The Before Episode

The Before Episode

The Before Episode

Well, Bill and Dave are busy today working on setting up the new Calamity News and Politics studio; more space, better lights, better equipment. All around a much better situation. There’s a lot of stuff that’s gotta go before they can bring in the new, however. Unfortunately, Bill is the one that’s doing all the physical work, while Dave gets to talk about all the work that’s going on, due to a recent injury. The guys thought it might be fun for folks to watch them set up their new space.  The plan is for the studio to be ready no later than September one. Thanks for watching and come back soon.




VOTE Warnock and Ossoff,

FLIP Georgia Blue!

The Georgia Senate race is a big deal, folks.  There are two senate seats up for grabs on January 5, 2021. The Republicans are backing two candidates that care more about the value of their stock portfolios than they do about the citizens of Georgia. Decency and honesty have disappeared with David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. We need both seats. We cannot continue to let Mitch McConnell continue as Majority Leader. The Grim Reaper is stopping legislation. If the Dems can take both seats we can put an end to McConnell’s misuse of the American Legislative system. There is no doubt about it, if we want to take back the Senate we must deliver a massive turn out.  LET’S DO IT!!