Fun With Word Chains

Fun With Word Chains

Word chains are fun. Take a look at a few

Fun With Word Chains

By D.S. Mitchell

Political blogging requires mostly research and the desire to tell the world what the hell you think. Sometimes, I get sick of telling the world what I think and I prefer to play. So today instead of talking politics I thought I’d present a few word chains, related in some twisted way, to the current political situation. LOL.

I can change black to white, by changing one letter at a time:  black, blank, blink, clink, chink, chine, whine, white

I can change give to take, by changing one letter at a time: give, live, like, lake, take

I can change tears to smile, by changing one letter at a time: tears, scars, stars, stare, stale, stile, smile

I can change poor to rich, by changing one letter at a time: poor, boor, book, rook, rock, Rick, rich

I can change hate to love by changing one letter at a time: hate, rate, rave, cave, cove, love

Fun and amazing, huh?

I wonder if Jack Smith can take Donald Trump from indicted to convicted, by changing one letter at a time?

***Thank you Rod L Evans, Ph.D for giving me permission to use your wonderful book Tyrannosaurus Lex for the above word chains.



By D. S. Mitchell

Change Gears

Let's change gears

Time to change gears, it’s Saturday afternoon

For at least a couple of hours every Saturday and Sunday I try to come up with fun distractions; for myself and my readers. So, it’s playtime again here at Calamity Politics. I love word chains. So today I have decided to play with some words, with a little politics thrown in for fun. Hope that doesn’t bother you. Of course, I know you love politics, or you wouldn’t be reading Calamity News and Politics.

Rod L. Evans, Word Magician

A word chain consists of a group of words arranged so that each word differs by only one letter from the words directly before and after it. So here we go. I have to admit that I cheated today and I am using  Rod L. Evans, Ph.D. ‘Tyrannosaurus Lex’ for today’s’ game. Thanks, Mr. Evans. Please check out his several books on Amazon.

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