The Rotary Four-Way Test

The Rotary's Four Way Test is a good way to lead your life.


Editor’s Note: The genesis for this article came from my neighborhood advertising circular, the Sneak Preview. The December 2023 issue had a wonderful article by a local businessman, Steve Roe. Mr. Roe is the 2023 recipient of the Louis Schultz Distinguished Service Award, given each year to (Grants Pass, Oregon) community members who give their time, knowledge and resources to help improve our local community. In his beautifully written article Steve mentions the Rotary’s Four Way Test and how he personally and the Rotary, use the Four Way Test to evaluate what we think, say, and do. 


The Four-Way Test

Has Us Question What We Think, Say, and Do.

By D.S. Mitchell


A Long Time Back

In 1905, in Chicago Illinois, Paul Harris and three business friends got together and created the Rotary; the worlds first service organization. It wasn’t until 1943 that the club adopted Herb Taylor’s, another Chicago businessman’s, Four-Way ethics test. The Four-Way test is now a center of Rotary thought and action. The Four-Way test guides the Rotary’s unique approach and process to address conflicts, solve problems and make decisions to achieve desired objectives. The four questions are to be asked of the things you think, say, and do. Considering the abusive nature of today’s public and private discourse, I think putting the Four-Way test in operation, before we open our mouths, or take any action, might be a good place for all of us start; especially since it is supposed to be a joyous time of year.

A Clear and Positive Vision

Superbly simple, the Four-Way test offers a clear and positive vision for turning people away from vulgarity and back to civility; only joking, because what we have going on now may be unfixable. Sorry, for the negative insertion, but I am at this moment frustrated with the outrageous antics of the Republicans in the House of Representatives. However, not to digress; the Four-Way test is to be used in what we think, say, and do. Clearly the challenging part of the Four-Way test is that all four questions must be satisfactorily answered to reach an answer to the question. The four ethics questions the Four-Way test asks are;
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Rotary over the last 120 years has grown into a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, and leaders who volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs around the world with empathy and concern; they may be onto something here.
Constructive Not Destructive

The test is not a rigid process.  Below are ideas for using The Four-Way test and conflict transformation concepts for constructive change without quite importantly, violence.

  • Is it the TRUTH? Act with integrity and high ethical standards.  Acknowledge and define the problem including the root causes. Gather information by asking questions and with the use of critical thinking identify the difference between facts, beliefs, assumptions, and opinions. Such actions build trust.
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned? Keep in mind both the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule. Okay. I  had to look this one up. The Golden Rule is; “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Well, the Platinum Rule is, “do unto others as they would have you do unto them.” Hmm. Okay. I get it. Identify and include all interested and affected parties in discussions. Attempt to understand the other points-of-view in the context of conflict and reaching shared goals. Such actions foster accountability.
  • Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Promote civility by projecting an air of respect and openness. Be open to looking at new things and old things in new ways that can lead to creative and innovative solutions.  Discuss and agree on desired outcomes until consensus is found. Respect for what everyone can contribute  promotes fellowship.
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Keep an open mind and a curiosity for new ideas, novel applications and different points-of view. Consider many options and build on different ideas. Come to mutually beneficial solutions that are sustainable and repeatable.

The Four-Way test is an adaptive process. It takes into account everyone’s point-of-view and concerns, as well as their needs and wants. The process is designed to build goodwill and earn trust so a particular end result is mutually beneficial, sustainable and fair with repeatable outcomes.

On the Home Front

Just in time for Christmas get togethers. I’m laughing, but, I’m deadly serious at the same time. I encourage anyone reading this article  consider using The Four-Way test to address conflicts in the public square and at private dinners with cranky relatives. Remember the questions start with What We Think, followed by what What We Say and lastly, What We Do.  

30 More of the Worst Gifts Ever

30 More of the Worst Gifts Ever


Think before you give. Check out what not to give.

30 More Worst Gifts Ever

Editor’s Note: A small screw up in editing led to Anna’s advice being divided into two separate posts. It looks like I should have combined this submission with the one from October 25th, 2023 and called it, “The 65 Lousiest Gifts Ever.”  Anyway, here we go…

By Anna Hessel and the Editor (con’t)

  1. Flushable wipes. (Editor: Sometimes after a hospital stay you leave with a lot of useful items; spare urinals, chucks, gauze, waterless shampoo caps, and flushable wipes. Things that you would rather give away than never use. However, I suggest gifting them to your local animal shelter rather than your Aunt Tilly.)
  2. A 64-ounce bottle of extra strength mouthwash. (Editor: I agree, even the giant size bottle is inappropriate).
  3. A jock strap. (especially bad for your great aunt or grandmother…) (Editor: But what about Grampa?)
  4. Any attire with shoulder pads. (Editor: Good advice, Anna. I didn’t like shoulder pads then, and I’m no fonder of them now).
  5. A homemade pet rock. (Editor: N-o-o-ow, wait a minute, Anna. I belong to my local ‘rock’ club. We paint pictures on rocks and then leave them at different spots around the community for people to find and enjoy. I wouldn’t call any of them pets, but awesome anyway).
  6. A Rubik’s Cube (Editor: I never could figure that gizmo out, so definitely agree, it’s a very bad gift).
  7. A disco ball key chain. (Editor: A bit bizarre, but last year a friend gifted me with a cardinal (the bird) key chain, there’s a button on the bird’s back; push it and the bird tweets. Not suggesting it as a better option, but apparently, key chains are making a comeback as gifts).
  8. A professional house cleaning. (Editor: Anna, I want to tell you, I like a clean house, especially if someone else is swinging the mop. This could be a much appreciated gift; for some of us anyway).
  9. A box of leakproof trash bags. (Editor: Totally disgusting, I don’t think trash bags, leakproof or not, are ever on anyone’s wish list).
  10. A mop and bucket, fresh from the home maintenance aisle at Walmart. (Editor: I agree with Anna on this one. Definitely, in very poor taste).
  11. Disposable razors. (Editor: Yuck).
  12. 101 ways to cook kale cookbook. (Editor: Dearest Anna, Kale offers an abundance of nutrients, including potassium, fiber, folate, and calcium. Kale can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping lower LDL cholesterol, or “bad cholesterol”. Not all gifts need to be warm and fuzzy some can be useful).
  13. Fun with artificial colors cookbook. (Editor: I have nothing to say.)
  14. Anything you created at your first pottery lesson. (Editor: Excellent advice, Anna).
  15. A ‘Bedazzler’ or anything you bedazzled yourself. (Editor: I didn’t think you could still buy such a thing, but I was wrong; available on Amazon. So, take Anna’s advice and keep your bedazzling to yourself).
  16. Anything polyester. (Editor: Polyester freed women from the slavery of the ironing board, but now 50 years later women have tossed out both the iron, the ironing board, and the polyester),
  17. Refrigerator magnets in the shape of vegetables or fruit.
  18. Any experimental art.
  19. Kitty litter (especially if the recipient does not have a cat). (Editor: Uhhh. I definitely support Anna on this one. Instead, take your unused kitty litter or animal food to your local animal shelter and gift it to them this holiday season. Please support your local no kill Animal Shelter).
  20. Expired food. (Editor: Not only offensive, but likely dangerous).
  21. Insect spray (Editor: FYI, former heavyweight champion, Mohammad Ali, was believed to have caused himself severe neurological damage by constantly spraying insect killer around himself).
  22. Bat or rat plush toy or pillow.
  23. Cellulite cream. (Editor: This could be touchy; I personally, wouldn’t risk giving cellulite cream to anyone, ever).

You’ve been waiting for it- here’s the top seven political gifts, NOT to give.

  1. The Donald inaugural commemorative whiskey flask.
  2. The complete ten season box set of “The Apprentice,” (Editor: I saw one episode of that show and that was all I could stand. They actually made 10 seasons of that crap? Amazing.)
  3. Pat Robertson bubble head. (Editor: I think Pat is best left forgotten).
  4. Ron DeSantis bubble head. (Editor: A blip, a blimp, a cowboy boot wearin’ Trump wannabe).
  5. Donald Trump bubble head (oh wait, aren’t they called bobble heads?)
  6. Smelling salts (unless of course one of these bubble heads are on the air…)
  7. A Halloween costume, especially if there is a Trump mask involved.

Please remember that one of the worst possible gifts is the Donald Trump gift set: the set consists of a Trump Chia head And a Trump bubble head, because two of his heads are never better than one.

Friends, Let’s fill our hearts with love and pray for peace in Palestine.

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

I have something to say about the SCROTUS and it is not nice.

OPINION: ‘Eff the Supreme Court

Editor: I think this quote is a perfect response to the Supreme Court justices that want to enforce constitutional originalism on 21st century Americans. 


By D. S. Mitchell

Written on a Sign

I don’t know about you, but my outrage grows. In a recent abortion protest, I saw a young girl carrying a sign inscribed, “I hate it here.”  If you are a follower of Calamity News and Politics, you may have noticed an increased tension, and quite honestly, unbridled rage coming from this corner of the progressive community. I too have had several recent moments of, “I hate it here.”

Targeted Killings

The radical right sees no contradiction in banning abortion, for love of life, yet fuel rhetoric that has likely led to the  murder of at least 10 pro-choice physicians. The radical right tell us the Second Amendment is sacred. Sometime between my birth and today, the sanctity of the Second Amendment has taken on ridiculous, and unintended proportions.

Group Killings

Originally the Second Amendment described, “a well regulated militia.” Mind you, this was before the U.S. had a military. Out of that simple concept, it is now every Americans right, maybe duty, to load your AR-15, strap it with a bandolier of 30 shot magazines and go walk around town, terrorizing and murdering people who are just shopping for groceries, celebrating at a concert, attending class, and now a 4th of July parade. Mass murderers love it when we gather in groups.

I Said

Fuck the NRA, fuck the U.S. Senate, fuck the Second Amendment, and most of all fuck this illegitimate court. This has become a human rights issue-a public safety issue, a fucking right-to-life issue. Every American should have the reasonable expectation to go out for a walk, go the local Starbucks safely; it should not be a flip of the coin, situation.

Worse Than Roberts

John Robert’s has been Chief Justice since 2005.  He was nominated by George Bush the Younger and in my mind, Robert’s has been the spearpoint of a ruthless and relentless right-wing attack on democracy. During his tenure, the court has turned back democracy by 75 years, and privacy rights by 50. Even with Robert’s terrible record on gun control, voting rights, gerrymandering, campaign finance, abortion, and every other personal freedom imaginable, there are more dangerous and radical justices than John Roberts, and that clique is now apparently running the court.  Where as Robert’s style is to just keep chipping away at a law until over several years it vanishes into history, barely noticed. This new blatantly political court is ready to upend the apple cart, the hell with the consequences, in essence giving majority America the big middle finger salute.

Let it Go Alito, This Ain’t 1776

So, this now 6-3 ‘originalist’ court thinks it can push back all Progressive reforms since 1930. These folks are willing to snatch away Medicare and Medicaid, and the ACA of course, will fall. Gut the EPA. Ban abortions, nationwide. When you see an institution disregard established law and take up the task of writing new laws, just because they can; says to me that we are in a dangerous place. It seems apparent that swift action is necessary.

What I Think

This Thomas-Alito court seems hell bent on destroying any shred of validity this court ever had. The most recent public confidence polls show the court to be deeply unpopular.  The approval level of the court among all voters is at a jaw dropping 25%. Talk about Biden’s underwater numbers. As laws become more oppressive, affecting larger swaths of the population; enforcement may fail, in fact, it most likely will. As larger numbers of citizens commit the unenforceable crimes, police and prosecutors begin to ignore them. The overturning of Roe is so unpopular 70% of the country is in full revolt.

Anywhere, Anytime

The lawmakers just passed the first gun safety act in thirty years. My cynical side says, “a little is better than nothing.” My realistic side says, “not nearly enough.” As I said previously, the Second Amendment guarantees do not supersede those of LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.  Yet, the radical ‘originalist’ court refuses to face the reality of a heavily weaponized country that needs some serious restrictions on gun access, not an open season on all of us, anywhere, at anytime.


When extreme decisions are pronounced without the support and acceptance of the population, those decisions become unenforceable. The court has no army, no police force to back up its decisions, the only thing the court has is its standing in the eyes of the country’s citizenry, and that includes law enforcement. It is time to enlarge the court, install term limits, and codify a standard of ethics these justices must adhere to. Right now, this radical right-wing abomination calling itself the “Supreme” court of the United States,  ain’t looking so “Supreme.”