Donald Trump Wants His Daddy Back


Donald Trump Wants His Daddy Back

Fred Trump came in multiple times and rescued his son from his business mistakes. Donald wishes Fred were here today to clean up after his son at least one more time.


“I Want My Daddy.” “I Want My Daddy.”

Donald’s father, Fred Trump, was an extremely wealthy real estate developer, who supported Donald’s business ventures with hundreds of millions of dollars over his lifetime. Fred Trump died in 1999, but his money has kept Donald Trump and his siblings financially comfortable since the old man’s death. That comfort may now be in jeopardy.

By D. S. Mitchell

Despite 45’s claims of being a self-made man, a NY Times investigation several years ago showed that Fred Trump gave Donald at least $413 million from his own successful real estate business over the years. The Times also reported that Fred transferred some of this wealth through dubious tax schemes. Much of what Fred provided Donald seems to be unravelling as the ex-president battles fraud charges in New York state.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump, the twice impeached former U. S. president, and faux billionaire, was found guilty of repeatedly violating New York fraud laws by New York Supreme Court Justice, Arthur Engoron. In what is known as a summary judgment Engoron, days before the trial, found that Trump persistently participated in business fraud— and that Mr. Trump was liable for his lies and misrepresentations. Next week’s trial will be all about settling the money damages and penalties Trump & Co. will owe.

The civil case, was brought by New York State Attorney General, Letitia James. James is demanding $250 million dollars from Trump and the The Trump Organization for multiple decades of fraud. Engoron ordered the business certificates for all of Donald Trump’s holdings in New York be canceled.

The potential damage to Trump’s New York business empire is staggering. Iconic properties like 40 Wall Street, Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, and his Westchester county estate, Seven Springs, is to be, within 10 days, put into the hands of three independent receivers. The “receivers will manage the dissolution of the canceled” LLC’s associated with Trump and the Trump Organization.

Engoron’s order, according to Trump’s lawyers will be appealed. If the appeal fails Trump will lose all financial authority over Trump Organization properties in New York. A representative for Trump’s attorney, Melissa Cintron, noted that not only could the businesses be placed under the control of a receiver, but “the receiver will sell off the assets of the businesses and wind up affairs” such as paying creditors.

“Without a corporate charter, you can’t operate as a corporation. You can’t get loans, you can’t apply for a government contract,”  financial crimes prosecutor Diana Florence told reporters outside the courthouse. “It’s comparable to once a person dies. A dead person can’t sell property. Only the executor of the estate can do that — or in this case, the receiver.”

From the early 1980’s through today, Donald Trump has been making headlines as a business phenom. Gold towers and blonde beauties, all the glitz and glamour of a rich real estate tycoon, all in one well crafted package. The “reality” TV show, “The Apprentice,” ran for 14 years and cemented the image of  Trump as a successful businessman.

But we see now, it was all a lie. It was make believe. It was a grifter’s slight of hand. Donald Trump’s career was built on his father’s money. Donald has been a daddy’s boy; who has, his entire life, lived off the money his father had made. The only thing Donald knows about money is how to spend it. He especially likes spending other people’s money.

I just want to say to all the small donors who support Trump, think before you write Daddy’s Boy another check.


Transplant Patients Get New Hope

New Hope For Transplant Patients

In a history making surgery and an amazing 61 days a pig kidney works normally inside a donated cadaver, raising hope for animal to human transplants

Pig Kidney Offers Hope For Dying Patients

A brain dead patient receives a pig’s kidney 

By D. S. Mitchell 


OHSU Transplant

As a young RN I worked at University Hospital, in Portland, Oregon. My first assignment was on the Transplant floor. Although it was many years ago, now, it was a great experience, helping those who would die without a donated organ. At that time we did kidney, liver, pancreas, and hearts. It is an amazing program extending life for 1,000’s of patients over the years. One of the hardest things for patient is the seemingly interminable wait if they don’t have a genetic match with a potential family donor. At least a 100,000  people are on the national waiting list, the majority need a kidney, and sadly thousands will die waiting for a donor.

New Hope On The Way

A history making experiment has been underway for the last two months in a New York hospital that offers promise to those waiting for a kidney donation. Xenotransplantation has for decades been nothing more than a dream. The problem is the human immune system, which immediately goes to work to kill the foreign animal tissue. With a new approach scientists are working with genetically modified pigs, so the pigs organs are more humanlike. Some research teams insist on pigs that have up to 10 genetic changes.  The transplant team led by Dr. Robert Montgomery, a heart transplant recipient himself, used in this study, is a pig kidney with only one genetic modification. Importantly, the single gene modification is the removal of a gene that triggers an immediate immune attack.

Maurice “Mo” Miller 

The human recipient, Maurice “Mo” Miller, had collapsed and was declared brain-dead, his family was unable to donate his organs because of cancer. His sister after much consideration chose to donate the the man’s body to the pig experiment. Dr. Montgomery gambled that he could keep Miller’s body on a ventilator for two months to test the transplanted pig kidney. On July 14, 2023, surgeons replaced Miller’s two kidneys with one pig kidney and the pig’s thymus. The thymus is a gland that “trains” immune cells. Two months later at the termination of the experiment, Miller was taken off the ventilator and prepared for cremation. The kidney was still performing perfectly.

The Future

The information gained from this study will be provided to the FDA in the hopes that xenotransplantation may soon be attempted on living humans. Experiments on the dead cannot be predictors of organ transplant success with living subjects. I see years of testing, but this amazing case gives us all hope that someday we will be able to transplant modified animal organs into living humans, saving lives, that would have ended too soon.


Prep And Roll; Artificial Turf Coming Soon

Prep And Roll;

Artificial Turf Coming To A Home Near You

Artificial turf creates a beautiful, natural, low maintenance solution to backyard weeds, watering, and mowing

Prep And Roll

From The Sports Stadium To The Neighborhood 

By D.S. Mitchell

Morning Walks

I usually go for a morning walk. The route rarely changes, so I am particularly aware of homeowner activities in the neighborhood. Recently, I have noticed a lot of changes at a particular address. First, it was a beautiful new concrete ’tile’ roof, then a lovely grey paint job with sparkling white trim, and all new rock walkways. Ahh, all the choices have been just perfect. Last Wednesday, there was a bobcat in the front yard. I could see something serious was about to happen. On Thursday, when I walked by the house, all the sod and weeds had been scraped off; scalping the topsoil down about 4 inches and a sub-base of gravel had been placed and compacted nicely.

Friday Morning

Friday morning, to my surprise, I saw the contractor had laid out rolls of artificial grass on top of the gravel base, like you would carpet, stretching and snugging the pieces together, securing each piece with small yellow spikes. My brain lit up; oh, wow, my neighbor had decided to stop mowing and watering the lawn and was going to join the millions of Americans who are choosing a simpler and more environmentally friendly landscape solution. Saturday morning the new front yard was installed and looking amazing.

Positives For The Homeowner

I’ve been thinking about switching to artificial turf for at least the last year and have done a bit of research on the topic.  I’m pretty much convinced it is a good investment and appropriate for an older single female. I’d love not to be dealing with the damn lawnmower every weekend, spring, summer, and fall.  I’ve spoken to several contractors and I’ve learned that the artificial grass dries quickly after it rains, making it particularly user-friendly. It’s attractive even in problem areas, those shaded pathways, under large trees, and children’s outdoor play areas. The artificial turf saves water, cuts down on dust, weeds, and bugs. And it’s beauty encourages an outdoor lifestyle.

I’ve Also Learned

I had no idea that artificial grass was available in a variety of pile heights and color tones. Here’s notes from my conversations with the experts. First, choose a manufacturer with UV protection and a multi-year warranty. The last thing you want is to pull up a lawn you laid only a year ago. Next, I was told to see what varieties of natural grass my neighbors favored for their lawns. I was told darker-shades of fescue are common in northern yards. In the south, a lighter Bermuda grass is a better choice. Manufacturers also advise their customers to think about what they like aesthetically. For a fresh cut look, try a shorter grass with a firm feel. If you want a rich, luxurious look, a longer, softer, and lower-density grass will provide that.

More Things To Think About

Will your grass see heavy use, moderate use, or little to no use? Are there pets and kids? What about a swimming pool? If the grass will see heavy traffic you will need a denser product to ensure longevity. An 80 ounce product is a good choice for high traffic areas. If traffic is moderate a 62 ounce product will do the job while a 46 ounce product is the most economical for low traffic areas. There are even pet friendly grasses with short dense blades, making turds easy to clean up. If pets are a consideration choose a turf with a “fully permeable backing” which allows urine and other fluids to drain properly. A product with a permeable backing is also recommended for areas around pools and other spaces that water habitually splashes.

Easy Care, Doesn’t Mean No Care

Artificial grass is easy care, but, like with everything, there are some simple steps you can take to keep your new lawn beautiful for years to come. A leaf blower will become a good friend as it is important to remove fallen leaves or branches as soon as possible, before they become ground into the fabric. It is a good idea to rinse the turf regularly with a garden hose to clean off dust, pollen, and debris. Soda and other spills should be cleaned up promptly using a towel to blot the spot and rinsing with a mixture of soap and water. Let solid pet waste dry before picking it up, then rinse the area with water. Pet urine will drain out but it is suggested that such areas should be rinsed off with water. Brushing the grass against the grain in high traffic areas every couple weeks is promised to keep your artificial ground cover beautiful for years to come.

How About Weeds?

Sometimes, when the conditions are just right your artificial turf may nurture moss and weeds. Birds and wind deliver seeds and other plant matter and as such things go, rain and sun cause germination.  If you begin to see unwanted weeds pull the little buggers out by hand or eliminate them with a vinegar and water mix.



Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, An American Story

Kamala Harris, fulfillment of the American dream. Vote Blue 2024 Biden/Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris: An American Story


By D. S. Mitchell

Preparing For The Challenge

Kamala Harris is a leader. You see it in her demeanor, in her confidence. Her story, her views, and how her education and work have prepared her for the challenges of her job as the first female vice president of the United States should be explored and written about. An attorney,  a fierce prosecutor, California Attorney General, senator, social leader, best selling author, and Vice President of the United States; all by the age of 58.

Early Examples

Harris grew up watching her parents forge ahead into unknown territory, and—by her own admission—her yearning for something meaningful started at a young age. Harris’s mother Gopalan immigrated from Chennai, India, to study at the University of  California-Berkeley for her doctorate in nutrition and endocrinology. She met and fell in love with Donald Harris, a Jamaican-born economics major earning his Ph.D. Rather than returning home to marry someone of her family’s choosing, Gopalan stayed in the United States. Together Harris and Gopalan had two daughters. They raised their daughters immersed in their two combined cultures in a new land and instilled in them respect for activism and academia.

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GOP Eagerly Embraces Trump


The GOP Embraces Trump

Trump is a criminal. He is dangerous man. Stop him.


Corruption, Bigotry, and Intolerance 

The last thing America needs is another four years of Trump in the White House tweeting crazy ass nonsense 24 hours a day, indicting his enemies, attacking the media, and defaming private citizens from a seat in the Oval Office. Come on America, we are definitely better than this guy.

By D. S. Mitchell


The Last Thing America Needs

Donald J. Trump, the last thing America needs in public office, has seen his poll numbers skyrocket among Republicans, as his criminal indictments mount. Trump, the forever grifter, is making millions selling his mugshot on T-shirts. The Grand Old Party of Lincoln has collapsed. What we now have in its place is total acceptance of the unacceptable.  Gun packing white supremacists, torch carrying Neo-Nazi’s, vitriolic officials denying the obvious truth, Joe Biden won the election. When Republican politicians like Liz Cheney, and Mitt Romney can’t talk sense to these crazies, and instead leave the party to become unaffiliated voices; it just proves that today’s Republican Party is not the party of your father-or your grandfather; and certainly not Lincoln.

Against The Trump Plan 

When all the votes for the 2020 presidential election were counted, Joe Biden’s ballot tally totaled 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3% of the vote. Donald Trump only garnered 74,222,958 or 46.8% of the vote. Miscellaneous other candidates captured a meager 1.8% of the vote. In other words, Joe Biden, kicked Trump’s butt, besting the Mango Mussolini by over 7 million plus votes. Go Brandon!

In MAGA World, The Biggest Flag Wins

But, those numbers were obviously out of sync with Trump’s election plan. Trump demanded recount after recount, all the while inflaming his supporters, convincing them, falsely, that he was the victim of voter fraud, mostly in the black and brown big cities of the country.  Votes were counted and recounted and lawsuit after lawsuit brought by Trump challenging the election were dismissed. Everyone from the bloated and lawless Bill Barr to Cybersecurity Director Chris Krebs called Trump’s claims of voter fraud, “bullshit.” But, three years later, I still see signs proclaiming, “Trump Won!” usually accompanied by an oversized American flag.

On A Personal Note

I admit it, I’m angry. The MAGA election deniers have highjacked the American flag, as if it is their private property. Pre-MAGA I would fly the flag in front of my house every President’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day (my son’s birthday), the 4th of July, and Labor Day, I no longer display the flag on the above noted holidays, but instead I now keep my treasured flag in a drawer. The last thing I want is for anyone, at anytime, to assume I’m a Trumpie. I am furious that these MAGA lug nuts have so brazenly, as if they are the patriots, stolen the stars and stripes as decor for their civil disobedience. I am convinced these fake patriots are an existential threat to our democracy. It isn’t a far stretch to imagine Trump using armed militias to implement Bashar al-Assad tactics to hold on to power if he is ever returned to the White House.

As It Plays Out

Because of Trump’s lies, our country has grown even more painfully divided. Instead of the bloated orange fruit fly conceding the election, to Joe Biden, like every other loser before him has, Trump chose to create chaos, dissent, and mob violence. Authoritarians do that sort of thing, call the validity of elections into question. If Trump becomes the Republican nominee in 2024 I am sure we will see more armed election observers,  more lawsuits, more threats of violence, more white supremacist saber rattling, and more talk of Trump as a lifetime president.

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The Trump Crime Family Under Scrutiny


The Trump Crime Family Under Scrutiny

91 indictments should be enough to stop Trump's re-election, but so far the leader of the Trump Crime Family seems to feel political push back


The Scandal of the Trump Crime Family

The X-Prez has been the head of a crime family operating in full view and in defiance of law enforcement for decades. Time for the Trump Crime Family to be brought to justice. Let’s start with a Senate Investigative Committee; then we can have dueling congressional hearings. Way past time to ask tough questions about Ivanka’s patent hanky-panky in China, the Trump DC hotel, and Saudi Arabia’s billions warming Jared Kushner’s wallet.


By D.S. Mitchell

News Alert

Attention! For those in the country that haven’t gotten the news: Trump was voted out of office. Joe Biden kicked his fat, orange, ass. Trump lost by nearly 8 million votes. Period. Dot.


If Trump is allowed to appear on the ballot and potentially gain a second presidential term it will encourage him and others to continue their attack on our democracy, most likely ending the American experiment. Trump has declared repeatedly he will suspend the U. S. Constitution, he has also suggested women should face criminal charges for obtaining an abortion, and his threats to jail his “enemies” is chilling. The unhinged threats of the head of the Trump Crime Family cannot be ignored. The weaponization of the IRS and the DOJ will allow Trump to destroy the lives of anyone he choses. That’s ‘effin scary. Think about what Trump has said about judges, prosecutors, war heroes, and average citizens; seriously endangering the lives of those he targets. WTF? Since when is it okay for a man with the presidential bully pulpit to attack election workers? It’s clear. Trump’s concept of the presidency is similar to the North Korea model.

91 Felony Charges, to date

Holy shit. Trump is the first president of the United States, in 234 years, to be criminally indicted. 34 felony counts in New York, over allegations that he falsified business records to conceal hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, a porn star. 40 felony counts in Florida for hoarding classified documents and obstructing government efforts to collect them. 4 felony counts in D.C. related to his alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. In Georgia, the Fulton County DA has indicted Trump on 13 counts of election interference in that state. These are criminal charges, Trump is also facing multiple civil lawsuits. My goodness, folks, Trump is a walking crime wave. He is totally unfit for office and a group of people are trying to keep this lawless king pin off the ballot.

Groups in Multiple States

Groups in multiple states, both Republican and Democrat, are making efforts to block the twice impeached former president from running for office ever again. The basis of the strategy is to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to prevent Trump from running for office. The 14th Amendment is post civil war legislation intended to deal with insurrectionists in the aftermath of the Civil War. Insurrectionists and anyone who had given aid and comfort to insurgents were legally barred from running for office.   How fitting for this Twenty-First century insurrectionist.


Stopping Trump should be the major job  of every democracy loving American. We don’t need an indicted criminal running 0ur government for his personal and family profit. No to Trump. No to MAGA. Save Democracy, vote blue, vote Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2024.

Commercial for “The Pirates of Calamity”

Commercial For “The Pirates Of Calamity”

So, while the rest of us slept the guys were busy working on a commercial for their “Pirates of Calamity” weekly videocast, seen here on YouTube calamity politics channel. Be sure to let the guys know what you think of their efforts. You can also find the guys on, Facebook, and X.

9/11 Memorial In U.S. While Ukraine Hangs On

9/11 Memorial In U.S. While Ukraine Hangs On

The war in Ukraine drags on as Putin seeks additional weapons to hammer the country in to submission.

9/11 Memorial In U.S. While Ukraine Hangs On

By D. S. Mitchell

Way Too Early

I fell asleep again with the TV playing. The only problem with that is when some damn commercial suddenly blares multiple octaves louder than any of the previous pronouncements, waking me up unceremoniously at an ungodly hour. In this case, I woke up to the memorial service for the victims of 9/11, playing early this morning on MSNBC.

Jonathan Lemire

So, I wake up to a replay of the twin towers collapsing and the reading of the names of the 3500 known dead. I lay there in bed, watching a montage of clips from that terrible day and I am sad. Broken hearted. I couldn’t stop the tears. Its 4:30 on the west coast and I’m literally sitting in bed crying like a baby missing her mother. I had been pretty much okay until Jonathan Lemire spoke of the brave Americans that fought the terrorists and intentionally brought down United Flight#93 in a rural field in Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board, most likely preventing the plane from slamming into the Capitol, or perhaps the White House.

I Take a Propranolol

Recently, I have been a bit more anxious than usual. After a brief sit down with my PCP she ordered me something for my “nerves”. I headed to the bathroom and found the bottle with its pretty blue pills and took one tab with a glass of water.  I expelled a whoosh of breath from puffed cheeks and resumed my place in front of the tellie watching the pomp and ceremony.

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Food Safety; Lies and Myths

Food Safety; Lies and Myths

Misinformation on food safety still abounds

Myths, and Outright Lies About Food Safety


By D. S. Mitchell


Is Food Microwaved In Plastic Really Toxic? 

Well, it depends; some types of plastic breakdown and melt, while others microwave just fine. Knowing the difference can be a bit tricky. Check your container, be it a plate, a cup, or some rando container found at the back of the cupboard, it should say, “microwave safe” or bear the wavy line symbol. If there is no such labeling, just assume that it is NOT microwave safe. What about that stretchy plastic wrap? Experts claim as long as you cover the dish so the plastic wrap does not touch the food and cut ventilation holes in it before microwaving, all should be good.

Is It True You Don’t Need To Wash Organic Produce?

The FDA says wash all produce, whether organic or not. If it is pre-packaged and states “pre-washed” on the label washing or rinsing is unnecessary. According to the FDA spokesman, Peter Cassell, “it is more about dirt than pesticides”.  Cassell, further tells us that “some fruits and veggies trap soil in nooks and crannies as they grow, and produce may pick up bacteria from people handling the produce before the consumer ever gets it home.” So clearly the recommendation is to wash fruits and veggies, even when you do not plan on eating the skin. Wash all produce, because cutting or peeling can transfer germs to the part you plan to eat. No need for special soaps-just rinse under running water and pat dry with a clean towel. Another important tip; always wait until you are ready to use the item before you wash it. Storing wet produce can accelerate spoilage and promote bacterial growth.

Can I Freeze Food Forever?

Not a good plan, I can attest from personal experience. The issue here is more about quality and flavor.  The longer an item has been in the freezer the lower the quality of your meat.  As an example, blueberries generally last 8 to 12 months frozen, on the other hand a whole ham will only be good for a month or two. This is a good reason to date “time in” and “recommended time out” on every item you toss in the freezer. To find out the recommended length of freezer storage time just download the free USDA Food Keeper app.

Is It Safe To Eat Cheese After Cutting Off The Mold?

Oh-oh. Here’s one I’ve been getting wrong for 60 years. The USDA recommends you toss it. The visual mold can be a sign, they say, that toxins have permeated the entire item. This is apparently most especially true with soft cheeses, such as Brie and Ricotta. On the other hand, with hard cheeses, such as Provolone and Cheddar, it is probably quite safe to cut off the mold with a one inch border and then eat the unblemished remainder.

Should I Wash Chicken Before I Cook It?

Here’s another one I’ve been getting wrong for decades. Yikes, I’m  damn glad I read that article in Prevention Magazine by Kailyn Pierie, way back in August of 2019. Do not. Do not, do it. When you rinse raw chicken, or any raw meat, you are increasing the risk for cross-contamination by spreading bacteria to everything within splashing distance-sink, counter, utensils, nearby foods waiting to be prepped. Furthermore, not all bacteria is washed away easily. The surest way to protect yourself and anyone that eats at your table is to cook meat to the proper internal temperature. That’s 145 degrees F for beef, pork, lamb and veal; 160 degrees F  for ground meats; and 165 degrees F for all poultry. AND, do not forget to wash thoroughly all utensils and surfaces that may have come into contact with any raw meat.

Never forget, food safety starts with good hand washing/sanitizing.

SAFE Cooking!