OPINION: Trump A Criminal Candidate


Donald Trump, Criminal Candidate

Trump desperately wanted to hold onto power despite substantial loses at the ballot box.


Donald Trump, Criminal Candidate

D. S. Mitchell

The Biggest Flag Wins

When all the votes for 2020 presidential election were counted, Joe Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3% of the vote. Donald Trump won 74,222,958 or 46.8% of the vote. Miscellaneous other candidates captured a meager 1.8% of the vote. In other words, Joe Biden, kicked Trump’s butt, besting Trump by over 7 million votes. But, those numbers were obviously against Trump’s plan. Votes were counted and recounted and lawsuit after lawsuit brought by Trump challenging the election were dismissed. Everyone from the bloated and lawless Bill Barr to Cybersecurity Director Chris Krebs called Trump’s claim’s of voter fraud, “bullshit.” But, still you see signs saying, “Biden Lost!” usually accompanied by an oversized American flag.

As It Plays Out

We should be celebrating that more people turned out to vote in the 2020 election than at any other time in history. But, we aren’t. In fact, because of Trump’s lies our country is more divided than ever. Instead of the bloated orange fruit fly conceding the election, to Joe Biden like every man before him has, he chose to create chaos.

More Violence and More Lawsuits

In 2016 the Trumpers told us “elections have consequences” as we progressives huddled in our fetal positions, terrified of a Trump presidency. It is now 2023 and those same Trumpers are telling us that despite Trump’s staggering loss both in the Electoral College and the popular vote we libs should sit down and shut up, ‘because it’s obvious Trump won’. If Trump becomes the Republican nominee in 2024 I am sure we will see more armed election observers,  more lawsuits, more threats of violence, more white supremacist saber rattling, and more talk of Trump as a lifetime president.

Is It That Bad?

A majority of Americans,  especially Black, Brown, Native Americans, Asians, and other marginalized communities, who are at the mercy of this country’s historic, systemic, police abuse and seemingly incurable racism, voted Donald Trump out of office. I want us to celebrate that so many Americans voted to oust his criminal ass, but there is much need for introspection and intense soul searching about those who continue to feverishly support him in his fight to propagate the big lie. My god the brazen fucker is running for president again.

A Cup Of Coffee

I’m ready this morning to have a cup of coffee, eat an apple and reflect on why more than 74, 000,000  Americans would chose a man like Donald Trump to lead this country? His incompetence and stupidity is legendary. We’d already seen the chaos in operation, day after day, over four years in office. Some close to him have called him a “fucking moron.” These words come from those who know him best, yet these voices are ignored by his minions. Or should I be calling them cultists.

Nothing Moves His Base

For the last several days I’ve scoured old newspaper and magazine articles putting together a list of the known criminal activities of Donald Trump. Although well-known to his followers, his criminality seems to have no effect on their loyalty or their intoxicated enthusiasm. Monster flags whipping off the back of pickup trucks advertise their loyalty to Trump, not the United States. Wake up guys. Trump is a fraud and you, his small donors, are his biggest suckers. Recent reports indicate $40 million dollars of donor money has been spent so far this year on Trump defense attorneys. Get real, please, Trump and his whole crew belongs in Sing-Sing, not the Oval Office.

The Habit Of Corruption

Trump is no stranger to corruption and criminality. He has been embedded in it his entire life. As President, he took it to a new level. The Trump administration was without a doubt the most corrupt presidency in American history. No wonder he keeps screaming “fake news” when responding to reporter’s questions. Trump desperately needs to undermine the legitimacy of the fourth estate.  Donald John Trump has so much to hide.  If his devout followers would listen to the information that is available everywhere, they would drop him like the proverbial  hot potato. But, for some reason they are both deaf and blind to the truth. Truth matters, and Trump couldn’t find truth with both hands. Just to refresh the reader on Trump’s criminal history:

It All Started With Daddy Trump

1.) Donald and his father blatantly participated in housing discrimination against people of color and they were sued by the Justice Department.
2.) The Mafia and Donald worked together through the construction trades in New York city.
3.) He hired undocumented Polish workers to rehab the Trump Tower and then refused to pay them.
4.) Trump was fined $750,000 for anti-trust violations during his attempt to take over a rival casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

Joe Biden is a Marvelous #46

OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

46 Marvelous Things our Marvelous 46th President Has Done


By Anna Hessel

While some viciously attack Joe Biden I’ve been counting what #46 has done for America.

  1. Joe beat Trump’s butt with the most votes received by any U.S. presidential candidate in U.S. history.
  2. Joe’s working at saving the soul of our nation from MAGA and other far-right Republicans, he’s gotta ways to go, if you ask me, but he’s on it.
  3. #46 has continued President Obama’s legacy of inclusive diversity.
  4. As Vice President under President Obama, Biden spearheaded the fight to bring affordable healthcare to more people. President Biden continues to fight for affordable healthcare, expanding and improving the program whenever possible.
  5. Together, back in 2008, Obama and Biden saved the U.S. auto industry.
  6. joe sponsored, and has continued to fight for and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.
  7. On Joe’s first day in office he re-entered the Paris Climate Agreement.
  8. Our average Joe from Scranton, PA met with King Charles III and billionaire philanthropists regarding financing climate change measures.
  9. The brand new president Biden rehired Dr. Fauci and worked tirelessly to get COVID vaccines in the arms of millions of Americans, helping to end the pandemic.
  10. Joe gave Americans a COVID relief package immediately upon taking office, and (actually) worked to send out stimulus checks. Thanks, Joe, I bought a set of desperately needed tires for my car.
  11. Our Joe gave us our first female Vice President a woman of color and our first Second Gentlemen.
  12. 46 has come out fighting for student loan relief, and despite SCOTUS’ rejection of his administration’s first attempt to erase some portions of student debt he is working on a different method of loan relief.
  13. Class and dignity have returned to the White House with a beautiful Doctor of Education as our First Lady.
  14. Joe Biden acts like an actual man of God, not someone that just holds a Bible in front of a church which he didn’t attend for a photo op. President Biden prayed for our nation during his inaugural address – his sincerity is humbling and refreshing.
  15. A mammoth infrastructure plan; a plan to fix roads and bridges, railways and airports that have been allowed to deteriorate for at least the last 50 years.
  16. Respects our military – a proud serviceman’s father-who is honored to lay wreaths and flowers on the graves of those lost in our wars, not insult them as “suckers and losers.”
  17. An empathetic Joe gave his personal cell phone number to a little boy that stutters, an affliction that has plagued the president and told the boy to call anytime just too talk.
  18. He has lowered everyday expenses for U.S. families with the Inflation Reduction Act and the Child Tax Credit legislation.
  19. U.S. veterans who have been exposed to toxic situations, like the Iraq burn pits, and contaminated water at Camp LeJeune, are receiving services and benefits like no other time in history.
  20. Bidenomics have rescued the U.S. economy from  disaster without padding the pockets of the 2%.
  21. Made in America means more than ever.
  22. Unemployment is at an all-time low – more people are employed than ever before.
  23. President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, providing statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages.
  24. Lower prescription drug and healthcare costs.
  25. Made all vaccines under Medicare Part D free. Last year a shingles vaccine series of 2 shots cost $300. Yahoo.
  26. Joe has fought for reproductive freedom, not advocating abortion but realistically understanding the need for choice.
  27. Advocating for climate change, creating as many as nine million jobs in the process.
  28. Helping households to lower their energy costs.
  29. Joe Biden is instrumental in pulling the NATO countries together to assist the Ukraine during this Russian initiated war.
  30. Joe has the most diverse staff and cabinet in U.S. presidential history.
  31. President Biden’s is the most accomplished presidency in history, passing more bi-partisan legislation than any previous president.
  32. Joe backed and signed the strongest common sense gun safety bill to make it to a president’s desk in decades, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
  33. 46 has made the most significant investment in mental health in three generations.
  34. Government driven sensible investment in manufacturing and industry in the rust belt, an investment not seen since immediately post WWII. The pandemic proved we need manufacturing in the United States.
  35. Postal reform to undo the damage caused by DeJoy and bring long term stability to USPS.
  36. Our guy Joe, quickly released oil from the national strategic reserve to reduce the price of gas.
  37. Established a national monument (s) honoring Emmett Till and his mother Mamie Till‑Mobley.
  38. Made Juneteenth a national holiday.
  39. CHIPS and Science Act is an effort to stimulate chip manufacture in the United States. It’s  a proactive move in case the mainland Chinese invade Taiwan; protecting the U.S. economy from a potentially devastating collapse that a shutdown in manufacture of chips would cause world wide.
  40. Brought home former Marine *Trevor Reed by sending convicted drug smuggler and Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko to them. *Trevor Reed was recently wounded volunteering in Ukraine.
  41. Everyday Joe firmly stands up to Republicans with grace and dignity.
  42. Despite much vitriol President Biden concluded the conflict in Afghanistan, withdrawing all U.S. troops from harms way after 20 years in that country.
  43. Joe will never stop fighting to preserve voting rights for all citizens.
  44. Joe is patient and steady and is working hard to unify the American people.
  45. The Biden’s have brought adorable pets back to the White House. A cat and a dog.
  46. And lastly, let’s face it, Dark Brandon is sexy…

Summer Food Safety Tips

Summer Food Safety Tips

Keeping food safe during summer cook outs is a priority

Summer Picnic Safety

Picnics and BBQ’s are guaranteed fun, until people get food poisoning. Make sure food safety is a priority at all your summertime gatherings.

By Anna Hessel


Get Out and Go!

We all love a good barbecue or summer picnic, but food safety is imperative when planning these summer events. Comestibles must stay fresh, especially in the heat – food cannot safely stay out for longer than two hours at room temperature, less if it’s hotter outside or it is an item which normally is kept refrigerated or frozen. Keep food cold in coolers or take it inside to a refrigerator to stop the spread of bacteria and food borne illnesses. Wash hands frequently when preparing food. Hand sanitizer in a pinch can work but when dealing with raw meat such as chicken, actual hand washing and rinsing is extremely important. Germs can live on the skin and get into the food being prepared.

Don’t Chicken Out – Be Safe!

Never wash or rinse chicken, or meat, but chicken is the most cause for concern.  Make sure to clean all utensils or surfaces that come in contact with raw meats and poultry in warm soapy water, preferably with an antibacterial dish soap. Mild bleach solutions followed by a thorough rinsing are an excellent idea. Vegetables, fish, or seafood require the same precautions. Never use the same utensils or preparation surfaces for different food types without a thorough washing in between, particularly anything used for raw poultry, pork, beef, or the like. Any cross contamination can cause food poisoning.

Clean and Green

Rinsing fruits and vegetables before consuming, even those that you peel such as bananas or oranges, is mandatory, also. Without proper washing, germ sources, as well as pesticides and other such contaminants can still end up in the part you eat. Flies, ants, and other pests that come in contact with food carry germs, and food that has been touched by insects needs to be thrown away. It’s a good idea to use see-through covers or lids, if items will be displayed outside.

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OPINION: Trump Wants A Lifetime Presidency


Trump Wants A Lifetime Presidency

Trump faces numerous civil lawsuits and DOJ criminal indictments.


Trump Seeks Lifetime Term

By D. S. Mitchell


Fun At The Rogue

I dropped my friend at a meeting and headed to my favorite beach hang out, delighted to have time to take a few minutes to dangle my feet in the Rogue River, watching joyous children and fat Canadian geese play in the river’s shallows.

A Near Fatal Head Rush

Somewhere between deciding on a wading spot and navigating down the hillside to the chosen spot on the riverbank my mind switched from several hours of planned childish playtime to panic over the impending 2024 Presidential election. I had a head rush that nearly knocked me down. Fuck. The thought of  Donald J. Trump moving back into the White House threatened to send my heart into a fatal dysrhythmia.

My Mom Called It Kinky

I had to tell myself to take some slow deep breaths. OMG. I flashed on hour-after-hour, day-after-day, week-after-week, of endless chaos with United States diplomacy being carried out via Twitter, now X, by an orange “pussy grabbing,” “tax dodging” grifter. I remember waking up to the doddering, demented marmalade colored president threatening war with ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jung Un. A short time later, the world  was given a lesson in whip lash diplomacy when Trump embraces the fat little tyrant in some kinky, twisted, ‘love letter’ absurdity.

Alabama Sharpie

Sharpie-gate was another outrageous time and money waster. In this scandal Trump overrode the weather experts and changed the predicted trajectory of hurricane “Dorian,” to  extend all the way to Alabama, when in fact, all indicators suggested a sharp turn north, avoiding Alabama completely. This load of Trump BS caused a shift of resources and manpower from the needed areas to those of less to no need.

Clown Show

The problem was that the Trump Clown Show went on 24-7 never seeming to even consider a slow down. It was one efin’ hair pulling, jaw grinding, moral absurdity, to the next. John McCain was one of Trump’s most frequent targets for insult. The Trumpster went out of his way to insult and disparage the senator before and after the man’s death. I was no McCain fan, but Trump’s attack’s on a dead man were inappropriate and disgusting.

“Suckers And Losers”

But, his disrespect didn’t stop with McCain, but rather extended to all those who are currently serving in the military, or those who previously served, or even those who died in the service of this country, calling them “suckers and losers.” What an appalling statement from a president of the United States about the men and women that protect the American people, and the very ground we walk on, with love and courage every single day in dangerous places around the world.

It Got Worse By The Day

Exhaustion set in quick, numbness soon followed. Trump was like the proverbial horse in the hospital. Total insanity. We went from one disgusting chaotic episode to another. The biggest jaw dropper to me personally, probably because I’m a retired RN, was when Trump suggested people drink bleach to kill the Corona Virus. Which of course, unfortunately led to several folks trying that suggestion. Then his second option to combat the virus was for everyone to try a round of Hydroxychloroquine. Once again sending several dumb asses to the hospital.

How About A Second Go-Around?

I think it’s well understood by all Americans that X-prez Donald Trump is actually now running to become America’s first “lifetime president.” I don’t think there are any of us that truly believe Trump will leave the White House alive if he ever comes back into power.  All you folks out there who plan on voting for Trump, keep in mind, a second Trump presidency will end democracy in America.

Potential Results

Trump will pardon the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, and those thugs will become his SS. “The Art of the Deal” will become required reading, available on Amazon, $9.99, but no worries you can take it off your taxes.  The sale of government oil leases will skyrocket, as investors scramble to squeeze every drop of oil from the planet. Under Trump all government backed electric projects will be put on hold. The EPA will be dissolved. It will become illegal to teach Climate Change in any U.S. school. The United States will withdraw from NATO. But, I’m not saying anything that anyone doesn’t already know.  The  question becomes who will succeed melon head and under what circumstances? It’s getting scary. Let’s stick with Joe & Kamala. A steady ship. A predictable course.

You Might Just Be A Woman Of A Certain Age

You Might Just Be A Woman Of A Certain Age

If you can remember clip on ear rings and phone booths, you just may be a woman of a certain age.

You Might Just Be a Woman of a Certain Age

By Anna Hessel


If you have ever worn clip earrings, or even know what clip earrings are…you might be a woman of a certain age.

If your hairdo (or your boyfriend’s) was a party in the back and business in the front…

If you have ever done anything in a phone booth…

If you know what a phone booth is or what it has to do with Superman…

If you used Tickle deodorant…

If you have ever worn shoulder pads when not playing powder puff football…

If you have a landline, had a landline, or even know what a landline is…

If you had a Princess or Trimline phone…

If you ever used a phone book…

If you ever used a clothing iron or frozen orange juice cans to fix your hair…

If you ever drank Tab, or know what Tab is…

If you ever served a Swanson Pot Pie for dinner…

If you refer to Lean Cuisine or the like as a TV dinner…

If you ever wore sequin mesh boots from Desperately Seeking Susan…

If you saw Desperately Seeking Susan on opening weekend…

If you ever had a Bianca Blast or used a Maybelline Kissing Potion before a date…

If you even know what a Bianca Blast is…

If you got peanut butter in somebody’s chocolate, or vice versa…

if you remember Madge the manicurist…

If you know what a manicurist is…

If you ever had a glass or half-moon manicure…

If you used baby oil with iodine to get a tan…

If you ever smoked an Eve…

(please note, I am NOT advocating the iodine, baby oil, or the Eves!)

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Summer Heat Related Illnesses

Summer Heat Related Illnesses

Heat is dangerous to human health. Here are a few tips to stay safe in high temperatures

Summer Heat Related Illnesses

How to Prevent and Treat

According to researchers, 65% of heat related deaths in the United States occur in July and August. The summer of 2023 is one of the hottest on record. Please read these tips and stay safe in the summer heat.

By D. S. Mitchell

Doing What Comes Naturally

Sweating is the principle means of cooling the human body. But temperatures as extreme as we are seeing in the summer of 2023 can quickly overwhelm our natural cooling system. Chronic health conditions, age, and medications, can impair the bodies effort to cool down naturally. For many experiencing  extreme heat a spectrum of problems can become progressively more serious and potentially life-threatening.

Sun Burn To Sun Poisoning

Bright sunshine can lead to sun poisoning, which is a severe sunburn that makes the individual feel sick and generally unwell. Excessive sweating under tight clothing can lead to heat rash, dehydration (the loss of fluid and electrolytes) can cause muscle cramps. Dehydration plus a rising body temperature can lead to heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is characterized by fatigue, dizziness, nausea, headache, chills, and sometimes a racing heart. Ignoring these symptoms can be  extremely dangerous. There is always the danger of heat stroke which can lead to brain damage and even death.


Protect Your Skin

Sunburns are both painful and they create havoc with the body’s ability to sweat. The body’s failure to sweat increases the risk of heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke. Apply sunscreen SPF 30 before going outside. Be sure to reapply the sunscreen at least every two hours. To prevent itchy, splotchy heat rash wear loose fitting clothes made from cotton or moisture wicking fabrics.

Sip Frequently

The fluid requirements vary from one individual to the next, by climate, and by activity. The CDC&P recommend when physically active in hot conditions individuals should drink one cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes. Out in the heat for more than an hour, it is suggested that you switch to a sports drink, because its sodium helps replenish electrolytes.

Start Slow

The human body gradually builds exercise heat tolerance, which helps your body handle exercise in the hot, humid weather. This does not mean you should overdo. Be smart; stay hydrated and seek shade when you need to rest.


Cool Off

If you suspect a person may be suffering from heat exhaustion, immediately get them into an air conditioned or shady location. Quickly cover as much of the skin surface as possible with ice or cold wet towels. If the person is able to co-operate help them get into an ice bath or a cold shower. Call 911 immediately if  the person is confused or vomiting. These could be signs of heat stroke.

Twitching Muscles

Cramping and twitching muscles can signal that a full-blown heat cramp is imminent.  Gentle stretching and massaging along with sips of a sports drink to restore needed electrolytes will reverse the cramping.

Meds Can Help

Over the counter Ibuprofen can help relieve the pain from heat rash, muscle cramps, and sunburn, as well as reduce inflammation and help lower the body temperature.

What Would You Do With An Extra Hour A Day?

What If You Were Given An Extra Hour Per Day?

5 Time Management Skills To Help You Be More Productive in less time

What Would You Do With An Extra Hour A Day?

Seriously, if you had an extra hour each day, how would you use that time?

5 Time Management Skills To Do Just That

By D. S. Mitchell

A friend and I were having lunch when she looked at me, and asked, “What would you do if you were given an extra hour a day? My first thought was, sleep; but I realized she was looking for a well-thought out response, not my first flippant thought.

“Wow. That’s deep,” I said.

“365 hours a year,” she emphasized, “That’s like another 15 days plus, a year; a two week vacation.”

I started adding fast in my head, “Over ten years, that’s like 150 extra days. Could that be possible? That’s like five months. Over 20 years that’s an extra ten plus months. Damn near a year,” I volunteered.

“Compounding is an amazing thing,” she giggled, “It’s the cumulative effect of just one hour, multiplied day after day, month after month, year after year.”

“Unfortunately, I’m afraid, I’d end up wasting most of it,” I forecast.

“I doubt it, I think you would find lots of worthwhile projects.”

I looked at my friend and laughed before saying, “Since there is no magic extra hour per day, I guess I won’t be challenged.”

“The reason I brought up the imaginary extra hour a day was that very reason, all my wasted hours.”

“You’re so organized. I can’t imagine you wasting a lot of time,” I objected.

“You are my friend, so your expectations are suspect,” she laughed.

“Okay. Your point?”

“I’ve been taking a time management course on line. What I’ve learned already is changing my life, making me more productive, with seemingly less effort. Giving me that extra hour every day.”


“Yes, absolutely.”

“Tell me,” I asked, curious, “so I don’t have to take the class,” I joked.

“Okay, I can do that. I’ve learned that no matter what you do, time management is really important. Here’s the basic 5 time management tips I’ve learned.”

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How To Stay In Style In This Economy (#2)

How To Stay In Style In This Economy (#2)

Editor’s Note: Anna Hessel with a little help from hubby, Wes, will be offering up for the next seven weeks, 10 tips a week on How to Stay In Style In This Economy. Watch for it every Tuesday. 

How to Stay in Style in this Economy…

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

Inflation is being beaten back but basic costs are still high, and service providers are charging more, but there is hope out there. Saving money has always been a challenge but in this current economic climate saving money can be get a bit tricky,  but there are certainly ways to shave your budget without losing out on things you need and want, here are today’s suggestions:

  1. Jewelry and clothing rental sites can be great but read the fine print before you give your credit or debit card number. Monthly or additional fees can add up to make it un-cost effective.
  2. Look for electronic or other recycling events that offer gift card or coupon incentives, or retailers who offer discounts for trade-ins.
  3. For those who pay for your garbage collection, make choices which will keep that bill down. Check with your waste pickup agency or provider for tips on how to save, especially for “amnesty” days, where more or any items are taken for disposal, or special collection days such as for leaves in the fall or live Christmas trees after the holiday, thus avoiding extra fees. If you have bulky items to trash and an amnesty day is not available or far away, see if your refuse service allows one or two extra items for pickup without additional charge, and if you have multiple items, then you can put them out over more than one collection date to save.
  4. Check the curbs on trash nights, and especially on amnesty days, for usable items you may want – one person’s trash is another one’s treasure. Just make sure your municipality or area does not restrict this.
  5. Use outdated yogurt, or past their prime fruit or vegetables like avocados as face masks or skin treatments.
  6. Used coffee grinds are great for cellulite body treatment – if you don’t use your own, Whole Foods had been giving them away for free to anyone that asks.
  7. Used book and music stores can buy your used books, magazines, CDs, video games, or other related electronics, and items purchased there are likely cheaper than retail.
  8. Shop at garage sales – save money while meeting your neighbors or host a garage sale to make some extra funds. A bit of gas spent traveling to upscale area sales if you don’t live in one is worth the trip to find special bargains on designer duds, toys, or housewares.
  9. When using health and beauty items like liquid soaps, shampoos, conditioners, or lotions, turn them upside down (if the container isn’t already designed that way) to get as much as possible out of what you buy. If such an item won’t stand on its head on its own, prop it up against a wall or the like, or place it in inverted in a cheap plastic cup or other container large enough to hold it.
  10. Squeeze more out, literally – for items in tubes, such as toothpaste or creams, use a comb, the side of your hand, or one of those squeezing gadgets to press through the last dregs…

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter There are more guns than people in the United States. It has become hazardous to go to the store or the movies, we must do something to stop the carnage.

Tips From Homeland Security:

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter

The FBI has not set a minimum number of casualties to qualify an event as a mass shooting, but U.S. statute (the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012) defines a “mass killing” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.” 

By D. S. Mitchell


A Lovely Dinner

I think it was 2001. My husband and I were having dinner on the sidewalk service area of a popular restaurant & bar at the corner of SE Milwaukie Ave and Powell Blvd in Portland, Oregon. It was about  10:30 pm. We were having fun, lingering over a glass of wine and laughing and chatting with other diners.

Running In All Directions

Several loud “cracks” caused me to look around curious, but certainly not frightened. Several more “cracks” echoed in the night. By that time, I realized the sound was coming from the AM/PM gas station across the street. People in the gas station parking lot were screaming and running in various directions. It was only then, I saw flashes of light coming from the driver’s window of a small red  sports car, stopped on Powell Blvd.

In The Leg

More shots rang out and a man thirty feet to the left of me, in the restaurant pavilion area fell to the ground screaming. He had fallen to the sidewalk clutching a leg wound. The time between the first shot and my realizing I was in an active shooter situation was probably an entire minute. Realization time. If the bullet had been 30 feet to the right either my husband or I could have been shot; probably in the head since we were sitting and the injured man had been standing.

Little Red Sportscar

The shooter revved the engine, popped the clutch, and sped away. I’m an RN and I have a duty to give aid,  so I raced across the street to help. The Portland Police were on site at the same time as I got there. Several ambulances arrived, sirens screaming. Two young men were wounded, one with a bullet in the upper arm and the other fellow with a bullet in the shoulder.  In addition to the three wounded two others lay dead. All the dead and wounded at the AM/PM were young- most likely high school age.

“There He Is!”

While the cops were asking questions, I saw the perpetrator’s red sports car slow down and slowly drive past the crime scene, again. They say criminal frequently return to the scene of the crime, but this guy was unbelievably stupid. I raised my arm and pointed toward the car and screamed, “There he is, there’s the shooter!” The wounded young man sitting on the asphalt, that I had been helping, chorused, ‘There’s the son of a bitch! There’s the shooter!!!”

The Morning Oregonian

The cops were on it and I read in the morning Oregonian, two 16 year old Cleveland high school students, members of a notorious local gang, were arrested on suspicion of murder and were being held in jail as adults. I tossed the paper on the breakfast table. What a waste. Two funerals and potentially two life sentences for the perpetrators.

Unready, Unprepared

All situations are different. I think one of the reasons it took so long for me and other diners to realize there was a shooting in progress was because we were across the street from the center of the events, with lots of traffic and noise between us. It wasn’t until a fellow diner was shot by a ricocheting bullet that any of us realized there was even a shooting. Another factor, I believe, may have something to do with the fact that in 2001 mass shooters were not quite as common as today. Whatever the reasons, we were stupidly unprepared for this deadly situation.


The Department of Homeland Security offers Americans several suggestions that might save your life if you are caught in an Active Shooter Situation.


If you can get out of the situation, do it. Run toward the first escape route you can find. Leave your belongings and just get away. Once safe, dial 911 and give the police all the information you can.

Play Dead (this is NOT on the DHS list)

I have added this suggestion. I have heard several survivors of mass shootings tell of rubbing blood from victims on themselves and hiding in plain site among the dead as the shooter moves away to find new victims.


If you can’t escape; take cover, find a place to conceal yourself. You want to be out of sight, with some offered protection, between you and the shooter, such as a locked door. If you can blockade the door with furniture-do it. Be smart, turn off your cellphone as an unexpected call could alert the shooter to your location.


Take action against the shooter only as a last resort. Throw items and improvise weapons in an effort to disrupt and incapacitate the shooter.

When Law Enforcement Arrives

When the cops arrive, immediately put down any weapons or items you have in your hands. Keep your hands visible and raise your arms. Follow instructions. Refrain from making quick movements toward the officers.