OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

Joe Biden is a Marvelous #46

OPINION: 46 Is Marvelous

46 Marvelous Things our Marvelous 46th President Has Done


By Anna Hessel

While some viciously attack Joe Biden I’ve been counting what #46 has done for America.

  1. Joe beat Trump’s butt with the most votes received by any U.S. presidential candidate in U.S. history.
  2. Joe’s working at saving the soul of our nation from MAGA and other far-right Republicans, he’s gotta ways to go, if you ask me, but he’s on it.
  3. #46 has continued President Obama’s legacy of inclusive diversity.
  4. As Vice President under President Obama, Biden spearheaded the fight to bring affordable healthcare to more people. President Biden continues to fight for affordable healthcare, expanding and improving the program whenever possible.
  5. Together, back in 2008, Obama and Biden saved the U.S. auto industry.
  6. joe sponsored, and has continued to fight for and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act.
  7. On Joe’s first day in office he re-entered the Paris Climate Agreement.
  8. Our average Joe from Scranton, PA met with King Charles III and billionaire philanthropists regarding financing climate change measures.
  9. The brand new president Biden rehired Dr. Fauci and worked tirelessly to get COVID vaccines in the arms of millions of Americans, helping to end the pandemic.
  10. Joe gave Americans a COVID relief package immediately upon taking office, and (actually) worked to send out stimulus checks. Thanks, Joe, I bought a set of desperately needed tires for my car.
  11. Our Joe gave us our first female Vice President a woman of color and our first Second Gentlemen.
  12. 46 has come out fighting for student loan relief, and despite SCOTUS’ rejection of his administration’s first attempt to erase some portions of student debt he is working on a different method of loan relief.
  13. Class and dignity have returned to the White House with a beautiful Doctor of Education as our First Lady.
  14. Joe Biden acts like an actual man of God, not someone that just holds a Bible in front of a church which he didn’t attend for a photo op. President Biden prayed for our nation during his inaugural address – his sincerity is humbling and refreshing.
  15. A mammoth infrastructure plan; a plan to fix roads and bridges, railways and airports that have been allowed to deteriorate for at least the last 50 years.
  16. Respects our military – a proud serviceman’s father-who is honored to lay wreaths and flowers on the graves of those lost in our wars, not insult them as “suckers and losers.”
  17. An empathetic Joe gave his personal cell phone number to a little boy that stutters, an affliction that has plagued the president and told the boy to call anytime just too talk.
  18. He has lowered everyday expenses for U.S. families with the Inflation Reduction Act and the Child Tax Credit legislation.
  19. U.S. veterans who have been exposed to toxic situations, like the Iraq burn pits, and contaminated water at Camp LeJeune, are receiving services and benefits like no other time in history.
  20. Bidenomics have rescued the U.S. economy from  disaster without padding the pockets of the 2%.
  21. Made in America means more than ever.
  22. Unemployment is at an all-time low – more people are employed than ever before.
  23. President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act, providing statutory authority for same-sex and interracial marriages.
  24. Lower prescription drug and healthcare costs.
  25. Made all vaccines under Medicare Part D free. Last year a shingles vaccine series of 2 shots cost $300. Yahoo.
  26. Joe has fought for reproductive freedom, not advocating abortion but realistically understanding the need for choice.
  27. Advocating for climate change, creating as many as nine million jobs in the process.
  28. Helping households to lower their energy costs.
  29. Joe Biden is instrumental in pulling the NATO countries together to assist the Ukraine during this Russian initiated war.
  30. Joe has the most diverse staff and cabinet in U.S. presidential history.
  31. President Biden’s is the most accomplished presidency in history, passing more bi-partisan legislation than any previous president.
  32. Joe backed and signed the strongest common sense gun safety bill to make it to a president’s desk in decades, the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.
  33. 46 has made the most significant investment in mental health in three generations.
  34. Government driven sensible investment in manufacturing and industry in the rust belt, an investment not seen since immediately post WWII. The pandemic proved we need manufacturing in the United States.
  35. Postal reform to undo the damage caused by DeJoy and bring long term stability to USPS.
  36. Our guy Joe, quickly released oil from the national strategic reserve to reduce the price of gas.
  37. Established a national monument (s) honoring Emmett Till and his mother Mamie Till‑Mobley.
  38. Made Juneteenth a national holiday.
  39. CHIPS and Science Act is an effort to stimulate chip manufacture in the United States. It’s  a proactive move in case the mainland Chinese invade Taiwan; protecting the U.S. economy from a potentially devastating collapse that a shutdown in manufacture of chips would cause world wide.
  40. Brought home former Marine *Trevor Reed by sending convicted drug smuggler and Russian pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko to them. *Trevor Reed was recently wounded volunteering in Ukraine.
  41. Everyday Joe firmly stands up to Republicans with grace and dignity.
  42. Despite much vitriol President Biden concluded the conflict in Afghanistan, withdrawing all U.S. troops from harms way after 20 years in that country.
  43. Joe will never stop fighting to preserve voting rights for all citizens.
  44. Joe is patient and steady and is working hard to unify the American people.
  45. The Biden’s have brought adorable pets back to the White House. A cat and a dog.
  46. And lastly, let’s face it, Dark Brandon is sexy…

12 Reasons Trump Was A Flop & Joe’s Not


12 Reasons Trump Was A Flop & Joe’s Not

Joe Biden won the largest victory in U.S. history


12 Reasons Trump Was A Flop & Joe’s Not

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

We are admitted President Joe Biden supporters. We just wanted to take a couple minutes to thank Joe for not being Donald Trump and point out 12 reasons Trump was a flop and Joe’s not.

COVID Catastrophe

  1. COVID was out of control during the Donald‘s limp excuse for a presidency. He denied the severity of the illness, having fired the pandemic preparedness team put in place by the Obama-Biden administration. Millions died, the economy shut down; life was on hold, and we all suffered. Once President Joe Biden was sworn in he immediately arranged for free vaccines, free COVID tests, and we all received the highest amount of stimulus payments since COVID began. He  instituted a needed mask mandate during the first portion of his administration to arrest the spread of the disease. Now, although COVID still exists, it is far less severe, now it is closer to the flu that the Republicans claimed it was, when it was actually deadly. Life is finally nearly normal again. Thank you, President Joe Biden.

The Real Illegal

  1. Jack Smith currently has Trump federally indicted, facing thirty-seven counts in the (1)stolen documents case, not to mention the recent (2)guilty verdict in E. Jean Carroll‘s civil defamation and sexual abuse case, and (3) AG Alvin Bragg in NY city is after him for the Stormy Daniels payoff. (4) Latitia James the NY state AG has filed a $250 million dollar civil suit against Trump, family and company alleging wide spread fraud. (5) Fani Willis, Fulton County, Georgia, DA is amassing evidence for her looming criminal election interference case against the former president, indictments expected in August 2023. And, (6) Jack Smith again, looks like he has been busy investigating the January 6th events orchestrated by Trump. And if that’s not enough to keep Trump busy there is (7) Jack Smith‘s fake electors investigation.
  2. Trump instigated an insurrection. Trump invited the insurrection because he didn’t want to let go of power. He couldn’t admit he was a loser. No other president in history has done anything like this. In the United States; the loser steps aside for the victor.

The People Have Spoken

  1. President Biden received more votes than any other presidential candidate in history, yet Trump is still claiming the election was stolen from him. He tried to claim victory before the votes were even counted. Trump tried to discredit or invalidate the votes of 80 million Americans.

An A– And Class

  1. Forty-five decided to skip President Biden’s inauguration. Trump left his vice president to attend, skulking out of D.C. like the coward he is.
  2. The Donald held up a Bible he does not read in front of a church he does not attend. To worsen the image, he held the Bible upside down. Joe Biden, however, went to church before he was inaugurated, and said a sincere prayer during his inaugural address.
  3. Trump wanted to waste taxpayers’ money on dictator-style military parades, but Uncle Joe is a military serviceman’s father and placed wreaths and flowers on graves.
  4. Forty-five gave our nation the first staple in her belly button first woman. Silicon free, Mrs. Biden is a beautiful, gracious, an accomplished educator with a doctorate in education. There is no comparison between the two. Notice I was unable to use the word ladies here, since I only consider Dr. Biden a lady. President Biden is also responsible for the first female Vice President Kamala Harris, a woman of color and class. Our First Gentleman, Doug Imhoff, is a fine man of Jewish faith, strong in a world of sickening anti-Semitism.
  5. During the Trump regime, there was rioting in the streets, a global pandemic, and rampant racism, not to mention sexism and other blatant discrimination, but Joe Biden respects all races, all religions, all genders, and all sexual preferences equally. Joe served as second in command under our first black President, they helped to make America great together. Saving the auto industry and passing the ACA (Obamacare) health care bill are just two of their very many outstanding accomplishments. Joe also respects women – our President is responsible for the Violence Against Women Act. Forty five “grabs ‘em by the p—-“.
  6. The Bidens have have been married nearly 45 years – Joe is a widower who has loved wholly two women, separately, never cheating on either; Trump has committed adultery on a number of occasions yet the right wing “Christians” worship the Donald; as a liberal Christian, I worship God, and respect President Biden. These same Trumpster lemmings have overturned reproductive freedom, when in fact many of these men impregnate women without any responsibility, expecting them to carry pregnancies, and raise children with no support at all. A child should never be abused by circumstance, that’s not pro-life. It does take a village to raise a child for eighteen years, which “pro-birth” Republicans don’t want to acknowledge.

The Right Way, Not The Right-Wing Way

  1. The Donald is strongly supported by the far right gun lobby. Joe is all about sensible gun laws, against assault rifles, and a proponent of universal background checks. With gun violence destroying families and neighborhoods we need a man like President Biden to end the slaughter.
  2. Forty-five’s dictator buddy, Vladimir Putin has declared war on the Ukraine, and invaded a sovereign country for no legitimate reason. While Trump is hiding out in his bunker, our President is visiting the Ukraine because he is a man of compassion and courage. It makes no sense to me why President Biden’s approval rating is between 41-49% depending on the poll, in my view he saved the country. He ran against 45, beat him handily thus stopping the Trump madness. I can go to church, the library, the hairdresser, theaters, shopping for groceries, no longer having to shelter in place or, in most cases, wear a mask anymore in public. Unemployment is at a low, and most of our nation has medical care, not just a moneyed few. America is back working and thriving. The war in the Ukraine, and the Chinese economic collapse has caused inflation; President Biden does not set gas or food prices, he is trying his best to rebuild our economy. America’s welcoming arms are open wide again. Our nations citizens are working, living once again without fear of a deadly pandemic. We are back in the Paris Climate Agreement, the threat of climate change’s potential future devastation recognized, because we have a President that listens to science while still trusting the Lord. I personally thank God for President Biden. He has my full endorsement for his re-election campaign. My spouse and myself, we are a proud Biden-Harris household. God bless our President and God bless America…Go to Biden Victory Fund and support Joe and Kamala with some hard cash to build a better America.