Tips On Staying In Style In This Economy

Staying In Style In This Economy

Anna Hessel offers common sense ideas to save money in these inflationary times


Editor’s Note: Anna Hessel with a little help from hubby, Wes, will be offering up for the next seven weeks, 10 tips a week on How to Stay In Style In This Economy. Watch for it every Tuesday.

How to Stay in Style in this Economy…

By Anna Hessel with Wes Hessel

Inflation is being beaten back but basic costs are still high, and service providers are charging more, but there is hope out there. Saving money has always been a challenge but in this current economic climate saving money can be get a bit tricky,  but there are certainly ways to shave your budget without losing out on things you need and want, here are today’s suggestions:


  1. Dare to compare – check your cell phone, hotspot, or internet plan to see if you’re getting the best buy. “Unlimited” plans maybe more than you need, such as for cell phone data – check your account on the provider’s website or app for your usage history, or call their customer service if you can’t locate it to find out what you are really using.
  2. Dare to compare, part 2 – check other providers for the service to see if there’s a better deal. For instance, if you have an unlocked or otherwise compatible phone, see if another vendor would get you more for your money. If your device isn’t unlocked, talk to your provider to see if they have an unlock program – more are making one available, but it might not be advertised. Also, the conversation you have with the customer service person who you’re asking might get you to a unpublished plan that is better than you have but is only available for their personnel to save your business.
  3. Dare to compare, part 3 – when is the last time you checked to see if you’re getting the best buy for your insurance plans? How about the best deal (be it less fees or higher interest) at yout bank? (And alternative online institutions which offer checking/debit card or savings account equivalents, such as PayPal or Chime, may be a good place to try…)
  4. Discount drug cards or services can be very helpful for filling prescriptions – sometimes they are even cheaper than insurance prices…
  5. If you have Medicare, look into advantage plans – depending on your personal situation, they can get you benefits you don’t already have or improve the ones you do, all potentially at little or no additional cost, maybe even save you money. Be cautious as some hotlines/brokers are oriented toward one or two particular providers they work for, but shopping around is worth it.

Don’t Discount the Discounts…

  1. Save with coupons – they still exist in paper form, not just online. Although super couponing is no longer popular, any money saved is worth the clipping. Many grocery stores have coupon dispensers in the aisles or otherwise available by the product(s) they’re for. Ask for rainchecks if sale items are out of stock. In addition, grocery clearance can also be a great way to reduce your food costs but be very cautious of expiration dates and packaging. Dented cans and taped food boxes or containers are not worth the risk.
  2. Look for package deals – be they the $5 or $6 “bundle” at your favorite fast food (good for the occasional treat) or retailers (online or otherwise) who sell a group of related items for a potentially lesser overall price. But caveat emptor (let the buyer beware) – sometimes such groupings actually cost more, particularly if their are parts you wouldn’t use or care for.
  3. Join loyalty programs and/or download loyalty apps. They often have incentives for signing up, and many offer a birthday or even anniversary gift. Paying for some loyalty programs also can pay off in free shipping, discounts, and perks. If you are not familiar with the program or app, check their ratings online – there are some who call for extreme hoop-jumping or are there to get your private information…
  4. If you shop online, try cost comparing services through Honey, Capitol One, Amazon, or the like – in addition to immediately looking for a better deal elsewhere on a item you are interested in, they can monitor the price on a wanted product and let you know when a good buy is available. They also can have reward program benefits, too…
  5. Pre-buying can make for major savings; services like Groupon can really make a difference, but always read the terms and conditions carefully – there can be requirements that may make it less advantageous or even unusable for you.