“Just Dave” Netanyahu Time To Leave

“Just Dave” Netanyahu Time To Leave

“Just Dave” Netanyahu Time To Leave

An end of an era is approaching. Numerous factions of Israeli political parties have come to an agreement to oust Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu within the next two weeks. The world is holding its breath. Netanyahu and his hard line anti-Palestinian policies have been the face of Israel for at least the last fifteen years. From handsome war hero, to dynamic politician, to accused criminal Bibi has few supporters left. Netanyahu has been clinging desperately to power to also avoid prosecution for multiple corruption charges.  Dave has a rant on this situation, just like most others.


OPINION: Gaza Unrest

Opinion: Gaza Unrest

AK 47's loved by American gun culture

OPINION: Unrest In Gaza

The Never Ending War

The current conflagration in Gaza is not unexpected. There has been at least 100 years of war in the region. Who knows where to start the story? Each war, no matter how long or short has added to the story. For convenience I will start in the early 20th century, during WWI.

By William Jones and D. S. Mitchell

Mandate For Palestine

The conflict has its origin back in the early 20th century. Palestine was being ruled by the Ottoman Empire. During WWI the Turks were defeated and the Empire collapsed, leading to the Mandate for Palestine, which gave Britain administrative control of Palestine and Transjordan. During this time, the majority of the inhabitants of this land were Arab, while the Jews were the minority.

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Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu

By Michael Leonard Douglas & D.S. Mitchell

History Books

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s has dreams of going down in the history books as a brilliant, charismatic and heroic leader, shaped by a lifetime of war and domestic conflict. In fact, many in Israel and the United States don’t remember anyone but Netanyahu as Israel’s Prime Minister.

Arrogance and Corruption

But, sadly, like so many other men of prominence Benjamin Netanyahu has succumbed to arrogance, corruption and greed.  Familiar human  failings. None the less sad for a man who has dominated the Israeli military-political sphere for multiple decades. For years, Netanyahu has portrayed himself as the single person who is smart enough, and strong enough to keep Israel safe.

Threats of Indictment

Currently Benjamin Netanyahu is facing possible indictment for money laundering, fraud, bribery, and breach of trust in three separate ongoing criminal cases. This is only the most recent of several attempts to indict Netanyahu for political corruption. The first threats at indictment and trial occurred in 1993 and again in 1997 without action.

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OPINION: Fear To Criticize Israel

OPINION: Fear To Criticize Israel

By David Shadrick & D.S. Mitchell


Lawrence Tribe said in a 3/10/19 tweet: “I’m Jewish. So were my parents. My cousins were born and live in Israel. But every fiber of my being rejects Netanyahu’s ugly embrace of second-class status for non-Jewish citizens, including Palestinians. MY people do not believe in oppressing or dispossessing others. Period.”

The Furor

I’m writing this post in response to the current furor around recent remarks made by Representative Ilhan Omar.  I read her remarks.  Omar’s remarks were clearly directed at U. S. Congresspersons who rubber stamp votes in favor of Israel.  All the power of the right-wing political machine are labeling Omar’s comments as  anti-semitic. In addition to her recent tweets, the moral righteousness of the Republican party is attacking previous videos where she pointedly asked similar questions.

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His Walls Don’t Go All The Way To The Top

Contractors Build Wall “Samples” For Trump To View

“Build The Wall!”

“Build the Wall!” became a poplar chant of the 2016 campaign, along with, ‘Lock Her Up’. While both have all the real world meaning of ‘Gabba Gabba Hey!’, only the former has actually been carried over as presidential policy, having some very interesting effects on cross-border relations both to the south and the north. Even so, the rhetoric about a border wall has a special form of crazy and stupid related to it, greater than nearly anything else Trump has ever said, except perhaps describing “Falling in love” with North Korean dictator, Kim Jung Un.

Berliners Celebrate the End To The Berlin Wall

Very much aside from the assertion that the Mexican government is going to be footing the bill for a wall meant to keep its citizens from cross-border travel, the other challenges are cost and topography, while daunting, are far from insurmountable. Trump’s wall if it extended the entire southern border would crawl across the deserts of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas for a total of 1,957 miles. To put that in perspective, the Berlin Wall is 87 miles long, 11 feet high and three feet thick.

Berlin Wall

Building a similar wall between the U.S. and Mexico, while extremely expensive, and needing to be built up mountains and over rivers, is technically possible. Homeland Security estimates the cost at $17 million dollars per mile. Gulp. Do we really have the national will or financial wear-with-all to build such an absurdity, when we are facing a pending infrastructure collapse, a faltering health care system where care is denied to millions of citizens, as well as a staggering and ballooning foreign debt? Just doing a reality check, folks.

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Trump On Tour

Trump On Tour

D. S. Mitchell

I am screaming at the top of my lungs. It’s a damn good thing this is not a pod cast commentary, because someone would be ordering psych restraints for this old girl.

I started writing for Calamity Politics because I saw Trump as a demented, narcissistic, irrational, terrifying, irresponsible, backward thinking, corrupt and dangerous individual. I was concerned that the country had just elected a gross misogynist clown as President of the United States.

I wanted to speak out against what I expected to be an immediate attack on the environment, entitlement programs and Roe v Wade. I knew the Republicans, heavily financed by the Koch Brothers, and other right extremist Superpacs, would launch an all out attack against anything progressive as soon as the inaugural partying was over.

Because of my intense concern, I felt the pressure to get on line with Calamity Politics as soon as possible. If you as a reader, wonder who I am, and what I stand for, I suggest you take a few minutes and read ‘About Me’ and ‘Mission Statement’ which are located on buttons at the top of this page.

I thought I might be alone in my outrage. Had I “lost” my mind, as was suggested by two family members, or was I one of many?

I found out soon that I was just one of an army of individuals who were truly fearful that the election of Donald Trump was a step back in time. None of us wanted to take 21st century America back to the segregated, air polluted and garbage littered mid 20th century America romanticized by Donald Trump. So fearful in fact were we, that we began organically to call ourselves the “resistance”. I embraced the label as a personal commitment to fight trump, and everything he represents. I am a soldier in the fight against authoritarianism. I am one of the ‘resistance”.

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