Ketanji Brown Jackson; A Winning Decision

Ketanji Brown Jackson – A Winning Decision 

The confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson is a historic day for black Americans and the U.S. Supreme Court

Ketanji Brown Jackson: A Winning Decision 

By Anna Hessel


Promise To Keep

During his presidential campaign Joe Biden promised to nominate the first African-American woman to the Supreme Court.  True to his word, when Justice Stephen Gerald Breyer announced his retirement, President Biden nominated the very accomplished Ketanji Brown Jackson.  On February 25, 2022, President Biden tweeted, “I’m proud to announce that I am nominating Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve on the Supreme Court.  Currently serving on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, she is one of our nation’s brightest legal minds and will be an exceptional justice.”  Ketanji had previously made former President Barack Obama’s short list for the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016, according to NPR.

Higher Power Couple

She was born on September 14th, 1970, in Washington, D.C., the daughter of Ellery and Johnny Brown.  Ms. Brown Jackson is a graduate of Miami Palmetto Senior High School, Harvard University, and Harvard Law School, earning her law degree in 1996.  The same year, having dated for six years in college, she married Dr. Patrick Graves Jackson.  Dr. Jackson is a gastrointestinal general surgeon employed at MedStar Health at the Pasquerilla Healthcare Center, Georgetown University Hospital, and Georgetown professor, per the Miami Herald.

Side By Side

Dr. Jackson is a supportive spouse and ally. It was a pleasure watching as he proudly sat behind his wife during the Senate confirmation hearings, alongside his twin brother William.  Dr. Jackson called her a, “brilliant and compassionate partner who still takes my breath away.”  The admiration is quite mutual.  On March 21st, 2022, Judge Jackson was quoted as saying, “Speaking of unconditional love, I’d like to introduce you to my husband of 25 years, Dr. Patrick Jackson.  I have no doubt that without him by my side from the very beginning of this incredible professional journey, none of this would have been possible…We met in college more than three decades ago.  Since then, he’s been the best husband, father and friend that I could ever imagine.  Patrick, I love you.”  Dr. Jackson had wiped a tear from beneath his eye as his beautiful wife, attired in a royal blue ensemble, testified at her hearing.

Lead Me Along The Path…

The couple have two daughters, Leila, age 17, and Talia, age 21.  Judge Jackson, when describing their shared parenting techniques, points out they have taught their daughters to respect all people, while putting work before play.  Ketanji’s strong faith in God is inspiring and empowering.  When she turned 18, during her freshman year at Harvard, Ms. Jackson recalls sitting on the university steps in tears, seeking consolation for her homesickness in the Lord.  “Even in my loneliness, I thanked God for the opportunity He had given me, for the firm foundation He had provided, and also for how far I had come.  The Bible is filled with people who through faith, were able to see beyond the present, to a world of hope and glory.  God knows what lies ahead of each of us.  The best you can do, as you look forward, is to take the long view…I do know that one can only come this far by faith.”

Friends In High Places

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, and human rights activist, praised the nomination. Ms. Markle is quoted as saying, “The civil rights history of tomorrow is being written today…Her nomination has opened new ground…For the millions of young women who will rightfully find inspiration from this moment, let’s remind ourselves that Black achievement is something that exists just not today or yesterday, and not just in moments of celebration, but as a fabric woven into the entire chronicle of the American story.”

More Glass On The Ground

I personally get misty when I recall Vice President Kamala Harris, “so help me God”, as she was sworn in as the first woman, first black female, and first biracial woman to hold the office of Vice President of the United States.  VP Harris also teared up as the glass ceiling was once again shattered when Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed.  Kamala had presided over the history-making Senate vote, one very historic female overseeing the ascent of another very historic woman.

Made It With Room To Spare

Unfortunately, there were no black women in the Senate to vote for Judge Jackson, however, the chamber of one hundred, does have three black men. Of those three black Senators, only Tim Scott of South Carolina voted against her confirmation.  The reasons for that vote will be long questioned. Against these odds, the predominantly male and Caucasian assembly still confirmed this stellar nominee.  Early on it was feared by both the White House and Democrats; that Harris acting as President of the Senate, might have to break a tie.  VP Harris’ vote, however, was not necessary, because of the three Republican votes by Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Senator Susan Collins of Maine.

Judge To Justice

Ketanji Brown Jackson, cum laude graduate of Harvard Law, former supervising editor of the Harvard Law Review, and magna cum laude government graduate of Harvard’s Radcliffe College, will become the 116th Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, the first black woman to hold this position.  She watched her confirmation vote with President Biden, and they took a celebratory selfie, which the President tweeted, stating, “We’ve taken another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America.”  He went on to call this vote a “historic moment” for the United States.  Justice-designate Jackson, with a 53-47 confirmation vote, will be sworn in this coming summer to the highest court of our nation.  I believe she will serve us extremely well.

It’s History!

Prior to the historic vote, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was quoted as saying, “This is one of the great moments of American history…Today we are taking a giant, bold and important step on the well-trodden path to fulfilling our country’s founding promise.  This is a great moment for Judge Jackson, but it is an even greater moment for America as we rise to a more perfect union.”

Elle Woods Knows

Elle Woods fans around the world praise the accomplishments of this woman of integrity, intelligence, and grace.  “What, like it’s hard?”  Congratulations and God bless, 116th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, the Very Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson.