Celebrate World Bee Day May 20, 2021

Celebrate World Bee Day May 20, 2021

May 20th is World Bee Day

World Bee Day Celebration May 20, 2021


The purpose of the international day of celebration is to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators in the ecosystem.  World Bee Day is celebrated on the birthday of pioneer beekeeper Anton Jansa, May 20, 1734. There’s good reason to pay attention to the bees. There are over 20,000 bee species and most are in decline. This includes the American honeybee. The honeybee is however a small fraction of the bee population.

Keystone Species

Bees are keystone species — ecosystem engineers that are pivotal in supporting healthy habitats for birds, insects, and mammals in ways not always recognized. They pollinate wildflowers and other plants, which is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity of the ecosystem. They also help create and shape natural areas where other animals live and find food.

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Israel Appears To Be An Apartheid State

Israel Appears To Be An Apartheid State

The Palestinians are trapped between Hamas and Israel

EDITORIAL:                                                              Israel Is Acting Like An Apartheid State

By William Jones and D. S. Mitchell

What is Apartheid?

The 1973 Apartheid Convention and the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defined apartheid as systematic and institutionally entrenched domination and repression by one racial group over another through “inhumane acts.” Among such acts are:

  1. Arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment of the members of a racial group
  2. Measures designed to divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate reserves and ghettos for the members of a racial group or groups
  3. Forcible transfer
  4. Expropriation of landed property
  5. Denial of the right to leave and to return to their country and the right to a nationality

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“Just Dave” At Calamity New And Politics

“Just Dave” At Calamity News And Politics

“Just Dave” At Calamity News And Politics 

Oh, my. Not sure what to say but Dave is back. He was asked to discuss Asian and South Pacific Islanders Month, but knowing Dave I can’t promise he will follow instructions. In fact I can almost guarantee what ever was planned was filed in the round file and he is off on some crazy rant.  Enjoy.

The Benefits Of Stretching

The Benefits Of Stretching

Stretching is very beneficial to overall health

The Benefits Of Stretching

By D. S. Mitchell

The benefits of regular stretching are numerous. Stretching is important in the battle to keep us flexible, an important factor to overall fitness. It can also improve your posture, reduce stress and body aches, end back pain, increase range of motion and more.

They Teach It In Schools

When we were kids our PE teachers always insisted we stretch before and after exercise.  I know, stretching, really? Boring!  While most younger folks are limber and flexible enough to jump straight into a game and  skip the cooldown, us older folks can do real damage if we opt to skip the stretching.

In My Case

I recently had a rotator cuff injury that required 12 weeks of Physical Therapy. When I started my visits I was miserable. I literally could only lift my left arm if I lifted it with my right arm. The pain was indescribable.  At the end of my 12 weeks of therapy, I felt great, no pain and had full range of motion. And how did the therapist accomplish that miracle?  She did it with a daily stretching program. That’s right, stretching. The benefits of stretching go way beyond feeling limber on the tennis court, or being able to pick up a penny and not throw your back out. There are both physical and mental benefits to stretching. Read on.

Take A Stretching Break

Frustrated, stymied, taking a break to stretch can help you clear your mind . Stretching releases endorphins and stabilizes hormones, which can improve attitude and mood making you more pleasant to be around and able to approach problems with clear eyes. Regular stretching has been linked to mental balance and  clarity. If you’re in chronic pain, regular stretching is an excellent way to address the issue. It is definitely safer and more effective than opioids.  Stretching helps ease discomfort, and costs nothing.

Little Space And No Equipment

Because of these benefits, I support stretching every morning, right after I get up, and every night just before bed.  However, you can do a few basic stretches any time of day. It requires very little room and no equipment. Instead of  a  cigarette break I take a stretching break.  I’ve even seen people who are trying to quit smoking, replace the cigarette with stretches. A great alternative, I must say.  There are very few things that can be done for free and at any time, but stretching is one of them.  I’m amazed, more people don’t do it.

The Physical Benefits  Of Stretching

Daily stretching can improve your blood flow and make your arteries healthier. Within a couple months of starting a stretching program you could lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction and more. If you stay loose and limber, your muscles respond better to stressors-expected and unexpected-that might otherwise result in injury.  Stretching is not a magic elixir, but if you stretch regularly you will according to science feel better and be healthier.

Putting It All Together: Benefits Of Starting A Stretching Routine
  1. Improved Flexibility: Essential to overall health. Improved flexibility allows seniors to perform everyday activities with ease and naturally delays reduced mobility issues, common with aging.
  2. Improved Range Of Motion: The ability to move a joint through its full range gives freedom of movement. Essential for healthy aging.
  3. Improved Performance In Physical Activities: Doing dynamic stretches prior to activities is proven to prepare your muscles for the exercise.  It may also improve your performance in the activity.
  4. Increase Blood Flow To Muscles: Improves your circulation, increased blood flow to your muscles, which can shorten your recovery time and reduce muscle soreness or delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
  5. Improved Posture: Poor posture is often the result of muscle imbalances. A combination of strengthening and stretching specific muscle groups can reduce musculoskeletal pain and encourage proper alignment, thus improved posture.
  6. Helps Heal And Prevent Back Pain: Tight muscles can lead to a decrease in your ROM. When this happens you increase the likelihood of straining the muscles in your back. Stretching can help heal an existing back injury by stretching the injured muscles. A regular stretching routine can also prevent future back pain by strengthening your back muscles and reducing your risk of muscle strain.
  7. Stress Relief: Stress leads to tense muscles. Muscles tighten up in response to physical and emotional stress. Focus on areas of your body where you tend to hold your stress, primarily the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
  8. Calm The Mind: A regular stretching routine can calm the mind. While you stretch focus on mindfulness and meditation exercises. Give your mind a break.
  9. Reduce Tension Headaches: Tension and stress headaches can interfere with activities of daily living. Stretching reduces the tension and anxiety you feel from headaches.

Were you aware that May is National  Physical Fitness and Sports Month?  National Physical Fitness and Sports Month is a time to highlight the importance of staying active through sports and other fitness activities. Every day this month, I challenge you to spend time stretching in the morning and then again before bedtime. I guarantee that if you do, you will feel better. And who wouldn’t want that?

*Static Stretches: involve holding a stretch in a comfortable position for a period of time, typically 10 to 30 seconds. This form of stretching is most beneficial after you exercise.

*Dynamic Stretches: are active movements that cause your muscles to stretch, but the stretch is not held in the end position. These stretches are usually done before exercise to get your muscles ready for movement.

Watch Your Technique

If you are new to a regular stretching routine, take it slow. Your body needs time to get used to the stretches. Check your form and technique regularly, poor technique can lead to injury. You can stretch almost any place at any time. I suggest a program that lasts at least 15 minutes first thing in the morning and 15 minutes just before bedtime.


When stretching focus on he major areas of your body that help with mobility, such as calves, hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps. For upper-body relief, try stretches of the shoulder, next and lower back.  I suggest you research the best stretches for what you want to accomplish, or better yet consult your physician or physical therapist. There will be recommendations for length of hold and number of repetitions, etc for each stretch.

Here are a few standard safety tips before stretching: 

  1. Do Not Bounce: Experts suggest you avoid bouncing.
  2. Point Of Discomfort: While it is common to feel tension when stretching a muscle you should never feel pain. If an area you are stretching starts to hurt, back off on the stretch until you don’t feel pain.
  3. Do Not Overdo: Stretching puts stress on your body. If you’re stretching the same muscle groups multiple times a day, you risk over-stretching and causing damage.
  4. Don’t Start Stretches Cold: Cold muscles are not as pliable, which makes stretching a lot more difficult. The best time to stretch is after warming up 5-10 minutes with some light cardio or walking.

As with anything, you should check with your primary care physician before you start any exercise program.



Elon Musk’s Bitcoin U-Turn

Elon Musk’s Bitcoin U-Turn:

Nothing But PR & Energy Politics

By Sonnet Gomes

I was so content with my current tiny investment in Cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin, till last night. When Elon Musk’s Bitcoin U-Turn simply throws me off the edge.

Musk’s Tweet on suspending vehicle purchase using Bitcoin not only struck a boult on me but also my itty-bitty crypto asset. No wonder I was enraged to see the price dropping, and my investment is fading away.

However, it took me a while to come to my senses (thanks to my wife for a late-night Coffee) and realize what is actually going on.

Musk’s Twitter Activity from Last Night

The entire Tweet, I am sure, will amaze almost anyone. Let’s look at a few lines of it first, and then I will dive deep into them.

  • “We are concerned about rapidly increasing use of fossil fuels for Bitcoin mining and transactions, especially coal, which has the worst emissions of any fuel” (O Boy, O Boy! we had no clue about it until the Tweet!)
  • “Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels, and we believe it has a promising future” (So Tesla and SpaceX are not dumping all its crypto assets because they are nothing but energy-guzzler carbon-emitting machines)
  • “Tesla will not be selling any Bitcoin, and we intend to use it for transactions as soon as mining transitions to more sustainable energy” (He actually loves Bitcoin and keeping all the digital assets for future use. Wondering what it’s that? Well, the next Bitcoin big selling)

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OPINION: Gaza Unrest

Opinion: Gaza Unrest

AK 47's loved by American gun culture

OPINION: Unrest In Gaza

The Never Ending War

The current conflagration in Gaza is not unexpected. There has been at least 100 years of war in the region. Who knows where to start the story? Each war, no matter how long or short has added to the story. For convenience I will start in the early 20th century, during WWI.

By William Jones and D. S. Mitchell

Mandate For Palestine

The conflict has its origin back in the early 20th century. Palestine was being ruled by the Ottoman Empire. During WWI the Turks were defeated and the Empire collapsed, leading to the Mandate for Palestine, which gave Britain administrative control of Palestine and Transjordan. During this time, the majority of the inhabitants of this land were Arab, while the Jews were the minority.

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What’s Going On With Rudy?

What’s Going On With Rudy?

Rudy Continues His Nosedive

By William Jones and D. S. Mitchell


In recent years, the image of Rudy Giuliani has sunk to lows unimaginable  two decades ago.  His legacy has been severely damaged by his connection to Donald Trump.  In his pursuit of  Trump’s approval, and every cent he could get his hands on, Rudy may have broken the law while trying to help the former president overturn the 2020 election and line his own pockets.  The FBI thinks there is evidence of crimes and they just confiscated Rudy’s personal and business devices.

Rudy’s Bio

Rudolf Giuliani was born on May 28th, 1944, in Brooklyn, New York; U.S.A. He attended Manhattan College as well as New York University. For over 50 years, Rudy Giuliani has served, city, state and national government in multiple capacities. Giuliani has also had a private law practice.

Giuliani’s entry into politics

Giuliani is a long time Republican. In 1993 he was narrowly elected Mayor of New York City.  Giuliani immediately began cracking down hard on petty criminals. He always urged police to take aggressive stances against even minor violations of the law. Giuliani was often referred to as “the Nanny of New York.” He claimed credit for reduced crime rates stating that civilization had found its way into the city.  Critics disregarded Giuliani, stating crime rates had decreased nationwide.  They also added that Giuliani was contributing to police abuse and corruption. Rudy was expected to run for the U.S. Senate in 2000, but due to some negative personal events he decided not to run.

High Point Amidst Disaster

On September 11, 2001, New York was attacked. The attack brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Center leading to the death of over 2800 people. Giuliani received praise for his handling of the situation, and the aftermath. He even was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his conduct. In 2007 he announced that he would seek the Republican Party presidential nomination in 2008. However, in late January 2008, Giuliani withdrew from the race after finishing a distant third in Florida.

Tied To Donald Trump

Rudy Giuliani was an early enthusiastic supporter of  Donald Trump in his 2016 run for president. After Trump’s election, Giuliani jostled for several cabinet positions but was overlooked. He was later chosen as an ‘unofficial adviser on cyber security.’ In 2018 Giuliani was part of the legal team that represented President Donald Trump in the Special Counsel’s (Mueller) Investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections.  After the Special Counsel declined to file charges against the then-President Trump Giuliani continued as the president’s ‘personal attorney’.

Ukrainian Mischief

In search of “dirt” on Trump’s anticipated rival in the 20220 election, Joe Biden, Giuliani became  involved in what was referred to as a backchannel between President Donald Trump and some not so kosher former Ukrainian officials. The allegations indicate that Giuliani engaged in efforts meant to pressure current Ukraine officials into launching multiple investigations into corruption by Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. The quid pro quo allegations and the firing of Ukrainian Ambassador Marie Yovanovich brought Trump and his associates, including Giuliani, under intense scrutiny.

The First Impeachment

An impeachment was launched by the House of Representatives against President Trump. Giuliani was portrayed as a key player in the scandal during the House proceedings. In December 2019, after being impeached, the door of hope opened for Trump in February 2020 when the Senate acquitted him. Time was not in his favor as Joe Biden defeated him by 7 million votes in November.

2020 Election Challenges

Following Trump’s defeat in the 2020 presidential election, Trump picked Giuliani to head his legal team  challenging the election results. Giuliani’s failure was notable, losing every case in every jurisdiction. The process was a total failure.

Giuliani’s Raided by the Feds

On Wednesday, April 28th, 2021, under the authority of a duly authorized search warrant Federal Agents raided Giuliani’s Manhattan home and office. Various gadgets were seized, including computers and cell phones.  It looks like the business dealings of Rudy Giuliani are under investigation. The Feds look serious. The FBI doesn’t execute search warrants on high profile individuals, especially lawyers, unless they are confident they will find incriminating evidence. Leaks indicate Giuliani may be under scrutiny for illegal money transfers, campaign finance fraud, and acting on the behalf of a foreign government, etc, etc, etc.  According to the prosecutors, the warrant, which required approval from the top levels of the judicial Department, and a federal judge, signifies that the government is convinced Giuliani has committed a federal crime(s).

Look Over There

Mr. Giuliani, in a statement after the seizure, denied any wrongdoing and argued that the search warrants demonstrated a “corrupt double standard” on the part of the Justice Department. Giuliani said he was being persecuted while the DOJ/FBI are ignoring  “blatant crimes” by Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and President Biden. He even stated the Feds refused to take evidence of crimes by Hunter Biden that Giuliani has in his possession.

Victoria Toensing
There was a third search warrant issued at the same time for the cell phone of  Washington lawyer Victoria Toensing.  Toensing is a former federal prosecutor and a close associate of Rudy Giuliani and former President Donald Trump. Her law firm issued a statement saying Toensing is not a target of the federal investigation.
The Evolving Situation
The full scope of the investigation is still  not clear.  On Thursday 29th April 2021, Donald Trump told Fox business that Giuliani was “the greatest mayor in the history of New York and a great patriot”. The White House press secretary said on CNN that the White House was given no heads up about the raid prior to its execution.
Orange Jumpsuits

Many of Trump’s allies have been trapped in federal investigations, and there are likely to be more on the horizon.  The big question becomes will Giuliani pull a Michael Cohen and ensnare the former president in criminal charges. Time will tell. Of course, these guys are all as old as dirt. Any could drop dead at any moment. Hopefully the AG gets them sentenced first.


David Shadrick: The Perils of a Conscience

David Shadrick: The Perils of a Conscience

David Shadrick: The Perils of a Conscience

Dave Shadrick is back. He wants to talk about Liz Cheney and the disintegrating Republican Party.  Join Dave every Sunday for his slightly twisted view of the world. Sometimes painful, sometimes funny, sometimes hair raising, and then sometimes it is, Just Dave. Enjoy!