Honoring Giving Tuesday

50 Ways to Give on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesdays

Giving Tuesday

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel


It’s Giving Tuesday – time to donate funds to organizations that we support, but also find ways of giving of ourselves and our time. Here are some unique ideas for ways to give back to the community:

  1. Take a plate of food, cookies, or a card to an elderly or disabled neighbor
  2. Drop some magazines or books at a local hospital for their waiting areas
  3. Offer to babysit so someone can holiday shop or run errands
  4. Watch the person a caregiver takes care of so they can get out for errands or have a little me time
  5. Drop a few dollars or spare change in a red kettle
  6. Call a friend or relative just to say hello
  7. Rake someone’s leaves
  8. Mow someone’s lawn
  9. Shovel someone’s drive or walkway
  10. Make some calls for your favorite political candidate(s)
  11. Start a postcard campaign for your favorite political organization
  12. Begin a petition to right a wrong
  13. Run for a local political office
  14. Mail cards to our service men and women
  15. Volunteer at a local animal shelter or your library
  16. Don’t forget Toys for Tots with a new unwrapped toy – every child deserves a toy for Christmas or Hanukkah
  17. Offer a ride to a neighbor that does not have access to a car or can’t drive
  18. Decorate an outdoor tree for Christmas
  19. Add some sparkle to someone’s day with a small gift just because
  20. Organize a sled race or set up a hot chocolate stand for charity
  21. Run an errand for someone
  22. Pay it forward in the drive-through (or inside line)
  23. Pull a child in a sled or throw a ball for them to catch
  24. Build a snowman with someone
  25. Use your expertise, be it professional or hobby, to benefit someone: a free haircut, manicure, house cleaning, legal advice
  26. Pass out free hug coupons, cookies, or homemade fudge in your office or neighborhood
  27. Freecycle or Trash Nothing something
  28. Foster or adopt a rescue animal
  29. Play fetch with a neighbor’s dog or catch with a neighbor kid
  30. Set up a feral cat box on your porch with hay, fresh water, and a small bowl of food
  31. Make homemade cards or tree ornaments to pass out
  32. Take an angel off the giving tree and buy a gift to brighten someone’s holiday
  33. Give someone a smile – it’s always free, and it might just make their day
  34. Make a nice lunch or dinner to surprise somebody
  35. Donate to a good pantry or little library
  36. Make time for loved ones, like coffee or a spa day together
  37. Take time for yourself because you can’t help anyone if you aren’t well yourself
  38. Post something cute on social media to brighten someone’s day
  39. Order a meal delivery for a friend as a surprise (just make sure someone is there to accept the delivery)
  40. Tip generously
  41. Help a neighbor decorate for the holidays
  42. Offer to do someone’s shopping, laundry, house cleaning, or cooking
  43. Drop flowers off at a retirement community or hospital
  44. Donate pet food to an animal shelter – they can use older towels and blankets, too
  45. Send thank you notes to first responders or government employees
  46. Volunteer as a court advocate
  47. Share someone’s good work on social media
  48. Take a minute to talk to a business’ manger or owner to complement an employee
  49. Make time to really listen to someone who needs a shoulder to cry on
  50. Be sure to thank those selfless community volunteers whenever you can