Who Would You Rather Run the Nation?

Who Would You Rather Run the Nation?

I'd rather be Joe Biden than Donald Trump

Who Would You Rather Run the Nation?

Editor’s Note: Over the last couple days most of the political talk shows have been rehashing Joe’s poor debate performance. I think it involved terrible optics. Why did his people allow him to be facing away from the camera? Whoever it was on the presidents team that okay’d the studio lighting should be horsewhipped. And the total incompetent that was responsible for Joe’s make up should be fired.  So much of what happened was visual. In response to all the negative chatter Cate Rees-Hessel and hubby Wes Hessel wants to have a word with you. 


By Cate Rees-Hessel with Wes Hessel


Winner, and Still Champion…

After the first presidential debate, I must say that I honestly feel President Biden won. Why? Because he actually answered the questions, didn’t whine or insult like a spoiled brat, and he was honest. Would you rather have a slow talker that tells the truth, or a fast-talking felon as president? Yes, it comes down to this.

A Real Leader

Joe had a cold – his voice was a bit soft and raspy, but his answers were solid. He spoke slowly with his stutter, but that has never stopped him from being an effective leader. He has even helped empowered a little boy who has a stammer challenge, because Joe Biden is a good man. He cares about America. Even if you felt his lost his train of thought at times during the debate, many of us need to pause to think in order to give an intelligent answer. Taking a moment to compose yourself is not a sign of weakness, especially when you’re not feeling well from a bad cold – our President got the job done, because he is a professional. “The Donald” was arrogant, spewing the same old hate instead of giving legitimate answers.

Run, Joe, Run…

After the debate, our president said he walks a bit different, does not debate as well, but knows he can continue to run our nation because he is mentally and physically fit. He quipped that he is not a young man – that is stating the obvious – but I truly feel he does not look or act his age at all. When he accepted his victory in 2020, Joe jogged to the podium like a man half his age – that was only four years ago. I can recall President Obama stating that before his presidency he was a much younger man. The office can age a person, but President Biden is still as strong as ever.

Breakfast (Lunch, and Dinner) of Champions

He was on fire when he gave the State of the Union a few months back. One slow talking debate does not mean he is not able to continue being a strong leader. Donald Trump is only three years younger than President Biden. Just look at them – it’s clear Joe is in better shape than Trump, and that’s without the hair and makeup jobs that Trump has used for years. President Biden eats nutritious food, not a diet of junk food; he exercises and does not have the stress of a possible jail sentence like the Donald has.

Running Mate

Joe Biden also has a very capable vice president if Lord forbid something were to happen to him. Kamala Harris is a very capable woman that can run the country well. Trump has not even chosen a running mate – Lord only knows whom our president would be if Trump’s felony convictions or poor diet catch up with him. Rumor has it Marco Rubio may be his choice, and frankly Marco scares me with his extremist mind set and Tea Party-type association.

Just a Number

Age is just a number. Patrick Stewart at 84 is a fine actor, intelligent and powerful and still a little bit sexy. Engelbert Humperdinck is still entertaining audiences live at age 88 with a clear voice, moving about the stage with vigor and grace. Carol Burnett is still on the tube for MTV at 91, and Dick Van Dyke is going strong at 98 years old. And Clint Eastwood is still directing movies at 94. In fact, his recent thriller “Juror #2” should be released around Christmas. The number of capable senior citizens that continue to handle challenging careers is growing.

The Right Choice

I am voting for the silver fox, in the ever so cool Aviators. Joe Biden, is one of the best presidents to ever serve this country. Joe Biden is the first real working man’s president. Joe Biden knows what its like to worry if there will be enough money to make it through the month. He will stand up to terrorists, foreign and domestic. His administration has created a record number of jobs, cares about the environment and women’s rights, including reproductive freedom. Women with unsafe pregnancies that are approaching death’s door before they can get the medical treatment they need, can rely on Joe Biden to save their lives. He will protect the children already on this Earth with nutritious school lunches, quality child and health care.

Clean Up Man

Are prices higher than before Joe Biden took office? Yes, they are because during Trump’s reign of terror, the pandemic raged unchecked, leading to rampant deaths and economic collapse. Americans are back at work now, thanks to the hard work of Joe and Democratic lawmakers, and it’s only a matter of time before prices begin to decline, but only if President Biden remains in office. Trump gives tax breaks to big business and the ultra-wealthy, not caring if Americans can put food on the table.

…vs. Sell His Soul

Maybe you don’t like President Biden, perhaps he is not your first choice for whatever reason, but please recognize he is the only choice, because the alternative(s) is unthinkable: a convicted felon that holds the Bible upside down and then tries to sell them for sixty dollars apiece. A racist that tries to claim a connection to the African American community because he is now a convicted criminal, and wears gold sneakers that he is also peddling. That is the biggest insult to the Black community that I can even imagine. And his claim that immigrants are stealing “black jobs” should outrage us all. And then the rarely mentioned third candidate Robert Kennedy Jr, who is an extremist anti-vaxxer who claims a now dead worm ate a portion of his brain. Oh my. The choice is clear, Joe gets four more years.

What a Leader Looks Like

The real man of God is the one who prayed during his inaugural speech, attends church on a regular basis for worship of the Higher Power, not himself, and does not participate in “locker room talk”. A convicted felon cannot vote, so how can one run for political office? Donald Trump, the person that wants to be president, has lost his right to vote – think about that. He didn’t belong in the Oval Office before, and he certainly does not now.


President Biden respects women – he wrote the Violence Against Women Act; he respects our military – his son served. He’s created a record number of good jobs, brought unemployment down, is daily working to protect our labor force and our unions. Joe stands up to large corporations, getting them to pay their fair share of taxes. He got insulin capped at $35.00, finally affordable for those that need it to control diabetes. Allowing Medicare (the government) to negotiate drug prices is another big Biden win.

Oh, Sleaze…

Donald Trump brought us the first “lady” with a belly button staple, President Biden brought us a beautiful Doctor of Education, a true lady. There is no doubt about it the Biden’s have brought class and dignity back to the White House. The Trump era had a mice infestation and a chief rat in the Oval Office. Don’t let our nation go back to being the laughingstock we were during the orange monster’s “presidency”. Trump had the audacity during the debate to refer to the Biden era as an embarrassment – this is surely the pot calling the kettle gray. There’s a reason, well, dozens of them, why he wasn’t reelected. Donald Trump promised a bloodbath if he does not win; don’t let that bully scare you, vote blue and the authorities will stop the violence. He promise to be a dictator from day one should on itself be disqualifying.

Democracy in Action

America is a democracy. We have the best economy in the world after the pandemic because Joe Biden took office – he is the clear choice. President Biden promises to stay in the race after this debate, because one debate does not define a President. A record of making a needed infrastructure bill happen, decreasing student loan debt, limiting rent raises for tenants, saving social security for our seniors, these things define a good president. “When you get knocked down, you get back up” – President Biden got right back up; ninety minutes does not define a presidency.

Go, Go, Go, Joe…

I agree with my girl Jill, there is no one I would rather see in the Oval Office than her husband, a President for the people, not a criminal puppet of Vladimir Putin. Let’s go Joe, four more years; there is still more work to be done, and you are the man to do it.

“Go, go, go, Joseph, you know what they say

Hang on now, Joseph, you’ll make it some day

Don’t give up, Joseph, fight till you drop

We’ve read the book, and you come out on top…”

(Go-Go-Go Joseph, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Andrew Lloyd Webber)



No Other “President” In History

No Other “President” In History

Trump established many new firsts most of them bad, destructive and downright reprehensible

No Other “President” In History


By Cate Rees-Hessel & Wes Hessel


First Failure

I vowed when Trump took office to never call him “president”. For the sake of this article, I will loosely refer to him as such. “The Donald” is the first world leader to do many things but none of them are positive. Read on about Trump’s dubious “firsts”, and then vote blue:

No Other “President” In History

  1. First U.S. president to promise to be a dictator. America is a democracy, a republic technically, but still – our forefathers are spinning in their graves at this conduct.
  2. He is the first to want a military parade – not to honor our veterans but to seal the fact he wants to be a dictator.
  3. Refused to attend the inauguration of the newly elected President Biden – first president to not attend his successor’s inaugural ceremony in 152 years.
  4. Claimed the election was stolen from him because he lost, when in fact President Biden received 81,283,098,  a record number of popular votes.
  5. Trump was the first president to claim his predecessor (Obama) was not born in the United States and as such was disqualified from even running for the office.
  6. Has never released any tax returns – the first president in 45 years to have kept them secret.
  7. Lost party control of the House, Senate, and then his own office – first time in 89 years.
  8. Trump was the first president that failed to achieve at least a 50% approval rating at any time during his 4 years in office.
  9. Trump is the first president to openly support ”Christian Nationalism” – a.k.a. “white supremacy”.
  10. The first president ever indicted for crimes; paying off a porn star, mishandling classified documents, election law violations, etc., trying to hide behind an invented presidential immunity claim. At last count Trump had at least 88 felony charges against him, and in the words of Curly in “City Slickers”, “Day ain’t over yet…”
  11. First president to cause a foreign nation to issue a warrant for his arrest.
  12. Invited an insurrection – obviously first (and hopefully only) president to incite violent action against our government.
  13. Promises a national “bloodbath” if he loses the 2024 election.
  14. First former president to run for election after already losing his bid for a second term – first president in 28 years.
  15. Trump is the first former president to hawk bibles and gold painted high top sneakers to a weary late night television crowd.
  16. A Godless man using the faith of other to get votes, selling expensive Bibles to fleece far right wing supporters. Holding a Bible (upside down) he does not read, outside a church he does not attend, to get votes.
  17. Brought the first centerfold “first lady” into the White House.
  18. Insisted on visiting Pittsburgh after the synagogue shooting in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood. Trump disregarded the Jewish mourning process to sit shiva for the deceased, showing disrespect for the Jewish community.
  19. When Trump entered office he dissolved the Infectious Disease Task Force which was put in place by the Obama-Biden administration, to quickly address communicable disease issues. That action crippled the response to the COVID-19 pandemic leading to the death of 1,200,000 (or 120,000 depending again, on your source) in the U.S. He was the first president in a 120 years to preside over a crippling nationwide pandemic.
  20. Trump took credit for vaccines that President Biden was actually responsible for.
  21. Claimed in letters to Americans that he personally was responsible for the  first stimulus checks, when in fact it was the House of Representatives led by Nancy Pelosi that was responsible for the checks.
  22. First president to deliver fumbling, bumbling remarks about Easter, the Revolutionary War, and the Civil War with such iron pyrite nuggets such as, “Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The Battle of Gettysburg, what an unbelievable-I mean, it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways.”
  23. Another first when the former bragged about, “Grabbing  ’em by the p____” .
  24. A serial adulterer during each of his multiple marriages while claiming to be a Christian man.
  25. The first to  brag about overturning established legal precedent. Roe v. Wade was 50 years of established law when Donald’s Supreme Court overturned it. We now have chaos and confusion. leading to dangerous  pregnancy complications going untreated.
  26. Trump wants to see programs for children eliminated. He supports childhood poverty unless they’re white males.
  27. Encourages the repugnant practice of trophy hunting.
  28. Trump is Putin’s puppet – the first president believed to have won election  aided by a foreign power.
  29. Wants to destroy Social Security for seniors and disabled Americans.
  30. The first to mock and make fun of a disabled journalist
  31. Trump appointed Postal Service hater Louis DeJoy to head the USPS. With DeJoy in office, our mail arrives late in the day, if at all. The plan was to line his and wealthy supporter’s pockets with service outsource contracts by privatizing the Postal Service.
  32. The first candidate to advocate for the elimination of Obama Care, Medicare, and Medicaid, effectively making healthcare only for the rich, and the white.
  33. The first candidate who’s election speeches are more like a bad comedy act, threatening retribution and poking vicious “fun,” at the deep state, yet not once giving legitimate reasons to vote for him.
  34. Trump is supporting turning back time on women’s, LGBTQ, children’s, and minorities’ rights.
  35. The first to refuse to allow White House cleaning staff to clean specific areas of the WH, leading to a rodent infestation – of course, Trump is the biggest rat of all.
  36. Claimed victory for an election he didn’t win before all votes were counted – the first president to not concede their loss.
  37. Trump called soldiers “suckers” and “losers”, refusing to go to honor their ultimate sacrifice in WWII.
  38. His policies added nearly 8 trillion dollars to our national debt, the most by far of any president.
  39. Trump was impeached twice, the only president to be so distinguished.
  40. Also, the only president whose own party member voted for his impeachment conviction.
  41. Of all the presidents, he is the first to not sleep in the same bedroom as his wife.

(Thanks to Dan Kunz at the Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls Press for his article highlighting many of these inauspicious firsts.)

Be True Blue

It is imperative we vote blue – we need reelection for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris; the alternative is unthinkable. Racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism are out of control in our nation. Once the orange haired monster got a taste of power, the floodgates of hate and insanity were opened wide, and it’s very difficult but not impossible to stop the storm. Should “The Donald” be elected for another term, things will be even worse than his first horrific term. Trump is out of control and we just need to send him a clear message that he will never enter the Oval Office (or any other part of the White House) again.

Hasn’t Got a Prayer

Franklin Graham (no stranger to scandal) is demanding we pray for Donald Trump, but he has no right demanding anything. This is the typical arrogant, lemming-like behavior of Trump’s supporters. I pray that the orange monster is convicted of the crimes that he committed and goes to prison. I pray our nation will be finally be rid of him, once and for all. Here are some ways to get involved and ride the blue wave:

  1. Offer to make election calls for Democrats.
  2. Donate what you can to the Democratic election efforts – if you can’t financially support campaigns, give of your time.
  3. Bumper stickers, yard signs, t-shirts, etc. – we can display these things for Democrats with far more dignity and class than MAGA’s in their red hats and gold metallic gym shoes.
  4. Offer your home for Democratic events such as meetings, watch parties, envelope stuffing, postcard writing, and so on.
  5. Don’t engage with MAGA’s – ignore the insanity they spew; it would be a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Let’s concentrate on a Democratic victory in November.
  6. Offer to transport people to the polls.
  7. Volunteer to register folks in your community to vote.
  8. Post on social media positive things that Democrats are doing, and the negative things Republicans are up to.
  9. VOTE!
  10. Do pray that President Biden and Vice President Harris are reelected, and the orange haired monster is convicted of his crimes.

We can do this, together and united we stand for democracy…

Resources: www.democrats.org, www.lincolnproject.us, www.facebook.com/p/Mary-L-Trump-100076207187060/, www.taylorswift.com.


OPINION: Holy Moly, Trump’s Running


Holy Moly, Rock ‘n Roll, Trump’s Running, Again 

Donald Trump draws big crowds as he chases a second term as president of the U.S.


Holy Moly, Rock n Roll, Trump’s Running, Again

By D. S. Mitchell

Autocrat and Criminal

Trump is an autocrat and a criminal. However, you’d never know it by the screaming, flag waving, MAGA crowd supporting Trump’s bid for a second term. The Democrats and anyone with a brain is pulling their hair out. How many felony indictments and presumed convictions will it take to convince the 28% of Americans who have been seduced by the “Orange Jesus” that he is a danger to our way of life, our freedoms, our constitutional protections.

Earth One Calling

I’ve been trying to imagine what event or series of events that it would take to shock Trump’s devoted followers back to Earth One. Communication to Earth Two seems to be cut off, temporarily. I couldn’t think of anything. If all the revelations, over the years, his grifting and conning, and his outright criminality, won’t shake their devotion my only conclusion is that some people are for whatever reason unreasonable.

Dining Table Disaster

But seriously, friend, just imagine two years after Trump is re-elected and the Orange One succumbs to a stroke or heart failure. Come on now, it could happen. The guy eats crap and takes a golf cart from the buffet table to his seat at the head of the table.  Just imagine, Donnie Jr. as first in line to the presidency. That proposition should scare the shit out of us all. But under a Trump presidency such a plan of succession could become a reality; that’s the way autocrats do things.

Let’s See the Blue

So, folks take your head out from under the bed covers and if you are not registered to vote, get registered. If there are no Democrats running for office in your district, throw your name in the fight. In half the districts in this country these MAGA folks have no opponents. Stop the freefall into totalitarianism. Stop Trump. Vote Biden-Harris. For the good of the country, vote blue.


OPINION: Trump Wants A Lifetime Presidency


Trump Wants A Lifetime Presidency

Trump faces numerous civil lawsuits and DOJ criminal indictments.


Trump Seeks Lifetime Term

By D. S. Mitchell


Fun At The Rogue

I dropped my friend at a meeting and headed to my favorite beach hang out, delighted to have time to take a few minutes to dangle my feet in the Rogue River, watching joyous children and fat Canadian geese play in the river’s shallows.

A Near Fatal Head Rush

Somewhere between deciding on a wading spot and navigating down the hillside to the chosen spot on the riverbank my mind switched from several hours of planned childish playtime to panic over the impending 2024 Presidential election. I had a head rush that nearly knocked me down. Fuck. The thought of  Donald J. Trump moving back into the White House threatened to send my heart into a fatal dysrhythmia.

My Mom Called It Kinky

I had to tell myself to take some slow deep breaths. OMG. I flashed on hour-after-hour, day-after-day, week-after-week, of endless chaos with United States diplomacy being carried out via Twitter, now X, by an orange “pussy grabbing,” “tax dodging” grifter. I remember waking up to the doddering, demented marmalade colored president threatening war with ‘Rocket Man’ Kim Jung Un. A short time later, the world  was given a lesson in whip lash diplomacy when Trump embraces the fat little tyrant in some kinky, twisted, ‘love letter’ absurdity.

Alabama Sharpie

Sharpie-gate was another outrageous time and money waster. In this scandal Trump overrode the weather experts and changed the predicted trajectory of hurricane “Dorian,” to  extend all the way to Alabama, when in fact, all indicators suggested a sharp turn north, avoiding Alabama completely. This load of Trump BS caused a shift of resources and manpower from the needed areas to those of less to no need.

Clown Show

The problem was that the Trump Clown Show went on 24-7 never seeming to even consider a slow down. It was one efin’ hair pulling, jaw grinding, moral absurdity, to the next. John McCain was one of Trump’s most frequent targets for insult. The Trumpster went out of his way to insult and disparage the senator before and after the man’s death. I was no McCain fan, but Trump’s attack’s on a dead man were inappropriate and disgusting.

“Suckers And Losers”

But, his disrespect didn’t stop with McCain, but rather extended to all those who are currently serving in the military, or those who previously served, or even those who died in the service of this country, calling them “suckers and losers.” What an appalling statement from a president of the United States about the men and women that protect the American people, and the very ground we walk on, with love and courage every single day in dangerous places around the world.

It Got Worse By The Day

Exhaustion set in quick, numbness soon followed. Trump was like the proverbial horse in the hospital. Total insanity. We went from one disgusting chaotic episode to another. The biggest jaw dropper to me personally, probably because I’m a retired RN, was when Trump suggested people drink bleach to kill the Corona Virus. Which of course, unfortunately led to several folks trying that suggestion. Then his second option to combat the virus was for everyone to try a round of Hydroxychloroquine. Once again sending several dumb asses to the hospital.

How About A Second Go-Around?

I think it’s well understood by all Americans that X-prez Donald Trump is actually now running to become America’s first “lifetime president.” I don’t think there are any of us that truly believe Trump will leave the White House alive if he ever comes back into power.  All you folks out there who plan on voting for Trump, keep in mind, a second Trump presidency will end democracy in America.

Potential Results

Trump will pardon the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, and those thugs will become his SS. “The Art of the Deal” will become required reading, available on Amazon, $9.99, but no worries you can take it off your taxes.  The sale of government oil leases will skyrocket, as investors scramble to squeeze every drop of oil from the planet. Under Trump all government backed electric projects will be put on hold. The EPA will be dissolved. It will become illegal to teach Climate Change in any U.S. school. The United States will withdraw from NATO. But, I’m not saying anything that anyone doesn’t already know.  The  question becomes who will succeed melon head and under what circumstances? It’s getting scary. Let’s stick with Joe & Kamala. A steady ship. A predictable course.

Trump Stuck in the Mud


Trump Stuck in the Mud

Trump put on a disgusting show last night at the CNN Town Hall


Trump Stuck in the Mud

By D.S. Mitchell

A Real Train Wreck

Anyone that knows me knows my total disgust of anything and everything, Trump. So, some may wonder why I would waste an hour watching the CNN Donald Trump Town Hall last night.  Frankly, I just wanted to confirm that all the character traits that originally made me loath the man were still applicable. I didn’t need the hour to confirm my original assessment, but I hung around, just because as with all train wrecks it’s hard to look away.

Friendly Audience

He had a handpicked pro-Trump audience in New Hampshire. The crowd laughed and cheered at his attacks on E. Jean Carroll who had just the day before, won a $5 million lawsuit against the ex-president for sexual assault and defamation. Hopefully, Ms. Carroll isn’t done yet because this guy hasn’t learned anything about defamation. I believe she has grounds for a second defamation case against the disgraced, twice impeached, pro-sexual assault, ex- president.

A Vivid Reminder 

If nothing else, last night gave us a vivid reminder of what another term of a Donald Trump presidency would look like. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m way, way, past the chaos, shame, hatred, cruelty, lies, corruption, and total dysfunction this man brought to the White House. I’m ready to see this aberration gone into the dark night, never to be seen or heard from again.

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