Kirsten Gillibrand:

Saint or Scammer

By D.S. Mitchell & Trevor K. McNeil

The Pendulum Swings

It seems like each new each day brings us a new candidate for the job of president of the United States. At the beginning of Trump’s third year, anyone able to walk and talk at the same time, thinks they can do a better job than Trump. In fact, not to bring peels of laughter from the audience, I am sure that I could do a better job. Being able to do a better job than Trump however could probably be accomplished by any of the last six Westminster champions.

Blinded By Desperation

There are those who say there is no way Trump can win in 2020.  Didn’t everyone say that about Trump in 2016? The prognosticators also said George W. Bush couldn’t win in his second term in 2004. Single term presidents do occur, although not often. In every case such losses occurred it was due to a compelling opponent. The most recent instance, when relatively unknown Arkansas governor Bill Clinton ran against, and beat George H.W.Bush. Who was, by all accounts, in line for a second term.

A Champion Shall Rise?

If the Republicans stick with tradition and name Donald Trump their nominee for 2020. The key to victory for the Democrats will be selecting the right candidate. Someone with a specific set of attributes that appeal to the base, as well as making them impervious to Trump’s already proven attacks and tactics. One of a bevy of Democrats to recently throw their hat into the ring is second-term New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand.

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Extreme Measures: Late Term Abortion


Extreme Measures: Late Term Abortion

By Trevor K. McNeil

Carefully Choreographed

An annual national event, the State of the Union Address. A carefully choreographed and historic obligation of the President of the United States. A lot of pomp and ceremony. A chance for the chief of the executive branch and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces to tell the Congress and the nation his assessment of how the country is doing. Time to have a moment of reflection and even humility when necessary, as a president evaluates the actions of his administration in terms of domestic and international events. At least that is what is it is supposed to be.

A Vulgar Display

President Donald Trump’s State of the Union Address on Tuesday, February 5th , 2019 was one of the most vulgar displays of tone-deaf arrogance in Presidential history. Including Theodore Roosevelt’s statement about “speak softly and carry a big stick” and Richard Nixon’s earnest assertion that “if the president does it, it is not a crime.”

So Many Gaffs So Little Time

There were many moments that stand out. There was his surety that the female congressional representatives were applauding for him when he mentioned that that they existed. As well as his infuriating claim that over 300 women and girls were rescued at the border. Many of the young female migrants who had already been victimized by sex traffickers on their way to the U.S. and then locked in  dog runs when they arrived here.

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Just My Opinion:The Respecter-In-Chief


The Respecter-in-Chief

By Ross Turner


The Respecter-in-chief

“President” Trump is well-known for his combative and bigoted rhetoric.  His campaign announcement speech infamously declared of Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”  Classy!  And yet, somehow, not all Americans were united or inspired by such presidential prowess.  They needed more.  Sure, he “has a great relationship with the blacks,” and clearly “love[s] Hispanics!”, but what of Native Americans?  After such dignified displays of respect, was there any even left for the indigenous peoples of this country?  A silly question.  Our Great President oozes respect, like a slimy, lurching slug of virtue, a trail of honor ever in his wake.

“Pocahontas” Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has experienced this trademark respect firsthand.  Beginning on Twitter in 2014, Donald Trump has referred to Warren as “Pocahontas” at least 26 times.  Whether at rallies, in the press, or in governmental meetings, the slur has become easily his favorite insult toward the progressive senator.  Warren earned this distinction both by talking about her family history and criticizing Trump’s policies.  Citing family stories passed down and told to her as a child, Warren has long maintained that a tiny portion of her ancestry is of Native American origin.  She never gained from this professionally or politically, but what are facts except Playdough in Trump’s tremendous, powerful hands?  Not one to let an opponent’s personal history go un-respected, Trump weaponized “Pocahontas” to mock and discredit Warren’s claimed heritage, and in the process, all Native Americans.

He Said What?

We’ve all come to expect as much from the Stable Genius-in-Chief.  But surely, the President of the United States wouldn’t be so tone-deaf, so immature, and so callous as to use this slur at a ceremony honoring Native American WWII veterans.  Imagine a president calling a political opponent “Anne Frank” at a Holocaust memorial, or “Harriet Tubman” at a Civil War commemoration; preposterous!  It beggars belief.  But why believe before you see for yourself?: “You’re very very special people. You were here long before any of us were here.  Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas. But you know what. I like you. Because you are special.”  Surely, the words of Lincoln and FDR are the rantings of madmen before the oratory of President Donald J. Trump.  With leadership like this, do we even need the rest of government?  Has not the great American experiment all led up to the crowning of this messiah?  Somebody give him more power immediately so that we may unleash the full strength of his titanic, muscular brain.

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EDITORIAL: Final Shutdown


By Trevor K. McNeil

Promises, Promises

Always keep your promises. This is what we teach our children from when they are very young. One pitfall to this maxim most adults don’t take into account when socializing with the little ones is that kids for the most part have an extremely literal world view.

No Matter How Cock-eyed

Yes, it is generally good to try and keep the promises one makes, particularly if one wants to cultivate a reputation for honesty and trust worthiness. It is not, however, needed that one stick entirely to the literal content of a promise no matter how blinkered, mad or cock-eyed it might be; or what unforeseen havoc it might wreak. This is why there is so often a distinction made between a threat and a promise, though in some ways, a promise can be far more frightening.

Political Promises

A relaxed attitude towards political promises is something that politicians know instinctively. In fact it is  as much a part of our system of government as gerrymandering or the Bill of Rights; something most politicians understand implicitly and are able to do as easily and unconsciously as they walk or breath. You will notice that I said “most.”

One of A Kind Is Not Always A Good Thing

There are many ways in which Donald John Trump is not like other politicians (or indeed other humans). Many of these have been commented on before and are obvious to those with the most cursory understanding of the American political system. It is not, for example, usual for a President to openly Tweet about government business, or use an unsecured cell phone, or invite Russian officials into the Oval Office. My head is still spinning.

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Whitaker: Who Will Watch The Watcher?


Whitaker: Who Will Watch The Watcher?

Trevor K. McNeil


How Did This Happen?
It seems there never was an ancient Chinese proverb “may you live in interesting times.” A pity; because rarely has it applied more than now. The term “post-truth” was coined for the age of Trump but has moved quickly past “alternative facts” and “post truth” to the point of “post-irony.”

Life is Theater
“Post irony” is a descriptor used to refer to a type of comedy in which the line between the performer and their character is intentionally blurred. I can think of no better way to describe Trump’s America. It is also a way to explain what happened in the aftermath of the most electrifying Midterm election in American history.

Error Upon Error
King Trump finally made good on his long simmering threat to fire AG Jeff Sessions. True to form Trump managed to create more problems for himself and his administration by his new appointee choice. “Now how could that happen?” you ask, with a barely concealed smile. “By appointing a successor illegally,” I say, minus the smile.

Intent to Obstruct
This is not how it is supposed to work. By law and established norms Rod Rosenstein should have been next in line for the appointment. Numerous legal pundits are claiming Trump acted “unconstitutionally” by appointing Mathew Whitaker to succeed Sessions at the Justice Department, even if only “temporarily.” Whitaker had been Jeff Sessions’ chief of staff. He had never been confirmed by the Senate for such a primary job.

Please Repeat
What’s his Name Again? Matthew Whitaker, Matthew Whitaker, Matthew Whitaker, keep repeating it, like the license plate on the fleeing car after a hit and run, so you don’t forget it.

Out of the Shadows
Most of Trump’s appointees have been famous or infamous, in one way or another. Initially, Matthew Whitaker appeared to be a nobody, who came out of nowhere. Some suggested the “mafia enforcer” listings of central casting. To me; more an “over-buffed” steroid abuser.

Past Behavior
Looking at Trump’s recent track record, Whitaker’s relative obscurity could well have been an intentional move, particularly after a rolling round of scandals and brew-ha-ha surrounding Trump associates and appointees. Such strategic thinking was quickly dispelled as Whitaker’s life has come under intense scrutiny.

Hiding in Plain Sight
Not 24 hours had passed before the NY Times published an Op Ed by George Conway III (well-known DC attorney and Kellyanne Conway’s hubby) and Neal Katyal (former Solicitor General and esteemed constitutional law expert). The Times piece questioned the constitutionality of Whitaker’s appointment. The state of Maryland later asked a Federal judge to invalidate the appointment and install Rosenstein “acting” AG.

Just Give Us a Couple Minutes
By the time the Conway-Katyal Op Ed hit the streets the skeletons in Whitaker’s closet had started rattling and clattering ominously. The elevation of Mathew Whitaker to replace the fired Sessions has brought new and intense scrutiny to his writings, his speeches, his tweets, and comments made by him as a cable news commentator.

World Patent Marketing
Whitaker’s involvement with World Patent Marketing may lead to criminal charges. *In May 2018 World Patent Marketing was ordered by a federal court in Florida to pay a settlement of more than $25 million to defrauded clients and shutter their operations. There are continuing investigations into the actions of multiple board members.

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Unemployment Numbers Won’t Help In 2020

Unemployment Numbers Won’t Help In 2020

by James Moore

Not Done Yet

The 2018 Midterms are over.  Thank God!  Take a deep breath because the race for the White House starts right about now.  For Trump, this could spell trouble. For the first time in a long while the unemployment numbers were not a factor in the 2018 Midterms and may not be a factor in the 2020 national election.

Unemployment Lie 

The current unemployment numbers as released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show a low 3.7 percent unemployment rate.  Trump has used this low rate to blow his own horn.  He also claims he has turned the economy around.  It’s a lie.  Keep in mind, the jobless rate has fallen at a consistent clip since January of 2010. Trump knows he inherited an economic turnaround of sorts, but it has always been a modest one at best.  The fact is, full-time jobs just are not what they use to be.  Depending on the definition one uses, there is a serious under-employment problem plaguing the nation.

Under-Employed vs. Unemployed 

There was a time when low unemployment meant most of the working class were working at jobs that paid a livable wage.  Today, many of the new jobs created are nothing more than low paying service jobs that need few skills. American wages still lag where they were before the crash of 2008. Complicate that with the increase cost of health care, the out sourcing of labor overseas, large tax cuts for the 1% without any expectation of them creating real jobs, and the result is millions of Americans do not earn enough money to live on. More workers today are forced to work a second and even a third job, just to pay their bills.  The result is that Americans are working more, have less money to spend, and no time to enjoy what they do make.

Real Numbers 45 Doesn’t Want Us to Know

In 2012, unemployment was at 8.1 percent.  However, when people who were working multiple jobs or who had stopped looking all together were factored in, the under-employment rate rose to 14.7%. * Last year, that rate was down to 12.5% even though unemployment was down to around 4%. ** In 2012, the total number of under-employed Americans was 23.1 million and as recently as 2016, the Chicago Tribune reported nearly half of U.S. workers considered themselves under-employed.

A Third of College Graduates Are Under-Employed

While half of the nation being under employed may seem a bit high, the New York Federal Reserve Bank put under employment for all college graduated American between the ages of 22 and 65 at 33 percent. That figure jumps to 44% for college grads between the ages of 22 and 27 as recently as October of this year.

The Military Industrial Complex 

The truth is, most of the jobs he is creating are in the military industry. Why?  I believe, it is because he wants to create a situation that allows him to go to war; so that our next election will be a referendum for him as a war-time president and against all those unpatriotic Democrats. After all, his wall won’t be built, racism will not be stamped, or in his case stomped, out, and the economy will be lack luster. Low unemployment numbers will not satisfy voters when their full-time jobs are not enough to pay the bills in 2020.

Education Deserves Blame Too 

As a retired teacher, I can tell you our public schools have played a huge role in adding to our under-employment problems.  Despite low unemployment numbers, millions of trades jobs sit unfilled. Schools have sold college as the only answer to a successful life.  This brainwashing of our kids has led to serious problems. Let me repeat, college is not the only or best road to a successful work life.  It is all lies. There are many fine trade jobs that our citizens could be trained for. It’s time we admit that college is not the end-all for every American.

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Trump Racism Is Bad For America-Part II


The Dark Jester

By T.K. McNeil

Trump Racism is Bad for America. I ended Part I of Trump Racism Is Bad For America by wondering aloud if we were about to return to the dark days of death squads, concentration camps, and gas ovens. Trump racism is obvious for anyone with eyes, ears, or a Twitter account. We are rocked out of our beds daily by angry and racially inflammatory 6 a.m. Tweets. Trump uses a practiced, coded language of dog whistles and red meat taunts that he pitches regularity to his MAGA hatted support base. The intent, an obviously planned effort to keep them agitated and ready for action. If nothing else, Trump’s base seems willfully ignorant and obsessed by fear. If Trump senses any ebbing in support he orders an extra rally, or maybe two; re-news attacks on the press; berates his pathetic Attorney General; but most notably, he intensifies attacks against immigrants, NFL players, and women. That’s how Trump racism works.

George H.W. Bus Approved Vicious Race Fear Attack Ads Against His Democratic Opponent Michael Dukakis

George H.W. Approved Race Fear Attack Ads Against His Democratic Opponent Michael Dukakis

Trump racism dressed as law and order. Have people forgotten Trump opened his campaign with an unprecedented tirade against Mexican “criminal, drug mules and rapists?” Trump has revived nativist themes that have not been heard aloud since George H.W. Bush. In 1988 HW supporters used the image of a black killer/rapist Willie Horton to effectively sabotage his opponent Michael Dukakis. Until now, that ad campaign was considered a true low point in political racist tactics.

Jump to today. In a similar tact Trump is replacing the face of black man Willie Horton with the brown face of illegal immigrant, and convicted cop killer, Luis Bracamontes. Hammering the anti-immigrant theme Trump claims that Democrats will open the country to criminals. Trump’s vitriol is toxic, but Trump is convinced that it was just such rhetoric that secured him the presidency. Instinctively, he keeps pushing the limits of what passes for barely acceptable political discourse toward an ever-darkening place.

More evidence of Trump racism keeps emerging.  Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal attorney for over a decade opens up about Trump racism. On Friday 11-2-2018 Vanity Fair published a damning portrait of the president. According to Cohen, Trump made frequent racist comments, most particularly against blacks. Cohen claimed that Trump frequently used the N word and other demeaning statements made about black people, their intellect, their abilities, their communities and even their countries. Cohen confirmed to Vanity Fair writer Emily Jane Fox that language reported by Omarosa Manigault Newman in her book, “Unhinged An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House” was typically Trump. So, Trump doesn’t limit his hate; he hates everybody that isn’t orange.

Trump Racism Is Stoking Racial Fear And Hatred

Trump Racism Is Stoking Racial Fear And Hatred

Keeping the fire hot.  Trump has never stopped his campaigning. He has never become president of all the people. He is president of a core base and his goal is to keep them frightened and angry. He wants them fired up ready to attack whenever and wherever he points his accusatory finger. Trump racism is emerging more clearly as time progresses. Trump’s inflammatory language, reckless “otherism” and dehumanizing xenophobic attacks are clearly designed to divide the country.

Fear and Loathing is part of the performance.  It’s no surprise that we as a country have a scrubbed and shiny public face and a secret horrific Dorian Grey face.  That hidden-self, locked in the basement of our national identity is trying to come out of its imprisonment. All the while Trump, our Mad Hatter conductor, has had us on a head spinning ride of public debauchery, corruption and criminality. Trump careens from truth to delusion, to conspiracy theory, and back to racism all in blink of an eye.

Social Fears Are At The Root Of Trump’s Methodology.  That said, we all know that there is a portion of the American psyche that hates and fears immigration, that hates and fears the blacks, that hates and fears Jews, that hates and fears POC, that hates and fears the changing demographics of America, that hates and fears tomorrow, that hates and fears the unknown. Those societal fears are what Trump racism feeds on.

Donald Trump Uses The Flag And Other Symbols As Background Props For His Blatant Racism

Trump Uses The Flag And National Symbols As Background Props For His Blatant Racism

The foes of inclusiveness. The ability to whip the mentally susceptible and the White Supremacist extremist fringe into a frenzy of violence is easy to imagine. The increased racial and ethnic violence will become a growing problem as he continues to demonize the “others” in our society. This man has the biggest bully pulpit in the country and he is using it to inflame the worst elements of our society. He is using his position to promote fear and racial tensions as he divides the country with his Trump racist white supremacist agenda.

Ethnic and racial murder on the rise. The pipe bomb mailings, the synagogue massacre, the Kroger killings, the Portland light rail murders, the Heather Hyer murder are all separate crimes in separate geographical areas but with the same theme of racial and ethnic hatred.  There can be no doubt that Trump is pouring kerosene on the already raging flames of xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment that fueled his political rise. Violence is easy to stoke but the ability to tone it down is not likely to be found in Donald Trump. This should be of concern for all of us. Stability is what makes our great American life possible, and Trump with his firebrand demagoguery could potentially destroy that essential of our life.

The noise is so loud.  Since Trump’s election; historians, political scientists and psychologists have frantically been sounding alarm bells. How is it possible that after decades of progress the United States in the early part of the 21st century would become the epicenter of a growing firestorm of racial, ethnic and religious hate activity? It is important to remember that Hitler didn’t load the cattle cars and he didn’t personally switch on the ovens. He had his core of radicalized supporters to do that for him.

The Swastika was originally a geometrical symbol for divinity and the Nazi's turned it into a symbol of hate

The Nazi’s Took The Geometrical figure For Divinity And Morphed It Into The Most Terrifying Symbol On Earth

12,000 year old trinket. Twelve thousand years ago in a small Neolithic community in the Ukraine an early human carved a small ivory swastika and left it to be found by a modern team of archeologists. The swastika symbol has been found in archeological sites across the world from that cold Ukrainian dig to Celtic burial sites in Great Britain.

Pawns of a maniac. In a remarkable 15 year time span a geometrical figure representing  divinity and spirituality morphed into the symbol of the most murdering racist regime of the 20th century. A regime that was directly responsible for the murder of millions of human beings because they were religiously “different” than the majority. The six million dead; nothing more than pawns in a world shaped by racism and barbarism. A world where a demagogue manufactured an enemy through fiery hate-filled rhetoric.

Taking action.  A charismatic leader can point with raging illogical rants against racial, ethnic and religious targets making them the “enemies of the people.” Simply put the demagogue (Hitler in this case) convinced his followers that “his” enemies were “their” enemies. Sadly, Donald Trump incites similar reactions from his supporters. Wanting to help him, these angry, fearful, and malleable people begin to search for ways they can take action. Some will act as individuals, while others will join “militia groups.” Before long the supporters will turn the fiery hateful speech into hateful action. Getting people to hate “others” is all part of the Trump racism model.

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79 Reasons To Smile

79 Reasons To Smile

D. S. Mitchell

I posted a reminder yesterday that September is National Suicide Prevention Month and then today I posted a Remembrance of 9/11/01. I decided I needed to think of “Reasons To Smile.” Here we go with a new list of things that should bring a smile to your face.

1.)Theme parties 2.) Your daily horoscope 3.) An Amish buggy on a Pennsylvania country road 4.)Levi 501 button fly jeans 5.) A day hike 6.) Pumpkin soup 7.) Filmy, gauzy dresses blowing around tanned legs 8.) Sunglasses after dark 9.) Having to replay a voicemail more than twice to get the phone number right 10.) A B & B week-end 11.) An herb garden 12.) Holiday beer gardens 13.) A shady porch on a hot day 14.) A nice driver’s license photo 15.) Small airports 16.) A mailbox filled with donation requests 17.) The sound of a Texas fiddle 18.) Doves cooing 19.) Realizing you have just said something of merit or maybe, something truly brilliant 20.) Polished brass 21.) Having my own private office with lots of windows 22.) Staying focused 23.) Smiling so big your shoulders quake 24.) Souvenir t-shirts 25.) The little deli at the “Cove”  26.) Beach side living  27.) Air dried sheets 28.) Finding a friendly adversary on Twitter 29.) Cleaning out that junk drawer 30.) The crashing sound of the ocean 31.) Having that secret place to escape to 32.) “More isn’t always better” 33.) Drawing Smile Faces in the sand 34.) Trains 35.) Habitat For Humanity 36.) Homemade fudge with walnuts 37.) Plaid flannel shirts 38.) Frosted Margarita glasses their rims dusted with salt 39.) XXX’s OOO’s on a letter from Mom 40.) The seventh inning stretch 41.) Changing my hair color  42.) Brew pubs 43.) Bright, cold, autumn days 44.) That first cup of coffee 45.) The sound of a zipper going up or down 46.) Mornings on the boat 47.) Jumping over puddles and not getting your feet wet 48.) Park benches 49.) Candlelight 50.) Finger painting 51.) Sisters, OR 52.) Reading glasses slid to the end of my nose 53.) Cypress trees 54.) My quirky, oddball friends 55.) VIP seats  56.) “I love you” 57.) Having time to check my options 58.) Saturday Night Live with Alec Baldwin doing President Trump  59.) Australia’s Great Barrier Reef  60.) The Statue of Liberty 61.) After dinner walks 62.) Google Maps 63.) No one in the express lane 64.) Yesterday’s meatloaf in today’s sandwich 65.) Amazon 66.) Hugging Teddy after a really bad day 67.) Automatic garage door openers 68.) Hot air balloons over a New Mexico landscape. 69.) The sound of church bells 70.) Planting an avocado seed and watching it grow into a tree 71.) Losing ten pounds  72.) Quiet time 73.) Caramel apples 74.) Biking the prom 75.) Watching a Bumblebee kiss every flower in the garden 76.) Fall leaves gathered in large piles 77.) A thank you note written in calligraphy 78.) “A Separate Peace”  by John Knowles 79.) A really funny dirty joke

Well, I feel better now. Hope you do too. Keep smiling.

Calamity Politics intends to present relevant and topical information on the current U.S. political scene. We’ll be back with more from the swamp, join us for the remaining installments of “Trump:Behind The Curtain”.

Join the Resistance


A Neighbor’s Nazi Experience

A Neighbor’s Nazi Experience

D. S. Mitchell

Martin Hartman, a tall slender man, his thinning white brushed back leans against his cane for support. There is a sadness in his eyes and a soberness in his demeanor. You can tell he has a story, and he wants to tell it.

He was born in Holland in 1924. He looks to the ground, before looking back into the reporters eyes. His family had owned a prosperous construction business, until the Depression he tells us. His family like many others had suffered during those economically depressed times, but by 1940, things he explains slowly as memories cloud his 93-year-old face, the economy “had begun to turn around”.

The turnaround was slow, but things had been looking up.  Within just a few days his life, and the life of friends and family were inexorably changed forever.

“I was 16. It was May 10, 1940. We heard bombing and saw planes. It was the German invasion, and the blitz was over in three days.” The squashing of Holland’s defenses was quick, but far from painless.

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My Twitter Adversary Weighs In On NoKo

My Twitter Adversary Weighs In On NoKo

D. S. Mitchell

I love Twitter and I can understand why the President seems to be addicted to the platform.  Whenever I leave a tweet I get both “likes” and “incoming missiles” but I love the conversation, as long as it is real, authentic, and honest. I hate hearing the same words from 10 different people.  Think for yourself, I say, at least change the words. LOL.

Twitter gives us an opportunity to open up our hearts and minds to different people and different ideas.  An opportunity to join hands with millions of people around the world some thinking similar thoughts while others from polar opposite philosophical spheres.

I know that sometimes I am guilty of throwing red meat into the arena, just to get things stirred up, but for the most part I try to present rational thought with a tinge of humor. Because in the end we all need to be able to laugh at ourselves AND our beliefs.

Sometimes the 140 character format is too limiting. What is happening in North Korea as an example. So I use my blog to vent and fume, stomp my feet and throw hand grenades at the Trump administration.

One of my “Twitter adversaries” is Melanie Gambill @magambill,  Sometimes she hits me and my left-wing philosophy pretty hard.  But, I can take it and she takes the punches I throw at her, because we know we are both just too super great people with some differing opinions. I love her spirit, if not always her adjectives.

Yesterday morning as the North Korea sword rattling was reaching new heights I asked my twitter friend, in a “back channel” message, for her as a Trump supporter to share her off the cuff thoughts on the escalating situation in NoKo. Her response was honest and forthright and I believe in her sincerity and so I am posting it for folks to read, and think about.

I am taking advantage of her a bit by this post. She didn’t know she was writing for publication. I made no changes to her message. Love U Melanie. So follow us both on Twitter and chirp in anytime.

From Melanie: Noko!! We have a huge problem!! It does not serve us to blame !! We are here now what do we do? My thoughts!! This guy is a wacko!! China should be doing what trump is!! But that is not happening!! Talks !! we are trying real hard.. sanctions ok takes time for that to kick in. And that is going to piss the little ass off. Ppl will suffer more, not him!! If he was not shooting the rockets off in everyone’s face it w/ not be so bad.. he warned us he was going to hit us.. so I think if he wanted to , as crazy as the little BOY is he w/ have just done it! Problem is soko Japan china.. he know he has everyone by the balls!! Many many ppl will die!! Humanity!! But he could just do it anyway.. he is a child with no restrictions and a lot of boom

!! If he shoot rockets at Guam!! Even if it is national waters. That is an act of war.. anything to come at our country.. Close or not.. the beast will be unleashed!! Trump is not playing., but this is the very last thing he wants to do. Or he w/ have done it too!! But he is ready and in place!! He has to do this.. Kennedy did, but he did not have to deal with a child!! That is the problem!!

How do I get to your blog. I do not know much about this internet stuff.. I am interested in the conversation!! I don’t curse too much, w/ not do that!! If i get puff!! I w/ leave!! Let me know!! Busy dog day! I have pick ups , new dogs coming in. Grand child to watch. Whew. And possible war!! The 15th is when he will let us know his plan!! I think!! Right? Noko?
