Ethics, No Worries

Ethics, No Worries

D. S. Mitchell

Dog Ownership

It was 10:00 in the morning before the rain stopped.  My dog, Lily, had become quite irritated with me by this time. I had refused to endure a downpour to take her for her ritual 7:30 am walk and instead had pushed her butt out the door to do her business in the yard.  These are the kind of things that start slowly, and before you know it, the dog is in charge. I should probably resume reruns of The Dog Whisperer.

Just The Headlines

Political news and world news are sharing a lot of media space today.  Please, humor me dear reader, as I write a couple of paragraphs for the Calamity Politics blog site for each breaking story, rather than focus on a specific topic of political investigation and analysis.

1.) Bill O’Reilly: Settlements payments totaling $13,000,000 paid over a decade were exposed this week. Those payments, disguised with some bookkeeping trickery kept the payments secret from the public, the FCC and Fox shareholders. The revelation cost Bill O’Reilly his job. A Murdock spokesman announced that Bill O’Reilly had been fired.

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Rumblings And Grumblings

D. S. Mitchell


The dog has been walked. My Dinner is the remainder of my Cobb Salad, from lunch. I’m waiting for The Rachel Maddow Show to end. Dan Rather is giving an interesting interview, or I would just turn it off.

I worked on a long Calamity Politics blog post earlier today. The article focused primarily on the similarities between Donald Trump and Jared Kushner. What I want to do now, is drink an Irish Coffee, and get into the hot tub, and zone out.

But, I spend 23 hours a day wound up, thinking about the wild, turbulent, U.S. political daily may lay, and have trouble unwinding. Like right now, I cannot forget that 59 Tomahawk missiles were launched at a Syrian airbase on April 7th, 2017 by United States naval forces, for a yet, undefined purpose. Each one of those Tomahawk missiles cost a million dollars.

Less than a week later, the American military dropped the “mother of all bombs,” or, a MOAB, on a set of ISIS tunnels and linked caves, in Afghanistan. So, back to the previous question. What is the purpose? Is there a thought out strategy? We killed 36 terrorists. How much did that bomb cost? I think I read that bitch cost 314 million dollars. That is about $85 million dollars per ISIS fighter.

On top of that, the Carl Vinson and its Pacific Command strike force are headed toward the Korean Peninsula. Where apparently, the 30 year old dictator of North Korea, is having a party to celebrate his Grand dad’s birthday, and possibly detonate a nuclear weapon.

The U.S. Vice President, Mike Pence, is headed to South Korea as the first stop on his Asian tour. Is that reassuring, or not? I mean, Pence being there. If there is going to be a conflagration, wouldn’t he want to stay away? Or, maybe they know that no one is going to push the button and start a war, so it’s okay for him to go, right?

What am I gonna do? I can’t just ignore this stuff. It’s my job to report on the political news. I think I’ll have that Irish Coffee, to start with. Good night.

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Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

D. S. Mitchell

Cookie Time

I’m making my family’s favorite Molasses Cookies. It takes awhile, mostly because the dough has to sit in the frig for 3 hours. I Don’t know why, that’s just what Mom’s recipe says I’m supposed to do. But, it does give me a chance to reflect on the political landscape, and make my first entries to today’s Calamity News and Politics, blog.

Random Thoughts:

I am upset about the chemical attack on Syrian citizens and the killing of babies, apparently by the Assad government. Barbaric. Inhuman. After saying that, I don’t like all the praise President Trump is getting from both sides of the Congressional aisle. If it was another president, I might be showing support for the action, but in the case of Donald Trump I reserve my praise.


Why? For one thing, Trump showed no heart when brown babies, in their mother’s arms, stood crying on our doorstep. Secondly, we all know that Donald Trump is a narcissistic sociopath. So, now what? Let’s go bomb, North Korea, because he thinks his poll numbers might go up. Thirdly, nice distraction. You’ve tried a bunch of stuff, but now you really turned their heads from the 2016 Russian election collaboration investigation. Fourthly, who is actually running the government? Is it Trump, Bannon, Kushner, Putin or a frog in the pond? I know Don is the figurehead, but who is actually setting policy? If there is a policy.

Strategy vs Muscle Flexing

President Trump is now moving ships of the U.S. Pacific Command toward the Korean Peninsula. This is real fire power. Seoul, South Korea, our ally, and home to 26 million people is in the crosshairs, caught between two madmen. I hope we have a true strategy, and are ready to accept all possible consequences, before we start lobbing missiles all over the place. What are our goals? Who are we aligned with? What is our strategy? How many war fronts are we ready to fight on? Our military attacked a Syrian air base with 59 Tomahawk missiles,  we have blown up half of Afghanistan with MOAB (Mother of all bombs) and we have a naval strike force headed to the Korean peninsula. Wow, in one week, we have taken several major steps toward world destabilization.

Is this part of Trump’s “secret plan” to destroy ISIS or us? I guess I’ll just hide under my desk and wait for the all clear whistle.

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