Editorial: Stomping My Feet


Stomping My Feet and Screaming Profanities


This young lady is mad and is about to kick some ass


Stomping My Feet and Screaming Profanities

By D. S. Mitchell


What the Hell?

Fuckin’ Zeus. What the hell is going on in this country? From the minute I wake up in the morning I am besieged by anger and hate from every direction. It comes via my cell phone, Facebook and Tik-Tok, texts and emails, the cable TV pundits, from family, neighbors, and co-workers. It never stops. Truthfully, it has me all ginned up, like most of the country; consumed with  outrage at one group or another. All the vitriol has me in a hammer swinging mood.

Makes no Sense

The mindless call for civil war is however, unsettling. Anyone with a high school education understands that war, civil or otherwise, destroys economies and communities. All you have to do is look to Syria or that distant memory, Mogadishu. People die, all because the political forces in the country were so desperate for total power they chose to support one man rule, no matter how flawed the man.

Orange Blimp Landing

Last night, Monday, November 13th, or maybe it was the 12th, 2023; CNN was showing clips from the latest Trump rally with children (where the the f’ is child protective services?) holding up Trump 2024 signs while the bloated mob boss harangued for a couple hours. The rant was reminiscent of the 1930’s and Nazi Germany, using Hitler’s recycled slurs against Jews and Gypsies to modern day “undesirables”.  “Undesirables” in Trump’s mind is anyone, anywhere, at any time, who opposed him. Watch out Hillary Clinton and Bill Barr. Watch out Jeff Sessions and Mitch McConnell. Watch out Ruby Freeman.

Trump’s Promises Can’t Be Ignored

Trump’s promise to institutionalize judges and prosecutors, imprison migrants, execute generals, eliminate the civil service, and suspend the Constitution; should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. It does mine. Internment camps for undocumented aliens to start with, later whoever the orange demagogue points his finger at. That band of crack pots and corrupt grifters that filled the White House offices during Trump’s last administration will be gone, replaced by people whose only qualification for employment is that they say ‘yes’ to whatever DJT says, no matter how crazy or illegal.


Every ethical journalist in this country is calling out Trump for his outrageous conduct and disgusting recent rhetoric. Free speech be damned, this demented extremist is firing up his followers to violence. The mango menace is no longer just a bad joke, but rather a clear and present danger to the Republic. This man is an immediate threat to our already disabled democracy. Trump and Mitch McConnell packed the Supreme Court, creating a dangerous situation at the top of the Judicial Branch. With an autocrat at the top of the Executive Branch, Trump would have control of 2/3rds of the government. With the Insurrection Act to back his authority, Trump would assume control of the military. Coup complete.

What Say You?

Do you want control of your own body?

Do you want religious freedom?

Do you want the right to read anything you choose?

Do you want the right to marry who you love?

Do you support ease of voting?

Do you support reasonable gun laws?

If your answer was yes, to any of the above questions, please support Democrats up and down the ballot in 2024 and forward. Just because you’ve voted Republican since Nixon doesn’t mean you need to continue to support a political party that now supports, a national ban on abortion, a white Christian national government,  book banning, voter suppression, and an originalist interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Joe Biden is a transitional president; support him as the leads this country forward. Joe Biden’s view of the future is bright and dynamic. Donald Trump’s view of our future is dark and desperate. I choose bright, not dark. How about you?