Celebrating St. Paddy’s Day Safely

Celebrating St. Paddy’s Day Safely


While we are celebrating St. Patrick's Day let's say a prayer for those suffering in Ukraine.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day Safely

Editor: Pray for the victims of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Donate to UNICEF relief services.

By D. S. Mitchell

For The Irish

St. Patrick’s Day is a big day for the Irish. In fact, more than 30 million Americans brag about their Irish roots, which means there will be a lot of beer drinking on March 17th. Early reports suggest more than 57% of those questioned have plans to celebrate the holiday. Statistics indicate the average party goer will spend $40 on celebrating, which adds up to over $6 billion in green.

Legal Limits

March 17th encourages us to dress in green and lift a brew or two. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always stop with one or two. Beer sales jump 175%, and liquor sales rise 153%. 32% of men report binge-drinking on the holiday. Most revelers admit to drinking no less than 4.2 drinks on the holiday, which should propel any drinker over the .08 BAC national intoxication level.

Alcohol Soaked

Only Mardi Gras and New Year’s Eve are more alcohol soaked or dangerously combustible than St. Paddy’s Day. As such, it should be no surprise that driving might be dangerous. Of all fatal auto crashes on St. Patrick’s Day in 2018, fully 62% involved a drunk driver. Every year close to a 100 folks, nationwide lose their lives in alcohol related accidents on the holiday.

Have A Plan

No one wants to see holiday celebrations turn tragic, so if you are planning on having a brew or two come with a plan. I do not believe the average celebrant sets out to drive drunk, but once we start drinking we make bad decisions. People lose track (big surprise) of how many drinks they’ve had, or somehow ingest a couple more than intended. Here is where the problem starts, once intoxicated they assume they are sober enough to drive home, somehow. This error in judgement is often deadly.

Corn Beef And Cabbage

The plan for the evening (afternoon) may include identifying and enlisting a trusted “designated” driver to take responsibility for getting everyone home safe at the end of the night. Or, my personal favorite, take a taxi to and from your destination. That way, with no car on site, there will be no temptation to hop behind the wheel; no matter how twisted your judgement may have become. Or, consider spending the holiday at home with a six pack, or forego the beer altogether, and enjoy the corned beef and cabbage.

Last Word

However you choose to celebrate, please do it safely and responsibly.