiing, swimming, hiking, and walking. In fact, I walked four or five miles every day of my life since I was a high schooler. Walking has  always been the mainstay of my exercise routine. However, as my knee pain has worsened I have retreated from former activities and have been reduced to limping about my apartment or using the electric scooter at the local Walmart. The final blow to my exercise routine came, when my dog, my prime motivator for walking, died two years ago.

Dr. X

In December I met with Dr. X, the surgeon scheduled to do my right knee replacement. He told me I am  within a hair’s breadth of the top end of the weight limit; and suggested I lose a few pounds, strengthen my legs, and workout to build my upper body strength. I told him if I could do all those things I wouldn’t be knocking on his door. He laughed, and told me to, “Try. You have ten months.” “Ten months?” Yes, ten months, I was told. “Mostly due to COID-19 issues such as surgical back-log, shortage of nurses and support staff, plus endless employee sick calls.” The medical assistant came in, opened the computer and tentatively scheduled my surgery for November 16th, 2022.

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Another Tribute To Betty White

Another Tribute To Betty White

Thank you for being a friend

Another Tribute To Betty White

Editor: Normally CNP stays away from publishing articles on similar topics two days in a row. But in this case I said, Oh, hell, yes. So here is the second article on Betty White in two days, and I suggest just like Anna Hessel, let’s all try to be more like Betty. *Please consider donating to your local no kill shelter in the name of Betty White.

“Be Like Betty”


By Anna Hessel


The Great Betty White

The world remembers the legendary Betty White with awe, honor, and respect.  Those that knew her personally recognized she treated everyone with equal importance and kindness.  We often recall the “Golden Girls” theme song, “Thank You For Being A Friend”, when thinking of Betty.  She was a friend to all, especially God’s furry creatures.

Lover Of All Big And Small

She is quoted as saying, “When I am around animals, I don’t pay attention to people”.  Her parents were animal lovers, also, so Betty grew up visiting zoos on a regular basis.  Animal rights organizations have been flooded with donations on what would have been her 100th birthday, January 17th.  She was a champion of other liberal causes, as well.  Also on her birthday, a Google search of Ms. White’s name unlocked rose petals fluttering down the page and a message saying, “Thank you for being a friend”.

A Television Pioneer

Ms. White was a pioneer of women in television, the first female to produce a situation comedy, “Life With Elizabeth”.  In the opening of NBC’s “The Betty White Show”, which aired in 1954, Ms. White sang the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic song from “The King and I”, “Getting to Know You”.  She played various characters – naughty Sue Ann Nivens, The Happy Homemaker on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”, had the title role in “The Betty White Show”,  but is remembered most as the loveable, storytelling Rose Nyland on the cult classic “Golden Girls”.

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Andrew Gold “Thank You For Being A Friend”

Andrew Gold “Thank You For Being A Friend”

Andrew Gold “Thank You For Being A Friend”

In Honor of Betty White, the Calamity Jukebox Choice of the Day is Andrew Gold doing, “Thank You For Being A Friend”.

Lyrics Below:

Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down a road and back again
Your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant
I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up and take a bow
And if you threw a party
Invited everyone you knew
Well, you would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend
If it’s a car you lack
I’d surely buy you a Cadillac
Whatever you need, any time of the day or night
I’m not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won’t you stand up and take a bow
And when we both get older
With walking canes and hair of gray
Have no fear, even though it’s hard to hear
I will stand real close and say
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Let me tell you ’bout a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
And when we die and float away
Into the night, the Milky Way
You’ll hear me call as we ascend
I’ll see you there, then once again
Thank you for being a
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
People, let me tell you ’bout a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
Whoa, tell you ’bout a friend (let me thank you right now for being a friend)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna tell you ’bout a pal and I’ll tell you again)
Thank you for being a friend (I wanna thank you, thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
Source: LyricFind

The Powerful Words Of Dr. King

The Powerful Words Of Dr. King

Dr. MLK had powerful words for our society

The Powerful Words Of Dr. King

By Wes & Anna Hessel


The Great Doctor

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stands as the paramount leader of the civil rights movement.  There were many more alongside him, most notably the other members of the “Big Six”.  They were James Farmer, A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, and John Lewis.  But Dr. King, or MLK, as many refer to him, was the most visible light and lightning rod.

He Still Speaks To Us

His words continue to speak volumes today, calling us to continue the fight for what is right. Most particularly right now is the need to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.  That is the legacy that should be made to honor both these men who worked staunchly for what they believed.  Dr. King’s own family is calling for a hold on celebrating his day until these voting rights bills are made law.  In the meantime, we hear the echoes of MLK’s quotable phrases and speeches.

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Celebrating The Life Of Betty White

Celebrating The Life Of Betty White

Editor: Betty White would have been 100 years old today, January 17, 2022. One of the most important aspects of her life was her commitment to Animal Rights. 

Celebrating The Life Of Betty White



Animal Advocate

Betty White, the iconic American actress, comedienne, singer and legendary TV personality left us on December 31, 2021, just seventeen days before her one hundredth birthday. America’s ‘golden girl’ will be missed, like few other celebrities. Betty was not only a pioneer in show business, but she was a pioneer animal rights activist, too. She was a compassionate advocate for animal protection and animal rights, throughout her long life. For decades Betty White has been known for her generosity; giving to animal rights causes, zoos, and  foundations across the country. It was Betty White who stepped up and paid for the plane to relocate penguins and sea otters being evacuated from the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. I believe Betty would want to be remembered for her work as conservationist and devoted animal lover, as much as she would want to be remembered for her celebrated 80 years in show business.

Expanding Activism

Betty White worked tirelessly for more than 50 years with the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association. In a public statement, the GLAZA remembers “her service, her enduring friendship, her lifelong advocacy for animals, and her dedication to supporting our mission. ” The star deeply cared for all living creatures and her demise will leave a huge hole in animal protection endeavors.  As White’s fame grew she expanded her animal activism. One of her most beloved charities was The Seeing Eye in New Jersey, one of the country’s oldest guide dog schools.

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Cannabis: A Safe Exit From Addiction


Cannabis: A Safe Exit From AddictionIf you are experiencing side effects with your pharmaceuticals you might give cannabis a try


Cannabis: A Safe Exit From Addiction

Editor: Cannabis and its usage by humans dates back at least 8,000 years. For millennia, the plant has been valued as fiber and rope, as food and medicine, and also for its psychoactive properties for religious and recreational use. Some have gone so far to declare it a ‘miracle’ plant.


By D. S. Mitchell


The Controlled Substance Act

In 1969, Richard Nixon, announced that Attorney General, John Mitchell was  preparing a comprehensive new measure to more effectively meet the narcotic and dangerous drug problems challenging the country. At the federal level, Mitchell devised the Controlled Substance Act. The Act combined all existing federal laws and expanded their scope into a single new statute. More importantly, the CSA changed the nature of federal drug law policies and expanded federal law enforcement authority over controlled substances.

Fear Of Success

The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, established the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse. Raymond Shafer, one of the bill’s sponsor’s fearing it’s restrictive nature, made this statement to Congress, “The criminal law is too harsh a tool to apply to personal possession even in the effort to discourage use. It implies an overwhelming indictment of the behavior which we believe is not appropriate. The actual and potential harm of use of the drug is not great enough to justify intrusion by the criminal law into private behavior.”

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The Dangers of Permafrost Thaw

The Dangers Of Permafrost Thaw

Permafrost thaw is a growing danger

The Dangers of Permafrost Thaw

By Anne Rose Muiruri

What Is Permafrost?

Permafrost is any sort of frozen ground, ranging from soil to sediment to rock, that has remained frozen for at least two years and as long as hundreds of thousands of years. It can range in depth from a few feet to more than a mile beneath the earth’s surface, covering huge regions like the Arctic tundra or a single, isolated point like an alpine permafrost mountaintop.

Microbial Breakdown

Microbes that breakdown the carcasses of plants and animals release carbon dioxide, methane, and other global warming gases into the air. A deep freeze successfully halts that process, preserving organisms as well as the gases they would otherwise release underground in the permafrost. The microbial decomposition of those organic materials—and the emission of greenhouse gases—restarts when frozen soil thaws.

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23 Safe Driving Tips For Fog and Rain

23 Safe Driving Tips For Fog And Rain

Winter driving brings hazards with rain and fog testing driver skills

23 Safe Driving Tips For Fog And Rain 

Great Tips to keep you safe while driving on wet, foggy, winter roads

By D. S. Mitchell


Rain And Fog

I live in the Pacific Northwest. Although we don’t see much snow, Mother Nature keeps us on our toes with lots of rain and fog. Of course, rain happens all the time, all over the world. Despite wet roads people need to get from place to place. But rainy weather can bring really slick roads, causing skids, hydroplaning, and collisions. A second weather hazard we see a lot of in my area is fog. Fog can make driving difficult; what I really mean is, when the two hazards come together the danger doubles. When things turn grey and wet remember there are some common sense driving tips to keep you safe.

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Violence Erupts In Kazakhstan

Violence Erupts In Kazakhstan

Violence erupts in former Soviet state

Editor Update: *Kazakhstan is a Central Asian country and former Soviet Union state. It extends from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains where it borders both China and Russia. Almaty is its largest city, and a long-standing trading hub between east and west.

Things have quieted down in Kazakhstan after more than a week of protests across the country. The 2,500 troops (part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization) sent by Russia at the request of Kazakhstani President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev have announced their intent to withdraw.

Over 8,000 people have been arrested and at least 164 people have been killed. 

Violence Erupts In Kazakhstan



Shortages Trigger Unrest

Dozens of people were killed in clashes between protesters and security forces in the central Asian country of Kazakhstan. Police have killed dozens of rioters as violence escalated across the country. According to state television, 13 security forces personnel have so far been killed in the riots. The Presidential residence and the Mayor’s office in Almaty were set ablaze. It has been reported that the city’s airport is under military control. In turn, cars were set on fire by the protestors and blocked and littered the streets of Almaty.

Russian Paratroopers Deployed

The riots in Kazakhstan started as a protest against fuel shortages and sharp price hikes and it was later transformed into anti-government protest. In response, a state of emergency was declared January 5th, and an appeal for help to the  Collective Security Treaty Organization(CSTO) was issued. The CSTO is a military alliance of former Soviet Union states. Russia sent in paratroopers to restore order. Several armed personnel and a number of troops entered the main square of Almaty on Thursday and a clash with rioters ensued for a third consecutive day.

Terror Returns With A Bang

The square appeared peaceful later with hundreds of protestors still gathered, but there was no troop presence. Unverified videos on social media platforms showed troops patrolling Almaty’s streets overnight and firing weapons. The government has since shut down the internet across Kazakhstan.  At least for now it is impossible to confirm the full extent of violence. The riots were unprecedented for the former Soviet Union territory. The President, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has reinstated a fuel price cap for six months.  In addition, he has announced actions against Nursultan Nazarbayev who has ruled for the last 30 years. and other top officials and family members of Nazarbayev. 


Hong Kong Freedoms Under Attack

Hong Kong Freedoms Under Attack

Unrest in Hong Kong has the world watching

Hong Kong Freedoms Under Attack

Continuing anti-democratic crackdowns in Hong Kong are alarming many in the west.


By Nicholas Waithaka and D. S. Mitchell

A Little History

On July 1, 1997 the UK transferred sovereignty over Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China. Hong Kong is now a Special Administrative Region of the PRC.  At the time of the transfer, Chinese officials promised to preserve as much of Hong Kong’s unique attributes as possible. In fact, a 50-year autonomous stretch was declared. During the autonomous period Hong Kong was to keep its capitalist structures and its western freedoms. The plan was to integrate Hong Kong with motherland China while preserving the political and economic systems that had developed under the British.

The 1984 Declaration

The Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 outlined the territory’s “one country, two systems” future. That principle is enshrined in a document called the Basic Law – in effect, Hong Kong’s mini constitution. Although the Chinese central government does not have power over Hong Kong per say; the central government does have the authority to interpret the basic laws. According to the terms of Hong Kong’s constitution (it’s basic law), the autonomous period is to last until 2047. From recent events 50 years is apparently longer than Beijing intends to wait.

National Security Law

In recent years, Beijing has begun interfering in Hong Kong’s political governance, notably cracking down on any form of dissent; peaceful or not.  Such central government actions fueled massive protests in Hong Kong between 2019-2021. In 2020, Beijing passed a controversial national security law and arrested dozens of pro-democracy activists and lawmakers. It is becoming clear that Beijing is intent on eroding the long-held freedoms of Hong Kong citizens.

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