What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty. . .

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty…

Joe Biden has done a lot in four years and it looks like he's going to have to keep telling the people, cause so far, it's a running into a severe case of ageism.

What’s Joe Biden Done? Plenty . . .

Editor: Over the last couple weeks Joe Biden has taken a bashing from all sides. If I were him I’d be giving the media, the MAGA’s, Robert Hur, and the Mango Mussolini, the big middle finger. JOE BIDEN IS SMARTER ON HIS WORST DAY THAN TRUMP IS ON HIS BEST DAY. Dum, dum, dum, Donald. Let’s take a look at the accomplishments of Grandpa Joe, without a doubt one of the most successful presidencies of the last couple hundred years, at least since FDR. I love, Joe, Jill, Kamala, and Doug. Let’s keep these amazing people working for us.  VOTE BLUE. VOTE BIDEN-HARRIS.

By Cate Rees-Hessel

Good Policies

For those asking what President Biden has done since he took office, my question is what hasn’t he done? Joe Biden has accomplished a great deal in the last three years. The benefits for the American people have been enormous and his policies continue to better our nation. Below is a short list of Joe Biden’s many accomplishments. Four more years of Biden-Harris is just what our country needs.

1.The Biden’s have brought dignity, decorum, and class back to the White House. We have a wonderful “working First Lady” with a Doctorate of Education. My relief is obvious, I no longer have to worry that my overseas friends think of the White House “as a stripper bar.” Unlike the loser, President Biden is not being indicted or found guilty of rape and defamation. Joe is a man of God that actually prays, knows Scripture, and attends church, as opposed to the one holding a Bible upside down, in front of a church he does not attend, and who if asked cannot tell you the meaning of Easter. I remember with gladness Joe bowing his head in prayer during his inaugural speech, an image of a man that has a heart felt faith and gentle demeanor – that’s President Biden. Never lewd, crude, rude, or disrespectful; dignity personified. Well, I have heard an F-bomb dropped now and then, but otherwise we’re good.
2. Passage of the much needed infrastructure bill to repair and rebuild our roads and bridges. It had become a running monthly gag with Trump, but Joe and the Dems made it happen.
3. The lowest unemployment rate in years. Joe’s bringing back ‘Made in America,’ creating countless good jobs in the rust belt and other hard hit areas of the Midwest. More people are working than ever before.
4. His policies have lowered the cost of living for families across the country and raised 40 million children out of poverty.
5. Altered the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, and provided vaccines and at home virus tests free of charge.
6. Rescued the economy from a catastrophic free fall and his sound economics will continue to make the U.S. economy the envy of the world. Like Joe says, “build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out, not from the top down;” not the nonsense of Ronald Reagan’s  trickle down economics.

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OPINION: Generalissimo El Trumpo

OPINION: Generalissimo El TrumpoGeneralissimo Trumpo

OPINION: Generalissimo El Trumpo

I. B. Freely

Bad Loser

There have been lots of bad losers through history. Though few have been as sore as Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 Election. There were few of the citizenry still awake when Biden was announced president-elect a week later. The announcement wasn’t official, however. Trump has enlisted an army of sycophants to attempt sedition. He is willing to use  every dirty trick available to him to keep up his delusion that he was the winner. Like a little league player refusing to go home after losing  a game. Am I comparing trump to a child? Yes I am. He is such a bad loser he is refusing to accept that the loss is real. The problem seems to be he has convinced a large portion of his Kool Aid drinking, UZZI carrying supporters that he won. Now that is a problem.

State of Mind

It is no secret why Trump is taking things so badly. While he is president he is shielded from criminal and civil prosecution His office has uniquely protected him from prosecution for numerous financial crimes. The legal wolves are already sniffing around the White House door. Even more than this, as his niece, Mary Trump, has pointed out, Trump reserves the worst of his boundless vitriol for those he considers “losers.” Including those who were captured or killed in war. He doesn’t seem to mind most of the insults about his orange complexion or candy floss hair, but call him a loser, and he will unleash the powers of hell.

Martial Law

It sounds ridiculous but Trump does have one last card up his sleeve. According to current U.S. law, either congress or the president can declare national martial law any time, for any reason. At least the congress has to have a vote. Putting the entire country under military lock-down is within the purview of a Trump executive order.  It is a power only a few presidents have used and only regionally.  It wouldn’t be the first time that Trump would be a trend setter. Biden may well be the president-elect, but it might be difficult for him to take office if there are troops and tanks on the White House lawn commanded by Trump.

Been Here Before

There are many who doubt that Trump would actually go that far. Then again, most people laughed at the idea of him getting nominated, and then winning. Most pundits expected that the great orange one would be impeached and removed from office. Sadly the impeachment happened but, in fact, his exoneration by the U.S. Senate, emboldened him.  There is no reason then, to think that the powers of the absurd won’t be brought to bear again, leading to the very first American Junta. Goodness knows American foreign policy has  supported enough of them over the years. While they didn’t go quite that far, Canada actually had a degree of martial in the early 1970s. Pierre Trudeau, father of Justin Trudeau, enacted what was called The War Measures Act when the nation came under threat from a militant French separatist  group called the Quebec Liberation Front.

By Association

If it still sounds to weird to be true, consider who Trump had decided to call friends over the past few years. While not all military dictators, Kim Jung-Un an exception, there tends to be a narrow separation between State and Legislative power, particularly in terms of China and Russia. All of them considered “strong men” in nations with a long history of warlords. We have been tipping toward a military dictatorship for the last four years, only noticing now when it might well be too late. We can only hope Trump’s disdain for Trudeau will keep him from following through.

