Kaill McNeil ALTER-NARRATIVES: Nation States


The U.S. experiment tried to unite a group of people living in a multitude of states,  separated by geography, economics, resources, ethnicity, and social issues into one united country. 

Nation States

By Kaill McNeil

Making A Nation

There are many ways to structure a nation. Some better than others, particularly according to one’s own priorities and preferences. More to the point, there are some that are more popular than others. Some coming to be phased out over the centuries. TO the point there are only a few nations based on such a system. America is one such nation.

Constituting A Country

One of the most popular basis on which to build a nation, is that of a constitution. In this way, America has very much followed the trend. Opting for a constitutional democratic republic. As opposed to a constitutional democracy found in much of the rest of the western world, from Canada to New Zealand (those Brits were busy). Both versions of government have their advantages, allowing for checks and balances.

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