30 More of the Worst Gifts Ever

30 More of the Worst Gifts Ever


Think before you give. Check out what not to give.

30 More Worst Gifts Ever

Editor’s Note: A small screw up in editing led to Anna’s advice being divided into two separate posts. It looks like I should have combined this submission with the one from October 25th, 2023 and called it, “The 65 Lousiest Gifts Ever.”  Anyway, here we go…

By Anna Hessel and the Editor (con’t)

  1. Flushable wipes. (Editor: Sometimes after a hospital stay you leave with a lot of useful items; spare urinals, chucks, gauze, waterless shampoo caps, and flushable wipes. Things that you would rather give away than never use. However, I suggest gifting them to your local animal shelter rather than your Aunt Tilly.)
  2. A 64-ounce bottle of extra strength mouthwash. (Editor: I agree, even the giant size bottle is inappropriate).
  3. A jock strap. (especially bad for your great aunt or grandmother…) (Editor: But what about Grampa?)
  4. Any attire with shoulder pads. (Editor: Good advice, Anna. I didn’t like shoulder pads then, and I’m no fonder of them now).
  5. A homemade pet rock. (Editor: N-o-o-ow, wait a minute, Anna. I belong to my local ‘rock’ club. We paint pictures on rocks and then leave them at different spots around the community for people to find and enjoy. I wouldn’t call any of them pets, but awesome anyway).
  6. A Rubik’s Cube (Editor: I never could figure that gizmo out, so definitely agree, it’s a very bad gift).
  7. A disco ball key chain. (Editor: A bit bizarre, but last year a friend gifted me with a cardinal (the bird) key chain, there’s a button on the bird’s back; push it and the bird tweets. Not suggesting it as a better option, but apparently, key chains are making a comeback as gifts).
  8. A professional house cleaning. (Editor: Anna, I want to tell you, I like a clean house, especially if someone else is swinging the mop. This could be a much appreciated gift; for some of us anyway).
  9. A box of leakproof trash bags. (Editor: Totally disgusting, I don’t think trash bags, leakproof or not, are ever on anyone’s wish list).
  10. A mop and bucket, fresh from the home maintenance aisle at Walmart. (Editor: I agree with Anna on this one. Definitely, in very poor taste).
  11. Disposable razors. (Editor: Yuck).
  12. 101 ways to cook kale cookbook. (Editor: Dearest Anna, Kale offers an abundance of nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate, and calcium. Kale can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping lower LDL cholesterol, or “bad cholesterol”. Not all gifts need to be warm and fuzzy some can be useful).
  13. Fun with artificial colors cookbook. (Editor: I have nothing to say.)
  14. Anything you created at your first pottery lesson. (Editor: Excellent advice, Anna).
  15. A ‘Bedazzler’ or anything you bedazzled yourself. (Editor: I didn’t think you could still buy such a thing, but I was wrong; available on Amazon. So, take Anna’s advice and keep your bedazzling to yourself).
  16. Anything polyester. (Editor: Polyester freed women from the slavery of the ironing board, but now 50 years later women have tossed out both the iron, the ironing board, and the polyester),
  17. Refrigerator magnets in the shape of vegetables or fruit.
  18. Any experimental art.
  19. Kitty litter (especially if the recipient does not have a cat). (Editor: Uhhh. I definitely support Anna on this one. Instead, take your unused kitty litter or animal food to your local animal shelter and gift it to them this holiday season. Please support your local no kill Animal Shelter).
  20. Expired food. (Editor: Not only offensive, but likely dangerous).
  21. Insect spray (Editor: FYI, former heavyweight champion, Mohammad Ali, was believed to have caused himself severe neurological damage by constantly spraying insect killer around himself).
  22. Bat or rat plush toy or pillow.
  23. Cellulite cream. (Editor: This could be touchy; I personally, wouldn’t risk giving cellulite cream to anyone, ever).

You’ve been waiting for it- here’s the top seven political gifts, NOT to give.

  1. The Donald inaugural commemorative whiskey flask.
  2. The complete ten season box set of “The Apprentice,” (Editor: I saw one episode of that show and that was all I could stand. They actually made 10 seasons of that crap? Amazing.)
  3. Pat Robertson bubble head. (Editor: I think Pat is best left forgotten).
  4. Ron DeSantis bubble head. (Editor: A blip, a blimp, a cowboy boot wearin’ Trump wannabe).
  5. Donald Trump bubble head (oh wait, aren’t they called bobble heads?)
  6. Smelling salts (unless of course one of these bubble heads are on the air…)
  7. A Halloween costume, especially if there is a Trump mask involved.

Please remember that one of the worst possible gifts is the Donald Trump gift set: the set consists of a Trump Chia head And a Trump bubble head, because two of his heads are never better than one.

Friends, Let’s fill our hearts with love and pray for peace in Palestine.

35 of the Worst Gifts to Give

35 of the Worst Gifts to Give Gift giving can be hard, Anna Hessel says think before you buy that Weight Watchers membership for your friend, get an Amazon gift card instead.

35 of the Worst Gifts to Give

Editor’s Note: When Anna Hessel submitted the attached post, I hemmed and hawed a bit, complaining it was “too early” to start thinking of Thanksgiving, much less Christmas. I was reminded however, that in the good ol’ USA, Christmas never ends. As proof of that sentiment, when I went to my local Walmart the other day to pick up a Halloween pumpkin for carving, and a scary doorbell howler to terrorize the Trick or Treaters, I was confronted with reality; not only does Christmas never end in  America, but neither does any other holiday. Wally World had it all; from the giant red heart pillow, left over from Valentine’s Day, to the new pink Barbie Christmas ornaments. There seems to be no apology for the outright commercialization of every holiday in our capitalist society. That is not necessarily a bad thing, just a reflection of America’s unique take on holidays. We like ’em-and the date on the calendar seems to have nothing to do with the enjoyment of the season. Whatever that season may be. So, here is Anna’s suggestions for what NOT to gift this Christmas, or any other day, accompanied by a few of my comments.


By Anna Hessel and the Editor

35. The infamous lump of coal. (Editor: I don’t even know where you would find a lump of coal these days. Maybe Joe Manchin could find one for us).

34. A 2023 calendar. (Editor: Totally agree. Who wants to be reminded of the past when the future is racing towards us?)

33. Air freshener, disinfectant, oven or drain cleaner.

32. Weight Watchers gift card. (Editor: Unless of course, it was requested).

31. Deep wrinkle reducing cream with a spackle knife. (Editor: This one could end long established friendships).

30. Au Natural ‘Lumberjack’ cologne just for her.

29. A Limburger cheese scented candle. (Editor:  A cheese connoisseur may feel differently).

28. Deodorant (these really stink as gifts…)

27. A set of encyclopedias. (Editor: This means they were printed before the internet. Just take a minute to digest that…it would be like reading the Archives of Alexandria).

26. Antifungal anything. (Editor: This is definitely too personal).

25. A crochet pot holder crafted at your first crochet class. (Editor: Mine is framed, proudly taking up wall space in my kitchen).

24. A place setting of “china” from the Dollar General.

23. A VHS tape collection  of  embarrassing family moments.

22. An eight track tape of Herschel and the Hillbillies.

21. Socks of any color. (Editor: On this I must protest, I’ve gotten some darn cool socks at Christmas, that I still wear. I’ve got the cute fire fighters pair and the classic cars socks, and of course, the Santa socks, and many more).

20. Purple socks and a crushed velvet Donny Osmond cap. (Editor: I don’t know about this one. I’m kind of into the feel of crushed velvet-and Donny is okay in my book, and I’ve already told you how I feel about socks as gifts-and purple is one of my favorite colors).

19. A GMO foods gift basket.

18. A tie (apologies to my husband because I already bought him one…). (Editor: here again I protest, I’ve already stashed away several awesome ones for my honey).

17. A can of Simoniz. (Editor: I totally agree on this one-unless of course, it’s accompanied with a gift certificate to my favorite auto detailer).

16. A pickleball Ken doll.

15. A pickleball lesson gift certificate. (Editor: Anna, again, I must protest. Pickleball is the “new, great thing” in my little community and I wouldn’t mind learning how to play this outrageously fun looking sport- you can give me one of those gift certificates any day).

14. Artificial flavor favorites cookbook. (Editor: I agree, an abomination).

13. Nose hair trimmer, toenail clipper, ingrown toenail file, pimple popper, earwax remover, or any other gross grooming implement. (Editor: Ohhhh dear, I gave my Dad one of those really lovely grooming kits, in a fancy leather carrying case, just a couple years ago. He said, he liked it).

12. Anything pumpkin spice (don’t be tempted by the fact that the PS stuff is now in the clearance bin…).

11. Membership to the kale of the month club.

10. Dental floss, not even the peppermint flavored variety.

9. Last year’s re-gifted fruit cake. (Editor: I definitely agree you shouldn’t wait so long to re-gift the cake. Now, I’ve heard they have a long shelf life, but I’d recommend if you really want to re-gift the fruit cake you should do it no later than Valentine’s Day).

8. A bathroom wastebasket. (Editor: I agree this is definitely a personal choice item).

7. A toilet cleaning brush with matching plunger. (Editor: Definitely hovering on disgusting).

6. Name a cockroach after your loved one certificate (suitable for framing). (Editor: However, a framed certificate of a new star named after a loved one, might be fun.)

At some point you knew this was going to turn political. Just so you aren’t disappointed, here’s a few jabs at the former guy and his crew.

5. My Pillow. (Editor: I hear Mike Lindell needs the money; that’s a good reason not to buy one).

4. An autographed mug shot of the Donald. (Editor: I cringe at the thought).

3. Trumpy Bear. (Editor: Yes, it is a real thing and I’d stay away from it, far away from it, especially if you’re an attorney).

2. A slightly used red MAGA hat.

1. A Donald Trump head-Chia Pet style-with orange foliage growing out of its several orifices. (Editor: I understand there is  limited number of the heads, due to low interest in that guy).


I Wanna Be Barbie, That Girl Has It All

I Wanna Be Barbie

Barbie hit 60 this year but she looks good and is just hitting her stride. I Wanna Be Barbie, That Girl Has It All…


By Anna Hessel


“Barbie” Boom

Pink is in and so is Barbie. I just saw the new Barbie movie for the first time, and it’s totally awesome. How can you miss with a cast that includes America Ferrera, Rhea Pearlman, Will Farrell, Ryan Gosling, Margot Robbie, and narration by Helen Mirren? I must commend Mattel for having the courage to make this movie happen. Culturally diverse Barbies and Kens abound in Barbieland, including wheelchair and plus size perfect Barbies – I want both of those dolls. I agree the park bench scene with pink Western attired Barbie and the older lady is a scene worthy of an Oscar. This Christmas my nieces and nephews are getting Mattel toys: Barbies, Hot Wheels or Matchbox cars. Toys for Tots will be blessed with Barbies, too.

Back in the Day…

I happen to pride myself on knowing my Babs history. I know her middle name is Millicent and I have owned many a Millie. I actually gave my dolls choppy haircuts, marker make up, and even tattoos. Weird Barbie, I understand will be the doll to have this holiday season. Eons ago, I came up with the idea of cellulite Barbie, and, of course, have written about it – you heard it here first, folks.

No Boxing

I played enthusiastically with my collection – no doll of mine stayed in a box. Barbie in her black and pink case accompanied me to my first sleepover and my first day of school. She took mud baths in puddles after the rain, and Malibu Barbie and Ken went to the beach with me. I had the Barbie airplane – she was the pilot, Midge the copilot, and Ken was the flight attendant on my airline.

Be All That She Can Be

Ever the feminist, I campaigned for a Shirley Chisholm and “That Girl” dolls. I already had a nurse “Julia” doll. My fashionista Barbie was a lawyer, astronaut, ballerina, and veterinarian, complete with plastic cat and dog. She was a marine biologist, swimming with plastic dolphins. I had equestrian Barbie, who also ran a day care center. Cute baby Barbies came with my baby sitter set. I had the growing up Skipper; crank her arm and she grew boobs. Lucy in the candy factory Barbie. Hair color change Barbie. Ice Capades Barbie. Farm girl Barbie. Teacher Barbie. That’s just to name a few. Ms. Barbara Millicent Roberts was a professor, first female President of the United States, a senator, and judge. Ken was nurse to her doctor. All of my fashion diva dolls held important positions: opera star, actress, independent film maker, news anchor, author, nuclear physicist, private detective, rocket scientist, and, of course, journalist.

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Jim Jordan Can’t Outrun A Shameful Past


Jim Jordan Can’t Outrun A Dark Past

Journalists are meant to be impartial

Ohio Rep, Jim Jordan, is candidate for the Speaker of the House.  He is once again under fire for his failure to report or intervene in multiple cases of sexual abuse while he was an assistant coach at Ohio State University.


Shameful, “Betrayal” 

D. S. Mitchell


Back In Time

A former Ohio State University wrestler, one of several, who have accused (R) Ohio  Rep. Jim Jordan of failing to stop a sexual predator when he was the team’s assistant coach in the 1980s and ’90s said recently Jordan has no business being the next speaker of the House.

Many More 

That former wrestler, Mike Schyck asked quite pointedly, “Do you really want a guy in that job (Speaker of the House) who chose not to stand up for his guys?” Schyck is one of hundreds of former OSU athletes and students who claim to have been sexually abused by school doctor Richard Strauss and have sued the university.

Pardon Please

To be clear, Jordan is not a nice guy. He is a loud mouth bomb thrower, a destructionist, and an election (2020) denier. This fraud, I mean Mr. Jordan, refused to respond to a subpoena from the House’s January 6th Committee investigating election interference. Jordan was so conscious of his guilt he asked Donald Trump, before he left office, to pardon all his activities to overturn the 2020 election.

A Dirty Past

A staunch ally of former President Trump, Jordan’s controversial past has once again reared its ugly head. In fact, it is likely that Jordan will be deposed in one or more of the several lawsuits surrounding the sexual abuse at the school. Whoever becomes Speaker of the House is also second in the presidential line of succession, after the vice president. Is there anyone in this country that wants to back a man who was such a craven coward he let the abuse of one doctor affect the lives of hundreds of young people?

Lies And Hypocrisy 

Another former OSU wrestler, Dunyasha Yetts, has loudly and publicly accused Rep. Jordan of lying about his knowledge of Dr. Strauss’ pedophilia and his abhorrent acts against minors.  Yetts said in a recent interview that the congressman’s “hypocrisy is unbelievable. He doesn’t deserve to be House Speaker. He still has to answer for what happened to us.”


Rocky Ratliff, a former OSU wrestler and alleged Strauss victim, now an attorney representing a number of the plaintiffs suing the school, said Jordan “abandoned his former wrestlers in the Ohio State sexual abuse scandal and cover-up.” The University, has to date, paid over $60 million dollars to 296 victims.


Jordan  has used his role as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee to aggressively investigate Hillary Clinton for Benghazi before the 2016 presidential election. He is now clamoring for the jailing of Hunter Biden and the impeachment of President Joe Biden. Jordan has advocated shutting down the damn government for no good purpose; other than to cost the American tax payers billions of dollars.


Wednesday morning October 18th, 2023, I watched on television the vote for the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. After Jordan failed for a second time in his effort to be elected by his party I breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully, he will not continue the fight, but it sounds like he and his allies intend to threaten members of the Republican caucus with death and dismemberment if they don’t fall in line and elect Jordan Speaker of the House. This man is a disgrace. The thought of him ever ascending to the presidency after some calamity is hair raising. Stop Jim Jordan.


Unspeakable Pain

Unspeakable Pain

The hate of generations burns hot in the middle east. No one is safe.

Unspeakable Pain

By D.S. Mitchell

I am neither Jew nor Christian. I am neither Hindu nor Muslim. I am in fact, an atheist.  It’s incomprehensible to me, that those who proclaim love and peace through their faith are most often the last to show it. If there is a god, he would never want a child killed in His or (Her) name.

Fun With Cannabis; Making Kief

Fun With Cannabis; Making Kief

Fun With Cannabis; Making Kief

Welcome back to Calamity News and Politics. Today Bill and Dave are going to teach you how to make kief from your cannabis stash. The guys have been getting a lot of questions from viewers about how to make different cannabis products. Today the guys will be talking about having fun with cannabis, making kief.

Tips On Staying Young

Tips On Staying Young 

Living longer is about moving and socialization.

Tips On Staying Young

By D. S. Mitchell

I was standing in the grocery check out line when I noticed a special edition Prevention magazine titled “99 Ways To Live To 100” on the rack in front of me.  I bought the magazine and when I got home the first article I read was “Active At 80+”

The story featured 4 amazing women from 81-87 years of age. Each of the women offered 3 stay young secrets. I thought they were good enough to share with my friends.

Alice Rocky 81: Stay Fit Activity, Yoga. Her “Stay Young Secrets”:

1.) Spend time with people of various ages. Having a broad social network helps you to feel and act younger, it helps you keep in mind that age is just a number.

2.) Recognize that some aches and pains are normal and natural.  It is your body giving you feedback. Listen to it and change, but don’t stop moving.

3) Exercise your brain. Stay engaged intellectually. Volunteer. Do crossword puzzles.

Ruth Heidrich 82: Stay Fit Activity, Iron Woman. Her “Stay Young Secrets”:

1.) Appreciate what you can do, “whether walking a half mile or doing chair yoga, applaud yourself.”

2.) Go meatless. Ruth states it is the most important health change she has ever made.

3.) Focus on the rewards. Exercise improves sleep, lowers blood pressure, reverses Type 2 diabetes, prevents heart disease and osteoporosis.

Florence Meiler 83: Stay Fit Activity, Track & Field. Her “Stay Young Secrets”:

1.) Discover your “thing.” “It can be yoga, Tai Chi, swimming-the key is finding the activity you like enough to commit to it on a regular basis.”

2.) Team up. “Exercising with friends keeps you on track and motivated. The National Senior Games’ motto is ‘Fitness, Fun and Fellowship.’ That says it all.”

3.) Believe in yourself. “We are all capable of far more than we think we are, instead of saying ‘I can’t’ say ‘I’ll try.’ Those words can make all the difference.

Joan Campbell 87: Stay Fit Activity, Swimming. Her “Stay Young Secrets”:

1.) Always have a goal. “It can be anything that motivates you. Goals give you a push”

2.) Avoid scale creep. “If I feel my pants getting tight, I cut my portions. Fish and veggies are my go to dinner.”

3.) Just say yes. “I see daily exercise as an automatic. That way I don’t question it. If I don’t feel like getting out of bed, I motivate myself by thinking how good I will feel afterward, and that always helps me get moving.”

Wow. Some pretty insightful suggestions. I think the information is as good for a 25-year-old as an 80-year-old.

Control Your B/P And Save Your Life

Control Your Blood Pressure & Save Your Life

Untreated high blood pressure kills at least 400,000 Americans every year.

Control Your Blood Pressure And Save Your Life

Editor: This is an updated version of an article originally published 11/25/2017.

D. S. Mitchell

Silent Killer

I am a retired RN. As a result, I will often blog about health care, and health care news. Today I thought I would draw attention to the ‘silent killer,’ high blood pressure. It is known as the silent killer because there are no warning signs or symptoms  of the condition. Approximately 75 million adult Americans have high blood pressure. In 2016 the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported high blood pressure as the primary cause for the death of 410,000 Americans.

Causes Of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure occurs when our arteries become clogged with a waxy substance called plaque. Plaque forms due to a variety of reasons, most particularly these causes are defined as life style causes. There are of course hereditary factors at work, but for most modern adult Americans, high blood pressure is about life style choices.

Ignoring The Diagnosis Will Not Make It Go Away

The American Heart Association indicates that “while the incidence of high Blood pressure is way up from 10 years ago, and 46% of Americans know they have it, most refuse to do anything about it,” says Brion Oaks an AHA spokesman. Americans want to ignore the condition, often refusing to take B/P meds or make lifestyle changes.

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Cannabis Cookies From Homemade RSO

Cannabis Cookies From Homemade RSO

I got busy this morning and made 60 Cannabis Cookies with homemade RSO. My friends will be happy.

RSO Delivers Scrumptious Cannabis Edibles

By D. S. Mitchell

When visiting Oregon stop by a cannabis dispensary and check out all the forms of cannabis on the market. If you have time and are interested check out the ‘Pirates of Calamity’, on this website. Currently, the guys are doing a series on how to make kief, bubble hash, tincture, RSO, etc, etc. Possession of all of the above named forms of cannabis are legal in Oregon.

I do not make canna butter. I’m a good cook, but a lazy one, and I will never work that hard to make a batch of edibles. Whether it’s triple chocolate cookies, brownies, or my personal favorite, molasses cookies, I skip all that work and make most all of my cannabis edibles using RSO or edible tincture, mostly RSO, however. I usually pick it up from my local budtender.

So this morning with my homemade RSO (a very unfamiliar situation) sitting unused in a glass jar next to the coffee pot I decided to make molasses cookies for an assortment of associates. If anyone of you have used RSO in your food (many cancer patients) you already know how thick and sticky(!) it is. Quite honestly, it looks and behaves like tar.

There is no need to change your favorite cookie or brownie recipe to make it cannabis friendly. The only two things that are important to remember is that the RSO (or tincture) needs to be treated like an oil and that it needs to be liquified before adding to the recipe.

Begin your recipe prep as usual, when you get to the oil (butter, Crisco, lard ) you want to add your cannabis.  HOWEVER, to be able to do that you will need to liquify the RSO. Do not put RSO directly into the microwave (I’m assuming you have purchased a syringe (plastic or glass) of RSO from your local dispensary). Fill a microwaveable vessel with water. I personally use a Pyrex measuring cup. So, fill the cup with water and heat in microwave until you see the water boil. Sit the cup of boiling water in a safe place, on the counter and drop the syringe into the cup of hot water. Let the syringe remain in the hot water for at least a full minute; by that time the product should be liquid and easy to dispense into the butter (oil) portion of the recipe. Blend well, very well, scraping sides of bowl. Be sure to clean the beaters using a knife edge to make sure you’re not tossing out THC loaded dough or batter.

Happy cookie baking.

***As a reminder, DO NOT DRIVE after INGESTING CANNABIS IN ANY FORM. You will be DUI.