How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks?

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks ?


Time to jack up the enthusiasm for the Biden-Harris team.

How About Some Enthusiasm, Folks?

By David L. Shadrick

Why don’t Democrats support Biden the way Republicans support Trump?

Con man, grifter

I watch a lot of cable news programs; MSNBC, Newsmax, CNN, BBC World News, Fox, and whatever captures my attention on the internet. Quite frankly, I don’t understand it. In Joe Biden we have one of the most effective presidents of all time and the Trumpsters are more excited to see their 4-time indicted, conman, grifter, loser, running for office than Democrats are to see Joe Biden start his campaign. MAGA’s may be crazy but they support their man despite everything he has done and continues to do, no matter how destructive it may be for this country.

I’m Not Asking for a Cult

It’s not that way for Biden. I’m not suggesting Dems join some weird ass cult, but let’s give Joe a break. When I watch what many consider to be “liberal” stations all I hear is how old ‘Old Joe’ is. It doesn’t matter how old Joe is. He is wise, he is experienced. He has been tested during his nearly fifty years of government service.

The Electoral College

 Trump is a dangerous opponent, mostly because of the arcane Electoral College system and his unending attack on our voting system. The last thing we need right now is a bunch of handwringing and bedwetting. What we need is some excitement about a really good man who is doing a terrific job during one of the most divisive periods in our history. It doesn’t matter how old Joe is, he should have the total support of the Democratic Party. He’s earned it.

Biking and Swimming

Let’s take a look at that age issue. Biden is healthy and looks great. He bikes regularly, lifts weights, and swims. Trump is only four years Biden’s junior; wears weird orange makeup, uses a golf cart instead of walking, lives on hamburgers and Diet Cokes, and quite honestly has a profile that resembles a stack of Pancakes. Every time someone mentions Biden’s age Dem’s should bring up Trump’s pancake profile to counteract the attack. There is an argument to be made that Trump is in a lot more danger of passing away while in office than Joe Biden is.

Both of Trump’s Parents Had Dementia

If we’re talking about dementia, in my opinion Trump hasn’t made sense for years. Both his mother and his father suffered from dementia. There does appear to be a genetic component to Alzheimer’s disease. But, it’s more than dementia. Most normal people realize that Trump has only a tenuous grasp on reality. So, are his mental lapses symptoms of his mental illness or his dementia?  Maybe a combination of the two. Whatever it is, America doesn’t need it. We had four years of Trump’s chaos and corruption. I’m sure as hell ready to put that nightmare behind me.

Excitement Over Joe

 Let’s get excited about Joe Biden. He is a man that this country should be excited about. Hopefully, Joe will live long and prosper, but if he dies or succumbs to some disability while in office, Kamala Harris is ready to take over the presidency in any situation. She has a lifetime of public service. She is immensely qualified; she served as San Francisco DA, Attorney General of California, Senator, and now incumbent Vice President. The only thing, well two things, she’s a woman and she’s a black and Asian woman, is that the same kind of disqualifier as Joe’s age? Let’s hope not.

Big Flags Flying From Big Trucks

Where are the Biden rallies? Where are the giant pickup trucks covered with Biden signs, and flying one or two of those oversized American flags as they drive up and down the parkway? Although many of us find the Trump supporter’s behavior obnoxious these rolling advertisements for Trump have a powerful impact on observers.