10 Smart Money Rules

10 Smart Money Rules

Rules about money, or at least 10 tips to be smarter with it.

10 Smart Money Tips 

By D.S. Mitchell

Here are 10 truisms for investing and life.  Allan Roth, a long time financial planner and writer, states the following 10 things must be considered before you open your wallet.

10 Smart Money Suggestions

Suggestion 1: Always remember sales people, whether at your local Walmart electronics department, or at the Mercedes dealership, are trained to manipulate your emotions.  Let your emotions cool before deciding to buy that luxury car, or that new 60 inch screen television.

Suggestion 2: Never buy an investments you do not completely understand. There’s a lot of hype out there for all variety of investment vehicles. It is critical you understand what you’re buying, how much it costs, and why it is the right for you. 

Suggestion 3: Nothing is free. You probably at some point in your life have received an invitation to a free lunch so you can learn about a new way to increase your wealth, or buy a timeshare. It is a sales trick to market expensive products for juicy profits. Stay away.

Suggestion 4: Put yourself in the seller’s shoes before buying before making a purchase. You can protect yourself by reflecting on two key questions. 1) What’s in it for the person selling the product? 2) How does the company behind the product make money? Reverse roles and consider how someone is profiting from your purchase. Why does that free subscription, for example, require  a credit card number unless the seller expects that you’ll forget to cancel at the end of the free trial period.

Suggestion 5: Temper your ego. Never believe you are too smart to fall for a bad investment(s). Realize from the start anyone can be tricked, swindled, or convinced to buy a bad investment. Going back to suggestion 1, sales people are trained to play you like a fiddle. Sir Isaac Newton, an intellectual genius, lost his fortune by investing in a hot stock of the day.

Suggestion 6: Get it in writing. During a sales pitch, promises are often made;  a refundable deposit, cancel at any time, but if you didn’t get it in writing you probably have no recourse. Always read the disclosure statement, does it match what the salesman told you? Even an email promise from a salesperson can give you potential recourse.

Suggestion 7: When it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Greed however often overrides our native common sense. You’ve seen the free phone, free tablet, free wrist phone-most of those offers require a contract, if you leave the contract you pay for those freebies.

Suggestion 8: Avoid limited time offers. The limited time offer is designed to trigger your instinct for action before the logic part of your brain kicks in. Beware of that ticking clock-it is a powerful sales tool.

Suggestion 9: Regulators rarely order a consumer be reimbursed for losses. It is better to make the right investment choice to begin with than counting on a watchdog to bail you out.

Suggestion 10: Never forget that other people want to separate you from your money.



Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter There are more guns than people in the United States. It has become hazardous to go to the store or the movies, we must do something to stop the carnage.

Tips From Homeland Security:

Protective Actions To Take With A Shooter

The FBI has not set a minimum number of casualties to qualify an event as a mass shooting, but U.S. statute (the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012) defines a “mass killing” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.” 

By D. S. Mitchell


A Lovely Dinner

I think it was 2001. My husband and I were having dinner on the sidewalk service area of a popular restaurant & bar at the corner of SE Milwaukie Ave and Powell Blvd in Portland, Oregon. It was about  10:30 pm. We were having fun, lingering over a glass of wine and laughing and chatting with other diners.

Running In All Directions

Several loud “cracks” caused me to look around curious, but certainly not frightened. Several more “cracks” echoed in the night. By that time, I realized the sound was coming from the AM/PM gas station across the street. People in the gas station parking lot were screaming and running in various directions. It was only then, I saw flashes of light coming from the driver’s window of a small red  sports car, stopped on Powell Blvd.

In The Leg

More shots rang out and a man thirty feet to the left of me, in the restaurant pavilion area fell to the ground screaming. He had fallen to the sidewalk clutching a leg wound. The time between the first shot and my realizing I was in an active shooter situation was probably an entire minute. Realization time. If the bullet had been 30 feet to the right either my husband or I could have been shot; probably in the head since we were sitting and the injured man had been standing.

Little Red Sportscar

The shooter revved the engine, popped the clutch, and sped away. I’m an RN and I have a duty to give aid,  so I raced across the street to help. The Portland Police were on site at the same time as I got there. Several ambulances arrived, sirens screaming. Two young men were wounded, one with a bullet in the upper arm and the other fellow with a bullet in the shoulder.  In addition to the three wounded two others lay dead. All the dead and wounded at the AM/PM were young- most likely high school age.

“There He Is!”

While the cops were asking questions, I saw the perpetrator’s red sports car slow down and slowly drive past the crime scene, again. They say criminal frequently return to the scene of the crime, but this guy was unbelievably stupid. I raised my arm and pointed toward the car and screamed, “There he is, there’s the shooter!” The wounded young man sitting on the asphalt, that I had been helping, chorused, ‘There’s the son of a bitch! There’s the shooter!!!”

The Morning Oregonian

The cops were on it and I read in the morning Oregonian, two 16 year old Cleveland high school students, members of a notorious local gang, were arrested on suspicion of murder and were being held in jail as adults. I tossed the paper on the breakfast table. What a waste. Two funerals and potentially two life sentences for the perpetrators.

Unready, Unprepared

All situations are different. I think one of the reasons it took so long for me and other diners to realize there was a shooting in progress was because we were across the street from the center of the events, with lots of traffic and noise between us. It wasn’t until a fellow diner was shot by a ricocheting bullet that any of us realized there was even a shooting. Another factor, I believe, may have something to do with the fact that in 2001 mass shooters were not quite as common as today. Whatever the reasons, we were stupidly unprepared for this deadly situation.


The Department of Homeland Security offers Americans several suggestions that might save your life if you are caught in an Active Shooter Situation.


If you can get out of the situation, do it. Run toward the first escape route you can find. Leave your belongings and just get away. Once safe, dial 911 and give the police all the information you can.

Play Dead (this is NOT on the DHS list)

I have added this suggestion. I have heard several survivors of mass shootings tell of rubbing blood from victims on themselves and hiding in plain site among the dead as the shooter moves away to find new victims.


If you can’t escape; take cover, find a place to conceal yourself. You want to be out of sight, with some offered protection, between you and the shooter, such as a locked door. If you can blockade the door with furniture-do it. Be smart, turn off your cellphone as an unexpected call could alert the shooter to your location.


Take action against the shooter only as a last resort. Throw items and improvise weapons in an effort to disrupt and incapacitate the shooter.

When Law Enforcement Arrives

When the cops arrive, immediately put down any weapons or items you have in your hands. Keep your hands visible and raise your arms. Follow instructions. Refrain from making quick movements toward the officers.


“Chasing the Spider” by D.S. Mitchell


If you loved “365 Days” and couldn’t put down the “50 Shades of Grey” trilogy, I promise you’re going to love “Chasing the Spider” by D.S. Mitchell. “Chasing the Spider” is available on Amazon. Continue reading

High Praise For “Chasing The Spider”

High Praise For “Chasing The Spider” 

High Praise For “Chasing The Spider”

By D. S. Mitchell

*****  “I loved how fast paced and sexy this book was. I could not put it down until the end. I can’t wait for the next adventure.”  Megahan W.

***** “Really good story with gritty dialogue and intriguing pace.”  Roselyn T.

***** “I loved it. I couldn’t put it down until the last page.” Anita M.

***** “I couldn’t put it down. I had to know what was coming next. I don’t read a lot but this book just kept me glued to the page.” Mark S.

***** “What was coming next kept me reading.” Som G.

***** “Ever so sexy. Great fun.” Ellen B.

Available on Amazon Books and Kindle ebooks

Here’s the link to the book:
