FOX Attacks 10-Year-Old Rape Victim

FOX Attacks 10-year-old Rape Victim 

FOX Attacks 10-year-old Rape Victim 


By D. S. Mitchell


Channel Surfing

I started off the morning watching Sam Stein filling in for Velshi on MSNBC.  I switched over to Smerconish, when the commercials came on, to see what was top of the conversation at CNN.  Both CNN and MSNBC were featuring lead stories on the tragic case of a 10-year-old Ohio child who was raped and impregnated by her attacker. Since we are in a post-Roe world, she was denied an abortion in her home state of Ohio, and was forced to travel to Indiana to undergo treatment.

Out of the Blue

When the story went viral a whole lot of anti-abortion agitators opened fire on the girl, her family and the MD who provided her care. Out of the blue, the Indiana Attorney General, Todd Rokita (R), said on the FOX channel, of course, that his department intended to investigate the doctor who did the abortion. On air, he quite plainly accused Dr. Bernard of malfeasance and overt criminality, suggesting that although abortion is legal in Indiana, this particular doctor, “most  likely committed a crime.” He went on to say “she often fails to submit required notifications and documents” to the state of Indiana regarding abortion procedures. Dr. Bernard’s attorney returned fire sending a Cease and Desist notice to Rokita, advising him he is likely to be the target of a lawsuit for defamation.

Political Provacteurs

This came after a week of right-wing bloggers, pundits, and political provacteurs, the likes of Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, assailing this tragic story as a falsehood; arguing that it was a “story searching for confirmation.” Sadly, it was not a made-up story by the crazy liberals, attempting to win public support for abortion. The perpetrator, 27 year-old Gershon Fuentes has been arrested, and he has confessed. It was a true story about a real person, a child, no less, and a doctor trying to make life better for someone who’s life would be forever altered. But, over at FOX there will be no apologies, no retractions, just a quick jump to another hot button issue.

Really, Laura?

Maybe Laura Ingraham can’t remember being a 10 years old little girl, but I can.  I was still playing with dolls for ‘effin sakes. Playing with dolls. . .so instead of dolls, I should have been suckling an infant for the state? Barbaric. What will the next horrific decision be from the Robert’s SCOTUS? Forced state female circumcision? That may sound outlandish, even outrageous, but in the old days a woman wasn’t supposed to enjoy sexual relations, so better make sure she doesn’t.

In any Universe

I don’t know much about god (s) but I do recognize unbelievable cruelty when I see it; and I am convinced there is no god in this or any other universe,  blessing the behavior of FOX and its clones on the pulpits of “Christian” churches, across the United States. My hope is that all the evil done in the name of god, hopefully has harsh punishments, for those who use His name to facilitate their own worldly agenda.