Conservatism vs Liberalism

Conservatism vs Liberalism

The differences between the Republicans and the Democrats are undeniable

Conservatism vs Liberalism

Big Country

America is a big country. It is also a divided country. The current political vitriol may seem to be a new thing, but let me assure you, it is not; remember things got so heated we fought a civil war.  What is often lost is that it has always been this way. The most amazing feat was that the 13 colonies could find enough common ground to bring themselves together in a binding marriage, that even more amazingly has lasted  nearly two hundred and fifty years.

A Clear Choice

Geographical and economic differences divide the population; the north vs south, agrarian vs industrial, rich vs poor. Such divisions have quite naturally resulted in different partisan interests and goals. I believe a  degree of partisanship is at the very basis of a healthy democracy. Otherwise, everyone might as well vote for the same person or party, like in Russia. I think Putin got  99% of all the votes cast in the last Russian election. For democracy to be at its very best there needs to be a choice with a clear difference. In today’s America we have clear differences. In fact, those differences are growing exponentially. Political disagreements and street protests often devolve into fatal violence. This despite the clear weaknesses of the ideals of liberalism and the more subtle but fatal flaw of conservatism. The two major political parties in the United States sharply defining their positions as either conservative or progressive (liberal).

Liberal Wish List

There are obvious issues with liberal ideals, of course, at least on the conceptual level. Liberals are seen as idealistic, pie-in-the-sky dreamers. Promises of free college, universal health care, and millions of jobs re-gearing for the green economy are just a few items on their wish list. Famous for seeing things not as they are, but instead how one wishes they could be is a turn off to many. On the other side of the aisle are the conservatives who with fervent voices plea for a return to “traditional values” and the need to fight to preserve those ideals into the future. A noble sounding cause which can arouse a particular feeling in many. Those who speak about the preservation of traditional, “old fashioned” values, may be forgiven for not knowing conservatism’s results. They are unaware that if they succeed in their fight to entrench traditional values they will be the first in history to do so; with the cost of future progress. Such is the fatal flaw of conservatism and the failure of traditionalism, the assumption that there is the possibility of permanence.

Every Empire Turns to Dust

It can take decades, centuries, or even millennia, but, eventually, everything changes. “Every empire turns to dust and every ego will be crushed,” Martyn Jacques said. The fatal flaw of conservatism and the failure of traditionalism is the inability of its adherents who are alive today to look past where they are now; trapped into ever looking backward, or to the side, never forward. As FDR put it, “a conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs, who, however, has never learned how to walk forward.”

History, Mostly Wrong

Keeping those identified “traditional values” alive permanently is an impossibility. The question must also be asked whether this would even be desirable. I’m sure there are some good things from the past, but there were some very terrible things, too. One of the main functions of history is to move past retrograde ideas. In fact, much of “history” as we know it, is factually incorrect. So much depends on when the “history” was written, and by whom. For instance, the history books on the post WWII cold war era will be written and read differently in Russia than in the West.

Walking Backwards

By now it must be obvious, the fatal flaw of conservatism is its habit of constantly looking back towards a time that never really existed. There was never a time when we were great all around. The past is always great to those who benefit from it. Many conservatives forget that minorities were treated like dirt, women were property, and minus vaccines and antibiotics people died young. We need to move forward-not backward, if the world is going to be great for everyone. Discard the failed dreams of conservatism and reach for the stars. Liberalism may not be perfect, but with it comes the dream of a good life for the majority, not the minority.


What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty. . .

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty…

Joe Biden has done a lot in four years and it looks like he's going to have to keep telling the people, cause so far, it's a running into a severe case of ageism.

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty . . .

Editor: Over the last couple weeks Joe Biden has taken a bashing from all sides. If I were him I’d be giving the media, the MAGA’s, Robert Hur, and the Mango Mussolini, the big middle finger. JOE BIDEN IS SMARTER ON HIS WORST DAY THAN TRUMP IS ON HIS BEST DAY. Dum, dum, dum, Donald. Let’s take a look at the accomplishments of Grandpa Joe, without a doubt one of the most successful presidencies of the last couple hundred years, at least since FDR. I love, Joe, Jill, Kamala, and Doug. Let’s keep these amazing people working for us.  VOTE BLUE. VOTE BIDEN-HARRIS.

By Cate Rees-Hessel

Good Policies

For those asking what President Biden has done since he took office, my question is what hasn’t he done? Joe Biden has accomplished a great deal in the last three years. The benefits for the American people have been enormous and his policies continue to better our nation. Below is a short list of Joe Biden’s many accomplishments. Four more years of Biden-Harris is just what our country needs.

1.The Biden’s have brought dignity, decorum, and class back to the White House. We have a wonderful “working First Lady” with a Doctorate of Education. My relief is obvious, I no longer have to worry that my overseas friends think of the White House “as a stripper bar.” Unlike the loser, President Biden is not being indicted or found guilty of rape and defamation. Joe is a man of God that actually prays, knows Scripture, and attends church, as opposed to the one holding a Bible upside down, in front of a church he does not attend, and who if asked cannot tell you the meaning of Easter. I remember with gladness Joe bowing his head in prayer during his inaugural speech, an image of a man that has a heart felt faith and gentle demeanor – that’s President Biden. Never lewd, crude, rude, or disrespectful; dignity personified. Well, I have heard an F-bomb dropped now and then, but otherwise we’re good.
2. Passage of the much needed infrastructure bill to repair and rebuild our roads and bridges. It had become a running monthly gag with Trump, but Joe and the Dems made it happen.
3. The lowest unemployment rate in years. Joe’s bringing back ‘Made in America,’ creating countless good jobs in the rust belt and other hard hit areas of the Midwest. More people are working than ever before.
4. His policies have lowered the cost of living for families across the country and raised 40 million children out of poverty.
5. Altered the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided vaccines and at home virus tests free of charge.
6. Rescued the economy from a catastrophic free fall and his sound economics will continue to make the U.S. economy the envy of the world. Like Joe says, “build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not from the top down;” not the nonsense of Ronald Reagan’s  trickle down economics.

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Food For Thought-The Valentine’s Edition

Food for Thought – the Valentine’s Edition


Food for Thought-the Valentine’s Edition


By Cate Rees-Hessel


I (Heart) Ketchup

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Most of us are seeing all things red and, of course, pink. All this thought of red makes me think about my favorite condiment: ketchup (NOT catsup). My other half was quite upset when I put ketchup on his white truffle fries. Since I originally hail from the Steel City, the home of Heinz, I put ketchup on just about everything. You can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can’t take the Pittsburgh out of the girl. I love many brands but good ol’ Heinz is my favorite.

Seeing Red

My spouse is from the Chicago suburbs, and didn’t understand ketchup on eggs, steak, potatoes, beef, pork, etc. – things we don’t eat much of but when we do, requires the red stuff. In the nearly three decades I’ve lived in Chicagoland, I have yet to understand Chicago hot dogs: bright green relish and, gasp, no ketchup. I’ve been known to sneak a few contraband packets into Gene and Jude’s. I recall a barbeque at the home of my husband’s relatives. I searched for my favorite elixir and then I saw it, nestled amongst the questionable condiments, turned a paltry brown with age. I was forced to use barbeque sauce on my burger; now, I’m not bashing BBQ sauce – it’s great on chicken and ribs – but for a burger or a hot dog, I love me some Heinz.

And Again…

Another cookout some months later at the same household brought forth the same ancient bottle of antiquated ketchup. As I reached for the steak sauce, I made a mental note to decline further invitations to dine at the house of these folks. Perhaps a nice Heinz gift basket with a double-volume set on entertaining etiquette and food safety would make a lovely Christmas gift for the residents of that domicile. At least there was nothing pumpkin spice served, but how I longed for ketchup, vibrant red, sweet and spicy like me.

It’s No Truffle, Really

In my opinion, truffles should be chocolate, but for V-Day, must we “trufflize”?  Nobody knows the truffles I’ve seen while researching to write this: salted caramel truffles, dark chocolate ganache truffles, lavender chocolate truffles, fudgy brownie truffles, applesauce truffles, cookie dough truffles, strawberry shortcake truffles, cake batter truffles, S’mores truffles, pink champagne truffles (I’ll take one of those), huckleberry jelly truffles, buttercream frosting truffles, French vanilla bean truffles, green gumdrop truffles, salted mango truffles, lemon/lime truffles, Tamarind truffles, rum raisin truffles, hollandaise truffles, cherry cola truffles, banana split truffles, blueberry cheesecake truffles, pecan pie truffles, chocolate milkshake truffles, tangerine truffles, green tea truffles, passionfruit truffles, orange Jello truffles, peanut butter and jelly truffles, rhubarb truffles, jelly bean truffles, mocha latte truffles (I’ll have two of those), the dreaded pumpkin spice truffles, and just in time for your Valentine, Love Bug truffles.  I ask you, what happened to Whitman’s Sampler, or the Hershey’s Pot of Gold?

All That Glitters

As long as my chocolate confections come with a little something sparkly, I’m happy.  My husband is big on placing jewelry in food. – nothing says romance like a cracked molar and expensive dental work.  I am a simple kind of girl – give me some plain ol’ chocolates in a velvet heart-shaped box with a big ribbon and an even bigger diamond, then I am content.  This year, however, we are dressing up and going to a fancy restaurant for truffle oil pasta and mushrooms, poached salmon with white truffles, and black truffle risotto, because we got style…

Sojourner Truth Quote

Sojourner Truth Quote

Sojourner Truth

“I will not allow my life’s light to be determined by the darkness that surrounds me.”

Editor: Sojourner Truth was an American abolitionist and activist for African-American civil rights, women’s rights, and alcohol temperance. Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, New York, in 1797, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826.



Grandma, Unhoused in America

Grandma, Unhoused in America

Grandma, Unhoused in America

By D.S. Mitchell

Face of the New Homeless

The lack of housing for low-income people or those on fixed incomes is a big problem and experts are working on it but there is no one size fits all solution to alleviating homelessness; certainly, more affordable housing units and additional housing vouchers are needed, but many of the homeless need specialized housing. Housing that offers wheelchair ramps, roll in showers, grab bars, single level units and other accommodating features to assist the many older and disabled individuals now facing homelessness.

55 and Over

As baby boomers age into senior citizens, a series of recessions and the lack of a strong social safety net have pushed more and more elderly people into homelessness — a number that’s only expected to rise. Jeff Olivet, executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council of Homelessness tells us that “Seniors over the age of 55 are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness and for many of them, it is first-time homelessness.”

Why is this Happening?

Like with most things there is no simple explanation; the reasons are complex. Most obviously, the U.S. has an aging population. With aging, people are more at risk of poverty, more subject to traumatic events, such as the death of a parent or a spouse, and more likely to suffer with chronic illness, such as diabetes and heart disease,  and at increased risk for falls and other physical injury.

Stagnant Income

While their income is limited, rent costs have skyrocketed across the country. Housing protection and assistance available during the COVID-19 pandemic have expired, leaving many people on the street. In addition, many of these folks with stagnant incomes are of retirement age, but are still working part-time, at low pay hourly jobs with no chance of a raise, just to supplement their Social Security check.

Federal Action

On December 19, 2023, President Biden, alarmed at the unprecedented number of people with no place to live, across all age groups, released an ambitious federal plan to strategically reduce homelessness by 25% by 2025. The plan will address the lack of affordable housing, aid people in crisis, and prevent people from losing their homes to foreclosure in the first place. Focus of the action are those most seriously effected: people of color, veterans, the disabled, and the elderly.

Statistics On the Growing Problem

From 2009 to 2017, HUD statistics indicate the number of unhoused individuals aged 51-61 grew from 14% of the total homeless population nationally to nearly 18%. The percentage of people 62 years or older living on the street has nearly doubled. Predictions indicate that by 2030 the number of unhoused individuals over the age of 65 will triple compared with 2017.

From the 1990s                                                

The younger half of the boomer generation have long been the dominant group among unhoused adults. In 1990, on average those folks were 30 years old; today their average age is 62. But it isn’t just the long time homeless, many are newly unhoused; people tossed out of houses and apartments for the first time. These people often experiencing a total shattering of their lives.

Nothing New

The shortage of affordable housing in the United States goes back at least 40 years; Ronald Reagan’s war on “welfare queens” did incredible damage to the social safety net and it has never been repaired. This long-time problem has been exacerbated by a number of factors. Large corporations are buying up apartments and single-family homes and charging whatever the market will bear. In fact, rent and home prices have skyrocketed, while the country has recently experienced exceptionally high inflation on basics like food and gasoline. However, economics are only part of the explanation for the dire straits many elders find themselves in.

Growing Numbers

In 2023, homelessness shot up by more than 12%, with an estimated 653,104 unhoused individuals living on American streets and in her parks. I personally have a hard time accepting these numbers, because of the large number of displaced persons I see everywhere in my small southern Oregon town. All that aside, these numbers represent the sharpest increase ever in homelessness, leading to the largest unhoused population ever recorded in the United States.

Graying of the Unhoused

Recent HUD data shows that nearly 1 in 5 people in the United States (that’s ‘effin 20% of the population) have no permanent place to live and a good share of those people are 55 years or older. Some are calling the spike in unhoused older citizens the “graying of America’s homeless.”

 Intervention and Prevention

Advocates for the homeless preach intervention and prevention. For example, it might be better to pay for a seniors medication or arrange for meals than allow them to become homeless because they have had to choose between the landlord and the pharmacy.

Bigger Than the Finances

As already suggested, the issues are often more than just financial. Recent studies indicate that older unhoused people have problems performing daily activities and have greater difficulty with walking, seeing, and hearing. Furthermore, they are subject to falling, and their overall health is significantly worse than those of the same age in the general population. Importantly many of the identified individuals also have significant cognitive impairment.

In San Francisco

The problem is so significant that in San Francisco they are planning for at least one shelter set up specifically for older adults and those with disabilities. Similar shelters are being planned for New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Boston.


Exposure to the elements, poor diet, lack of sleep or fitful sleep, failure to take prescribed medication, shunning of professional services with doctors or dentists are commonplace among the homeless. Their physical circumstances trigger anxiety and depression, leading some to self-medicate with drugs and or alcohol. Such problems create a need for low barrier shelters, and housing, which are few and far between.

New Approach                                                  

Many experts are suggesting several types of shared housing situations that might be good solutions for the graying homeless population.  A homeowner takes in a tenant, cohousing (where there is a cluster of private mini homes with communal spaces or a large central building with separate bedrooms and shared kitchen and living room) or the immensely popular backyard Accessory Dwelling Units. ADU’s are springing up in neighborhoods across the country where zoning laws allow them. ADU’s are usually built on the lot of a single-family residence.


I wish I could conclude with a happy ending, but I see no happy ending here. As baby boomers age into senior citizens, a series of recessions and the lack of a strong social safety net have pushed more and more elderly people into homelessness — a number that’s only expected to rise over the next few years before common sense tells us it will drop off, probably after 2030, as the boomers die.

Reasons Republicans Keep Voting For Trump

41 Reasons Republicans Vote For Trump


Trump followers recognize Donald's special talents

41 Reasons Republicans Vote For Trump

It’s Because He’s Exceptional, Of Course. He Just Keeps Amazing America and the World. Just Check Out These 40 Memorable Trump Moments and Then You Might Understand The Devotion of His Followers.


By David Shadrick

Over the last weekend, I spent some time thinking about the many reasons why Republicans keep voting for Donald Trump. I realized that many liberals may not understand the phenomenon; so I thought it might be a good time to highlight some of Trump’s special moments. Each MAGA follower has a different reason for their allegiance; below is a list of just a few reasons that will cause Republicans, to once again vote for their favorite Mango Mussolini:

  1. Missile defense systems go ding, ding, ding,  woosh-boom
  2. Trump being able to pinpoint the importance of the Revolutionary War patriots capturing the airports from the redcoats when the rest of the world missed it.
  3. His soaring confidence on daily display. Today, Trump said he was sure to beat Barack Obama this time. Full faith assault from the Trumpster.
  4. Public faith in Trump’s promise that he is the only one that can prevent World War 2.
  5. His fevered commitment to re-institute the search for Hillary’s missing server.
  6. His undisputed Poster Boy status for the white Christian supremacist movement. He ascended to that position after claiming white supremacists were very fine people at a rally where a young woman was  killed by a white supremacist. The level of disgust is immeasurable; I guess that’s why his faithful love it.
  7. Donald’s phenomenal ability to conceal the purpose of his strange island escapes with kinky Jeffrey Epstein.
  8. His standout performance in managing to bankrupt his Atlantic City casino. I have to admit this one took real talent and perseverance and I might add a lot of criminal activity. Go Donald.
  9. The little known fact is that if Trump had invested the $480 million he got from daddy back in the 80’s instead of ripping off average folks with fraudulent schemes, he would actually be as wealthy as he now falsely claims he is. So I assume the voting factor here is that he has an amazing talent for spending other people’s money.
  10. Trump must be a great business man and negotiator, his followers argue, wasn’t he sharp enough to convince a judge that he should only have to pay $25 million to settle the Trump University students claims of fraud? Is that what it means to be a “stable genius?”
  11. Watching the amazing feat of converting his original White House staff and cabinet members (all Republicans) into whistleblowers and book authors. Our heads are still spinning over that incredible result; one best seller after another, a feat to remain unduplicated in our life times.
  12. Republicans apparently delight in Trump’s cheap shots and insulting nicknames tossed at those who oppose him or just a powerless person like Ruby Freeman. Laughing at other people is MAGA escapism.
  13. His decision to fire Alexander Vindman’s twin brother Yevgeny from the administration, because he looked like his whistleblowing brother. More praise for the king-god being able to get a two-for-one termination.
  14. Having the guts to appear everyday, out walking around in public, in stage makeup.
  15. Again, brave enough to face the cameras with open suit jacket unable to conceal his plate of pancakes six pack.
  16. His near limitless ability to self promote; creating a notorious braggart of immeasurable proportions. Size matters, at least in some things.
  17. Man, woman, TV, refrigerator, elephant.
  18. His habit of talking when the helicopter blades are turning.
  19. Recognizes friendly admirers in a crowd and has an elevated ability to seek out softball questions.
  20. Famous for his golden toilets. I’ve wondered if this isn’t some form of compensation? Maybe we should ask a Republican what it is about gold toilets that make people think Donald is cool, rather than weird.
  21. Staying in the golden touch department. Trump has elevated McDonald’s to White House cuisine.
  22. Trump is such a Diet Coke fan that he had a button installed on his White House desk to order them express. Now, that is ingenious. Maybe I am not showing enough respect for his inventive spirit.
  23. Trump’s revered place in the WWE pro wrestling Hall of Fame. Certainly a first for an American president. Another first place. They just keep adding up, I have to admit it.
  24. Back to compensation, according to stormy Daniels Trump has an exceedingly small penis with a peculiar mushroom top. I’m not sure why that would encourage the vote, but in some depths of the Republican Party there is; I’m sure, empathy for the poor man.
  25. Managing the news so adroitly that his former “attorney/fixer”, Michael Cohen, was sent to prison for three years for election fraud done for Donald Trump’s benefit.
  26. Totally destroying Rudy Giuliani, “America’s Mayor’s” reputation in record setting time. One record setting event, after another. Amazing. Go Donald.
  27. His immense capacity to hate; the depth and breadth of it is unsurpassed in modern politics.
  28. Trump’s  ability to call our dead soldiers “suckers” and the military “a failure of liberal woke-ness” and still get most of the military votes. Astounding, you got this one, Donald.
  29. There’s been a lot of discussion of a recent diagnosis of Cranial Rectal Inversion Syndrome, that  may possibly bring out the sympathy vote. We’ll have to wait on this one, unprecedented, I must say.
  30. Trump and MAGA have taken over the American flag as its political symbol, as if liberals were not patriotic; and boy, oh boy, are the Republicans giddy over that accomplishment.
  31. Then there’s Trump’s unrestrained enthusiasm at the possibility of shooting migrants as they attempt to cross our southern border.
  32. His ability to demand that we “build a wall” in every recorded speech, without missing once, for nearly a decade. How does he do it?
  33. Pride in Trump’s ability to uncover treatments for COVID; such as exposing the inside of the body to light, or that unimaginable idea (prior to Donald, that is) of injecting bleach directly into the blood stream. An amazing research scientist, so ahead of his time, all without education. His natural powers of deduction far surpassing the Fauci crowd.
  34. Without any meteorological training Trump attempted to predict the path of Hurricane Dorian. No other president has drawn with a black sharpie like their Donald, sadly he was about 1200 miles off on his landfall prediction, but again he was the first president to ever attempt such a prediction. Get the man another sharpie!
  35. Due to his habit of inflating real estate prices he has topped the list of fraudsters in New York. How does he continue to exceed expectations. It just never stops.
  36. Trump far exceeds other former presidents in the felony indictment department, also. Donald Trump is in fact the first and only man in presidential history to have even one felony count brought against him. His exceptionalism is undeniable.
  37. Well certainly, if Trump is re-elected he could establish another first for presidents by being the first to wear an ankle bracelet.
  38. We got another Trump first; the only U.S. president to attempt to overturn the government by insurrection and refusal to leave office. Startling; may I say, unprecedented. Donald’s creativity shines like no other.
  39. The first president since 1895 that hasn’t known how to drive a car. Zoom, zoom.
  40. His continuing reassurance that he is “a very stable genius.”  This one I don’t understand unless the belief comes because of his constant repetition of the  phrase.
  41. Trump’s ability to convince people he is as dumb as a rock, or a man with the intellect of a fifth grader, and then slap them down with a “you’re fired”!

I know I’ve just scratched the surface of all the reasons to vote for Trump but I have reached my 500-word limit and so we will have to continue this in another article. Get registered. Vote.

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks?

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks ?


Time to jack up the enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris team.

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks?

By David L. Shadrick

Why don’t Democrats support Biden the way Republicans support Trump?

Con man, grifter

I watch a lot of cable news programs; MSNBC, Newsmax, CNN, BBC World News, Fox, and whatever captures my attention on the internet. Quite frankly, I don’t understand it. In Joe Biden we have one of the most effective presidents of all time and the Trumpsters are more excited to see their 4-time indicted, conman, grifter, loser, running for office than Democrats are to see Joe Biden start his campaign. MAGA’s may be crazy but they support their man despite everything he has done and continues to do, no matter how destructive it may be for this country.

I’m Not Asking for a Cult

It’s not that way for Biden. I’m not suggesting Dems join some weird ass cult, but let’s give Joe a break. When I watch what many consider to be “liberal” stations all I hear is how old ‘Old Joe’ is. It doesn’t matter how old Joe is. He is wise, he is experienced. He has been tested during his nearly fifty years of government service.

The Electoral College

 Trump is a dangerous opponent, mostly because of the arcane Electoral College system and his unending attack on our voting system. The last thing we need right now is a bunch of handwringing and bedwetting. What we need is some excitement about a really good man who is doing a terrific job during one of the most divisive periods in our history. It doesn’t matter how old Joe is, he should have the total support of the Democratic Party. He’s earned it.

Biking and Swimming

Let’s take a look at that age issue. Biden is healthy and looks great. He bikes regularly, lifts weights, and swims. Trump is only four years Biden’s junior; wears weird orange makeup, uses a golf cart instead of walking, lives on hamburgers and Diet Cokes, and quite honestly has a profile that resembles a stack of Pancakes. Every time someone mentions Biden’s age Dem’s should bring up Trump’s pancake profile to counteract the attack. There is an argument to be made that Trump is in a lot more danger of passing away while in office than Joe Biden is.

Both of Trump’s Parents Had Dementia

If we’re talking about dementia, in my opinion Trump hasn’t made sense for years. Both his mother and his father suffered from dementia. There does appear to be a genetic component to Alzheimer’s disease. But, it’s more than dementia. Most normal people realize that Trump has only a tenuous grasp on reality. So, are his mental lapses symptoms of his mental illness or his dementia?  Maybe a combination of the two. Whatever it is, America doesn’t need it. We had four years of Trump’s chaos and corruption. I’m sure as hell ready to put that nightmare behind me.

Excitement Over Joe

 Let’s get excited about Joe Biden. He is a man that this country should be excited about. Hopefully, Joe will live long and prosper, but if he dies or succumbs to some disability while in office, Kamala Harris is ready to take over the presidency in any situation. She has a lifetime of public service. She is immensely qualified; she served as San Francisco DA, Attorney General of California, Senator, and now incumbent Vice President. The only thing, well two things, she’s a woman and she’s a black and Asian woman, is that the same kind of disqualifier as Joe’s age? Let’s hope not.

Big Flags Flying From Big Trucks

Where are the Biden rallies? Where are the giant pickup trucks covered with Biden signs, and flying one or two of those oversized American flags as they drive up and down the parkway? Although many of us find the Trump supporter’s behavior obnoxious these rolling advertisements for Trump have a powerful impact on observers.

Animal Cruelty a World-Wide Issue

Animal Cruelty  a World-Wide Issue

Animals world wide face unbelievable cruelty and abuse

Animal Cruelty a World-Wide Issue

By Michael Leonard Douglas 

Barbaric Cruelty

The goal should be a balance in the ecosystem for all living things to thrive.  There is no justification for the barbaric cruelty that takes place daily on every continent. It does not matter whether a human is involved or an animal.  Animal-human right’s activists advocate for treating all animals humanely. Can you imagine the outrage if human beings were held in cages and tortured regularly or were hunted down by wealthy adventurers seeking nothing more than a photo-op with a corpse, or a trophy for their wall?  It is time that humanity finds the resolve to develop a plan that promotes co-existence with the rest of the animal kingdom. Where balance of land and resources put an end to animal cruelty.

Basic needs

Scientifically, human beings are animals. Therefore, when we talk about human rights, there is no real conflict with animal rights. Those most basic rights (needs) for all creatures are to live freely, have access to food and water, a comfortable shelter/habitat; and lastly, security from unwarranted threat and mistreatment. Animal cruelty is denial of any of these basic needs. When any one of these basic rights is infringed upon repeatedly the entire ecosystem is thrown out of balance.

View from the top

Since human beings are at the top of the chain and dominate every activity on the planet it is difficult to convince the global human population that we are equals with lesser animals. The term, “animal rights” was coined to give a voice to the millions of animals that face cruelty and slaughter every single day. There is no animal that is more intelligent than the human species and no species better able to launch and give voice to an appeal against animal cruelty than that carried on by its own species.


Martin Luther King, Jr: A Short Profile

Martin Luther King, Jr: A Short Profile

The life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr: A Short Profile

Editor: It’s been nearly 60 years since the assassination of Dr. King. In those intervening years the Robert’s Court has spent a lot of time whittling away at the rights enshrined in the 1965 Voting Rights Act, until quite literally it is a shell of it’s previous authority. It is imperative that the Congress pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act and the Freedom to Vote Act. Our voting rights are in serious jeopardy and these two landmark pieces of legislation will once again guarantee voting rights for all American citizens, red, white, black, yellow, and brown. It is time for this country to live up to the promise that all men (and women) are created equal.

By Cate Hessel, Wes Hessel and D. S. Mitchell

Birth to Death

Martin Luther King, Jr. the acknowledged face of the 1960’s Civil Rights movement in the United States, was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. King, was murdered by a sniper while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968.

Pastor and Activist

King was a pastor and social activist. It was under his leadership that segregation of African Americans in the South and other parts of the United States was ended. King throughout his life promoted non-violent tactics, much like Gandhi in India. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.

Comfy Middle Class

Martin grew up in a comfortable middle class home. His parents were college educated. Both his father and his maternal grandfather were Baptist preachers and had pastored the prestigious Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. The family lived on Auburn Avenue, at the time one of the most prosperous black areas in the country.

College at 15

In a special World War 2 program, intended to boost college enrollment by admitting promising high school students to college early, 15 year old Martin was admitted to Morehouse College in 1944. At Morehouse, King pursued medicine and law. By his senior year, at his father’s urging, he decided to enter the ministry. King’s mentor at Morehouse College was the college president, Dr. Benjamin E. Mays. Dr. Mays was a theologian and “social gospel” activist.

The Social Gospel Movement

The “social gospel movement” began in the 1920’s. Practitioners believed in applying Christian ethics to social problems. The foundational belief of the Social Gospel Movement was that salvation could be attained by helping others. Committed to fighting racial inequality, Mays denounced the black community for “complacency” in the face of oppression. He pushed the leaders of the black church into social action, by accusing them of emphasizing the hereafter, instead of the here and now. King heard the call to service, and after his own experience in the north one summer, he swore to fight the evils of  segregation.

Never Alone

Dr. King,  was not alone in the struggle. Although MLK stands out among the leaders of the 1960’s civil rights movement in the United States he was just one of many.  Other members his leadership team, or the “big six” as they were known, were James Farmer, A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, and John Lewis.  During his life Martin Luther King was both heralded and condemned.

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Dr. King Still Speaks To Us . . . .

Dr. King Still Speaks To Us…

Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday of each year. A time we remember a great man and the unending struggle for equal rights.

Dr. King Still Speaks To Us…


By Cate & Wes Hessel


The Late Great Dr. King

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stands out among the leaders of the black civil rights movement in the United States.  Other members of the “Big Six” who walked alongside Martin were; James Farmer, A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, and John Lewis.  But Dr. King, or MLK, as many refer to him, has become the face of the 1960’s civil rights movement. During his life Martin Luther King was both heralded and condemned.

He Still Speaks To Us

Dr. King’s eloquence still speaks to us, calling us to continue the fight for what is right and just.

The Bible – God’s word

Above all, MLK was a preacher. His belief in the ‘promise’ is rooted in the Scriptures. He spoke from – the Bible.  That foundation is most apparent in the following:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.  You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.”

And one paraphrased from his namesake, reformist Martin Luther:

“Live like Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back tomorrow.”

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