Dr. King Still Speaks To Us . . . .

Dr. King Still Speaks To Us…

Martin Luther King Day is the third Monday of each year. A time we remember a great man and the unending struggle for equal rights.

Dr. King Still Speaks To Us…


By Cate & Wes Hessel


The Late Great Dr. King

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stands out among the leaders of the black civil rights movement in the United States.  Other members of the “Big Six” who walked alongside Martin were; James Farmer, A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, and John Lewis.  But Dr. King, or MLK, as many refer to him, has become the face of the 1960’s civil rights movement. During his life Martin Luther King was both heralded and condemned.

He Still Speaks To Us

Dr. King’s eloquence still speaks to us, calling us to continue the fight for what is right and just.

The Bible – God’s word

Above all, MLK was a preacher. His belief in the ‘promise’ is rooted in the Scriptures. He spoke from – the Bible.  That foundation is most apparent in the following:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.”

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.  You don’t have to have a college degree to serve.  You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.”

And one paraphrased from his namesake, reformist Martin Luther:

“Live like Jesus died yesterday, rose this morning, and is coming back tomorrow.”

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2024’s Worst New Year’s Resolutions

2024’s Worst New Year’s Resolutions

Cate has been going through her list of resolutions for 2024. Enjoy the fun.

2024’s Worst New Year’s Resolutions

By Cate Rees-Hessel 

Editor: At the beginning of each year many of us examine our lives and in many cases decide we need to make some changes; thus the New Year’s Resolution List.  So with that said, here are Cate’s 2024’s worst New Year’s Resolutions.  

  1. Resolving AGAIN to lose weight – this is the most common resolution. It lasts until maybe mid-January most of the time. I no longer bother to resolve to do this, I just resolve to eat healthy, stay hydrated, and exercise.
  2. Resolving to join a gym but never visiting there – canceling can be a major hassle.
  3. Resolving to get a permanent eyeliner and lip liner tattoo. Nope. I’ve resolved to get up ten minutes earlier in the morning to line my eyes and  sometimes I  even skip the lip liner.
  4. Resolving to get plastic surgery or Botox in order to appear younger. I instead will embrace the beauty of aging.
  5. Resolving to clean out your closets, ridding yourself of any and all junk. A good idea but overwhelming if you decide to do it all at once – try doing it in smaller sections.
  6. Resolving to never, ever, ever again, drink, soda, alcohol, or expensive coffee beverages. Let’s face it, not going to happen – just remember moderation is the key here.
  7. Resolving to only drink diet soda. Are you aware of the chemicals in those?
  8. Resolving to play the lottery. Don’t gamble on this one – just start a savings account instead.
  9. Resolving to give your boss a piece of your mind – this is the same as resolving to join the unemployment line.
  10. Resolving to be adventurous. Skinny dipping in winter, bungee jumping over a frozen lake, twerking in public – this is called stupidity.
  11. Resolving to accept as many blind dates as you can – this is also called stupidity.
  12. Resolving to drunk text your ex on New Year’s Eve or maybe Valentine’s Day – this is called beyond stupidity.
  13. Resolving to stop reading the labels at the grocery store. Since the majority of boxed, canned, frozen, and even alleged fresh foods are GMO these days, this is not a wise resolution. Preservatives, artificial colors, and the like don’t make for a happy New Year, either.
  14. Resolving to start jogging 5 miles a day. No, just no – start slow and stay safe. Maybe a walk around the block today and two blocks tomorrow.
  15. Resolving to skip COVID vaccine boosters. You will have plenty of time to read the books you are resolving to read while you’re in quarantine, presuming you are not in a hospital on a ventilator. Whatever you do, don’t binge watch the last six seasons of the “The Apprentice” – you are already sick.
  16. Resolving to dance like nobody is watching in front of a window – no, nope, not good-somebody is always watching.
  17. Resolving to give that creepy date a second chance; after all Valentine’s Day comes shortly after New Year’s. I think not – this won’t end well; creeps just get creepier.
  18. Resolving to conquer your fear of heights by taking flying lessons or trying a zip line. My fear is that this too will not end well.
  19. Resolving to invest half of your paycheck in cryptocurrency. You may want to rethink this one, because the last I heard all those hot cryptocurrency guru’s are serving 99 to life.
  20. Resolving to take pickleball lessons, learning to play the tuba, or enrolling in a circus arts course at the community college- think these over before you shell out any money. I think you’d be alright with the pickleball classes, but I’d definitely forget the tuba training and the high wire act.
  21. Resolving to be a do it yourself plumber – once again, this can’t end well.
  22. Resolving to vote Republican. Don’t go there – ever… No, not ever.
  23. Resolving to buy a boxed set of “The Apprentice” on clearance at Walmart and binge watch it. First of all, why would anyone do such a thing and secondly, why are all those lousy old videos still around? Because they’re lousy of course.
  24. Resolving to never again attend a multi-tiered market party no matter the hype, to find out why, see below.

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Another, I Saw It On The Internet #3

Another, I Saw It On The Internet #3

May be a doodle of heart and text that says 'Be careful who you hate. It could be someone you love.'

Another, I Saw It On The Internet #3

By D.S. Mitchell


Slime Pit

The internet is an unbelievable source of knowledge and social connection, but it is also the source of an incalculable amount of hate, anger, bigotry, ignorance, and downright bullshit. But every once in a while I see something that strikes at my heart and I want to share it. Today I saw the above image posted to the Josephine County Democrats on-line newsletter; I love it.

From My Heart

It is so easy to hate, so easy to blame others for our life-situation, but folks, believe me, hate does not build, it destroys. A culture based on anger, bigotry, and hate is destined for failure. Hate requires a lot of energy to keep the dynamic going. It is exhausting,. It consumes every bit of mental or emotional energy a person has, there is no energy left to create, to build, to grow. Limit the hate, expand the love.

Paying For Purchases With Your Phone

Paying For Purchases With Your Phone

Paying by mobile app is becoming increasingly popular.

Paying For Purchases With Your Phone 


By D.S. Mitchell


Fumbling About

I was holding up the grocery store check out line while I anxiously dug around the bottom of my purse for my debit card. I was getting worried. Could I have lost the damn thing? While I tried to remember when I last used the card, I looked up and realized the guy directly behind me was rhythmically tapping his foot on the vinyl flooring. I gave him a weak smile and a whispered, “I’m sorry,” just as my fingers touched the cold plastic of the card. After paying for my purchases, I corralled everything and headed to the exit. As I passed the last row of cashiers I saw a young lady hold her cell phone in front of the payment terminal and wave it a couple time. I decided, right then and there, that when I got home I would go on the internet and find out about payment apps for my phone.

What I Found Out

As I suspected there is a lot of information on contactless payment systems, such as ‘digital wallet’. Mobile payment apps are growing increasingly popular. Apparently nearly 85% of Americans own smartphones and the benefits provided by such payment systems are more and more evident. Here are a few of the benefits I learned about.

  1. Convenience: No more digging around your purse for your debit card or cash. Just take out your phone and open the digital wallet app and wave or tap your phone near the payment terminal. Easy peasy.
  2. Security: A mobile payment app has security advantages unavailable with other payment methods. First, and most obviously, you don’t need to carry cash or credit cards, which are always at risk of being lost or stolen. Second, the mobile payment apps have layers of extra security to protect user data, like encrypting personal information, plus there is a layer of biometric authentication such as fingerprint and facial recognition. Lastly, each transaction involves a one time code or token. The token is used to complete the transaction in place of the buyer’s actual personal information. The code is for a one time only use. That token cannot be reused and is effectively useless if hacked.
  3. SpeedIt’s super fast, just a one-two-three tap to pay. Plus there’s a budget and expense tracking feature. If you happen to have a money management app it can be easily integrated with the digital wallet app. Every transaction is instantly recorded for future reference and review.
  4. Safety: Since COVID-19 hit everyone is a bit more concerned about germs on surfaces and in the air. Mobile apps enable the consumer to complete their purchases without handling germ infected cash or touching germ infected credit card terminals.

Setting It Up

Here’s how to set up your contactless payment system.

  1. Get your phone and find the pre-installed payment app on the screen. It will be Apple Wallet for iphones or GPay for Android devices.
  2. Tap on the icon, Apple Pay or the $ icon, then enter credit or debit card information into the fields. You can add multiple cards and select a default for the card used most frequently.
  3. When you want to make a purchase, launch the app (select card preference if you did not select default), hold your smart phone or smartwatch close to the merchant’s card terminal.
  4. You will be asked to confirm the purchase. If you are using a debit card for payment, you may be asked your pin number.

I did it, it’s all set up. Now, my next challenge is remembering to use the damn thing.

Happy 2024.

Bad Boy, “Bibi” Netanyahu

Bad Boy, “Bibi” Netanyahu

Bibi Netanyahu much like Donald Trump is facing multiple corruption charges

Bad Boy, “Bibi” Netanyahu

By D.S. Mitchell

History Books

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu still has dreams of going down in the history books as a brilliant, charismatic, and heroic leader, shaped by a lifetime of war and domestic conflict. But the abject failure of the Israeli government’s response to  the Hamas attack on 10/7/23, that killed an estimated 1200 Israelis citizens, endangers Netanyahu’s dream.

Arrogance and Corruption

Sadly, like so many other men of prominence, Benjamin Netanyahu has succumbed to the familiar human failings of arrogance, greed, and corruption.  A sad result for a man who has dominated the Israeli military-political sphere for the last four decades. Throughout this time, Netanyahu has portrayed himself as the single person who is smart enough, and strong enough, to keep Israel safe.

The Truth Comes Out

Ironically, he for years, was insuring “quiet” by sending suitcases of money through Qatar to the leaders of Hamas. What a sad revelation. Other information coming out about the initial Israeli response to the attack leaves a great deal of questions for the Netanyahu government to answer. We don’t need to wait until after the conflict to start an investigation into how the intel detailing the Hamas plan, known about for at least a year was ignored. There was no real surprise here; rather a “failure of imagination,” similar to the U.S. 9/11 response.

Threats of Indictment

In the United States. Donald Trump is facing multiple federal criminal indictments. Many pundits believe that it is Trump’s legal exposure that has him running for the presidency, again. It is presumed if he is re-elected he will be able to make his legal woes disappear.  Similarly, Benjamin Netanyahu is facing possible indictment for money laundering, fraud, bribery, and breach of trust in three separate ongoing criminal cases. This is only the most recent of several attempts to indict Netanyahu for political corruption. The first threats at indictment and trial occurred way back in 1993 and again in 1997 without action. With all these legal problems hanging over his head “Bibi” has no incentive to end the conflict in Gaza. In fact, the war benefits Netanyahu’s goal to stay in power and out of jail. Amazing similarities between the two men.

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The Words Of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The majesty of Martin Luther King's words inspire us even past his tragic death.

Quotes of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

By D. S. Mitchell

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

The third Monday of each January we celebrate MLK Day. In 2024, the holiday will fall on January 15th. As we prepare to celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who died too soon, it is impossible to overlook the majesty of his words. So, I thought today would be a great day to re-read some of his most well-known quotes.


Quotes Of MLK

“The time is always right to do what is right.”

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

“So even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

“Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.”

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

“I am not interested in power for power’s sake, but I’m interested in power that is moral, that is right and that is good.”

“A right delayed is a right denied.”

“The moral arc of the universe bends at the elbow of justice.”

“Whatever your life’s work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better.”

“We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.”

“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

“I want to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law.”

“There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”

“If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive.”

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

Animal Abuse Linked to Domestic Violence

Animal Abuse Linked to Domestic Violence

Researchers have drawn a link between domestic abuse and animal abuse

Animal Abuse Linked to Domestic Violence


By D. S. Mitchell and Michael Leonard Douglas

Links to animal cruelty and  family abuse

The link between animal cruelty and domestic violence is clear if we are willing to look at the evidence. Domestic abuse is not usually just an attack on one household member. The abusers target animals too. Most domestic animals that are mistreated are part of a paradigm of abuse. A study by the Animal Welfare Institute confirmed there is a connection between animal abuse, child abuse, and domestic partner abuse.

Statistics are eye-opening

A study by The Animal Welfare Institute measured a strong connection between animal cruelty, child abuse, and non-ending domestic violence. According to their study, up to 72% of abused women reported a similar, if not brutal, abuse of their pets by their spouse or partner. The study shows that not only were the animals abused, but often killed in the process. In a similar study conducted nationwide, a staggering 84% of the people who reported domestic abuse also claimed that their pets were abused or brutally injured.

Animal Welfare Institute

Statistically there is a direct link between domestic violence and animal cruelty. The connection of these women (occasionally men) to their pets was found to be so strong that up to 49% of those reporting abuses chose to stay in the environment to protect their pets. These are shocking numbers and should be of great social concern. But is knowledge enough to turn social concern into social policy that safeguards both animal and human rights? A question not answered by the study was, is the cruelty toward the animals a characteristic trait of the abuser, or is it related to the human target of abuse and their relationship with the abused animal?


I don’t know how we can fix this problem without doing lobotomies on all domestic violence offenders; an unrealistic proposal, I admit. So, friends I’m able to tell you there is a problem that has huge consequences on society, but I have no answer on what to do about it. I apologize but I’ll have to turn the problem over to those more educated than I am.

Take a Fresh Look at Isometrics

Take a Fresh Look at Isometrics

Isometric exercises are easy and show quick results.

A Fresh Look at Isometrics

By D. S. Mitchell

Testing the 30-Minute Rule

Health experts agree that to stay healthy we need at least 30 minutes of daily exercise; but getting that 30 minutes of exercise everyday seems an impossible challenge. Somehow the minutes and hours slip away, and we never commit to adding that 30-minute “health” block to our schedule. However, recent studies are telling us that the ‘30-minute rule’ isn’t hard and fast. In fact, experts are now realizing it is okay to sprinkle activity regularly throughout the day, even in one-minute increments. You heard it here; it is possible for you to get the same blood pressure, cholesterol and waistline benefits as people who exercise more vigorously in longer more structured intervals. The secret behind this is isometric exercise.

All About Muscle Contraction

Isometric exercise is a type of strength training in which the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction. Isometrics are done in static positions. In the process, you tense your muscles but don’t actually move. In such positions the muscle fibers are activated, but since these are equal forces against each other, there is no movement. Imagine putting palm to palm and pressing against each other as hard as possible for 10 seconds and then release. Just remember to squeeze it–hard. Since you are not relying on movement to fatigue your muscles you need to squeeze hard, which just means you tighten your muscles as tight as you can and then hold. And don’t forget to breathe. Breathe from the lower belly.

Proven Benefits

Isometrics strengthen and condition muscles, improve control over our bodies (bowel, bladder, breathing), improves body posture and spine alignment, helps prevent injury, improves bone density and strength, increases resistance and endurance, can be done anywhere at any time, no equipment needed, keeps body posture straight and erect and can be done by young and old.

Try it Yourself With These Quick Exercises

1.) While sitting around watching TV or during a work break: Keep a tennis ball next to your favorite chair or in your desk. At least twice a day, grab a ball and squeeze tightly for at least five seconds then release slowly. Repeat 10 to 15 times with each hand.

2.) While standing in line at the bank or the grocery store: A full body exercise can take your mind off the wait. Begin by tensing your butt 10 times. Tighten your stomach muscles, hold for five seconds, then release slowly. Stretch your arms downward behind you and squeeze your triceps 10 times. Rise up on your toes and squeeze your calves 10 times.

3.) While you’re brushing your teeth in the morning and evening try this: As you age your balance deteriorates. To reverse that natural loss stand on one foot for 60 seconds and tense your butt and upper thighs, then switch legs. When that becomes easy, try balancing while lifting your leg to the side and hold for 60 seconds.

4.) If your job is tying you to a desk it is endangering your life: You have probably heard, “Sitting is the new smoking,” sitting is hazardous to your health. If your job has you doing a lot of desk time change your usual chair for a stability ball for 20-30 minute periods throughout the day. A stability ball builds core strength and is recommended for reducing back pain. Don’t forget to get up and walk around every half hour.

5.) While the spaghetti is cooking: Place hands on the wall, shoulders wide apart. Lean into the wall, supporting your body on your toes, and keep your palms on the wall. Push as hard as you can. Keep pushing with the same force for 15 seconds. Relax. Repeat at least 5 times.

6.) While the coffee perks: Try to do a light stretch each morning. Stand at arm’s length from the wall and place one foot behind the other, keeping heels down and knees straight. Lean toward the wall and place one foot behind the other, keeping heels down and knees straight. Lean toward the wall, bracing with your arms. Bend your forward leg to stretch the calf of your back leg. Hold for thirty seconds and then switch legs. *Plantar Fasciitis is a common complaint and it can be prevented by keeping your calves and Achilles tendons from getting tight.

7.) When standing up: Every time you stand up from or sit down in a chair use just your legs. Do this 10 times a day and you can congratulate yourself for doing 10 squats. If you need to use one hand at first to steady yourself you can do that initially.

8.) If you are sitting at a red light: Counter gravity’s effects on bowel and bladder by tightening your pelvic floor muscles. Just pretend you have to pee and are “holding it.” Hold for a count of 10, then release for a count of 10.

9.) While watching season six of Breaking Bad or your personal Netflix marathon lie on your side and do three sets of 15 leg lifts, then three sets of leg circles. Then switch sides.

10.) Wall sit: Stand with your back against the wall. Flex your knees and lower your body as you would while squatting. Hold position 5-7 seconds and then release. Repeat 10 times, increasing the hold time gradually. Make sure your back remains flush against the wall at all times.

Although the above 10 suggestions are quick and easy exercises be sure to strive for a combination of isotonic and isometric exercises. Isotonic exercises include squats and stair climbing. Exercise should be fun. Include a weekly bike ride, roller skate at your local rink, take a hike, play a round of golf, hit the pool, or just take a walk.

The choice is yours. Choose to be healthy.



Call Me Cate, An Adoptee Moves On

Call Me Cate, An Adoptee Moves On 

I was adopted. They changed my name and now I have changed it back to my birth name

Call Me Cate, An Adoptee Moves On


By Cate Rees-Hessel


A New Beginning…

As I’ve passed another milestone birthday, my thoughts have wandered to my birth.  I was privately adopted as a newborn by an older couple that were never meant to be parents.  Through DNA testing and the state of Pennsylvania finally opening original birth certificate availability to adoptees a few years ago, I have been blessed with finding my biological family.  I now have multiple siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, and their families. My cousin Michelle has become one of my dearest friends; she has encouraged me to reach out to my new kin, and maintains our family tree with the accuracy of a brain surgeon – a truly amazing lady. There are so many branches, my one BFF joked my cuz is the “Director of Forestry”…

Oh Yeah, I Blend…

My adopted family was abusive and ashamed of my multi racial ethnicities.  I, on the other hand, am thrilled to be an Irish, Italian, Iberian, Iraqi Jewish Christian.  I was cheated out of growing up with sibling camaraderie and arguments, but I do have dear friends that have become my family.  My spouse and I are truly grateful.

Choose Carefully

When I was adopted, my birth name was completely changed.  This irks me; a name at birth should remain through a lifetime.  Hopefully parents will take this into account before choosing overly unusual names.  What we are called should be special, and should be treated with reverence.  When we brought home our most recent lovable Puggle, we kept her beautiful name Sasha.  In Hebrew it means defender of mankind.  I will admit we changed our new kitten’s name from Hazel to Prada – one of my two spiritual mothers was a Hazel, that name being exclusively hers. Besides our cat is a constant reminder for my husband to buy me a Prada purse.

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Festive Food For Thought

Festive Food for Thought

Pumpkins spice and peppermint sticks every where you look.

Festive Food for Thought


By Cate Rees-Hessel

Food for Thought

I hope everyone is having a joyous holiday season, shopping and preparing your favorite foods. Unlike many people, I enjoy grocery shopping; during a recent trip to the market I discovered some unusual edibles for the festive table. Imagine, if you can; unicorn pudding, Oreo and Warhead candy canes, sweet cinnamon Kit-Kats, white peppermint Twinkies, “Wintermint DingDongs” with ice blue filling, a reindeer-faced slice and bake cookie set complete with antlers and a red nose. There was a whole clearance aisle full of all things pumpkin spice, and a large selection of goods inspired by the movie “Frozen” – to this I say “Let It Go”…

Bake Someone Happy…

I admit it, I’m ready to bring back the Christmas’s of my childhood. Let ‘s bring back Christmas cookies made from scratch, and Jiffy Pop for our Christmas special viewing party snacks. We actually had to wait for our favorite programs like “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”, “Frosty the Snowman”, and “Rodgers and Hammerstein ‘s Cinderella”. These were actual classic TV shows, not a DVD in a player, or streaming any time I wanted to see it. These were a big deal. The networks advertised them for a month before the holiday. We’d invite friends over to watch these timeless holiday shows, because they were only shown once a year. I am a Hallmark movie kind of girl, but I miss the anticipation of those annual events.

Mmmmm, no…

We baked cupcakes, and set out a bowl of M & M ‘s – not jalapeno, thai coconut, coffee, hazelnut, caramel, crispy honeycomb, English toffee, chocolate marshmallow, white chocolate peppermint, white pumpkin pie, milk chocolate glow-in-the-dark, or even mint – we had plain and peanut, still my favorites. Hot chocolate was made with cow’s milk and the flavor was chocolate, with maybe a few marshmallows thrown in, and a dollop of Ready-Whip. There was no pumpkin spice, or peppermint anywhere is sight.

Snow Joke

We didn’t ask the musical question, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” We just went out and built one, complete with carrot nose, lumps of coal for the eyes, and a tattered plaid scarf. Even the holiday commercials on television were festive; my favorite was always the Norelco shaver gliding over the white hills like a snowmobile, with the catch phrase, “even our name says Merry Christmas”.

“Pop”-ular Games

The toys under our trees both delighted and educated – I was the Julia Child of lightbulb cuisine; our “notebook/tablet” was an Etch-A-Sketch – stairways up, stairways down, and stacked boxes. We had Lite-Brites, Barrels of Monkeys, Spirographs, Bride Barbies, Tiddlywinks, and the game Trouble with the Pop-O-Matic – we thought that was cutting edge technology. Some of my favorites were Suzy Cute in her yellow plastic crib, Chatty Cathy, the Dawn doll’ s beauty pageant and beauty salon, Mrs. Beasley, and of course, I had a Swingy doll (mine was decked out in pink and orange) – (batteries not included).

Don’t Sweat(er) It…

Life was slower-paced, and we made our own fun and beautiful memories; we didn’t feature “ugly” Christmas sweaters, but wore green velvet dresses with red ribbons in our hair and shiny black Mary Janes on our feet. Christmas balls went on the tree, not on our apparel, and the coffee table candy dish was filled with ribbon hard candies. I wish you and all those you love a holiday season to remember; Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, and may your New Year arrive in style…