Sports Quotes Just For Laughs

Sport Quotes Just For Laughs

Pro athletes have a way of making us laugh. Sport quotes.

Sport Quotes Just For Laughs

D. S. Mitchell

Official Play Day

I am officially declaring, today a play day here at the office. It’s great sometimes, being the boss, even if it’s only me, and Rocky. Rocky, my stalwart partner in crime is a blue and white Budgie. I have been trying to teach him to talk. So far he has mounted a full campaign of resistance. Thinking about political theory, political science, political reality, political bullshit, is about as frustrating as trying to teach my budgie to talk. So I have decided there will be no political discussion, today. There will be no analysis, there will be no relevant comment, other than what a few athletes have had to say over the years about some weird shit. So, here goes. . .

He Said What?

Mike Tyson:  Responding to a question about his retirement plans:  “Fade into Bolivian, I guess.”

Joe Theismann: “The term genius is inapplicable to anyone in this game.  A genius is Norman Einstein.”

Pedro Guerrero:  About his relationship with the press, “Sometimes they write what I say, not what I mean.”

Chuck Nevitt:  On why he appeared nervous:  “My sister is having a baby, and I don’t know if I’m going to be an aunt or an uncle.”

Yogi Berra:  “It gets late early out here.”

George Foreman:  “There’s more to boxing than hitting.  There’s not getting hit, for instance.”

George Roberts:  “I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first.”

Tug McGraw:  “Always root for the winner.  That way you won’t be disappointed.”

Don King:  He (Chavez) speaks English, Spanish, and he’s bilingual.”

Dizzy Dean:  The doctor X-rayed my head and found nothing.

Bill Cowher:  On whether the Steelers bent NFL regulations: “We’re not attempting to circumcise the rules.”

David Thompson: “Ball handling and dribbling are my strongest weaknesses.”

Dizzy Dean: after a 1-0 game, “The game was closer than the score indicated.”

Michael Jordan: “I never lost a game, I just ran out of time.”

Thanks Rod L. Evans, Ph.D. taken with permission from his book, Tyrannosaurus Lex.

HUMOR: Let’s Find Something To Smile About

 HUMOR: Let’s Find Something To Smile About

Times are tough, sometimes you just need to make time to smile

HUMOR: Let’s Find Something To Smile About

By D.S. Mitchell


Back At the Computer

I am back at the computer working on a new post for my website.  Before I started this website, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough to scream about, but I’m finding that I could probably do half a dozen posts a day related to the B.S. and dangerous misinformation but I thought, before I start a fresh rant on the collapse of American democracy and other issues of importance to Western Civilization I should deliver something positive and uplifting.

So, dear hearts here are twenty-five things to make you smile:

  1. Touching toes in the night
  2. Sunsets over water
  3. Wraparound sunglasses
  4. The Science channel
  5. Kite flying contests
  6. The Muppets
  7. Astronauts on Mars
  8. Blowing the paper wrapper off the straw
  9. Winning at Poker
  10. A dog’s cold nose on your hand
  11. Barhopping on a Saturday night
  12. Old jeans that fit just right
  13. Your lover’s voice
  14. The clatter of skis being loaded for vacation
  15. The rumble of a train as it passes
  16. Walking in the rain
  17. The imagination of a six year old
  18. Margaritas at midnight (or any time, for that matter)
  19. Finishing the Sunday crossword without cheating
  20. A morning walk
  21. The smell of a new car
  22. Roller skating
  23. Your First grade teacher
  24. A sexy book
  25. Daddy’s smile

Back to the Fight

Now that we’ve had five minutes of smiles its time to get back to the fight. We have lots of work to do; stop the relentless gun violence, end state’s whittling away of our voting rights, stop anti-democratic gerrymandering that provides power to those who do not have voter support. We must halt the actions of John Robert’s  monumentally corrupt Supreme Court. Time to impeach Clarence Thomas and any other Justice that is in bed with the billionaires. And closest to my heart, the restoration of a woman’s right to choose, by the codification of Roe. We can do it all, we just need boots on the ground working toward these goals. Join the fight for democracy.

Sugar Is Killing Us

Sugar Is Killing Us

Sugar is killing us.

Sugar Is Killing Us

By D. S. Mitchell

When I started writing this article, my intention was to write a quick easy read, nothing in-depth, certainly nothing scientific. Something along the lines of, “Ten Reasons To Kick The Sugar Habit”. That plan was quickly dashed as I read one scary article after another explaining the dangers of sugar consumption. If you are suffering from any of the diseases highlighted in this article, remember, you are not alone. If you want a better, longer life, it is time to take a look at your relationship with sugar in all of its malevolent forms. 

**This article first appeared in on 04/03/2020


Sixty-Five Pounds Annually

The average American consumes 65 pounds of sugar annually without even being aware of it. That information alone should be a heart stopper. The American Heart Association recommends that men consume no more than 9 teaspoons (36 grams) of added sugar per day and women no more than 6 teaspoons (24 grams). On average each of us ingests 19.5 teaspoons or 78 grams a day. Research on the dangers of sugar on health are ongoing, and new information is being constantly being uncovered.

Dangerous And Addictive

If there was ever any doubt about the dangers of sugar they are being put to rest by a series of scientific studies. Research is proving sugar is both dangerous and extremely addictive. A person who drinks one 20 oz sugary beverage every day will cut their life expectancy by nearly five years. That is,  comparable to being a regular smoker. If that fact doesn’t get your attention, read on, it gets worse, a whole lot worse.

Just As Bad

Sugar does a lot of damage to our bodies.  With all the negative news about sugar is there an alternative?  Some people say, “just use a sugar replacement.” Whoa.  Evidence is mounting that sucralose, saccharin and aspartame are just as dangerous as sugar.  Research shows that sugar replacements injure and destroy the essential microbiome in the gut.  Microbiome are the millions of microorganisms inside our bodies that help us stay alive.  These microbes protect us against germs, they also break down food to release energy, and produce vitamins.

Find A Garbage Can

To make it clear, sugar substitutes are just as bad as the real thing.  In addition to the physical damage products like sucralose do, they are also associated with weight gain and glucose intolerence-the very things people use them to prevent.  Those folks trying to cut down on sugar may be drawn to advertised benefits such as “maple syrup’s antioxidant benefits” or “honey’s healing power”.  Forget such misinformation.  Sugar is sugar, no matter what form it takes. I suggest that no one consume them.  Keep them out of the house.  If you have any of these sugar substitutes in your cupboard toss them in the closest garbage can.

Highs And Lows

The body’s reaction to sugar is like taking a roller coaster ride; an unending ride to extreme highs, followed by extreme lows, sending the body into a spiral of endless cravings. People report being “hungry all the time”. Descriptions include “being obsessed with food”, and literally feeling “addicted” to food. It makes perfect sense, because everything they eat and drink is loaded with sugar.

Addictive Cycle

High sugar intake sends the body into a crazy, roller coaster ride of ups and downs.

The danger of sugar is easy to describe, it is addictive, sharing all the highs and lows of  any other addictive drug.

The danger of sugar is easy to describe.  As the addictive cycle begins, say after you eat a piece of cake, a predictable pattern begins.  Blood glucose begins to rise.  Then, Dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers is released, messaging that everything is “great”.  Meanwhile, if you are not a diabetic, your pancreas is busy releasing insulin into your blood stream to help lower the threat of rising blood sugar.  High insulin levels signal the body to store fat throughout the body, including the liver.  With the release of insulin, blood glucose drops.

Another Piece Of Cake

As the sugar high subsides, your brain begins sending signals that you are ‘hungry’.  The ‘false hunger’ signals kick cravings into high gear, demanding another piece of cake. Predictably, as you consume that second piece or cake, or cookie, the sugar driven roller coaster takes the body on another crazy, dizzying ride.

Mood Swings

The ups and downs of unstable blood sugar will cause a person to experience mood swings, fatigue, and headaches.  As described in the “addictive cycle” unstable blood glucose contributes to cravings, which begins the cycle of “false hunger”.  When the body is under stress, it immediately kicks into fight-or-flight mode, releasing large amounts of stimulating hormones.  Interestingly, the body has the same chemical response when it detects low blood sugar, created by the insulin response.  After eating a sweet snack, stress hormones begin to compensate for the crash, by raising your blood sugar.  Unexplained anxiousness, irritability, and even tremors often result.  By contrast, those who avoid sugar have fewer cravings, and feel emotionally balanced and energized.


Can’t sleep?  Thirty percent of Americans complain of insomnia, or interrupted sleep.  Sugar may be keeping you up at night.  Researchers have found that eating more sugar, along with less fiber and more saturated fat, is associated with lighter, more disrupted and less restorative sleep.  Insomnia has been connected to diabetes, obesity and heart disease.  This deadly trio of health conditions, is now being directly tied to sugar consumption.

Sugar And Mental Health

Consuming high-sugar products like cookies, candy and sugary drinks, are associated with a higher risk of depression.  Researchers believe that blood sugar swings, neurotransmitter dysfunction, and inflammation may all be reasons for sugar’s detrimental impact on mental health.  Sugar in fact, could be making you sad and depressed.  Capping off a bad day with a comforting sugar laden snack may make you feel worse in the long run.

Increased Depression

A recent Columbia University study found that post-menopausal women whose diets were high in added sugar and refined grains were at a high risk for depression. Study participants, that ate more dietary fiber, whole grains, vegetables, and unprocessed fruits had a decreased risk of depression. In another study, men who consumed 67 grams or more of sugar per day were 23% more likely to develop depression than men who ate less than 40 grams per day.

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TikTok and Security Concerns

TikTok and Security Concerns

Governments around the world suspect China will weaponize customer information

TikTok and Security Concerns

The number of countries banning TikTok, a video sharing app, is growing over concerns that China is collecting data on customers that may later be weaponized by the Chinese state.

By D. S. Mitchell

The Five Eyes

The United States, Canada, Britain, New Zealand, and Australia have each recently banned TikTok from federal government devices amid growing concerns over the app’s ties to China.  The aforementioned countries form the so-called “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing partners. Government experts fear sensitive information could be exposed when TikTok is downloaded, especially on government devices. The recent U.S. ban applies only to government devices, although numerous US lawmakers are advocating an outright ban of the app. Both the FBI and the FCC warn that ByteDance could share TikTok user data with China’s authoritarian government.  More than half of the 50 US states have banned the app from government devices. An outright ban of the app was blocked in the United States Senate at the end of March.

Inside United States 

TikTok has 150 million users in the United States. Pew Research estimates that roughly two-thirds of US teens use TikTok. Aside from the security threat there is also concern that TikTok’s content could harm teenagers’ mental health. Researchers said in a December report that eating disorder content on TikTok had accumulated 13.2 billion views.

Other Countries Follow U.S. Lead

The European Parliament, European Commission, and the EU Council, the three top EU bodies, have all banned TikTok on staff devices, citing cybersecurity concerns. Estonia, France, Netherlands, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, India, Afghanistan, Taiwan, and Pakistan have also recognized the danger TikTok presents and have restricted its use on all government devices.

CEO Claims Independence From China

TikTok is owned by the Chinese technology company ByteDance. The company CEO, Shou Zi Chew, recently appeared before the U.S. Congress and testified that the company is run independently and does not share data with the Chinese government. Furthermore, CEO, Shou Zi Chew aggressively disputed accusations that TikTok collects more customer information than other social media companies and describes the recent bans as “without deliberation or evidence.”

Why All The Excitement?

The deepening rivalry and the growing tensions between the United States and China are central to these actions. The Biden Administration believes China intends to harness user data to fuel influence operations directed at American citizens. From the large number of countries banning the app on government phones also see a looming threat. ByteDance denies that any user data is at risk and claims it cannot be accessed by Beijing. But  the reality of the situation is clear; Chinese law obligates any company or citizen to aid state intelligence. Let me repeat that, Chinese law obligates any company or citizen to aid state intelligence. That fact alone should make us all a bit uneasy.

On The Other Hand

Observers of the situation claim the biggest danger to American privacy is not the Chinese government but rather a system that allows any tech company to harvest users’ data. Many folks are asking where has Congress been? While ranting about TikTok the US Congress has failed to pass even the most basic comprehensive privacy legislation to protect our data from misuse by any and all tech companies.


Let’s Move It!

Let’s Move It!

Time to get moving. Sitting is the new smoking.

Let’s Move It

D. S. Mitchell


Sedentary and Overweight

Our society is becoming more sedentary and overweight. Many of us spend hours behind a desk at our jobs.  We drive our cars to the fast food drive thru, never even getting out of our cars.  We use our computers to shop, without ever leaving the house.  With decreased activity people are increasingly complaining of posture related aches and pains, depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Too Much Sitting

Just like we enjoy eating and drinking too much, we enjoy sitting too much. We are surrounded by cars, snacks, elevators, sugary drinks and fast foods. The problem has become serious enough that the World Health Organization has a new agenda focused on encouraging physical activity.

Exercise For Mental Health

A “Black Dog Institute” of Australia study found that 1-2 hours of exercise per week can prevent depression. In addition to improved mental health multiple world-wide studies have shown that vigorous movement can stave off heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, fatigue, diabetes and even cancer.

Sitting Equals Smoking

Our country, and most of the industrialized economies are suffering from a “sitting disease”.  Physical inactivity is one of  the top 10 causes of disease and disability according to a recent study. That study attributed 1 in 6 deaths to “sitting” which is equal to smoking in that country.

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Clarence & Ginni Thomas Bad For SCOTUS

Clarence & Ginni Thomas Bad For SCOTUS

Clarence & Ginni Thomas Bad For SCOTUS 

How much longer before we take action against this most egregious and corrupt court in the history of the Republic? Time to introduce legislation that would require supreme court justices to adhere to the same ethics standards as other judges in this country. Clarence & Ginni Thomas are bad for SCOTUS.

By D. S. Mitchell

Low Public Approval of Supreme Court

According to recent Gallop polling the Supreme Court has its lowest public-approval rating in history—in part because it is viewed as being both overly politicized and corrupt. The 6-3 supermajority conservative court is facing ugly public backlash to numerous recent court decisions, most notably of course, the overturning of Roe. Clarence & Ginni Thomas are partly responsible for that low public opinion. It is becoming obvious Clarence & Ginni Thomas are bad for SCOTUS. The activities of Ginni Thomas are outrageous and are at last coming under scrutiny.

Chief Robert’s Defiant Versus Pro-Active

In December 2022, John Roberts in his Year-End Report on the federal judiciary defended the court. Robert’s rather than seek measures to improve the court and its public image Robert’s got belligerent, defensive, and down right defiant. According to Robert’s,  “The Judiciary’s power to manage its internal affairs insulates courts from inappropriate political influence.” The problem Mr. Chief Justice is that you and your court are not managing your internal affairs effectively or appropriately.

Conservative Supreme Court Justices Deny Partisanship

For at least the last year, member’s of the conservative wing of the court have been crisscrossing the country giving speeches defending the court against accusations that the justices have become legislators in black robes. These folks can talk till they are blue in the face, but it won’t change the fact that there is a back door to the Supreme Court that is open to ultra conservative activists and locked to the rest of us.

No Ethics Rules Or Regs For Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme court has no ethics rules or formal means of monitoring the behavior of individual justices or their spouses. There is a shadow world in which the conservative justices meet and greet with  conservative individuals looking for access to the court and their decision makers; a world where powerful and influential wives, such as Ginni Thomas hover over the court’s decisions.

Ginni Thomas’ Political Activism Has Become A Serious Concern

Certainly one of the most active political voices in the conservative world whose activities are highly questionable are those of Ginni Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas. Ginni Thomas is giving the SCOTUS a black eye.The long voiced claim that the Justice’s opinions are politically neutral is getting harder and harder to swallow. In the case of Clarence Thomas the activities of his right wing activist wife Ginni Thomas  has become a serious issue of concern for the legitimacy of the court.

It Appears Ginni Thomas Has Her Thumb On The Scale

Mrs. Thomas is a lawyer that runs Liberty Consulting,  a political-lobbying firm. Until her emails to Mark Meadows on January 6th were made public, few Americans had ever heard of her. Those who had heard of her, dismissed much of her lobbying as harmless activities. However, it appears the Court is happily giving her allies major wins—on abortion, affirmative action, and gun rights.

A “Stench” Of Partisanship Permeates The Supreme Court 

In 2016 the Republicans, in an unprecedented move blocked President Obama’s nominee to the Court.  As a result  Trump was able to push through the appointment of three extreme right wing Justices. The Democrats have recently attempted to impose some ethics standards on the Justices—a response, in part, to what Justice Sonia Sotomayor has described as the “stench” of partisanship on the Court.

Ginni Thomas Hides In The Shadows Directing Radical Wing Causes

While Ginni Thomas tries to hide in the shadows she is kept busy working with many right wing activists who have brought numerous hot button issues in front of the Court. Ginni Thomas was once a director of CNP Action, a dark-money wing of the Council for National Policy. The Council of National Policy is a pressure group that connects wealthy donors with the most radical right-wing individuals in the United States. Ginni Thomas was formerly on the Turning Point USA advisory board. The Turning Point USA is a pro-Trump student group, whose leaders have boasted of sending busloads of protestors to D.C. on January 6th.

Many Think Ginni Thomas’s Behavior Is Appalling


Learning About OLED Technology

Learning About OLED Technology


Learning About *OLED Technology

*Organic light emitting diode

By D. S. Mitchell


If you are thinking about upgrading your current laptop, you may want to think about buying a PC with an OLED screen. Pronouce it OH-LED.  OLED is a carbon-based semiconductor film layer that emits light when electricity is applied.  The result is an amazingly beautiful image. I’m sure you’ve seen the superskinny TV’s and smartphones and PC’s. Well now, the technology is available in laptops.

Graphic designers, digital artists, photographers, video editors, game designers and animators love the clean, stunning images that OLED technology provides. The technology allows fast-moving images because of 120-Hertz refresh rates, something especially loved by gamers and movie lovers.

With OLED each pixel is its own light source, there is no backlighting required, unlike other screen technologies, such as LCD (liquid-crystal display). Because of this the screens produce incredible contrast levels. Those contrasts produce deep, dark blacks, colors on an OLED appear to jump off the screen. Furthermore OLED has the ability to display more colors with greater color accuracy. One manufacturer, ASUS, claims its OLED screens can display more than 60 times more colors than its LCD counterpart.

Another OLED advantage includes a greater consistency of brightness across the screen. An OLED screen produces up to 600 nits (a unit of brightness) whereas an LCD screens typically produces only 250 nits. This technology provides wider viewing angles which is easier on your eyes. OLED’s produce  up to 70% less harmful blue light than most LCD screens, because OLED’s use only the light needed without the white backlight.

There are a variety of factors that go into your decision to purchase a new laptop. Besides the processor, the engine that drives your PC’s performance, graphic capabilities a big deal for gamers, storage capacity, and the kind of drive (hard drive or solid-state, and how much system memory (aka RAM) you need, now add screen technology to the wish list.

Prices for an OLED laptop have come down in price recently. OLED’s are however, on the average $100 to $200 more than an LCD, with all other specs being equal. Some OLED devices have ultra-high-definition 4K displays and/or touch screens which also add to the laptops base cost. Those using the OLED display say they’ll never go back. So before you buy another LCD check out the OLED technology before you buy. I love it.

Old Wellness Myths Debunked

Old Wellness Myths Debunked 

Old Wellness Myths Debunked

By D. S. Mitchell

A recent article in the March 2023 AARP Bulletin by Michelle Crouch highlighted 16 well-known health myths. I’m sure you’ve heard most of these common beliefs and perhaps subscribe to one or more of them yourself. However, these long accepted health beliefs fail the test of time and science. So in an effort to limit misinformation, here are some assumptions about wellness that fall flat.

  • Myth: If  you are having an actual heart attack you will have chest pain. Recent studies indicate that 42% of women and 31% of men do not experience chest pain even when having a full blown heart attack. Symptoms that are nearly universal to most people having a heart attack are shortness of breath, light-headedness, nausea and perhaps even vomiting, back, neck, jaw, and pain in one arm or both. If you experience any of these symptoms don’t delay, call 911.
  • Myth: Everyone should take a daily multivitamin.  In 84 studies by Preventive Services Task Force there was no evidence that multivitamins have any benefit for nonpregnant adults. The best advice experts say is to eat a healthful diet of fruits and vegetables.
  • Myth: You need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Where did this number come from? There seems to be no science behind the number. Like many things the origin of this myth is probably lost to the mysteries of time.  Urologists say you can tell if you are drinking enough water by the color of your urine. The darker and more concentrated the urine color tells you to drink more water. If the urine is very light, nearly clear, you are overhydrated.  Urine color should be light to medium yellow.
  • Myth: Running will damage your knees: Recent studies contradict this assumption. One of the largest recent studies indicated running actually protects knees and joints. Runners are half as likely to develop osteoarthritis of the knees as nonrunners. One important reason for this is that runners typically have stronger quadriceps than nonrunners which helps protect the joints.
  • Myth: 10,000 steps per day to promote longevity: Current research indicates that as few as 6.000 steps per day will promote longevity. A 2022 found that adults who walk those 6,000 steps can reduce their chance of early death by 50 to 60 percent.
  • Myth: Coffee dehydrates you: The research shows that although caffeine is a mild diuretic it can also stimulate your body to produce extra urine meaning liquid coffee counteracts any dehydrating effects. Another study found that people urinate the same amount whether they drink coffee, soda, tea or water.
  • Myth: Rest  when you have back pain: Resting for the first day or two after a back injury is fine. However, studies over the last fifty years indicate that you will recover faster if you remain active. Extensive bed rest usually makes most back pain worse. It is important to use your muscles or you will get progressively worse.
  • Myth: Avoid exercise if you are sick: Research has shown that mild to moderate exercise when you have an upper respiratory infection may help you feel better sooner. Laying in bed will weaken your muscles and predispose you to pneumonia. Light exercise promotes deep breathing and coughing which stimulates spitting up mucus.
  • Myth: Avoid dairy products if you have a cold: The theory that milk increases mucus has been around for several centuries. A recent study found no correlation between ingestion of milk with increased phlegm production or congestion. Another study found no difference in mucus production between cow’s milk or soy milk.
  • Myth: Air hand dryers are more hygienic than paper towels: Air hand dryers may save trees but they do not remove germs as well as paper towels. In fact, they may spread germs around.  One study noted that air borne bacteria counts were 27 times greater when jet air dryers were used.
  • Myth: A juice cleanse can help you lose weight and clear toxins: The hype promotes weight loss and cleansing. Research however, shows no such benefit. In fact, one recent study found zero benefit in detox diets.
  • Myth: You’ll get sick if you go out with wet hair or without a coat: There is no evidence that either of those activities can cause illness. Colds are caused by viruses not cold weather. However, cold weather can lower the immune response in humans, so if you encounter a virus you are more likely to get sick.
  • Myth: The flu shot can give you the flu: This claim is totally bogus and biologically impossible according to experts. The vaccine is made from inactive bits of virus. People who say they have gotten the flu after the shot may have picked up a different type of respiratory infection. It takes usually about two weeks for the flu shot to become fully effective.
  • Myth: Green or yellow sputum means you need an antibiotic: The green or yellow mucus is evidence that your body in fighting an infection. Most respiratory infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria, and antibiotics don’t work on viruses.
  •  Myth: CPR requires mouth to mouth contact: Studies of adults who experienced cardiac arrest outside a hospital found that cardiopulmonary resuscitation involving only chest compressions given by rescuers who were not professionals was just as effective, if not more effective than CPR administered with rescue breathing.
  • Myth: Cranberry juice cures urinary tract infections: Cranberries are linked with preventing not treating infections. If you have symptoms of burning while voiding you typically need antibiotics provided by your doctor.

Like most things in life if something is repeated often enough it becomes fact; even when there is no evidence to support the claim. Most of the items discussed in this article are not of life and death concern but when it comes to our health misinformation is potentially dangerous.

The Inflation Reduction Act At Work

The Inflation Reduction Act At Work


The Inflation Reduction Act At Work

By D. S. Mitchell

In the Winter edition of “Solutions,” a publication of the Environmental Defense there was a brief article on the Inflation Reduction Act by Vanessa Glavinskas.  Ms. Glavinskas explained five benefits to the average American to facilitate the transition to clean renewable energy.  The new law allocates $369 billion to address climate change and promote lower-carbon living through rebates and tax credits. Listed below are five areas of your home where you can start saving money today.

The Roof: Time to add solar panels. The new law provides tax credits of up to 30% to households that invest in clean energy. The credit is retroactive to 2022. The typical cost for a residential solar set up is around $19,000. In that scenario a homeowner would save $5,700. The cost of the system is usually recouped within 12 years.

The Driveway: The new law gives tax credits of up to $4,000 for buying a used electrical vehicle and up to $7,500 for a new EV. The EV must have final assembly in North America to qualify. This means some brands won’t qualify. So if it is important to you to get those tax credits make sure you confirm that the EV you intend to buy was assembled in the U.S.A.

The Kitchen: Gas stoves leak the super pollutant methane, comparable to 500,000 gasoline powered cars. Furthermore gas stoves also release the carcinogenic benzene. If you want to transition to an electric stove, oven, or range there are rebates of up to $840.

The Laundry Room: Heat pump clothes dryers, rarely seen in the U.S. but popular in Europe take a bit longer to dry a load of clothes but are much more energy efficient than traditional models. Qualifying households can get a rebate of up to $840.

The Thermostat: A heat pump is an efficient way to heat and cool your home. With a heat pump the system transfers heat between your home and the outdoors and can save you hundreds of dollars annually. Most U.S. households can qualify for a tax credit up to $2,000. Low income families may be able to qualify for a tax credit of as much as $8,000 per installation.



Carbon Capture Is B.S.

Carbon Capture Is B.S.

“Carbon capture and storage is a process in which a relatively pure stream of carbon dioxide from industrial sources is separated, treated and transported to a long-term storage location. For example, the carbon dioxide stream that is to be captured can result from burning fossil fuels or biomass.” Wikipedia



By D. S. Mitchell

Oil companies are woke to the fact that carbon capture allows them to remain in business longer. I’m  sure there are CEO’s at the big oil companies who believe that all they have to do is bury their emissions and they can stay in business forever. CO2 is their industry waste, in other words, their damn garbage. It is the biggest driver of climate crisis and the greatest threat to our food and water supply. Carbon capture is a scheme of the fossil fuel industry that has found supporters in Washington, D. C.

The U.S. government, actually the U.S. taxpayer, is offering big bucks to companies working on carbon capture projects. The most conclusive thing we know so far about carbon capture is that it is a failure; a dangerous failure.  The dream of carbon capture “keeps the U.S. addicted to fossil fuels, degrades our agricultural land, threatens our water, and puts our communities and climate at risk.” Emma Schmit.

Summit Carbon Solutions, Navigator Heartland Greenway and Wolf Carbon are proposing nearly 4,000 miles of hazardous pipeline that will cross Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. Hopefully activists in those states will pressure state authorities to deny permits to applicants for these dangerous projects. In many cases these pipelines are seeking eminent domain to force landowners to deed them private property for the pipeline.

The question really is why when we know the safety concerns and the technology is a failure, why is our government still trying to make carbon capture happen? It is time to stop the scam. Time to stop the fossil fuel industry from playing games with our future.

5 Reasons Carbon Capture is Dangerous Bull Shit

  1. Carbon Storage And Transport Are Not Safe. When carbon pipelines rupture they can expel lethal levels of carbon dioxide, an invisible asphyxiant literally for miles surrounding the break. CO2 displaces oxygen, stalling combustion engines and impairing emergency response. CO2 can leak from storage containers and contaminate groundwater and soil.
  2. Carbon Capture A Colossal Failure. Billions of public and private monies have been spent over multiple decades developing carbon capture projects and it has proven a complete folly. The Densbury Pipeline outside Satartia, Mississippi and the Petra Nova coal plant in Texas are just two examples of leaks, ruptures, frequent shut offs and persistent technological problems.
  3.  Carbon Capture Is Energy Intensive. The United States emits approximately 5 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere annually. To capture a mere 25% of that figure would require nearly the entire electrical output of the nation.
  4. Carbon Capture Increases Emissions.  Due to both the life cycle of fossil fuels and the huge amount of energy required to capture carbon such projects in the U.S. have emitted more CO2 than it ever removed.  95% of the captured carbon is currently being used to extract more oil in a practice known as ‘enhanced oil recovery.”
  5. Carbon Capture Diverts Investments From Renewable Energy. Time is of the essence. We need to move to renewable energy to stop the worst effects of climate change, the greatest threat to our water, food, and a livable future. The switch from fossil to renewable sources will be slowed as long as the fossil fuel industry can convince the public and government officials to continue investing in carbon capture schemes instead of focusing on safe and proven clean energy solutions.

If you have little knowledge about the subject of carbon capture, now is the time to learn about it. Then once you understand the dangers please tell your Senator and your Congressperson that you want to stop wasting time and money on this bogus plan by the fossil fuel industry to stay in business forever.

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