Jason Chaffetz, Get Real

Jason Chaffetz, Get Real

D. S. Mitchell

You’ve Seen Him

I know you’ve seen this guy. He was especially loud and intimidating during the Benghazi, hearings. It seemed his primary goal was to try to embarrass and de-legitimize Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Jason Chaffetz said he would continue the Hillary Clinton Benghazi investigation “even if she wins the White House.” Really? How long did he plan on holding hearings, another 8 years? Sick and twisted ideology.


Calamity Politics is a progressive political blog. I want you to know that I believe most of the Representatives and the Senators are hard-working folks. There are a handful that are just plain objectionable. Those few that I find really irritating are Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Jim Jordan, and Jason Chaffetz. Not in any particular order. Amazing, they are all Republicans. And quite honestly, I think the American political landscape would improve greatly if this seven guy team would find jobs outside the government. I know I would not mind clearing all seven of them off of the U.S. political news scene.

Lacks Understanding

Jason Chaffetz, Republican Congressman from Utah was making the political morning shows on 3/7/2017 when he showed, not only his lack of understanding of ‘living poor,’ but any basic human compassion.

Trump Care Plan

At first perusal, the new Trump Care Plan will give huge tax cuts to the richest Americans, while delivering a brutal blow to health care for lower-income Americans.  The Republicans are rushing this terrible bill through Congress.  Besides helping the wealthy, it reduces access for low-income and rural Americans to health care. It weakens Medicare, and guts Medicaid.  Furthermore, this bill is a direct attack on women’s access to reproductive health. The bill would de-fund Planned Parenthood, where over 50% of low-income women in the United States receive health care.

Feeling The Hate

Chaffetz told the CNN viewing audience that, “Americans have choices, and they’ve got to make a choice.  So, rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care.” Wow! Utah’s Congressman seems to have no understanding of the cost of health care insurance and the equipment people need to get by in a modern society. Studies show that cell phones are the primary means of internet access for many lower-income citizens.  In a 2015 Pew study, at least 13% of Americans rely on their phone to connect to wi-fi.  Furthermore, the cell phone is a necessity for finding a job, and maintaining one.

Significant Expenses

According to Obama administration reports, only 77% of people currently enrolled in the ACA will be able to find a plan for less than $100 per month this year.  Nearly 30% of cell phone users have had financial issues significant enough that their phone service was either suspended or cancelled. On Fox, Chaffetz, rephrased his CNN remarks. “Maybe I didn’t say it as smoothly as I could, but people need to make a conscious choice and I believe in self-reliance.  And they’re going to have to make those decisions.”

Healthy And Wealthy

I get so mad when I hear mostly wealthy, healthy able-bodied men say such bull shit.  Your life changes with chronic illness, disease or disability. Life changes when you are paralyzed and can’t get out of bed without help, your life changes when you lose your job, your life changes when your mother is diagnosed with dementia, your life changes when you have a special needs child, your life changes when you are diagnosed with cancer.  Sadly, not everyone is young, able-bodied or wealthy.

A Slap To The Head Might Help

Would somebody please slap these people upside their heads.  This country has had the largest transfer of wealth in human history since the 1980’s.  Four hundred families control 90% of this country’s wealth. And inexplicably the Congress and the White House are falling all over themselves to give the wealthy an even bigger share of the pie. It seems the lawmakers can’t wait to cut up the 10% of the remaining wealth among their big donors.


Some people should keep their mouths shut. Jason Chaffetz you have no compassion or understanding of the plight of the poor. Please retire, and let the people of Utah find a man with heart to fill your vacated position.

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