12 Reasons Trump Was A Flop & Joe’s Not


12 Reasons Trump Was A Flop & Joe’s Not

Joe Biden won the largest victory in U.S. history


12 Reasons Trump Was A Flop & Joe’s Not

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

We are admitted President Joe Biden supporters. We just wanted to take a couple minutes to thank Joe for not being Donald Trump and point out 12 reasons Trump was a flop and Joe’s not.

COVID Catastrophe

  1. COVID was out of control during the Donald‘s limp excuse for a presidency. He denied the severity of the illness, having fired the pandemic preparedness team put in place by the Obama-Biden administration. Millions died, the economy shut down; life was on hold, and we all suffered. Once President Joe Biden was sworn in he immediately arranged for free vaccines, free COVID tests, and we all received the highest amount of stimulus payments since COVID began. He  instituted a needed mask mandate during the first portion of his administration to arrest the spread of the disease. Now, although COVID still exists, it is far less severe, now it is closer to the flu that the Republicans claimed it was, when it was actually deadly. Life is finally nearly normal again. Thank you, President Joe Biden.

The Real Illegal

  1. Jack Smith currently has Trump federally indicted, facing thirty-seven counts in the (1)stolen documents case, not to mention the recent (2)guilty verdict in E. Jean Carroll‘s civil defamation and sexual abuse case, and (3) AG Alvin Bragg in NY city is after him for the Stormy Daniels payoff. (4) Latitia James the NY state AG has filed a $250 million dollar civil suit against Trump, family and company alleging wide spread fraud. (5) Fani Willis, Fulton County, Georgia, DA is amassing evidence for her looming criminal election interference case against the former president, indictments expected in August 2023. And, (6) Jack Smith again, looks like he has been busy investigating the January 6th events orchestrated by Trump. And if that’s not enough to keep Trump busy there is (7) Jack Smith‘s fake electors investigation.
  2. Trump instigated an insurrection. Trump invited the insurrection because he didn’t want to let go of power. He couldn’t admit he was a loser. No other president in history has done anything like this. In the United States; the loser steps aside for the victor.

The People Have Spoken

  1. President Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history, yet Trump is still claiming the election was stolen from him. He tried to claim victory before the votes were even counted. Trump tried to discredit or invalidate the votes of 80 million Americans.

An A– And Class

  1. Forty-five decided to skip President Biden’s inauguration. Trump left his vice president to attend, skulking out of D.C. like the coward he is.
  2. The Donald held up a Bible he does not read in front of a church he does not attend. To worsen the image, he held the Bible upside down. Joe Biden, however, went to church before he was inaugurated, and said a sincere prayer during his inaugural address.
  3. Trump wanted to waste taxpayers’ money on dictator-style military parades, but Uncle Joe is a military serviceman’s father and placed wreaths and flowers on graves.
  4. Forty-five gave our nation the first staple in her belly button first woman. Silicon free, Mrs. Biden is a beautiful, gracious, an accomplished educator with a doctorate in education. There is no comparison between the two. Notice I was unable to use the word ladies here, since I only consider Dr. Biden a lady. President Biden is also responsible for the first female Vice President Kamala Harris, a woman of color and class. Our First Gentleman, Doug Imhoff, is a fine man of Jewish faith, strong in a world of sickening anti-Semitism.
  5. During the Trump regime, there was rioting in the streets, a global pandemic, and rampant racism, not to mention sexism and other blatant discrimination, but Joe Biden respects all races, all religions, all genders, and all sexual preferences equally. Joe served as second in command under our first black President, they helped to make America great together. Saving the auto industry and passing the ACA (Obamacare) health care bill are just two of their very many outstanding accomplishments. Joe also respects women – our President is responsible for the Violence Against Women Act. Forty five “grabs ‘em by the p—-“.
  6. The Bidens have have been married nearly 45 years – Joe is a widower who has loved wholly two women, separately, never cheating on either; Trump has committed adultery on a number of occasions yet the right wing “Christians” worship the Donald; as a liberal Christian, I worship God, and respect President Biden. These same Trumpster lemmings have overturned reproductive freedom, when in fact many of these men impregnate women without any responsibility, expecting them to carry pregnancies, and raise children with no support at all. A child should never be abused by circumstance, that’s not pro-life. It does take a village to raise a child for eighteen years, which “pro-birth” Republicans don’t want to acknowledge.

The Right Way, Not The Right-Wing Way

  1. The Donald is strongly supported by the far right gun lobby. Joe is all about sensible gun laws, against assault rifles, and a proponent of universal background checks. With gun violence destroying families and neighborhoods we need a man like President Biden to end the slaughter.
  2. Forty-five’s dictator buddy, Vladimir Putin has declared war on the Ukraine, and invaded a sovereign country for no legitimate reason. While Trump is hiding out in his bunker, our President is visiting the Ukraine because he is a man of compassion and courage. It makes no sense to me why President Biden’s approval rating is between 41-49% depending on the poll, in my view he saved the country. He ran against 45, beat him handily thus stopping the Trump madness. I can go to church, the library, the hairdresser, theaters, shopping for groceries, no longer having to shelter in place or, in most cases, wear a mask anymore in public. Unemployment is at a low, and most of our nation has medical care, not just a moneyed few. America is back working and thriving. The war in the Ukraine, and the Chinese economic collapse has caused inflation; President Biden does not set gas or food prices, he is trying his best to rebuild our economy. America’s welcoming arms are open wide again. Our nations citizens are working, living once again without fear of a deadly pandemic. We are back in the Paris Climate Agreement, the threat of climate change’s potential future devastation recognized, because we have a President that listens to science while still trusting the Lord. I personally thank God for President Biden. He has my full endorsement for his re-election campaign. My spouse and myself, we are a proud Biden-Harris household. God bless our President and God bless America…Go to Biden Victory Fund and support Joe and Kamala with some hard cash to build a better America.

2nd Highest Honeybee Die Off On Record


2nd Highest Honeybee Die Off  On Record

Honeybees suffer second highest record on record


2nd Highest Honeybee Die Off On Record

5 Ways To Save The Honeybees

D. S. Mitchell

Bad News For Honeybees

Honeybees were dealt a staggering blow in 2022-23. The news was once again alarming. Thursday the University of Maryland and Auburn University released their study on honeybee health. The study found that 48% of honeybee colonies were lost in the year that ended April 1st.  The astounding loss was blamed on a combination of factors including parasites, pesticides, starvation, and climate change. The numbers indicate that honeybee hives in the United States were devastated, with beekeepers losing nearly half of their managed colonies. Despite staggering losses beekeepers are staying afloat, but are being forced to use costly and near superhuman determination and ingenuity to create new colonies.

Honeybee Dependent

Honeybees are critical to the food supply, responsible for pollinating more than a 100 crops that humans eat, including nuts, vegetables, berries, citrus, and melons. Despite the heart stopping decline in honeybee colonies, this last years was not as bad as 2020-21 when the mortality rate reached 50.8% .

Scary Times

The temperatures around the country are more and more likely to hit triple digits for days on end than they were 10 or 20 years ago. My lord, a postal carrier dropped dead from heat stroke in Texas. Time to stop the denials. Time to save our planet before it’s too late. Pressure your state and federal legislator. The time for silence is long since over. Pesticides and fossil fuels are killing a necessary partner in human food production.

In 1962 Rachel Carson Warned Us

  • In September 1962 Rachel Carson published one of the most important books on the environment ever published. Certainly, it can be described as the foundation of the mid-20th century environmental movement. Fundamentally, Ms Carson documented the harmful effects of the “indiscriminate” use of pesticides.

Future Generations Will Not Forgive Our Failures

In her ground breaking nonfiction book, Silent Spring she  said: “It is not my contention that chemical insecticides must never be used. I do contend that we have put poisonous and biologically potent chemicals indiscriminately into the hands of persons largely or wholly ignorant of their potentials for harm. …we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect on soil, water, wildlife, and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to condone our lack of prudent concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all life.”

Field Work

Ms Carson graduated from John Hopkins University in 1932 with a Master’s Degree in Zoology.  Ms Carson worked as a field scientist for the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for fifteen years. After World War II, the government touted the value of many toxic chemicals that had been developed during the war. The prime reason behind the government support of these chemicals was the hope to maximize farm production.

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What’s Going On In Russia?

What’s Going On In Russia?

Russia Has The World Watching

D. S. Mitchell


Loud Noise

I fell asleep last night watching television. In my own defense I’d had a long and busy day. So, at about 11:30, my sleep was interrupted when the volume on the television rose a dozen decibels, bringing me unceremoniously awake. As I’m looking for the elusive TV remote to shut off the offensive noise I hear an amazing news drop.

Marching On Moscow

My eyes flickered stupidly as I listened to a CNN commentator announce that Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group, Russia’s state sponsored mercenary army, had pulled out of Ukraine and was instead pointing 25,000 troops under his control toward Moscow.  What the hell?

Prigozhin Screaming Mad

Prigozhin has been raging on social media for weeks against the military generals in the Kremlin, accusing them of lying to Putin and the Russian people. As the situation deteriorated between the sides; Prigozhin claimed that Russian military forces attacked his Russian mercenary forces, killing at least 2500 of his men encamped along a defensive line in Ukraine.

Move On Moscow

After weeks of complaints of no food, equipment, armament, weaponry, or ammunition; Prigozhin had a new and greater outrage to fume about. The killing of Wagner mercenaries threatened the very seat of power as Prigozhin began moving his troops toward Moscow. By this time I was channel surfing the cable news channels to get the most recent information. Holy, moly this was the biggest news on the Russian front since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

A Quick Snooze

I fell asleep sometime after 2 am and woke up about 8 am. The first thing I did was turn on the TV to see what was going on in Russia. Streaming pictures from the streets around the Kremlin showed a military defensive build up. All the cable channels were playing video of Putin reassuring the Russian people in a speech. Yikes.

Belarus Calling Prigozhin

After about 12 hours of chaos, Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus announced to the world that he has fixed everything, and that Prigozhin had agreed to stop his rebellion and turn his troops around. Prigozhin states he does not want to spill Russian blood. Just like that? What the fuc? It’s over?

What The Kremlin Is Saying

In a whiplash move, Putin’s communication office indicates that the criminal complaint against Prigozhin will be withdrawn. Prigozhin agrees to exile to Belarus. Lukashenko promised him a hotel without windows; so he signed on for exile. Wagner mercenaries will be given amnesty and are encouraged rejoin the fight against Ukrainian defense forces.

Looks Weak

Putin’s debacle in Ukraine has shown clearly that the Russian military is second rate at best. If it weren’t for Iranian drones, and conscripted prisoners working as mercenaries the Russian military would have already lost in Ukraine. After 23 years in power, Putin looks as weak and anemic as his army. It looks like Vladimir Putin just got kicked in the head and he’s still seeing stars. Whatever happens, Putin’s image has been damaged severely.

The Potential

The Ukrainians need to make advances on the battlefield while the Russians fight amongst themselves.  I’m sure Volodymyr Zelensky realizes Ukrainian forces have a very narrow window to take advantage of the current chaos. And what about Putin? Will he be able to hold onto power or does his weakness embolden his enemies? These are questions that only time will answer.

Pickleball Takeover: One Paddle At A Time

Pickleball Popularity Surges

Pickleball Takeover: One Paddle At A Time

The game of Pickleball is sweeping the U.S.A. and Canada

D. S. Mitchell

Just A Little Help

It was 2017 when I decided to start the www.calamitypolitics.com website. I asked “Computer Jane,” my techie friend for some help.  Actually, a whole lot of help. She of course was cool, except she refused to give up her “pickleball time.”


Pickleball? What’s that? I asked. Her response, “it’s sort of like a mix of ping pong, badminton, and tennis; but played different. It’s a whole lot of fun.”

Tell Me More

Pickleball is played on a court 1/4 the size of a tennis court. Like in tennis, players serve, volley and hit ground strokes but pickleballers use a solid surface paddle and a perforated plastic ball. All serves must be underhanded. Games are played to 11 points. To win, however, there must be a two point spread. Points can only been won if you are serving.

Die Hard Fans

This fun, fast paced, low impact and easy to play game has made 5.8 million Americans and Canadians die hard fans. The pandemic did nothing but accelerate the game’s popularity. Jane tells me she thinks the small court  increases socialization and ups the action which she swears helps her stay in shape.

The Funny Name

I looked this up. Co-inventor, Joel Pritchard claims the name came from the term “pickleboat” in collegiate crewing. A “pickleboat” is defined as a boat filled by random rowers that were not selected for competitive races. Fitting since pickleball  is a game combining bits and pieces of other games.


Dillball: Incoming ball that has bounced once.

Dink: A soft arching shot hit on a bounce inside the kitchen.

Falafel: A shot hit without any force.

Flapjack: A shot that must bounce before being hit.

Kitchen: The 7 foot no-volley zone near the net.

Pickled: Scoring zero points in a game.

Where To Play?

To find a Pickleball court near you check out Places2play.org.

5 Tips For First Time RV Renters

Advice For First Time RV Renters

Advice For First Time RV Renters 

Five Tips For First Time RV Renters

By D.S. Mitchell 

Try an RV

After a couple years of COVID-19 lock down, masking, and social distancing, Americans are ready to move. Everyone I talk to is going somewhere, anywhere, this summer. If you are considering renting an RV and hitting the U.S. highway I guarantee you will have a great time and a totally unique experience. My Uncle Norman had a lovely Class A motorhome and he used to take me and my dog Lilly along on many of his adventures. Here are a few things I learned from those days.

Big to Small

Class A: Basically means large and luxurious. Despite being the size of a bus most do not require special licensure to drive.

Class C: Smaller than the Class A vehicle, the Class C rigs offer good space and are easier to drive than their larger cousins. They frequently have a front end that looks like the cab of a van or pickup truck.

Class B: Are the smallest and are often called “camper vans”. These vehicles are short on space and can feel a bit cramped but for those of us sick of social distancing, a Class B vehicle might be just what we’re looking for. These RV’s are easy to drive and park and have good fuel economy.

How About Towing?

Although you give up space, travel trailers are usually cheaper to rent.  Fifth wheel trailers can be quite nice but require a truck with a special tow hitch to haul. One of the benefits of towing your housing is that you can detach your truck to run around once you’ve reached your destination. A big disadvantage is that while traveling you will lose passenger space, no passengers are allowed in a moving trailer.

Campsite Tips

When reserving a campsite ask for a “pull through” site. You might pay a couple dollars extra but you won’t have the challenge of backing into your assigned space. Also, if you can, get a paved site. Paved sites tend to be more level and require fewer vehicle adjustments.


Water, electric, and sewer hookups are typical at private campgrounds. Larger campgrounds with showers and restrooms eliminate the need to hook up your RV’s water and sanitation system.

Going to Grandma’s

If you plan on visiting a friend or relative and intend to stay in your RV while parking in a neighborhood, make sure you check local rules and regulations. Many cities and Homeowners Associations forbid such visits. If you can legally visit and stay in the RV you will need a generator to run a power cord from the house. Electricity from a standard outlet may not power your A/C.


Growing Cannabis in Oregon

Growing Cannabis in Oregon

Growing Cannabis in Oregon

A Conversation on Commercial Marijuana Grows 

Bill Cook stopped by the Calamity News and Politics studios to talk to Dave Shadrick about his experience growing commercial cannabis in Oregon. Its been an up and down ride for producers in Oregon. Take a few minutes and listen to what Bill had to say about the highs and lows of growing weed in Oregon.


Universal Basic Income: A Realistic Solution


Universal Basic Income: A Realistic Solution


Universal Basic Income: A Realistic Solution

By Ross Turner

Not a New Idea

During times of turbulence and upheaval, ideas that were once thought fantastical suddenly seem quite rational.  Such is the case of Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI is also known as a “basic income guarantee.”  The concept first appeared in the book ‘Utopia” by Thomas More published in  1516. The idea has been revived more than once over the centuries. In the early 1920’s British philosopher, essayist and social critic, Bertrand Russell wrote of the advantages of such a system. But it has only been in the last fifty years with the advent of technology, the internet, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence that there been a true necessity and demand for it.

UBI May Be an Idea Who’s Time Has Come

The idea, at its core, is to give every citizen a regular, untaxed sum of money regardless of employment status or income.  The thought is that this will raise the poorest recipients out of poverty and help the overall economy by boosting consumers’ purchasing power and economic mobility.  Many people, however, have a negative visceral reaction to “handing out” free money, worrying that people will stop working, or worrying about how to pay for such a program in the first place.  First, let’s look at why something like Universal Basic Income will be needed in the very-near future.

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“Chasing the Spider” by D.S. Mitchell


If you loved “365 Days” and couldn’t put down the “50 Shades of Grey” trilogy, I promise you’re going to love “Chasing the Spider” by D.S. Mitchell. “Chasing the Spider” is available on Amazon. Continue reading



Highlights From 50 Years


Highlights From 50 Years

Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying, research, and ecotage to achieve its goals.

Founded in 1971

Greenpeace was founded in Canada in 1971 by Irving and Dorothy Stowe transplanted environmental activists from the United States. The organizations stated goal is to “ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in all its diversity.” Greenpeace focuses its campaigning on worldwide environmental issues such as; climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling, genetic engineering, and anti-nuclear issues.

Global Network

Greenpeace is a global network. The network comprises 26 independent national/regional organizations in over 55 countries. A coordinating body,  Greenpeace International is based in the Netherlands. The network does not accept funding from corporations, political parties, or governments, relying instead on three million plus individual donors and special foundations grants. 

Raising the World Consciousness

Greenpeace is without a double one of the most visible environmental organizations in the world and is critical in raising issues to public  knowledge.


50 Years Of Action

February 1972:

After the first Greenpeace action in 1971 the U.S. abandons nuclear testing grounds at Amchitka Island, Alaska.

October 1982:

After at-sea actions against whalers, the International Whaling Commission adopts a whaling moratorium.

December 1989:

UN moratorium on high seas large scale driftnets is passed, responding to public outrage at indiscriminate fishing practices. In 1991 a worldwide ban goes into force.

November 1993:

Due to repeated actions against ocean dumping for over a decade by Greenpeace the London Dumping Convention permanently bans the dumping of radioactive and industrial waste worldwide.

December 1994:

After years of Greenpeace actions against whaling, the Antarctic whale sanctuary is approved by the International Whaling Commission.

December 1997:

Adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by governments of many industrialized countries agreeing to set legally binding reduction targets on greenhouse gases. Europe signed on March 2002 and Russia in 2004.

May 2002:

Greenpeace defeats a major drive by Japan to re-introduce commercial whaling.

March 2009: The Great Bear Rainforest protection agreement capped one of Greenpeace’s longest running campaigns. The protected region covers over 25,000 square miles of Canadian wilderness.

September 2015: Shell Oil abandons Arctic drilling.

October 2016: After years of campaigning for a protected area in the Ross Sea, off the coast of Antarctica succeeded. The agreement created the largest marine protected area in the world.

July 2017: Thai Union, the largest tuna company in the world and owner of Chicken of the Sea, agrees to sweeping reforms with expected benefits for sharks, sea turtles and fisherman.

May-July 2018: Foodservice giants Bon Apetit Management and Aramark commit to phase out plastic straws and stirrers, and other single use products.

September 2020: Brazilian government rejects oil drilling applications near the spectacular Amazon Reef right off the Brazilian coast by French oil giant Total.

June 2021: The U.S. Interior Department  suspends oil and gas drilling leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge after a Greenpeace campaign leading to an environmental review.

August 2022: California legislature enacts a 3,200 foot public health and safety setback, or a buffer zone to protect neighborhoods from toxic pollution created by oil and gas drilling.


Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Risk


 Assessing stroke risk in patients is an important part of managing Atrial Fibrillation.

Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Risk

A-fib can lead to blood clots in the upper chambers of the heart increasing the risk of having a stroke fivefold.


By D.S. Mitchell

Costco Connection

I am a Costco member and as such I get a copy of the Costco Connection magazine every month. The publication is full of useful information. In the February 2023 issue, I found a great article by Andrea Downing Peck, on the dangers of atrial fibrillation, a very dangerous heart rhythm disorder. I’m a retired RN and I’m always looking for information that will help people recognize symptoms of dangerous health conditions.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Recently, I have seen numerous public service announcements made by NBA basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who tells us that he suffers from atrial fibrillation. Well Kareem is not alone; an estimated 2.7 million American live with atrial fibrillation (a-fib). A-fib is the most common sustained heart rhythm disorder seen by doctors.

What Is A-Fib?

A-fib is an irregular, disorganized heart rhythm where the heart’s upper chambers (the atria) no longer beat in coordination with the lower chambers (the ventricles). The rate is usually more rapid than would normally be expected for the level of activity being engaged in.  A-fib is extremely dangerous because the rhythm commonly causes blood clots and blood clots cause strokes. Patients may experience a-fib without symptoms, but when symptoms do appear they may include chest discomfort, light-headedness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and fatigue. If left untreated it can be deadly.

Common Victims

The risk for a-fib increases after age 65. Several medical conditions also increase the risk of developing a-fib whether you are young or old: High blood pressure, Sleep apnea, Obesity, Heart failure, Diabetes, Overactive thyroid, Pericarditis, and coronary artery disease.


Lots of studies and research have been done over the last fifty years to discover how to prevent heart disease. Researchers have known that the risk of coronary disease increases with predictable lifestyle factors. Now much of that research is telling us that those same factors and prevention strategies are most likely relevant to heart rhythm disturbances such as a-fib.

Alcohol vs Caffeine

Caffeine has been suspected as a trigger in patients who experience intermittent a-fib. Intermittent a-fib is defined as a temporary episode of the disorder that starts suddenly but resolves quickly without medical interventions, usually within 24 hours. The studies clearly indicate that caffeine does not appear to increase episodes of a-fib, but alcohol did frequently act as a trigger. Drinking more than one alcoholic beverage per day is clearly a trigger for the disorder.

More Than One Trigger

Smoking, sleeplessness, dehydration, stress, obesity, high blood pressure, and sedentary lifestyle are factors that seem to trigger a-fib events. The caveat here, as with many things, it is often a combination of several factors that trigger the event. Over the next several decades the prevalence of a-fib is expected to increase significantly. It’s the combination of these co-morbidities that increase the risk of a-fib.

The Answer

There’s an epidemic of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, inactivity, and alcohol abuse, in the United States. According to experts, we need the population to move, lose weight, drink less alcohol, and as practitioners, doctors need to aggressively treat diabetes and high blood pressure.


 Treatments can vary. Medication or surgical intervention, in some cases, may be required. Medications are used to control heart rate and rhythm. Anti-coagulants are used to prevent clotting. A cardioversion is sometimes used as an emergency intervention. A catheter ablation is a procedure used to permanently restore the heart’s proper electrical currents.  There is also for some patients an implant called the Watchman that offers an alternative to blood thinners.


It is important to educate the public about a-fib and other heart rhythm disorders. It is important that if an individual is experiencing symptoms, they should contact their physician as soon as possible to diagnose the problem and above all prevent stroke.