Fun With Word Chains

Fun With Word Chains

Word chains are fun. Take a look at a few

Fun With Word Chains

By D.S. Mitchell

Political blogging requires mostly research and the desire to tell the world what the hell you think. Sometimes, I get sick of telling the world what I think and I prefer to play. So today instead of talking politics I thought I’d present a few word chains, related in some twisted way, to the current political situation. LOL.

I can change black to white, by changing one letter at a time:  black, blank, blink, clink, chink, chine, whine, white

I can change give to take, by changing one letter at a time: give, live, like, lake, take

I can change tears to smile, by changing one letter at a time: tears, scars, stars, stare, stale, stile, smile

I can change poor to rich, by changing one letter at a time: poor, boor, book, rook, rock, Rick, rich

I can change hate to love by changing one letter at a time: hate, rate, rave, cave, cove, love

Fun and amazing, huh?

I wonder if Jack Smith can take Donald Trump from indicted to convicted, by changing one letter at a time?

***Thank you Rod L Evans, Ph.D for giving me permission to use your wonderful book Tyrannosaurus Lex for the above word chains.