Allman Brothers: “Whipping Post”

Allman Brothers: “Whipping Post”

Allman Bros. Band: “Whipping Post”

Dave came into the office and suggested Calamity Politics Juke Box Choice of The Day in honor of Liz Cheney. So here we go friends, Dave’s Juke Box Choice of the Day, The Allman Bros. Band doing “Whipping Post.” Lyrics below.

Whipping Post

By Gregg Allman

I’ve been run down and I’ve been lied to.
And I don’t know why, I let that mean woman make me a fool.
She took all my money, wrecks my new car.
Now she’s with one of my good time buddies,
They’re drinkin’ in some cross-town bar.
Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I’ve been tied to the whippin’ post.
Tied to the whippin’ post, tied to the whippin’ post.
Good Lord, I feel like I’m dyin’
My friends tell me, that I’ve been such a fool.
But I had to stand by and take it baby, all for lovin’ you.
Drown myself in sorrow as I look at what you’ve done.
But nothing seemed to change, the bad times stayed the same,
And I can’t run.
Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I’ve been tied to the whippin’ post.
Tied to the whippin’ post, tied to the whippin’ post.
Good Lord, I feel like I’m dyin’.
Sometimes I feel, sometimes I feel,
Like I’ve been tied to the whippin’ post.
Tied to the whippin’ post, tied to the whippin’ post.
Good Lord, I feel like I’m dyin’
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Gregg L. Allman
Whipping Post lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Speaking To History Not Re-Election


Liz Cheney: Speaking To History Not Re-Election


Liz Cheney: Speaking To History Not Re-Election

Liz Takes a Stand as Republicans Move to Force Her Out

By D. S. Mitchell

Deep Trouble

Elizabeth Lynne Cheney 7/28/66 is an American attorney and Republican politician.  Liz Cheney is the House Republican Conference chair, the third-highest position in the House Republican leadership.  Cheney is the daughter of former Vice-President Dick Cheney. She is the sole (at-large) Representative from Wyoming and she is in serious political trouble.

Trump For Elise Stefanik

Cheney serves on two powerful House committees, the Armed Services Committee and Natural Resources. It is believed Ms. Cheney will be removed as the 3rd ranking Republican  sometime within the next week when the House reconvenes. Donald Trump has come out against Cheney and has thrown his support behind New York Representative Elise Stefanik. Since Trump’s announced support, both Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy (CA) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (LA) have come out to publicly support the Stefanik for Cheney swap.

Naughty Girl
McCarthy claims the reason Cheney is losing her leadership role is because, “she isn’t the best policy messenger for the party. ” I see it as strange, considering Cheney is one of the most consistent conservative voices on everything. In fact, she has voted more with Trump than Stefanik has, by nearly 20% of the time. What is going on here is that Liz  has a conscience and she is willing and seemingly eager to speak out against former President Donald J. Trump. And of course there was her vote to impeach Trump over his part in the capitol riot on January 6, 2021.
Rising Star
The move to replace Cheney is proof that Stefanik, who was elected to a fourth term from New York state, has seen an ascendancy in her career since she began her ardent public defense of Trump.  Sources say that Trump first noticed Stefanik during her interrogation of witnesses during the House Intelligence Committee hearings on the alleged Ukraine quid pro quo. That performance gave Stefanik a place in Trump’s PR efforts during the Senate trial. In February 2020 Trump praised Stefanik in a speech celebrating his acquittal in the Senate, “she looks good, she looks like good talent.”
The Message
Stefanik opposed the second impeachment of Trump earlier this year for his role in the January 6 insurrection.  She claimed the House action was a “partisan ploy with no basis in the Constitution.. ..The Democrats’ decision to impeach the President with one week remaining in his term further fuels the divisions in the country during this very trying time.” Total B.S. I say.
McCarthy Kisses Trump Ring
Trump and McCarthy are keeping in regular contact over the Cheney issue.  “They’ve definitely spoken recently” said Trump aide Jason Miller. Master puppeteer has McCarthy and Scalise singing his song. The Heritage Group confirmed Cheney’s lifetime vote score is 80%. Stefanik’s is 48%. And even when it comes to votes in support of Trump  Cheney voted 92.9% of the time while Stefanik backed him 77.7% of the time.
GOP Faces Divide Over Trump’s Big Lie
This battle has nothing to do with conservatism. Or, according to the data, about supporting Trump’s agenda while in office. Sadly, Scalise, McCarthy, Stefanik and others have higher ambitions. Each hoping to rise in a GOP that is controlled by former President Trump despite his two impeachments, lawless abuse of power, alleged sexual assaults, failed re-election bid, false claims of voter fraud,  failure to effectively handle the pandemic, with more than 441,000 deaths during his tenure in office.  I’m sure a lot of GOP politicians wish the Orange One would just go quietly into retirement, but why should he, the Republicans keep feeding him red meat, and kissing the ring.
 They  Spoke Up Once
Kevin McCarthy, Liz Cheney, and Mitch McConnell have each harshly criticized Trump’s role in the capitol insurrection. McConnell and McCarthy made the bet that criticizing Trump’s reaction to the insurrection once would allow them a quick return to the Trump umbrella in a party that still embraces Trump. But Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and Mitt Romney all  said, “hell no,” and drew a line in the sand over the 1/6/2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, as well as the run up to that day and its aftermath, all centered on Trump claiming, despite all evidence, that the 2020 election was “stolen”.

The once holy Republican foundational creed has been thrown overboard as the Republicans have moved to a cult of personality around Donald Trump. The version of the GOP that Romney, Kinzinger, and Cheney embraced  no longer exists. The Republicans have replaced the old party with a Trump dominated party focused on populist, autocratic, anti-free trade, and deficit blind budgets. Trump appears to be the Republican favorite for the 2024 presidential nomination.  Hopefully, the country has had enough of Donald J. Trump. If we haven’t had enough we need to prepare ourselves for a totalitarian future if  Trump’s increasingly radical authoritarian behavior is sent back to the White House.

A Lonely Defense

Liz Cheney has been on a lonely defense of the truth, (1.)last year’s election was not stolen, (2) that Donald Trump incited a riot at the Capitol in an effort to overthrow the 2020 election, (3) a bipartisan commission should be convened to understand the insurrection, (4) continuing the big lie is an ongoing threat to democracy.  In a 5/6/2021 Washington Post Op-Ed Liz Cheney made the case that the GOP may be irrevocably harming itself in the eyes of Americans by ignoring Trump’s offenses against the basic democratic principles that underpin the country. She made it clear that the GOP is “at a turning point.” The party must choose truth and fidelity to the Constitution, or blind fidelity to the Trump scam.

The Future? 

The message is clear, Liz Cheney is about to be voted out of her leadership position, Mitt Romney the Republican presidential candidate in 2012 was booed at a recent GOP function, and Adam Kinzinger is being primaried.  Donald Trump will continue as a driving force in the Republican Party for an unknown period of time. Traditional conservatives like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, and Adam Kinzinger’s are defending a vision of the Republican Party that is gone, if it ever did exist.  These few crusaders have put principle over personal loyalty to an ex-president, but I personally think they will be left to wander in the wilderness until Donald Trump’s hold on the party is broken.

David Shadrick “Joe Biden, The Chugger”

David Shadrick “Joe Biden, The Chugger”

David Shadrick “Joe Biden, The Chugger”

David Shadrick is at it again. So sit back and give Dave five minutes of your time as he talks about President Joe Biden and his governing style. We are currently enjoying the calm of a president that knows what he wants and how to work the arms of government to get it done.  No one close to Calamity News and Politics is missing Donald Trump’s screaming and foot stomping silliness. A man who’s Twitter finger was a dangerous weapon. A man who can’t think past his next Diet Coke has been replaced by a man with conscience and decorum.  Thank Zeus. DSM.


Meat Consumption and National Power

Meat Consumption and National Power

Meat Consumption and National Power

By Sonnet Gomes

How Meat Consumption is related to the Might of an Economy

The amount of meat a nation consumes tells a lot about its overall economic strength.  My mother used to say to me “too much meat won’t make you fit”.  It looks like the same does not go with the world economy. It’s not only the defense budget but also meat consumption that can be an indicator of a nation’s economic strength.

The world is Becoming a Meaty Place

According to FAO, average worldwide meat consumption per capita in 1964/66 was 24.2-kg that hiked up to 41.3 in 2015. Industrial nations consumed 61.5-kg in 1964/66. That number soared to 95.7 in 2015 and is expected to reach 100 in 2030. The change for the transition countries is also huge. Starting from 42.5-kg in 1964/66 it is expected to reach 53.8 in 2030.

Africa is not following the Trend that Closely

You will find a stark contrast in Africa. The regions started with a figure little less than 12-kg in the early 60s’ but never crossed the 30-kg mark. Sub-Saharan Africa has a grimmer picture with only a kilogram increase in average consumption since 1966.

North Africa has a much better picture. One of the main reasons is its proximity to Europe. The western influences have a significant impact on the North African economy that eventually affect meat consumption or vice versa.

Europe in the Runner Up position

Post World War II Europe was in a boom of both economic and technological development. Both boiled down to the rise in meat consumption. Per capita meat supply in 1966 was around 58-kg. Up to 1980, the surge was staggering. Despite a few ups and downs due to economic and political turmoil, the growth was slow but steady. According to FAO, every European ended up consuming around 82-kg of meat in 2013.

North America is and was the Exception

There is only one region that has seen little or no decline in meat consumption. Yes, you guessed it correctly-North America. The economic boom was on a much bigger scale in North America than Europe after the end of the Second World War. That is reflected in the meat consumption. Starting with an astronomical 95-kg per person, the regional meat consumption rose to 113-kg in 2013. However, the numbers have begun to slump a bit since 2007 due to the introduction of the health-conscious lifestyle based on an organic and vegan diet.

Asia, the story of Iconic Irony

Now let face towards the grimmest correlation between economic development and meat consumption. A particular part of Asia is showing a correlation that is neither good for health nor the economy. Average per capita meat consumption was below 10-kg in 1966 that reached to around 43-kg in 2013.

However, do not think it is the overall picture of the region. South Asia is the last in the position. This meat-eating journey of this region was at 4-kg and reached only 7.6-kg in 2015. This is perhaps the only region where the correlation between economic growth and meat consumption shouldn’t work that precisely because the majority of the population relies on a vegan diet.

The irony is since 1992, Asia is the biggest meat producer in the world when the people of this region are among the least meat consumers.

The recent rise of India and Bangladesh in the different business and production sectors will make you believe this anomalous result. However, the GDP per capita of these countries are actually following the rationale between meat consumption and economic might.

GDP and Meat Supply tells everything

This graph-based on 2017 meat supply and GDP per capita data will establish the fact with more confidence that rich countries consume more meat. It looks like the threshold lies in 30-kg annual supply and $7000 per capita GDP. After this point, both the GDP and resultant meat consumption started to rise rapidly.

Multiple factors influence the correlation between consuming meat and economic strength of a nation. They include industrial development, technological advancement, and a better balance between supply and demand. All of these influenced the lifestyle and food habit of the citizens of economically developed nations who consume more meat than less affluent.

The Stability Of U.S. Food Supply In Danger



Alexi Navalny And His Current Situation

Alexi Navalny And His Current Situation

Jones William and D. S. Mitchell

Massive protests 

Alexi Navalny is a pain in Putin’s side.  Allies of the Russian dissident began protests April 21st, 2021, demanding Putin’s most vocal critic receive proper hospital care. People despite government crackdowns on protests showed up in large numbers.  Many supporters believe only mass protests can save Alexi’s life and many people are willing to risk imprisonment and harassment by the police.

Alexi Navalny Today

Alexi Navalny was arrested the day he returned to Russia after being treated in Germany for what appeared to have been a nerve agent poisoning.  During this most recent imprisonment, on March 31st, 2021, Navalny went on a hunger strike, demanding proper medical treatment for loss of sensations in his hands and legs and severe back pain.


Recent news reports indicate an electrolyte imbalance. His high potassium levels increase his risk for a cardiac arrhythmia. His personal physician pleaded that Navalny should be moved to an intensive care unit because of his deteriorating condition.  Navalny also risks severe renal impairment.  Navalny’s wife, Yulia, said her husband’s weight is down to 167 lbs from 187 lbs when he started the hunger strike at the end of March.

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Meghan Trainor “All About The Bass”

Meghan Trainor “All About The Bass”

Meghan Trainor “All About The Bass”

Calamity chose this 2014 tune by writer performer Meghan Trainor for today’s Calamity Politics Jukebox Choice of the Day. She was mumbling something about politicians need to understand their base. I don’t think that’s what Meghan had in mind, but, whatever the clown says I’m with her. So here we go, Meghan Trainor singing “All About The Bass.” Lyrics below.

“All About The Bass”

Because you know I’m all about that bass
‘Bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass (bass, bass, bass, bass)
Yeah it’s pretty clear, I ain’t no size two
But I can shake it, shake it like I’m supposed to do
‘Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
All the right junk in all the right places
I see them magazines workin’ that photoshop
We know that shit ain’t real
Come on now, make it stop
If you got beauty beauty just raise ’em up
‘Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don’t worry about your size
She says, boys like a little more booty to hold at night
And no I won’t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll
So, if that’s what’s you’re into
Then go ahead and move along
Because you know I’m all about that bass
‘Bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, hey
I’m bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No, I’m just playing I know y’all think you’re fat
But I’m here to tell you
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top
Yeah, my momma she told me don’t worry about your size
She says, boys like a little more booty to hold at night
You know I won’t be no stick-figure, silicone Barbie doll
So, if that’s what’s you’re into
Then go ahead and move along
Because you know I’m all about that bass
‘Bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass
Because you know I’m all about that bass
‘Bout that bass, no treble
(Said) I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
(Uh) I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
(I said) I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass
Because you know I’m all about that bass
‘Bout that bass, no treble
(Said) I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass, no treble
I’m all ’bout that bass, ’bout that bass
I’m all ‘Bout that bass
‘Bout that bass
Hey hey
You know you love this bass
A ah ah ah yeah
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Kevin Kadish / Meghan Trainor
All About That Bass lyrics © Downtown Music Publishing, Amplified Administration

Digital Revolution: Kinda Awesome

Digital Revolution: Kinda Awesome     

Trevor K. McNeil


Going Digital

Everything is going online, the so-called “Digital Revolution” generally considered to be as significant as the Industrial Revolution. For good or ill, more things are moving online from correspondence to media. The terms “old media” and “new media” going from cultural terms to more significant distinctions.

On the Bright Side

One of the positive impacts of the shift to New Media, and the general reduction in production costs, is the opening up of popular media to traditionally marginalized groups. People are more able to make their own media, free of the censorship, stigma and traditionalist bullshit still rife in the studio system. The sort of attitudes that would have female nominees banned from the red carpet for not wearing high heels.

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Neanderthal’s Gone, But Not Forgotten

Neanderthal’s Gone, But Not Forgotten

Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals interbred and we still carry the genes of those ancient ancestors

A 60,000-year-old Neanderthal gene once made us resistant to viruses, but now it may make us vulnerable to it.


Neanderthal’s Gone But Not Forgotten

Sonnet Gomes

Half of Neanderthal Genome Survives

Neanderthals died out around 40,000 years ago, but traces of them still remain. In the past decade it has become clear that Neanderthals mated with the ancestors of modern humans, producing viable offspring. Studies indicate that almost half of the Neanderthal genome still survives, scattered in small quantities among most modern people’s DNA. (The exception is those with mostly African ancestors, for Neanderthals seem never to have lived in Africa.)

Two Long Chains

Such genes have been associated with everything from hairiness to fat metabolism. Many seem to be related to the immune system, and to affect the risk of developing diseases including lupus, Crohn’s and diabetes. A pair of recent papers suggest covid-19 belongs on that list as well. Two long sections of DNA, both inherited from Neanderthals, appear to confer resistance or susceptibility to severe covid-19, depending on which is present.

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David Shadrick “The End of the Trial”

David Shadrick “The End of the Trial”

This week Dave Shadrick wants to remind folks not to tear your house down because you are mad about the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial; no matter what that verdict is.  No matter what the verdict let’s not have any more deaths. Demonstrate if you must, but use courtesy and commonsense.