Simplify Your Way to Wellness

Simplify Your Way to Wellness

Reduce stress and improve life

Simplify Your Way to Wellness

Getting rid of things taking up too much space in your home and mind and you will regain calm and improve your health

By D. S. Mitchell

I was flipping through a four-year-old Prevention magazine waiting for my name to be called at the women’s clinic when an article caught my eye. I’m a retired RN and I love finding articles about health and wellness, and tips on how to improve everyday life that I can pass on to my Calamity News readers.

According to this 2019 article by Kate Rockwood, more than half of the country’s population felt “lonely” and “40%” were more anxious than the previous year.  Wow, I thought to myself, this is all pre-COVID-19 information. I can only imagine what the loneliness statistics are today, off the charts, I’m sure.

Ms. Rockwood tells the reader that mental states such as anxiety and loneliness can affect us physically as well. Anxiety and loneliness can increase cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels have been linked to an increased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

Outside of seeing a therapist, she suggests the following.

Get Busy.  Smart Phones, Zoom,  PC’s and other technologies are great, but such technologies cannot replace in person interaction. Join a garden club, a book club, or volunteer. Volunteering 2 hours a week results in decreased loneliness and social isolation. Check out for local opportunities that fit your interests and skill set. Set a regular lunch date with an old friend. Touch, hug.

Organize Anxiety. To keep “worries” under control start by jotting down specific worries that are stuck on repeat. Then set a specific time to focus on that list of “worries”.  This little trick can help keep those “worries” from hijacking your brain at unwanted times. When the scheduled time to focus on the “worry” list comes around it is possible that the worries are no longer an issue.

Sweat Shop. We all know that physical exercise is important for good physical health, more and more evidence support the notion that physical exercise is good for mental health as well. Thirty minutes of walking can equal the effect of medication or psychotherapy at lifting mild to moderate symptoms of depression.

Clearing the Environment. Environmental disorder can seriously increase our stress level. Studies have linked cluttered environments to decreased self-control and increased anxiety. Pros suggest that you do not try to tackle the whole house at once. Start with one messy area of your home. Snap a before picture. Set the timer for 20-30 minutes. Begin straightening and cleaning. I find it best to start in one corner and just work my way around the room. When the timer dings force yourself to stop for at least 10 minutes, or the whole day if you feel like it. It is imperative to swap open ended cleaning sessions for a specific time window. It is far less overwhelming. Comparing the before photo to the post cleaning picture is solid proof that a little effort can make big dents in seemingly overwhelming projects.

Move Things Around. Want to lose a few pounds, take on a kitchen redo. Hide the cookie jar and bring out a bowl of fruit for your table’s center piece. In your panty move healthy staples like nuts, quinoa, to the front of eye level shelves and put unhealthier snacks and sweets on the top shelf where they are harder to see or reach.

Return to a Former Passion. Re-engaging with an activity you once loved-a sport, an instrument, a hobby-can bring you fun and and new people into your life.

Change it Up. Consider pursuing that sport or hobby in a more social way. An example could be, you as a life long gardener, take a neighbor under your wing and teach her the joys of working in the garden.

Reconnect.  Do you find yourself reminiscing about old friends? If you do, it  may be time to reach out to them (social media is a great resource) and attempt to reconnect. Sometimes it will be like you never had a disconnect, in other instances there will be no re-blossoming of the relationship, but you made the effort and that’s the important part.

I hope you found a couple of tips to help undo the side effects of stress in your life.

Vaccine Basics: The Truth About Vaccines


The strength of the anti-vaxxer movement in the U.S. is dangerous to the public health.

Vaccine Basics: The Truth About Vaccines

The Chinese were using inoculation over a 1,000 years ago in an attempt to protect people from the scourge of small pox. Those early physicians would make a scratch on a person’s arm or leg and then rub fluid from the pox pustules into the broken skin. Another method involved blowing infected dust from scabs into the nostrils of a healthy individual. The first record of an injection of a weakened form of small pox was by a British physician, Edward Jenner, in the 18th century. 

D. S. Mitchell

An Army

Any regular reader of this website knows that I am a retired RN. And as such, health and wellness issues are an important part of the information I share on this site. The COVID-19 pandemic brought out an army of anti-vaxxers, led by a-holes like RFK, Jr. There’s a guy despised by his family and recognized world wide as a “nut cake,” but even someone as despised and discredited as Kennedy has followers. Just because his dad was famous and cool does not mean he passed any of that charisma, intellect, or personality on to his children, particularly junior, in this case.

A Veritable Quandary

I don’t understand it. During my life time vaccines have nearly caused us to forget the severe outbreaks of “childhood diseases” including polio, tetanus, hepatitis A and B, rubella, mumps, whooping cough, rotavirus, smallpox, measles, and more. Vaccines save money. If you don’t care about the human cost, there is the financial cost of infectious diseases on our country. The CDC estimates that inoculation against measles has saved the United States $295 billion in hospital costs and $1.4 trillion in societal costs over a 15 year span, according to an article in the August 2020  Prevention magazine, by Jennifer Wolff


Fear, misinformation, and superstition are all drivers of the anti-vax movement. Because of all the screaming and hollering and the threats against Dr. Fauci, I thought now might be as good a time as any to provide a short refresher course on what vaccines are and what they are not.

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Tips On Staying In Style In This Economy

Staying In Style In This Economy

Anna Hessel offers common sense ideas to save money in these inflationary times


Editor’s Note: Anna Hessel with a little help from hubby, Wes, will be offering up for the next seven weeks, 10 tips a week on How to Stay In Style In This Economy. Watch for it every Tuesday.

How to Stay in Style in this Economy…

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

Inflation is being beaten back but basic costs are still high, and service providers are charging more, but there is hope out there. Saving money has always been a challenge but in this current economic climate saving money can be get a bit tricky,  but there are certainly ways to shave your budget without losing out on things you need and want, here are today’s suggestions:


  1. Dare to compare – check your cell phone, hotspot, or internet plan to see if you’re getting the best buy. “Unlimited” plans maybe more than you need, such as for cell phone data – check your account on the provider’s website or app for your usage history, or call their customer service if you can’t locate it to find out what you are really using.
  2. Dare to compare, part 2 – check other providers for the service to see if there’s a better deal. For instance, if you have an unlocked or otherwise compatible phone, see if another vendor would get you more for your money. If your device isn’t unlocked, talk to your provider to see if they have an unlock program – more are making one available, but it might not be advertised. Also, the conversation you have with the customer service person who you’re asking might get you to a unpublished plan that is better than you have but is only available for their personnel to save your business.
  3. Dare to compare, part 3 – when is the last time you checked to see if you’re getting the best buy for your insurance plans? How about the best deal (be it less fees or higher interest) at yout bank? (And alternative online institutions which offer checking/debit card or savings account equivalents, such as PayPal or Chime, may be a good place to try…)
  4. Discount drug cards or services can be very helpful for filling prescriptions – sometimes they are even cheaper than insurance prices…
  5. If you have Medicare, look into advantage plans – depending on your personal situation, they can get you benefits you don’t already have or improve the ones you do, all potentially at little or no additional cost, maybe even save you money. Be cautious as some hotlines/brokers are oriented toward one or two particular providers they work for, but shopping around is worth it.

Don’t Discount the Discounts…

  1. Save with coupons – they still exist in paper form, not just online. Although super couponing is no longer popular, any money saved is worth the clipping. Many grocery stores have coupon dispensers in the aisles or otherwise available by the product(s) they’re for. Ask for rainchecks if sale items are out of stock. In addition, grocery clearance can also be a great way to reduce your food costs but be very cautious of expiration dates and packaging. Dented cans and taped food boxes or containers are not worth the risk.
  2. Look for package deals – be they the $5 or $6 “bundle” at your favorite fast food (good for the occasional treat) or retailers (online or otherwise) who sell a group of related items for a potentially lesser overall price. But caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) – sometimes such groupings actually cost more, particularly if their are parts you wouldn’t use or care for.
  3. Join loyalty programs and/or download loyalty apps. They often have incentives for signing up, and many offer a birthday or even anniversary gift. Paying for some loyalty programs also can pay off in free shipping, discounts, and perks. If you are not familiar with the program or app, check their ratings online – there are some who call for extreme hoop-jumping or are there to get your private information…
  4. If you shop online, try cost comparing services through Honey, Capitol One, Amazon, or the like – in addition to immediately looking for a better deal elsewhere on a item you are interested in, they can monitor the price on a wanted product and let you know when a good buy is available. They also can have reward program benefits, too…
  5. Pre-buying can make for major savings; services like Groupon can really make a difference, but always read the terms and conditions carefully – there can be requirements that may make it less advantageous or even unusable for you.

The Before Episode

The Before Episode

The Before Episode

Well, Bill and Dave are busy today working on setting up the new Calamity News and Politics studio; more space, better lights, better equipment. All around a much better situation. There’s a lot of stuff that’s gotta go before they can bring in the new, however. Unfortunately, Bill is the one that’s doing all the physical work, while Dave gets to talk about all the work that’s going on, due to a recent injury. The guys thought it might be fun for folks to watch them set up their new space.  The plan is for the studio to be ready no later than September one. Thanks for watching and come back soon.


8 Reasons To Keep Working After Retirement

Working After Retirement

Research shows that working after retirement is good for the mind, the body, and the pocketbook.

Research shows that working during retirement is good for the mind, the body, and the pocketbook

Keep Working After Retirement

Here are 8 Reasons to get a job after retiring

D. S. Mitchell

Measurable Benefits

Working after retirement, seems like an oxymoron, but that isn’t necessarily true. Just because you are no longer practicing your primary career doesn’t mean you should walk away from all money making endeavors. Part-time, free lance or consulting work, volunteering- doing that something you always wanted to do. A friend of mine, who worked for UPS for years, does wedding and anniversary photos as his new side hustle. Another friend works for a home health care company and does light housekeeping chores for several elder clients. I write freelance articles. I always wanted to be a writer; well now I am. Working can add to your retirement satisfaction and give your  life structure. And there are of course, the financial benefits of a paycheck. After a bit of thought and research I’ve come up with eight specific reasons a retired person may want to consider re-entering the job market.

  1. Researchers have concluded that working helps maintain good mental health.  Do not presume this is just because those with better cognitive health are better able to work. There is a particular benefit noted by researchers when the retiree switches to a different type of job than the one held prior to retirement. That benefit comes from learning new things-known as “novelty processing.” Novelty processing appears to slow cognitive decline. Who doesn’t want to stay sharp?
  2. Having a regular paycheck is a powerful means to increase the money available in retirement, without drawing down your savings, and it gives you an extended opportunity to save. Remember, you are not out searching for some high power position, with a six figure salary and every benefit ever imagined. Earning just a small portion of your previous salary will make a significant difference and substantially improve retirement security.
  3. Transitioning to part-time or even volunteer work, doing work unrelated to your prior career appears to be associated with fewer physical disabilities and declines and overall better cognitive health. University of Maryland researchers linked a post career job with fewer major diseases and functional limitations.
  4. A recent Harvard study found that retirement well-being depends on having good quality relationships. Folks who seem to enjoy retirement the most are those who replaced old work relationships with new ones. Working, whether full-time, part-time, or as a volunteer creates an environment for new interactions that can potentially develop into those new quality relationships.
  5. Finding a sense of purpose for living after retirement is critically important. A ‘little job’ can be a motivator to get you out of bed everyday. A common theme researchers hear is the need to find meaning and purpose-continuing to work in some capacity is a great way to achieve that sense of purpose, which in turn makes the retiree feel younger and more connected.
  6. Retirement allows the retiree the time and opportunity to help others. Volunteerism is one great way to ward off depression and provide inner satisfaction. That sense of well-being disappears quickly once volunteering stopped, according to recent studies from the UK.
  7. Work at what you like. Often our careers don’t match our passions. So as you think about re-entering the labor force, focus on fun and challenge. If you love to garden, how about a part-time position at the local nursery? Make sure you are spending time with people you like; in an environment that matches your hobbies or interests. Getting involved in activities you enjoy and care about can bring you in contact with new people you have things in common with.
  8. Every store in my little town has a “HIRING” sign in the front window. According to the Labor Department, there are 9.6 million job openings today in the United States. With such a severe worker shortage finding a job to better your life should be relatively easy, plus you would be helping a local business (and thus your community) that is struggling with staffing issues.

Making Cannabis Edibles

Making Cannabis Edibles

Making Cannabis Edibles

Dave and Bill are here at the Calamity Politics studios and they are talking today about making cannabis edibles. I’m a big fan of cannabis edibles and I use RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) to make all my delicious edibles. Bill is the weed man and knows his shit. The great thing about RSO is that there is none of that weird weedy aftertaste, plus you don’t need to make any special changes to your standard recipe. So sit down and take a couple minutes to learn about making cookies, brownies, and gummies.

Beat The Heat By Looking Cool

How to Beat the Heat by Looking Cool

This has been one hot summer and its only half over. Stay cool. Stay happy.

Look Cool And Beat The Heat

By Anna Hessel

In these “dog days” of August during this nationwide heatwave, it’s hard to not look wilted. The state of Arizona has had over a month of 110 degree days. So how to stay looking attractive and well groomed during humidity and extremely hot temperatures? Here are some helpful hints and tips:

  1. Stay hydrated. Drink liquids, especially water, and minimize alcohol, which is drying, and caffeine, either in energy drinks, colas, or coffee, since it rushes fluids through and out of your body.
  2. Use a clarifying shampoo, don’t over condition hair, and use a light volumizing mousse. Carry dry shampoo in your bag for touch ups.
  3. Use a toner before applying base or foundation.
  4. Use powder lightly to set make up, and consider a setting spray or perfecting primer base under foundation, etc.
  5. Use water proof mascara and liners on your eyes, and keep shadow simple to avoid creasing.
  6. Use moisturizing lip balm, lipstick, or gloss.
  7. Less is more when it comes to accessories in the summer months. Metal jewelry can get hot and uncomfortable against the skin. Putting metal jewelry in the fridge before putting it on, however, can help cool you down, especially bracelets or necklaces.
  8. Keeping toners, lotions, lipsticks, and sunburn creams in the refrigerator area is a great way to feel cooler and avoid products melting.
  9. Remember to wear sunscreen. A BB or CC cream with SPF is a great alternative to a heavy foundation or concealer during these dog days of August.
  10. Reapply deodorant/antiperspirant often – carry a small or travel size in your purse or pocket to make keeping up easier.
  11. Choose light airy fragrances – try all over body sprays.
  12. Moisturizing is important. Avoid ones with heavy oils, particularly mineral oil, but opt for a gel or water based lotion. Moisturizers should help maintain water content of your skin, not make you feel sticky.
  13. Wear loose but not baggy clothes that flow away from the body. Cotton, linen, and sheer fabrics in light colors are best to beat the heat. Materials made to wick away water can help keep sweating wetting to a minimum.
  14. Wear sandals or flip flops to avoid wearing socks. Of course, never ever wear socks with sandals – that’s not an attractive look on anyone, including grandpa.
  15. Heavy large totes and purses can weigh you down in the heat, as can cross body bags, which could block heat from escaping where they rest against the skin. Choose smaller options when you can.
  16. A dip in the pool or some aqua-cize is a great way to exercise during the high heat.
  17. You are what you eat and in summer salads, fruits and lighter fare will keep you full and refreshed.
  18. Avoid staying in a wet swimsuit en route home from the pool – or any where for that matter-it can be detrimental to your intimate health.
  19. We all now know the dangers of talc in powders but corn starch or baking soda can be used to stay fresh.
  20. Baking soda baths and moisturizing bubble baths in moderation go a long way to staying refreshed.
  21. Increase your daily shower or bathing to more often, just blotting dry enough to not drip on the floor. Nothing feels better than clean skin. But keep the water temperature to lukewarm or tepid – all cold water might send your body into warm up mode.
  22. Try a refreshing gel mask – watermelon is my favorite. Use an eye mask from the freezer also. I actually have gel filled plastic eye rounds with a watermelon motif on them for tired peepers.
  23. Make your own beauty scrubs and masks. Recipes can be found online and at the end of this article.
  24. Attractive hats can be worn to shade from the sun.
  25. Carry a cold washcloth in a ziplock bag to cool down your neck and wrists.
  26. Remember that heat opens pores, so astringents, deodorants, and perfumes can sting and burn when applied, so use caution.

Recipes for easy homemade skin care products:

Exfoliating scrub for dry, crepe skin or cellulite: mix equal parts sugar, table salt with enough olive oil to create a firm grainy texture that is still loose enough to rub over skin. Great for feet, hands, and lips also. Keep in the refrigerator.

Moisturizing face mask: mash an avocado with a small amount of olive oil or water. This can also be done with an over ripe banana, no need for oil or water in that case. Leave on for ten to twenty minutes, and rinse with cool water.

Outdated yogurt makes a great facemask but please not too outdated – do not use if it smells rancid or otherwise off. Apply to the face, avoiding the lips and eye area. Rinse off after ten to fifteen minutes.

In addition to enhancing drinking water, cucumber, lemons, limes, and orange juice are great additions to bathwater or for a refreshing face rinse, added to water.

The age old boobs in ice water trick, women of a certain age can attest to, still applies. Soak them for as long as you can, about three to five minutes.

Cucumber slices on the eyes while laying down still depuff and cool off.

Stay refreshed and be fabulous all summer long…look cool, be cool.

Stay In Style In This Economy

Stay In Style In This Economy 

Editor’s Note: Anna Hessel with a little help from hubby, Wes, will be offering up for the next seven weeks, 10 tips a week on How to Stay In Style In This Economy. Watch for it every Tuesday. 

How to Stay in Style in this Economy…

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

Inflation is being beaten back but basic costs are still high, and service providers are charging more, but there is hope out there. Saving money has always been a challenge but in this current economic climate saving money can be get a bit tricky,  but there are certainly ways to shave your budget without losing out on things you need and want, here are today’s suggestions:

  1. I keep a small empty lotion container to drain the last dregs of creams into. Give it a good shake, and you have a new lotion mixture to keep skin smooth.
  2. Turn lights off when not in use for more than a minute.
  3. Vacuum refrigerator coils every so often to increase efficiency, and save on electricity. Also, clean your furnace or air conditioning vents for improved flow (again saving energy and cost), and change the furnace filter as recommended to help there, too. Make sure those air outlets are not blocked or covered for even better savings, unless it’s for an area you use less or little.
  4. There are products on the market to freshen clothes between wearings. A clothes dryer after sponging with a damp wash cloth is a great way to refresh clothes, and add extra life to garments but these are not substitutes for regular washing or dry cleaning. An old fashioned sponge  dampened can keep your wardrobe looking pristine. I don’t recommend a refresh more than a couple times between laundering – you don’t want to seal dirt or odor in the fabric…
  5. Buy a good used sewing machine to repair, repurpose, or recreate garments, linens, curtains, and the like.
  6. Opt for refillable or reusable items, such as pitchers to filter tap water instead of buying bottles from a store – this can save money and help the environment.
  7. Less waste packaging can also improve an item’s cost – less overhead for the company; look for vendors who pass this savings on.
  8. Avoiding red meat is not only great for animal welfare, your health, and the environment, it can be more economical to have a more plant based diet…
  9. Consider your home space – do you really need as much as you have? The tiny house movement, or downsizing in some form, is advantageous in many ways, such as less energy consumption, more time for family/ourselves and pleasure pursuits, and, of course, the lower costs…

You Better Shop Around…

  1. Utilize deferred no-interest payment plans like PayPal’s Pay in 4, After Pay, or Klarna for major purchases to save on paying credit card or other interest. Or just save up – it’s worth the effort…


Calamity Pirates Talk Wrestling

Calamity Pirates Talk Wrestling

Let’s talk Wrasslin’ with Dave and Bill

So today I was told that Dave (the guy on your left in yellow, wearing glasses, and Bill (the one with the cute smile, on your right) are going to talk about wrasslin’ (wrestling). Dave claims knowledge as the former owner of Buzz Saw Wrestling Federation and I think Bill is just curious. So join the guys for a few minutes of nonsense as they talk about behind the scenes of pro-wrestling.

OPINION: Trump A Criminal Candidate


Donald Trump, Criminal Candidate

Trump desperately wanted to hold onto power despite substantial loses at the ballot box.


Donald Trump, Criminal Candidate

D. S. Mitchell

The Biggest Flag Wins

When all the votes for 2020 presidential election were counted, Joe Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3% of the vote. Donald Trump won 74,222,958 or 46.8% of the vote. Miscellaneous other candidates captured a meager 1.8% of the vote. In other words, Joe Biden, kicked Trump’s butt, besting Trump by over 7 million votes. But, those numbers were obviously against Trump’s plan. Votes were counted and recounted and lawsuit after lawsuit brought by Trump challenging the election were dismissed. Everyone from the bloated and lawless Bill Barr to Cybersecurity Director Chris Krebs called Trump’s claim’s of voter fraud, “bullshit.” But, still you see signs saying, “Biden Lost!” usually accompanied by an oversized American flag.

As It Plays Out

We should be celebrating that more people turned out to vote in the 2020 election than at any other time in history. But, we aren’t. In fact, because of Trump’s lies our country is more divided than ever. Instead of the bloated orange fruit fly conceding the election, to Joe Biden like every man before him has, he chose to create chaos.

More Violence and More Lawsuits

In 2016 the Trumpers told us “elections have consequences” as we progressives huddled in our fetal positions, terrified of a Trump presidency. It is now 2023 and those same Trumpers are telling us that despite Trump’s staggering loss both in the Electoral College and the popular vote we libs should sit down and shut up, ‘because it’s obvious Trump won’. If Trump becomes the Republican nominee in 2024 I am sure we will see more armed election observers,  more lawsuits, more threats of violence, more white supremacist saber rattling, and more talk of Trump as a lifetime president.

Is It That Bad?

A majority of Americans,  especially Black, Brown, Native Americans, Asians, and other marginalized communities, who are at the mercy of this country’s historic, systemic, police abuse and seemingly incurable racism, voted Donald Trump out of office. I want us to celebrate that so many Americans voted to oust his criminal ass, but there is much need for introspection and intense soul searching about those who continue to feverishly support him in his fight to propagate the big lie. My god the brazen fucker is running for president again.

A Cup Of Coffee

I’m ready this morning to have a cup of coffee, eat an apple and reflect on why more than 74, 000,000  Americans would chose a man like Donald Trump to lead this country? His incompetence and stupidity is legendary. We’d already seen the chaos in operation, day after day, over four years in office. Some close to him have called him a “fucking moron.” These words come from those who know him best, yet these voices are ignored by his minions. Or should I be calling them cultists.

Nothing Moves His Base

For the last several days I’ve scoured old newspaper and magazine articles putting together a list of the known criminal activities of Donald Trump. Although well-known to his followers, his criminality seems to have no effect on their loyalty or their intoxicated enthusiasm. Monster flags whipping off the back of pickup trucks advertise their loyalty to Trump, not the United States. Wake up guys. Trump is a fraud and you, his small donors, are his biggest suckers. Recent reports indicate $40 million dollars of donor money has been spent so far this year on Trump defense attorneys. Get real, please, Trump and his whole crew belongs in Sing-Sing, not the Oval Office.

The Habit Of Corruption

Trump is no stranger to corruption and criminality. He has been embedded in it his entire life. As President, he took it to a new level. The Trump administration was without a doubt the most corrupt presidency in American history. No wonder he keeps screaming “fake news” when responding to reporter’s questions. Trump desperately needs to undermine the legitimacy of the fourth estate.  Donald John Trump has so much to hide.  If his devout followers would listen to the information that is available everywhere, they would drop him like the proverbial  hot potato. But, for some reason they are both deaf and blind to the truth. Truth matters, and Trump couldn’t find truth with both hands. Just to refresh the reader on Trump’s criminal history:

It All Started With Daddy Trump

1.) Donald and his father blatantly participated in housing discrimination against people of color and they were sued by the Justice Department.
2.) The Mafia and Donald worked together through the construction trades in New York city.
3.) He hired undocumented Polish workers to rehab the Trump Tower and then refused to pay them.
4.) Trump was fined $750,000 for anti-trust violations during his attempt to take over a rival casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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