Creating Your Legacy

Creating Your Legacy

Leaving your legacy and how we contribute to the world is different for each of us.

Creating Your Legacy

Editor: In southern Oregon we have a local publication that circulates to about 100,000 customers called the “Sneak Preview.” It’s an awesome circular that provides valuable local information; both historical and current. Steve Roe, (Roe Motors) our Grants Pass, Oregon, Buick and GMC dealer writes for the publication. I find his articles interesting, informative, and usually inspiring in some way. I didn’t call him and ask about using a portion of his recent article on legacy building, but I will definitely do that tomorrow. Thank you, Steve Roe for your commitment to family and community. D. S. Mitchell

Leaving A Meaningful, Lasting Legacy (an excerpt from Steve Roe’s, March 1, 2024, Sneak Preview  article.)

By Steve Roe

The dictionary defines legacy as “the long lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past, or of a person’s life.”

Leaving your legacy and how we contribute to the world is different for each of us. We want to know that our life matters to others. Once we know what we want our legacy to be, we can start  building it by living in a way we want to be remembered. Leaving a legacy is limited only by our imagination and what is valued by others. Our generosity can include:

  • Donate: Giving your time, talent, and treasures depending on what matters to you. It can be as big or small as you want because every cent or minute really does matter.
  • Mentor: Being a resource to others in our community that may need guidance or a listening ear.
  • Volunteer: There are dozens of ways to help others by volunteering. It can be a great way to bond with our families and teach others the value of giving back.
  • Pay it Forward: With only a little effort, you can brighten someone’s day. Little gestures can go a long way. Doing kind things for others can help them while giving you that great feeling of giving.

There are a lot of people in need and a little kindness accompanied by a smile can be a big help.

Home Care; My Personal Experience

Home Care; My Personal Experience

Home Care Workers keep people with aging and disabilities in their homes

Home Care; My Personal Experience

Editor: Home Care programs administered through state and federal services are helping struggling families keep disabled family members living at home vs being placed in a nursing home. The following article is a reprint of an article written by me, nearly a decade ago. I will be publishing an update on the state of Home Care in 2023 sometime within the coming week.

By D. S. Mitchell

Caregiver Risks

Most of the people called on to help an ill or disabled family member have no training in being a caregiver. Not only that, but many spouses, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters have their own health problems and physical limitations. The risks of being a family caregiver is premature aging, sickness, death, depression, anger, resentment, and potential financial loss. Aside from that, it can be rewarding and more worthwhile than anything you will ever do.

Financial Resources Make the Difference

Receiving affordable or free home care may be what makes the difference between a family member being able to stay in their home or being moved into an assisted living facility or nursing home. One in five Americans provide unpaid care to family members so they can continue to live in their home, according to a recent AARP report.

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Animal Witticisms

Animal Witticisms

Some of the funnies road signs can be found at veterinary offices.

Animal Witticisms

Editor: Alexis de Tocqueville came to America from France in 1831. He was a young, wealthy, aristocrat, budding writer, social observer, and philosopher. He went on to author one of the most definitive studies of America and her people ever written, “Democracy in America.” While touring the young country, he noted numerous uniquely American traits; two carry-overs from those long ago times were, the “intent self-interest” of the average American, and secondly, that Americans are “not a happy lot.” Well, that reassures me; nothing much has changed in the last nearly 200 years. Americans do however, have witty road signs to change that scowl to a smile. Here we go:


By D.S. Mitchell

Silly Road Signs

  1. Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital: I used a spot remover on my dog . . . .  He disappeared.
  2. Highland Road Animal Hospital: My alarm doesn’t have a snooze button . . . .  It has paws.
  3. Grants Pass Vet Clinic: Someone made a joke about my three-legged cat . . . .  Major faux paw.
  4. Washoe County Veterinary Services: Against animal testing. They get nervous and mark all the answers wrong!
  5. Portland Veterinary Clinic: Q: What animal has more lives than a cat?  A: Frogs, they croak every night!
  6. St. Joe’s Veterinary Hospital: Free belly rubs with each exam . . . . Sorry, pets only!
  7. Carroll County Veterinary Clinic: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to see it . . . you can bet a chihuahua 500 miles away will bark at it.
  8. Seaside Animal Clinic: Our dog swallowed a bag of scrabble tiles . . . . the vet is checking him out, no word yet!
  9. Sandy Animal Clinic: Why was the cat sitting on the computer? . . . .  To keep an eye on the mouse!
  10. Warrenton Veterinary Hospital: For a man to truly understand rejection . . . . he must first own a cat.
  11. Astoria Paw and Claws: Why don’t cats play poker in the jungle? . . . .Too many cheetahs.

Well folks, enough of that shit. Have a great day. Be glad you’re an American. We may have our problems, but we’ve got the veterinarians to keep us smiling.

Russian Dissidents Keep Dying

Russian Dissidents Keep Dying

Putin Critics Keep Dying

A String of Violent Deaths Follow Putin and Associates


By D.S. Mitchell


Complete Control 

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s opponents continue to disappear in a pattern of bizarre and sudden deaths. Many of those that have opposed Vladimir Putin during his near 25 years in power have met violent deaths. Alexei Navalny, a striden critic of Putin is his most recent presumed victim. Navalny supporters and many foreign leaders categorically state Navalny’s death was murder. There is no doubt that Navalny was a prisoner under the complete control of the Kremlin. We all know he was banished to a prison camp in the Arctic Circle, where it is known he was regularly thrown in isolation, exposed to the winter elements, beaten, and starved.

Shootings, Exotic Poisonings, and Plane Crashes

The number of Russian dissidents dying is growing. All are suspected victims of Putin and his Kremlin killers. The means of execution has varied; shootings, exotic poisonings, and quite theatrically a plane brought crashing to earth. Many of these deaths are still listed as accidents and suicides. The real question is, how many of his enemies has Putin actually killed; the answer to that question, will  probably never be known.

Alexander Litvinenko

Alexander Litvinenko, was an officer of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and and an outspoken
critic of Vladimir Putin. The FSB is a Russian internal security and counterintelligence service that was created in 1994 as a successor to the old Soviet-era KGB. The FSB is responsible for counterintelligence, antiterrorism, and surveillance of the military. Litvinenko fled Russia in 2000 with his family and sought asylum in London.
Soviet Era Poisons

In 2006, Litvinenko died of polonium-210 poisoning in a London hospital. His killers, were accused of spiking his tea with the deadly radioactive isotope. Before his death, Andrey Litvinenko told reporters that the FSB security service was still operating poison laboratories dating from the Soviet era. The accused killers, Andrey Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun had links to the intelligence services. Despite strong evidence against Lugovoy and Kovtun; Russia refused to extradite them for trial.

Justice Delayed

In September 2021, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that Russia was responsible for the assassination of Litvinenko and ordered Russia to pay Litvinenko’s wife €100,000 in damages plus €22,500 in costs. The ECHR found beyond reasonable doubt that Lugovoy and Kovtun killed Litvinenko and that Putin probably ordered the assassination.

Natalya (Natasha) Estemirova

Natalya (Natasha) Estemirova, was a human rights defender in Chechnya, documenting kidnapping, murder, rape and other atrocities. On July 15, 2000 she and a close friend were abducted and murdered. Putin has long been associated with her and her friend’s death. 

Yuri Shchekochikhin

Schekochikhin was Deputy Editor of the free newspaper Novaya Gazeta. Schekochikhim was also a writer, a State Duma deputy and a member of the Commission against Corruption. On 3 July 2003, Yuri Shchekochikhin died 12 days after being hospitalized in a Moscow clinic, at the age of 53, of what doctors said was an “acute allergic reaction.”

Sergei Skripal

In 2018, at least a dozen people in the small town of Salisbury, England, were sickened and one died when inadvertently exposed to the nerve agent, Novichok.  Authorities believe it was caused when two agents from the Russian GRU military intelligence agency carelessly handled the toxin causing it to be left on surfaces in their hotel room, a taxi cab, a pub booth, and on an air plane seat. The apparent target of the assassination attempt was, Sergei Skripal.

Doorknob Tampering

Skripal had been convicted in Russia of treason. Skripal was a double agent who worked with UK intelligence for multiple years and whose release to the west came in a prisoner exchange. Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, were nearly killed when they came in contact with the neurotoxin Novichok which had been smeared on the doorknob of their home in Salisbury. The two Skripals spent many weeks recovering in hospital, but survived. Relations between the Kremlin and the UK were severely damaged by the Skripal attack and murders of several high profile Russians living in exile.

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Known as “Putin’s Chef,” Yevgeny Prigozhin caught the attention of the world in June 2023 when his Wagner paramilitary group, in what appeared to be open mutiny, left the front lines of the battle in Ukraine and headed in military procession toward Moscow. Prigozhin was outraged at Kremlin officials, whom he believed were endangering his troops with errant missile attacks. On the way to Moscow Prigozhin’s mercenaries seized the city of Rosrov at which point the march to Moscow was halted and negotiations for a truce started.

A Deadly Truce

Prigozhin appeared to have negotiated a truce with the Kremlin, agreeing to evacuate his Wagner troops to Belarus and to focus the group’s activities outside Ukraine. In August 2023 he was in Moscow to finalize the details of the agreement. After leaving the meeting, somewhere north of Moscow, he and several of his top aides were killed when an explosion aboard his Embraer Legacy 600 business jet sent the plane spiraling to the ground, killing all on board. Soon after, Putin signed a decree forcing Prigozhin’s Wagner troops to swear an oath to him and Russia’s national flag.

Boris Nemtsov  

Boris Nemtsov, a major domestic rival of Putin, died in 2015 right before an opposition rally. Nemtsov was shot in the back of the head four times within blocks of the Kremlin on his way to the rally. Nemtsov was a vocal opposition leader who had served as Deputy Prime Minister under Boris Yeltsin and was seen as a potential successor. A joint investigation by the BBC and the Insider uncovered that Nemtsov had been followed by FBS agents for over a year prior to his murder. The investigation revealed that the agents shadowing Nemtsov were suspected of poisoning several Kremlin critics. Five men of Chechen origin were arrested over the attack, but those close to Nemtsov believed that Putin had given the order.

Anna Politkovskaya

Anna Politkovskaya was one of Russia’s most prominent journalists before her death. The Novaya Gazeta (now Novaya Gazeta Europe) reporter was loudly critical of Putin and Chechen leader, Ramzan Kadyrov. The journalist and human rights activist, was gunned down in the elevator of her Moscow apartment building in 2006. She regularly criticized the Kremlin, particularly regarding policies related to Chechnya. A probe into her death failed to determine who killed her. Her brazen murder had a chilling effect on Russia’s media, causing many free newspapers, including the Gazeta, to flee Russia and publish from outside the country. Putin called for her killer(s) to be arrested, but slammed Politkovskaya herself as contributing “very little” to Russian life.

Boris Berezovsky and Friends

Even rich oligarchs haven’t been safe from Putin’s wrath. It seems multiple Russian executives have died under mysterious circumstances, including suspicious suicides and unexplained falls from tall buildings. Boris Berezovsky was a Kremlin insider turned strident Putin critic who had gone into self-imposed exile in the UK in the early 2000s. In 2013, Berezovsky was found hanged in the bathroom of his Ascot residence. The case remains officially a suicide. An associate of Berezovsky, Nikolai Glushkov another Putin critic was found suffocated in his London home. Georgian billionaire and political opponent of Putin, Badri Patarkatsishvili, was found dead under suspicious circumstances in his Surry, Uk home where he too was living in exile. Further, on Jan 11, 2007 — A founding father of the one-time Yukos oil empire, Yury Golubev, was found dead in his London apartment.

Opposition to Ukraine Invasion

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Black History Month May Be Over, But Black History Never Is . . .

Black History Month May Be Over, But Black History Never Is…

Black History Month celebrates the contribution of black citizens to world culture

Black History Month May Be Over, But Black History Never Is…


By Cate Rees-Hessel


A Dark Past and Present

We celebrate Black History, annually each February. During the month we reflect, appreciate, and acknowledge people of color and their rich history. In 2023 the Black History theme was “Black Resistance,” focusing on the struggle African Americans have endured, both in the past and continuing today. Oppression, injustice, repression, racism, exploitation, suppression, maltreatment, and disadvantage are still shockingly present in today’s society. White privilege is regretfully, appallingly alive within the ultra-conservative community. We may have moved passed black performers using different hotels, restaurants, and restrooms during artistic tours but a startling number of atrocities still continue to occur.

Art for Artists Sake

The 2024 Black History Month theme was “African Americans and the Arts. This year’s theme was a different vibe than previous years but the message was equally important – we need to value the arts and encourage these great artists to thrive. The focus this year has been the celebration of the incredible black artists that have enriched our lives over the years through classic performances on the stage, screen, radio, television, music and concert. Dramatic and creative professionals in the spotlight and the many more working hard behind the scenes compose the vast number of Black artists we salute. We make every effort to not just celebrate those in the mainstream of culture but the large number of less well known but equally talented individuals that comprise this community. Black History month may be coming to a close for another year but African history in the arts lives on.

Black Makes Beauty

2024 was also the 18th year of the UNI African American Read-In. The Read-In was once again a significant part of  Black History Month activities. To broaden participation many activities occurred on line for students. Theaters, schools, and libraries across the country held special events to honor Black artists and artisans during the month by reading aloud of many of the great books, plays, and poems of black artists.

Life Ain’t Over Yet

Celebration of Black history should be 365 days a year, not just one month. Respect and equality, not just in the arts but in all areas of life. Housing discrimination still exists,  mortgage and rental applications being denied disproportionately, and higher interest rates in African American communities, as do food deserts, with grocery stores that offer fresh, healthy choices avoiding opening or continuing operations in communities of color.


Activists such Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. and John Lewis fought decades ago for civil rights that are still being denied today. Black pioneers in the arts, such as Nina Simone (whose birthday is appropriately February 21st ), Maurice White, Josephine Baker, and Mahalia Jackson (to name just a few) were very instrumental in paving the way for future artists to be treated with dignity. As Dr. King said in his “I Have a Dream” speech, “With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.”  And Mahalia Jackson sang, “If I can help somebody, as I travel along; if I can help somebody, with a word or song…” – she broke significant ground for the African-American musicians who followed.

Labor On

2025’s Black History Month theme, will be “African Americans and Labor,” celebrating, recognizing, and highlighting the very compelling impact of Black workers on American society.  We need to draw attention to their productivity with the broadest outlook, providing versatility and intuitiveness, a vision of Black culture throughout the ages.

The Rise of Depression in the United States

The Rise of Depression in the U.S.

The Rise of Depression in the U.S.

Depression and divorce are up in the United States 

By Jones William 

Depression Affects All Ages

Depression is a mental health disorder and it’s increasing in the United States. Depression doesn’t just affect the brain, the disorder also has physical and emotional effects. Anyone can be affected, children, adolescents, and adults. Despite being one of the most advanced countries in the world, an estimated 30%  of Americans are currently suffering from depression. When compared to 2015 data, this is an increase of 10%; making it the highest rate of depression ever recorded for Americans. A third of American women are victims of depression, that’s about twice as many as men.  Furthermore, individuals aged 18-35 record are subject to higher rates of depression than other age groups.

Factors Contributing to Increasing Prevalence of Depression

Economic Hardship in America: The middle class in the United States has been steadily shrinking since Ronald Reagan. The promise of a better life than that of your parents had is gone. Many “middle-class” people are maintaining the middle class life style by high credit card debt, and home equity loans. Facing disappointing realities, and suffering from financial stress, depression becomes the order of the day.

Poor community ties and shattered relationships: In the last twenty years  church fellowship and neighborhood activities have dramatically decreased. The COVID-19 pandemic has isolated Americans from their support system. We rarely even say hello to our neighbors. Divorce rates have skyrocketed. As those  human networks disintegrate we as a society are experiencing an increased isolating technology boom. This technology boom, including the use of social media, decreases face-to-face interactions. It is difficult to experience healthy relationships, and normal communication when all interaction between individuals are at a distance or on line. As a result, a sense of belonging, the meaning and purpose of life, and familiar human support systems are lost.

Expectations of Americans are too high: Some experts believe that despite mental health communities and schools having good intentions; promoting unrealistic self-positive expectations can be harmful. Fostering the notion that all Americans “can be anything they want or dream” opens the door, especially for adolescents and young adults, to experience disgrace and disappointment, when the reality of their life fails to match what they had imagined for themselves. Sounds like  a guarantee for misery and depression.

Is it possible to lower depression rates and cases in the U.S.?

The United States government and citizens can do several things at societal levels to curb depression. For instance, meeting the basic needs of citizens and improving their interpersonal relationships and community ties can reduce depression rates and cases.

Nurturing Social Connections: Post pandemic America feels different than pre-COVID America. The current high depression rates are likely to decline as the country moves towards “normalcy” and social networks are revitalized. Since human beings are social beings, social isolation and loneliness can cause mental and physical disorders such as depression, headaches, suicide, anxiety, in addition to many other problems. When people are connected to their country, their community, their friends, and family members, reducing depression is achievable.

Meeting Basic Needs: Increased depression rates from food insecurity and homelessness could be  reduced if our government can find ways to meet its citizen’s basic needs. In colleges and universities, three out of five students have basic needs challenges. They suffer from hunger, homelessness, and lack of affordable healthcare services. There is a direct link between financial stress and depression. Furthermore, individuals suffering from mental illness tend not to seek services because of the expense.

Ensuring Mental Healthcare is Available: Accessing mental healthcare is difficult in many areas of the country. Lack of money and insurance coverage prevents many Americans from getting the needed  mental healthcare services. To make matters worse, in many areas of the United States there are no mental health clinics, practitioners, or hospitals. Government funding for mental health services is sorely lacking and with Medicaid and Affordable Care not being available in many states with Republican governors is a big problem.


Depression is a major health concern in the United States. Men, women, and children can all be victims of mental illness. Depression risks among adolescents and young adults have increased dramatically in recent  decades. The question becomes, will our government ever prioritize the well being of the majority of American citizens over the billionaire class? Until that question can be answered we will live with a patchwork of laws and a failure of services.


Woo and Small Talk Can Improve Your Life

Brief, pleasant exchanges with people will enhance your mood and elevate your sense of well-being

How Woo and Small Talk Can Improve Your Life

“There are no strangers here, only friends I haven’t met yet.” WB Yeats

By D.S. Mitchell

I Have a Friend

My friend Dave was blessed with an abundance of WOO. People endowed with WOO enjoy the process of connecting with new people, and in turn helping people connect with one another. WOO is an acronym for Winning Others Over. My friend gets all happy faced when he meets someone new and makes a connection with them.  He loves the challenge of breaking the ice and starting a conversation with anybody, anywhere, at seemingly any time; whether its the guy next to us at the ball game or the plumber fixing our clogged drain. Dave needs to make that human connection. I, on the other hand, am not so inclined, but after 40 years of friendship, Dave has taught me a few things about meeting new people and actually enjoying the benefits of small talk.

Not So Social

Don’t get me wrong; I’m definitely not shy, but I am an only child, raised by older parents; and sometimes considered “quiet.” I tend to hold back, getting a measure  or ‘feel’ of the situation; waiting for someone else to initiate the conversation. As I have learned from Dave, that is unacceptable in the world of WOO. In fact, it’s taken time, but Dave has proven to me over and over again; that a brief conversation with someone unknown to me or barely known to me, can boost my energy level, enhance my mood, and keep me smiling for hours. Small talk, he swears  contributes to a sense of community-a sense of belonging, a sense of well-being, and most importantly it gives us a sense of connection to the world around us-it proves we are alive and functioning.

Maximizing the Benefits

“People like you a lot more than you think they do,” Dave tells me.  “Maybe so, maybe not,” I say with a pout. “Keep talking,” being his primary advice, “talk to anybody within the sound of your voice,” he laughs. “We all have that little negative voice in our head, telling us to hide in the corner, but don’t do it! You’ve got WOO just decide to use it,” he encourages me.

Ahead of the Scientists

As it turns out, Dave may be way ahead of the science. I have read, only recently, that conversing with a wide variety of people as often as you can will maximize your happiness. Really? How so, I ask. According to recent studies, scientists have learned that chatting with co-workers, the barista at Starbucks, the Uber driver, a fellow dog walker, the person ahead of you at the pharmacy, can maximize those benefits of improved mood, and zest for life, I mentioned earlier.

Brevity Embraced

The word is out, there is a hell of a lot of benefit from multiple brief conversations during the day. Stopping to tell your neighbor about your poor tomato crop, or bringing up last night’s Trailblazer game with your mail carrier can, according to new theory, be part of what makes us thrive. Those seemingly insignificant daily encounters apparently provide important psychological and physical benefits. So, it sounds pretty easy, no long night deep dives into our psyche with our best bud, but rather multiple daily interactions of reaching out and sharing tiny moments of human contact is basic to human happiness.

Small Talk

David loves the challenge of meeting new people and has devised numerous devices to initiate small talk. I truly believe he  could walk into any gathering and feel at ease engaging with anyone in the crowd whether that’s Joe Biden or the college kid down the street. He just knows what to do or say, and he brings a visible energy to his interactions. He’s a practitioner of the old adage, “There are no strangers, only friends I haven’t met yet.” (William Butler Yeats)

Lessons He’s Taught Me

Lesson #1 You’re circling the punch bowl at your neighbor’s 25th anniversary party and you spot someone you want to engage with. The fact that you are both at the party gives you obvious background  information. So you might ask your target, “Are you friend or family?” Or, “How do you know the happy couple?” “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Dar.”

Lesson #2 If you notice someone wearing a gorgeous outfit or a striking piece of jewelry tell them how much you like the item. Don’t be surprised if your compliment elicits the story of how they came into possession of said item(s). People love talking to people that approve of them in some way.

Lesson #3 Conversational land mines are everywhere so stay away from the big 4; religion, politics, work, and relationship status. Imagine yourself at a college mixer, try something like, “What do you do for fun when you’re not studying?”

Lesson #4 Don’t short change people conversationally. If someone asks how its going, don’t limit your response to one or two words, but instead give them a thread, that if they want to continue to chat, they have some material to work with. You might say, “I’m doing great. I’m volunteering at Habitat for Humanity and it just gives me an awesome sense of pride. Every day I wake up invigorated. How about you?”

Lesson #5 Sometimes, the conversation simply dries up, but exiting the conversation with grace may seem more difficult than it truly is. The best escape technique, according to Dave, is to introduce the person you’ve been speaking with to someone new, and then excuse yourself, “to find our hostess.”


You don’t need to fully embrace Woo to benefit from many of its practices. Brief, pleasant exchanges with people you don’t know or barely know can enhance happiness, mood, energy, and overall satisfaction with life.  A willingness to meet new people (no matter how briefly) and engage in some small conversation is guaranteed to improve both your physical and mental health. So, go ahead, I give you permission to initiate a conversation in the check out line at Walmart. As an older adult female I suggest that you initiate conversations with women with small dogs or small children. I’m not suggesting anything other than you don’t want to give a strange guy the wrong idea. Other than that grandmotherly caution; socialize away.

You Might Just Be a Woman of a Certain Age

You Might Just Be a Woman of a Certain Age – Again…

If you remember seeing this baby new, you are a woman of a certain age

You Might Just Be a Women of a Certain Age – Again…

Editor: Our society loves giving descriptive monikers to the various generational age groups. The beginning of the 20th century gave us the Greatest Generation (1901-1924), and the Silent Generation (1925-1945). most representatives of these two age cohorts have now passed. Currently, the largest age group in the United States are the Baby Boomers; Boomers I (born between 1946-1954) and Boomers 2, sometimes known as ‘Generation Jones’ (born between 1955-1964). After the boomers came the Gen X’ers (born between 1965-1979), the Millennials (born between 1980-1994), Generation Z (born between 1995-2010), and finally Generation Alpha (born between 2010 and 2025). Every generation has its unique memories, see if any of Cate’s memories trigger a smile.  

By Cate Rees-Hessel

  1. If you have ever had a Lilt home permanent…you might be a woman of a certain age.
  2. If you used Bonnie Bell Ten-O-Six lotion as a teenager…
  3. If you know what Ten-O-Six lotion actually is…
  4. If you have spun the bottle…
  5. If you know why the bottle spins…
  6. If you played post office at a party, long before DeJoy played with the post office…
  7. If you used a clothes iron on your hair and still have hair…
  8. If you ever Naired for short shorts…
  9. If you wore double belts, shoulder pads, or cloisonné earrings…
  10. If you still rock big hair and tweeze your eyebrows…
  11. If you have had a half moon or glass manicure…
  12. If you know what a half moon or glass manicure is…
  13. If you remember Perry Mason’s first case…
  14. If you played the game “Dream Date” and got the dud…
  15. If you think Patrick Stuart is sexy…
  16. If you think Eric Estrada is sexy…
  17. If you think Rick Springfield is sexy…
  18. 18. If you think President Biden is sexy…
  19. If your workout routine involved a shaker weight or a ThighMaster (RIP Suzanne Summers)…
  20. If you owned a Fonzie pillowcase…
  21. If you know who the Fonz is…
  22. If you know who the Bay City Rollers were…
  23. If you have put a tiger in your tank…
  24. If you know what TV show had a dog named Tiger…
  25. If you know who Sam the butcher was…
  26. If you watched the pilot for Murder She Wrote when it first aired…
  27. If your Velcro rollers got stuck in your Dippity-do hair style…
  28. If you own multiple sets of hot rollers…
  29. If you own pink sponge curlers…
  30. If you know what curlers are…
  31. If Lady Clairol is an old friend…
  32. If you ever used Freeze hairspray but now use Biofreeze…
  33. If you know the lyrics to the song that starts out “There She Is”…
  34. If you know who Bert Parks was…
  35. If you gave it a ten because you could dance to it…
  36. If you still have a tube of Great Lash mascara in your purse…
  37. If you knew Morris the cat when he was a kitten…
  38. If you refer to fat-free milk as skim milk…
  39. If you refer to Spanx as a girdle…
  40. If you refer to your bra as a brassière…
  41. If your sports car wore a bra…
  42. If your first car was T-bird…
  43. If you had “fun, fun, fun” until your daddy took it away…
  44. If you take a Jell-O mold to every potluck you attend…
  45. If you took home economics in high school…Home what you ask?
  46. If your high school high score earned you a Betty Crocker pin…
  47. If you ever received a Betty Crocker Home Legion pin for your distinguished service in homemaking…
  48. If you know Tickle deodorant came in citrus, herbal, floral and unscented…
  49. If you used Tickle unscented so it didn’t clash with your strawberry perfume…
  50. If you used Tickle unscented because it clashed with your sweet Honesty perfume…
  51. If you knew Connie Sellecca was the official spokesperson for Tickle deodorant…
  52. If you’re tickled pink at my mention of Tickle deodorant…
  53. If you refer to sex as a pickle tickle…
  54. If you don’t understand why it’s called pickle ball…
  55. If you refer to blush as rouge…
  56. If you own a teasing comb…
  57. If you ever ratted your hair…
  58. If you know where Gidget went…
  59. If you ever watched the Mike Douglas show and knew who his co-hosts were…

If 59 is your actual age, or you’re in the neighborhood, you are a woman of a certain age…

Remembering Alexei Navalny

Remembering Alexei Navalny

Remembering Alexei Navalny

One of Putin’s Fiercest Critics has died according to Russian authorities


By D.S. Mitchell

Death Reports

It was February 16th, and I was watching MSNBC when a red news alert banner appeared at the base of the screen. “Alexei Navalny, anti-corruption activist and well-known Putin critic reported dead.” Within moments Joy Reid was sharing the dreadful news that the world’s most famous political prisoner was dead at 47, from “sudden death syndrome.” SDS is a common condition amongst Putin opponents.  The pattern of lethal attacks against Kremlin critics is alarming, ranging from gun shots at close range, falls from buildings, and exotic poisonings.

Tears for Alexei

I started to cry. I never met Alexei Navalny, but for the world to lose a man of such courage and charisma is heartbreaking. Navalny’s wife, Yulia Navalnaya, said in a speech in Munich on Friday that if the reports about her husband’s death are true, Putin and his associates “will be brought to justice.” Yulia, who has primarily remained in the background during Alexei’s years of activism, indicates she will carry on his very public work.

To the End

Navalny has been a thorn in the Putin’s side for over a decade. Navalny was a trained attorney, a well-known blogger and YouTuber, and anti-corruption advocate. Prior to his imprisonment Navalny organized several large protests against Putin and the Kremlin. While in prison, he remained a strident political voice, speaking out against Putin and filing lawsuits against Russia’s terrible prison system.

Underpants Poisoning

Navalny survived multiple poisoning attempts, one in which he claimed his underpants had been loaded with the neuroparalytic, Novichok. To each of the various attempts on his life the Kremlin denied responsibility. In 2020 after a dramatic hospitalization in Berlin, Germany for another Novichok poisoning, Navalny decided despite the danger, he would return to Russia instead of emigrating to some “safe country” in the west.

Last Seen

After returning to Russia he was imprisoned on fraud and extremism charges, all of which Navalny denied. He was serving a 30 year sentence at the time of his death. In December 2023, Navalny’s lawyers said that they had lost contact with him. Three weeks after their complaint he was located in a high-security penal colony above the Arctic Circle. His last public appearance was at a court hearing Thursday, February 15, 2024, during which he was seen joking with the judge, according to a video of the hearing published by a Russian news outlet.

Biden & Blinkin Reactions

Biden praised Navalny’s courage. “He bravely stood up to the corruption, the violence and all the bad things that the Putin government was doing,” Biden said. “In response, Putin had him poisoned, he had him arrested, he had him prosecuted for fabricated crimes, he sentenced him to prison, he held him in isolation … Even in prison he was a powerful voice for the truth.”  Antony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State said: “His death in a Russian prison and the fixation and fear of one man only underscores the weakness and rot at the heart of the system that Putin has built. Russia is responsible for this.”

Anti-Protest Laws

In many cities across Russia, small groups of Russians braved strict anti-protest laws and laid flowers at makeshift memorials to Navalny. More than 400 people have been  arrested, according to OVD-Info, a Russian rights group that tracks political arrests and offers legal aid. Navalny is survived by his wife Yulia and their two children. In a Valentine’s Day post to his wife, he wrote: “I feel that you are close to me every second and I love you more and more.”

Before and After Moment

Supporters and allies were visibly stunned by the news of his death, and many pointed an accusing finger at Putin. Many of his supporters telling western media it was murder. Mikhail Fishman, a journalist, blinked back tears as he said: “We must learn to live with this news somehow. But we understand the scale of what has happened, that we will mark this as a before-and-after moment.”